
Kidnapped And Seduced

For the umpteenth time we have had words.

That's why I've decided that we need to distance ourselves a bit.

You totally disagreed but I just need that space.

As I stuff some clothes into my suitcase I still feel angry.

It is sometimes as if you no longer see me. You are constantly busy with your work.

We haven't had sex in weeks while this was always pretty good.

Well, like other couples who have been together for a long time, maybe there was a little bit of a rut.

Less tension and often also sometimes planned.

I wanted to discuss this with you gently, but there was simply never a moment.

Sounds crazy but something always came up or you wanted to avoid the subject.

Tears well up in my eyes as I toss some more lace panties into my suitcase with a savage gesture.

Fortunately, I can always turn to my best friend in case of emergency.

When I told her what was going on and I asked if I could stay for a while it was no problem at all for her.

I look at the clock and see that I have to hurry because I still have to change.

I had agreed with my girlfriend that I would be with her tonight around 10 o'clock.

I exchange my off-shoulder shirt and my jeans for a tight-fitting blouse and a coated black pleated skirt.

As always, I wear a beautiful lace lingerie set under my clothes.

I take a look in the mirror and see that I can get through with it.

I zip up my suitcase and think about whether I have everything. Then I pick up my suitcase and walk downstairs.

I'm glad you're not here right now. It makes it a little easier for me to leave.

I don't understand how it could have come to this.

I love you and I thought you thought of me too. We were happy. We always complemented each other well. I look around sadly and then grab my coat and my suitcase and close the front door behind me and lock it play.

My car is a little further down the state. Once again there was no place to park in front of the door.

I sigh as I walk briskly towards the car on my high heels.

It's pitch dark outside except for a few streetlights.

I feel a little uneasy in the dark. Besides, there isn't a dog in sight on the street. I look around nervously and am happy when I finally get to my car.

Just as I want to unlock my car, I hear a car approaching.

Then everything suddenly goes very fast.

The car stops with squealing brakes. Before I can look back, I'm grabbed tightly from behind.

I want to open my mouth to scream but his hand on my mouth stops me from doing so.

In an instinctive response, I start kicking and punching, hoping to hit my attacker so that he releases me.

The only problem is that the man is prepared for this and he restrains my body by gripping it tightly. The man struggles to get me into his van.

This takes him quite some effort because I hear him curse when I hit him with my foot.

Apparently his patience has run out because he doesn't push me gently into his van.

He half sits on my thrashing body to restrain my body.

I suddenly see how he pulls something shiny out of his pocket while he removes his other hand from my mouth.

I suddenly realize what they are: handcuffs! I start screaming and my fighting spirit increases again.

"Be quiet and cooperate, slut, otherwise it will end badly for you," the man's voice sounds menacingly calm.

For the first time I hear his voice. It's almost a whisper but clear enough to understand.

I am startled by his words and it seems that I am suddenly paralyzed with fear.

The man takes my wrists and cuffs them. I dare to look at him now.

He's tall and athletic. I can't see his face because he's wearing a balaclava.

I'm starting to beg now, "Please let me go, Please?But all I hear is his sadistic laugh.

"We both know this is your ultimate fantasy, slut." "Give in to it, you'll enjoy it," he says

I let his words sink in. Suddenly something dawns on me.

Indeed, I once let it slip to my boyfriend that I have a certain kind of fantasy. A roleplay fantasy, but this is only a fantasy for me, I would never want or be able to experience this in real life. Although to be honest, I have often dreamed about it and I woke up with soaking wet panties.

I am very ashamed of this fantasy. It is something that does not suit me at all, with the good and perfectionist Zoë.

My boyfriend is the only one who knows about it. He must have something to do with this, I think.

I look at the man for a moment, but the balaclava makes him unrecognizable. Still, I try to see something recognizable in his eyes, something familiar.

All I see is an icy look in his eyes before he turns back and pulls a piece of cloth out of his pocket.

Then he takes a piece of rope that is in the bus.

I take the opportunity and I'm still trying to kick him because my legs are still loose.

But he avoids my legs deftly. "You're a wild kitten" he bites me

He sits on my legs so that I can't move them anymore. Handily he twists the rope around it and ties it in a knot. I scream.

His hand reaches for my throat and squeezes it slightly.

Apparently he is familiar with this because he knows exactly how far he can go with this. My God, I'm dealing with an experienced kidnapper here, it blows my mind. I panic a little at this thought.

His eyes drill into mine and I see his gaze slowly go down. I follow his gaze and understand what he must see. Some of the buttons on my blouse have come loose due to the struggle, so he probably now has a beautiful view of my red lace bustier.

I feel my thighs hit the cold floor, which means my skirt must be up.

Oh shit, that too! I'm embarrassed and want to cover myself but my wrists are stuck.

When he looks at me again I see something else in his eyes besides menace. Horny!

Oh god. I can feel myself getting almost hysterical now and want to start screaming again and I start pulling on the handcuffs.

The man apparently gets it because he says:

"Calm down slut. I'm only going to make you feel what you've been longing for all along."

This time his voice is quiet and calm. Oddly enough, it reassures me a little and I close my mouth again. The man picks up the piece of cloth again. I look at him in a panicked and imploring way because I know what he's going to do with it.

"Shhh" he says softly.

My fast breathing makes my breasts rise and fall wildly.

He runs his hand gently over my breasts. It almost has a calming effect. I feel myself calming down and the man takes the opportunity and quickly wraps the piece of cloth around my mouth and continues to gently caress my body.

My body is shaking with fear but also with something else and I hate myself for that.

The man seems to know what his touches are doing to me because he takes his time and studies my face to read my reaction.

For a moment his hard ruthless side seems to fade into the background but then I see the hard expression in his eyes and his attitude has changed again.

"Behave yourself, and nothing will happen, unless, of course, you want it to

says the man, amused. I immediately feel how my fear gives way to anger, rage.

I will fight until I drop and will never give in to this madman!

I'll find a way to escape! Anyway!

The man stops his caresses and stands up. He stares at me for a moment and then turns abruptly and leaves me alone in the van.

I feel how a little later the van starts to drive.

My brain is working overtime.

What does this guy want from me? Where are we going? Is he going to kill me?

I feel tears burning in my eyes and I try to hold them back but I can't.

Sobbing, I curl up on the cold floor and after a while I feel my eyelids get heavy. I try to fight my tiredness but I can't and I fall into a restless sleep.

Far away I feel how strong arms lift me up.

Slowly I open my eyes and everything immediately resurfaces like a movie playing before my eyes.

I feel that I am being carried somewhere

I realize that the man has not yet realized that I have woken up. For a moment I think of an escape attempt, but then suddenly I think of the fact that my arms and legs are still attached.

As soon as the opportunity arises and the man releases me, I will try to escape. I hold on to this thought, it gives me a glimmer of hope.

I feel how his body heat warms my numb body. Oddly enough, I feel myself calming down again.

The man carries me to what looks like a shed. I try to find out exactly where we are.

but I don't see anything recognizable anywhere. Moreover, it is dark.

My God! No one will ever find me here! I realize

and in blind panic I try to free myself from the man's arms.

But he was probably already prepared for this because he deftly controls my body with his arms.

All I can say is "hmmmpf"

He opens the half-open door with his foot.

When we're inside he puts me down and pushes me hard on a chair in the middle of the room.

I look around anxiously. The man immediately grabs my wrists and fastens them to the chair.

Then he unties my legs.

I immediately start kicking around again, but the man grabs my ankles roughly.

but because of my kicking he can't get my ankles attached to the chair.

Apparently he's fed up because he looks at me furiously and turns around with a jerk.

I watch him walk to a table at the back of the room.

I hadn't even noticed that because of all the consternation.

It looks like he is grabbing something from the table.

Then suddenly I see what it is and it's like my heart stops.

"A pair of scissors! Oh god a pair of scissors" it goes through me anxiously.

I look at him pleadingly. All I can do is utter a protesting "mmm".

He approaches me menacingly.

I try in vain to free myself and kick him, hoping to hit him.

He comes halfway next to me so my feet can't touch him. I feel his eyes all over my body and I feel almost naked and small under his gaze.

I look down for a moment and realize what I must look like.

My skirt is rolled up to my thighs, my blouse is half open revealing my bustier, my make-up is smeared and my long hair is falling wildly over my face.

The man takes another step closer until he is close to me and grabs me roughly by the throat.

I don't dare move anymore.

He lightly presses the scissors in his hand against my throat without really hurting me.

It also seems like he's not after that but rather has a huge interest in my body.

I try to control my rapid breathing

"You're kind of tough aren't you?" he asks menacingly. I feel his warm but fresh breath against my cheek.

I ignore his question and give him a defiant look, then see a cold look in his eyes that immediately make me look away.

I shudder and hold my breath as I feel the weight of the scissors on my blouse at my breasts.

But when I dare to look at him I see that his look in his eyes has changed, it is still icy but also horny.

I can't explain it but besides fear I feel a strange kind of excitement and I hate myself for it.

I see his gaze soften a little as he gently follows the contours of my breasts with the scissors

"Please" I beg him.

Suddenly the soft look is gone when he puts the scissors between the openings of my blouse.

"Sit still slut!" he bites me and as he says this I feel the cold steel on my skin.

I give a groan of shock when I hear him cut the fabric.

I close my eyes in fear and feel cold air against the skin that is now exposed.

When I open my eyes I see how the man grabs my blouse with his hands and then rips it completely off my body

A scream of terror is muffled by the scarf around my mouth.

Then he grabs the rope on the floor and quickly ties my legs to the chair.

He looks at me from a distance and then takes the scissors again and while I look at him imploringly, he cuts my skirt in one quick movement

Totally surrendered in just a lace bustier and lace panties and with high heels I can't do anything but wait. I'm ashamed and want to cover up. I feel tears pricking my eyes again.

I want to scold the man for anything and everything but I'm tired, exhausted, lost.

At that moment I hear squeaks and creaks fill the room and shortly after I hear a voice say:

"Hello little slut, there you are.

Totally surrendered, waiting and probably also soaking wet"

Because this is what you wanted, right?" "This is your ultimate fantasy"

"Being kidnapped and totally at the mercy of a man who violates your wonderful body"

Immediately I know where to place the voice. My God! It's you!

I knew you were involved! After all, you are the only one who knew about this fantasy.

I look around nervously to see where you are and where the voice is coming from.

Only now do I see it, the voice comes from a loudspeaker that hangs in the top corner of the room. There must also be a camera

You're just sitting here watching me terrified!

I want to scold you, but the scarf around my mouth prevents me from doing so.

Apparently you can see from my look that I'm furious and I want nothing more than to scold you because my attacker walks away from me and listens intently to something in his ear. Probably an earpiece.

I can't quite hear what he's saying or answering.

He looks at me mockingly and walks towards me again, taking off his balaclava. I immediately try to wriggle free, but this is impossible.

I'm stuck. The man stretches out his hands and loosens the scarf around my mouth.

I immediately want to rage against my attacker but above all against you, but my dry throat makes no sound come out of my mouth. I clear my throat and shout: "Son of a bitch! Have you lost your mind?"

"Untie me!" I shout randomly into space because I have no idea where you are.

I'm really furious and would like to do something to you.

But I only hear you laugh.

"Calm down slut, I'm not untying you, on the contrary we've only just started and you want nothing more than for it to continue"

"You can't do this let me go!" I almost scream.

"Surrender, Zoë, enjoy" I hear you say and then it's awfully quiet.

All I hear is my rapid breathing. I refuse to look my attacker in the eye, especially now that I can see his face.

Though I am very curious about it.

"Look at me, slut!"

I'm not worrying about it! "Fuck off, asshole!" I call.

I hear the man laugh softly again. His hand grabs my chin.

His mouth is close to my ear. "I'm going to tame this kitten and she'll enjoy it," he whispers

I feel a shiver run through my body at these words but it's not fear, it's a shiver of excitement.

I don't understand myself anymore. Why is my body reacting like this? I've been kidnapped by some madman!

"Don't" I beg softly, but I already know that it's no use.

The horniness in my attacker's eyes says it all.

His mouth moves to mine. I feel his warm breath against my lips.

Only now do I see how green his eyes are, almost hypnotic.

The man has a straight nose and stubble on his chin from an incipient beard.

In itself he is an attractive man if he is not my kidnapper.

His gaze softens as he continues to stare at me, and then he presses his lips to mine, soft but teasing.

I refuse to open my mouth for his tongue. I feel him smile against my lips.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain through my nipple as the man squeezes it, causing me to open my mouth and yell "ouch".

He cleverly seizes the opportunity and pushes his tongue into my open mouth.

His tongue touches mine, challenging me. I can't suppress a moan and can't help but play along with his tongue.

As soon as he notices this he breaks the kiss and looks at me triumphantly.

I hate myself and return his look with an angry one on my part.

This man knows what he's doing, he knows how to control me and keep me in his power.

I'm afraid I can't resist it anymore.

I look down in embarrassment but he pushes my head back up with his hand under my chin so I can't help but look at him.

"You're wet, aren't you slut?" he asks me

He looks at me for a moment and then lets go of my chin. He walks away from me and comes to stand behind me.

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