
Kyan - 1

A new story.

A story that will be constructive again, not everything consists of just sex, especially the first parts. A relationship that arises in this story will not be to everyone's taste, I realize that.

Maybe a different story from what I normally write. A slightly different style perhaps, but I especially hope that it will be appreciated.

The first parts will shape the story anyway.

In the middle of July Mom came with a surprise. She proudly held a big heavy key in front of us.

What does it fit on? Me and Kyan asked almost at the same time.

At Ingrid and Eric's summer cottage. The cottage that we can use during the holidays,' they answer excitedly.

We had spent almost all our holidays in our flat in the heart of Tilburg. Sometimes we went to my aunt and uncle in Texel for a week, but we had never had our own summer house.

Ingrid was a good colleague of Mum who owned a holiday home on the Oosterschelde.

We looked at each other excitedly. I felt a tickle run through my lower abdomen. A tickle I had long tried to ignore.

We are going tomorrow Kyan shouted. No, we're going on Monday as soon as my vacation starts. Mom soothed our joy.

He looked straight at me with a look that almost made me blush. All the pain, loneliness, depraved thoughts and feelings were gone in one fell swoop.

Everything that almost broke our bond, held us back because we both knew that everything we were doing couldn't be done. After all, a forbidden relationship between two brothers is not normal.

Yet the inevitable happened, shamelessly we discovered each other. He became the first person to stir up feelings in me that were incomprehensible.

Against of course.

Everything didn't start that way, of course. After confusion and embarrassment, the denial that then descended into a sexual relationship that was beyond all books in our world. A relationship between two brothers that should never have happened.

A deep secret.

Kyan is my big brother, a year and a half older than myself. My mother gave birth to him together with his father. Thirteen years earlier they had a daughter Ylva together. Kyan was their favorite child in a marriage that was full of cracks.

Due to another pregnancy, my mother and his father hoped to glue everything together. A baby and a marriage full of annoyances and reproaches cannot be glued even with a happy baby. Who kept his parents awake for nights because of stomach cramps. His father kept a secret love after what broke our mother. Less than half a year after kyan was born, she found out that everything she believed was a big lie.

Deeply unhappy, she decided to think. She left Kyan with two close friends for a week and booked a last minute trip to Rome to think about.

Giovanni was in Rome, he was beautifully dark and charming. My parents' marriage was falling apart.

Giovanni was married and no longer saw my mother as a lust object with her long blonde hair and her ash blue eyes.

She traveled back home, told her husband her marriage was over, and found out after a few weeks that she was pregnant. Again she became the mother of a son, a son who increasingly resembled his Italian father. Slim, dark and light almond colored eyes. My mother decided that the child was hers. His father was forever out of the picture.


So me.

Like my brother, I liked real boy stuff. We liked to go out together. Mountain biking, football, going out with friends, gaming, we were both very fanatical about this.

He was more into fifa and i was addicted to shooting games like call of duty. We did a lot together, maybe too much.

Our bond has always been too close. I looked up to him he was the quiet wise big brother, I was the blatant one. He was nineteen and I was seventeen. We lived in a flat with our mother.

There were no more fathers in our lives, not with Kyan and not with me. His sister and (so) my half-sister was thirteen years older and lived with her boyfriend. My mother worked as a night nurse in the hospital, so Kyan and I depended on each other a lot.

When exactly did it start? I have no idea? It was probably always there, my abnormal feelings for my half brother.

But that night when I had him naked in front of me, did they come to life when I looked at him. Vast, naked and stunning. My cock tightened like a stone in my pants. The realization hit my brain like a sledgehammer. Everything I had ignored all these years suddenly became clear.

It wasn't normal for him to make me horny as he undressed in front of me and stretched out his naked muscular body on the bed. It was the beginning of a road that could not be turned back. With all its consequences.

Part 1,

Kyan was absorbed in his book. Half hanging in the big chair in my room. He liked to keep me company.

I had a hobby a passion that he admired but didn't share. I liked to paint and draw and had become quite good at this.

After many encouragements from my mother and Kyan, I signed up for an evening drawing course. And I stood in front of the blank canvas, staring uninspired aimlessly. He looked up at me, put down his book and came over.

Next to me was a sketchbook full of scribbles. He leaned against my bed half-sitting and began leafing through it. He let his gaze fall on a naked drawn girl with full curves. Why don't you paint something like that? You're good at it.

Yes, especially in pretty girls, eh, I said teasingly. Kyan grinned his white teeth, but immediately turned serious again. Men probably too. Can't find anyone to model for you?

"Sure Kyan, which of our friends is crazy enough to lie naked in front of me here." I smiled to myself and looked up at him from the canvas.

I saw how he thought

You can ask your girlfriend? I burst out laughing at the thought of seeing her face, of the prudish Yente.

She had never even dared to show herself to me in underwear. Our relationship was purely platonic. Her parents were strictly religious. I actually thought it was fine, she was beautiful and sweet, I could talk to her well, she made me look normal.

Kyan shook his head laughing how long have you been together? Are you sure she likes you? Or you on her? Damn brother every boy wants some good exciting sex, not just holding hands or something?'

He took his blue eyes away from me and flipped through my sketchbook.

Suddenly I got an idea and looked at my brother. 'You can model for me? 'No.' was his clear answer. 'Why not Kyan? you have a great figure and not only would the painting be beautiful, really…” He looked at me with the corner of his mouth raised and shook his head again.

After a plea and tough negotiations in which I promised him to take over all the dishwashing days from him for the next month, because I knew how much he hated this, he finally agreed. After all, I had seen him naked so many times before. The canvas would be for him, for no one else.

Of course, it didn't all start on that Monday night when he promised to model for me. I had been doubting my sincere feelings towards Yente for some time. normal has been.

Jealousy, if he had a girl or only talked about a girl. The fact that I cared little for the girls I sometimes brought home should have spoken for itself. They always had multiple flaws and quirks that Kyan obviously didn't have. I always loved watching him, though I didn't know why. His profile, his body was so much prettier than any girl I'd had so far.

That Monday evening he stripped naked and walked beside me to sit on my bed.

He lay naked in front of me on my bed. Expansive and beautiful. His hard work as a painter's apprentice and his sporty character had ensured that his body was muscular and loan.

Unlike me, he was about five feet tall, his hair was sandy. It was thick and curled a little, usually requiring a haircut.

His mouth was wide with full lips and his eyes were dark blue and full of life. That he looked good was undeniable, there were many girls around us who discovered that to my great frustration. I never wanted to share it with some stupid girl.

He was on his way to becoming a real man through his physical development, I lagged behind a bit. He was masculine, I more boyish.

I was beautiful, charming and full of life in a different way. Girls often liked me because of this. So I dragged some girls home.

Maybe I just wanted to feel normal. Because I saw kyan doing this too.

Sometimes we got in each other's hair. Kyan could be very dritfig sometimes. He got furious that you got scared of him.

It never really lasted long. It went black before his eyes, he went into a fit of rage and then it was over. In general, he had no trouble showing what he felt.

He was warm and spontaneous, helpful and a great big brother. He was your best friend. You could talk well with him, be silent or laugh out loud. He also has a great sense of humour.

So I had always loved to look at my brother. Nude or clothed. His muscular shoulders with his even hairless chest underneath. His cock was straight and firm, keeping everything neat.

He lifted his blue eyes to me. I watched his warm body stretch out on my bed. Hundreds of times I had seen him naked. But as he now lay silently naked before me. His full lower lip curled and he looked at me with his manly head.

"So good," he asked.

In this family we had no problem with being naked.

My heart pounded like a sledgehammer in my chest as I looked up at him from my cloth.

I froze.

Are you still going to paint? Or will you keep staring at me? He asked.

Caught, I threw myself on my silver screen. I had to control myself. My body felt warm and weak.

Can you look at your own brother like that?

Suddenly I knew why I suggested this to him. Deep down I knew how I've been looking at him more and more over the past few weeks.

The times he sat next to me on the couch during a game of gaming. I felt how warm he was and how good he smelled. I looked at his lovely full lips, I would like to kiss them.

After the painting was partially finished, he got up and walked over to me. I felt his warm naked body right behind me and didn't dare look up at him. Afraid that everything would reveal to me how I felt about him.

He smiled and looked at the painted canvas.

That looks like an apollo or something. Am I that damn pretty?

For the first time I looked at him. A yes came out of my mouth.

He looked straight at me and heard me let the word roll out of my mouth with full conviction.

He stood silently naked in front of me, staring at his own portrait.

The blood seemed to have pooled to my cheeks and to my cock. If he had looked down he would have seen his brother with a hard cock in his pants.

He excited me beyond measure, no one had done this before.

He was silent just like me.

His mouth twitched slightly before he looked away from me with his blue eyes, almost uncertainly. Suddenly he became aware that he was naked in front of me and that I was looking at him. Different than I should.

'Can I get dressed? he muttered almost evasively. I nodded invisibly and watched him walk naked away from me.

The blood in my cheeks seemed to last for minutes. Just like my erect cock that twisted in my pants. I watched him get dressed and walk out the bedroom door without another word. Like me, he seemed overwhelmed by the uneasy, almost sexually charged feeling that came between us.

I put down my brushes. Walked to the sink in the bedroom and turned it on. I let the cold water splash on my face for minutes. I turned off the faucet and looked in the mirror. My cheeks still betray that I hadn't recovered. I stared at myself in disbelief.

It took me more than half an hour to muster up the courage to leave my room. My heart was in my throat when I walked into the living room.

I quietly sat down next to him on the old sofa in the middle of the living room. I watched as he took a long sip from his glass. I saw the bottle of liquor in the corner of the living room open. I said nothing, just watched as he angrily moved his console in front of him, engrossed in his game.

Maybe it started here.

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