
Katja And Her Daughters - 1

Finally vacation, just two weeks of no stress, something I'm really ready for. I have opted for an island that is not too touristy, where there is more to experience in addition to beach life, if you at least go inland. The plane lands quite early in the morning and an hour later I enter the hotel, where I will spend the next two weeks. There is nothing wrong with the hotel and my room and after freshening up I explore the hotel and the surrounding area. Then I take a refreshing dip in the pool before having a light lunch. Being on vacation alone has disadvantages, but also advantages. Deciding for yourself what is on the program always has something to do with me. I leaf through some brochures about what there is to do on the island and then decide to first pay a visit to the village. It is quite a large village, a place where there is plenty of entertainment in the evening. I walk past a cafe with a large terrace and my eye falls on a blonde of about 45 years old. She looks familiar and my heart skips a beat when I finally recognize her. Damn, that's Katja. The beautiful Katja, with whom I had a passionate relationship more than twenty-five years ago, during my last year at university. I haven't seen her in all these years and here, thousands of miles from home, I suddenly run into her. At that moment she looks at me and the recognition is right there.

\"You can't be kidding \" laughs the blonde and gets up.

We hug each other and I sit at the table with Katja. I order a beer from the young, dark waitress who walks right up to me and then look at Katja.

\" How long ago has it been? asks Katja, still smiling.

\" A week after our graduation, so do the math \" I answer.

Katja still looks fantastic, I can't say anything else. Of course she's over twenty years older than the last time I saw her, she's got the first wrinkles and crow's feet, but still, when I look at her body in her form-fitting summer dress, she's more than taking care of herself.

"You look good," I say.

\"Act normally, I'll be fifty in a few years\" laughs Katja.

\"I'm sure you can't complain about attention \" I respond, see a blush appear on her cheeks and know I'm right.

We tell each other about the years after our amicable breakup, which we've done before.

\"I knew you would end up abroad\" I say, when Katja talks about her adventures in America.

\" That has indeed always been there, she admits, but that I eventually ended up in the world of books also surprised me \".

\" Katja, the bookworm \" I laugh.

\" I looked you up on Facebook and the like a few years ago, but you seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth \" Katja nudges me.

\"Social media is not my priority, no\" I have to admit.

\" Are you married, girlfriend? \" Katja continues.

\" Divorced and no, I answer, and you? \".

She doesn't have time to answer, because suddenly two young women stand in front of our table. I blink my eyes, but I really don't see double. A pair of twins who look very similar then sit down at our table.

\" May I introduce you, my daughters Grace and Ann \" says Katja.

\"Not your great love from university \" asks one of the brunettes, when Katja calls my name.

\" Coincidentally \" must admit Katja.

"Heard a lot about you. I'm Ann," says the other brunette with a big grin.

"And I'm Grace and I've heard a lot about you too," she says, shaking my hand, looking deep into the eyes.

I wonder what the hell Katja told her daughters about me.

Only now do I see a man standing next to the table, his hands full of bags of food.

\" This is my partner Frank \" he is introduced by Katja and he nods at me.

Not the happiest guy in the world, as he pulls up a chair and I understand him somewhat. I don't think I'd like to see your wife at the table with one of her ex-boyfriends either. We talk for a while, and Grace and Ann also want to know everything about their mother's student days. I keep my cool a bit, especially since Frank is there, who seems to be getting more and more moody.

\" We really have to go, Kat \" he finally says.

"You're right, honey. Let's go," says Katja and stands up.

\" But tomorrow let me give you a tour of the island, Katja says to me, that's the least I can do \".

Of course I agree to her proposal and give her my number. I watch the foursome and my thoughts plunge into the past. Back in the days when Katja and I were a couple and the wild things we mostly did together.

That night I have a hard time falling asleep and do not wake up too fit. Fortunately, a cold shower helps quite a bit and I must admit I'm looking forward to this day with Katja. The disappointment is therefore great when she calls just before nine o'clock.

\" Sorry, but Frank and I have to go to the mainland unexpectedly \" she says dejectedly.

\"Nothing serious, I hope\" I respond.

\" Fortunately not, but we have to set a new date I'm afraid. I'll call you \" says the blonde.

I feel like Frank put a stop to our meeting today. Frank already seemed a bit of the jealous type to me and this seems to be confirmed. There is nothing to do but plan my day myself and I look up the brochures of the hotel. Finally I make a choice and am about to leave when there is a knock on the door. I open the door there they are, Grace and Ann, smiles on their faces.

\"Surprise\" they shout in unison.

I look at the cheerful brunettes, no idea who is who. They are dressed very summery and to make the confusion even bigger, also in the same clothes. Black top that gives free play to a large part of the belly and a skirt that hardly deserves that word. They look exciting, these brunettes and their enthusiasm ignites me.

\" We heard that mom left you so we give the tour \" says the left brunette.

\" Thank you, Grace. That sounds like fun \" I reply.

\" Ann you mean \" she corrects me laughing.

Damn, it's so hard to tell the two apart. I follow the two young women and downstairs we get into a car, which is waiting for us there. Grace gets behind the wheel and Ann opens the roof. The wind whistles around my ears as Grace drives away. The tour the brunettes give me is extensive and breathtaking. The island is beautiful and lovers of natural beauty will enjoy it. We get to places where hardly anyone normally goes and occasionally we stop to admire the breathtaking scenery. From a high point we gaze over the area in front of us, where in the distance a waterfall crashes down into an otherwise deserted lake.

\" Superb, would be nice to see that up close \" I say.

\" That has to be done another time. That place is extremely difficult to reach \" Grace responds.

"We'll definitely do that sometime," I say to her and she nods in agreement.

The journey continues and I see birds and animals that I have never seen before. And to think that most holidaymakers do not get further than the beach and their hotel. In front of us looms a large house, built in the local style, hidden behind the tall bushes, lying on the water.

\"Welcome to our home\" says Ann.

\" You won't find this in holiday guides or on the internet \" I admire the house.

\" This is not a holiday home, we live here half of the year \" explains Grace.

So, Katja has burped, I realize. The book world is more profitable than I would have thought. Ann pours us a drink and we sit out on the porch, overlooking the lake.

\"Let's go swimming\" says Ann and stands up.

She takes off her top and, since she's not wearing a bra, her tits bounce happily. Her skirt soon follows and only with panties she runs to the water. Grace follows suit and turns to me.

\"Come on\" she says.

I have to tear myself away from her tits before I react and get up. I quickly take off my clothes and dressed only in boxer shorts I follow Ann into the water. We swim and play for the next half hour and I have to be careful not to get excited about the two girls who just turned 21 years old. Every now and then I touch the tits of one of the two and a shudder goes through my body. Now Grace wraps her arms around me from behind and I feel her tits crushed against my back.

\"Grace...\" I begin.

\"Ann\" the brunette interrupts me and swims away laughing.

Finally we climb out of the water and walk back to the porch, where we dry off. Grace and Ann don't bother to put their top and/or skirt back on and continue to admire topless. They walk in, while I sit down on the porch again. The brunettes come out again with three glasses of beer and I get one pressed into my hands.

\"Thank you, Ann\" I say hesitantly.

\"Grace\" the other screams.

\" You just can't tell apart \" I mutter.

"There's a way to keep us apart," says Grace, looking at Ann, who nods to her sister, laughing.

\"Look\" says Grace, then takes off her panties, followed by Ann.

In this way they are indeed easy to tell apart. Grace's pussy is as bald as a billiard ball, Ann's is nicely covered with pubic hair.

\" That makes it easy \" I have to admit with a laugh.

The tension that was already in the air since our swim seems to be crackling now. I struggle to take my eyes off the tempting pussies, to control my cock.

"Mom has told me a lot about you, about her favorite lover," Grace says softly and walks over to me.

I have to swallow when Grace stops right in front of me and her hand begins to caress my now prancing cock through the fabric of my boxers.

\" Or will she exaggerate? \" she asks Ann.

\" There's only one way to find out \" he laughs.

\"Indeed \" says Grace and frees my cock.

I don't know what's happening to me. The two beautiful daughters of my ex-girlfriend Katja, who take turns jerking me off. But let's face it, I'm a man in my mid-40s and when two young, beautiful women offer themselves to me, I don't say no. Especially when it's twins that can hardly be told apart, something I've never experienced. I surrender to the brunettes, who soon go down on their knees. I moan out when they start licking my cock. Grace finally takes me in her warm mouth while Ann plays with my balls.

\"Jesus\" I moan, as all sorts of sensations go through my body.

Both girls know exactly how to spoil a man and it's not the first time they've worked together to get this done, they're way too attuned to each other for that.

\"At least she didn't lie about his cock, \" laughs Grace, as she slips my cock to her mouth to take a good breath.

\" If she hasn't lied about the rest, we're still waiting \" Ann responds with a big grin.

What has Katja shared with her daughters, her entire sex life with me? If Frank caught any of this, I can imagine his jealousy.

I push Grace deeper into my cock and she sucks like her life depended on it. Ann keeps stroking and massaging my balls and I'm getting pretty warm by now. Fortunately, Ann realizes this and she warns her twin sister, who reluctantly lets me go.

"No unnecessary wastage of cum," Ann says with a shrug, responding to Grace's sullen face.

Ann bends over to me and she presses her lips to mine. A hot French kiss ensues and I grab the young brunette by the shoulders. We are completely absorbed in each other, my hands wander over her body, find her beautiful tits. Her nipples harden under my touch and I feel her shudder. I obviously haven't lost it until I see I'm not the only one spoiling Ann. Grace has dived between her legs and is licking her sister with her quick tongue.

"Help me make Ann cum and you're in for a treat," Grace says with a smile on her face.

I nestle next to Grace and together we attack Ann's pussy. Tongue and fingers cause Ann to get wetter and more excited. She has placed her hands around her tits and she is massaging them fiercely. A horny look is on her face, she has completely surrendered to pleasure. Grace's tongue plays teasingly with Ann's pleasure button, while my finger explores her cave. With my other hand I go through her fur, which feels fantastically soft.

\"She's almost there\" Grace says with a concentrated look on her face.

I make room for the brunette, who puts three fingers in Ann's pussy and, putting pressure on her clit, starts to take her.

\"Yes, yes, oh Grace\" Ann screams.

Her face turns red and then the brunette is hit by an orgasm that is unparalleled. The horny just squirts out of her pussy, that's how fierce and deep Ann comes. Juices splash around and I too am hit with a jet of horny. My fingers wipe up the moisture and I savor the essence of Ann, who is now slowly catching her breath, recovering from her peak.

\" That's also a difference between Ann and me. I always come wonderfully, but not as wildly squirting as Ann \" she says.

Grace gets up and I grab the brunette. My desire to spoil her is huge. She's the only one who hasn't really been spoiled yet and I give her a deep kiss, and then take her tits one by one between my lips. The tits of the twins are perhaps not really big, but they are beautifully shaped and with pleasure I take one of Grace's nipples in my mouth. I can feel how she reacts, how much she likes it. She probably has sensitive breasts, something I always find incredibly hot about a woman and something Katja has in common with Grace. Still I slowly descend further down, finally find Grace's bald pussy. There is not a hair to be seen, the brunette has recently shaved well. She feels wonderfully smooth and I wonder what I find more exciting, a smooth cunt or a slightly overgrown one? I can't figure it out, but don't waste any more time on it. Grace's pussy is waiting for me and I start touching her lips with my lips. Cautiously I push in, increasing the tension in the brunette. Her panting slowly gets louder as my tongue explores. She reacts as if stung by a wasp when I treat her clitoris, horny when the brunette is. While I'm pampering Grace's pussy, Ann also comes back to life. She tongues tenderly with her sister, something that is a very strange sight. Two women who look alike and tongue each other is extremely exciting to see. And then they are also sisters, something that gives it a slight incest touch. But since there is no coercion taking place, I don't really care, these are just two women making love together and I get to be a part of it.

Grace now writhes uncontrollably and gets further and further on the road that leads to a wonderful climax. And she shows that too, when Ann finally breaks the French kiss.

"He's really good, Ann. His tongue is a weapon in itself," Grace laughs and I see a tear in the corner of her eye.

My God, am I bringing that on young Grace? I dive between her legs again and pick up where I left off, but this time I put a little more pressure behind it. Grace, like her sister, turns red before, her head shaking frantically from side to side.

\" Let go, Grace \" Ann says softly, stroking her sister's hair.

And Grace lets go. I feel her cramp under my penetrating fingers and then she comes. Hard and fierce, maybe even harder than Ann. Indeed, she does not spray around, but juices are released enough, juices that are happily processed by me. I drink as much juice as possible until Grace settles down.

"You're even better than I thought," Grace expresses her admiration and I don't know what to say.

\" And then he still has to fuck you, Grace. That's promising \" laughs Ann.

Ann doesn't give her sister time to recover. She sinks above Grace's face and Grace knows exactly what Ann wants. She starts to lick Ann's slit, who starts to moan softly. Of course my cock is still sticking out hard and I want nothing more than to fuck one of the pussies. Grace's is exposed in front of me and I spread her legs a little wider. I put my cock against Grace's wet pussy, who moans expectantly.

\" He's going to fuck you, Grace \" gasps Ann.

I can't understand what she's answering, smothered as everything is being Ann, but her body's response tells me enough. One thrust and I'm in Grace's pussy. With long strokes I take the brunette's pussy, enjoying the warmth she offers me. She feels wonderful and I enjoy it to the fullest. But Grace also enjoys it and so does Ann. Grace never forgets to spoil her sister further, attacking her pussy with her tongue and the occasional finger. I can see Ann enjoying her sister as she sets her pussy on fire. With the three of us connected together, we turn each other on, get more and more turned on by each other. Grace works her muscles full on my cock, which results in unprecedented sensations. Gosh, I'm so horny and I have to make an effort not to fill the pussy of this beautiful girl right here and now with my cum. Sweat streams down my body, my heart rate quickens with every punch I throw. I feel Grace coming under me, climaxing for the second time this afternoon. She makes no effort not to share her pleasure with the world and screaming loudly she cums on my throbbing cock. She has to leave Ann alone now, her own pleasure has gotten the upper hand, but Ann doesn't mind. She gets up and with a horny face she fingers herself to a climax and damn if it's not true, she squirts again. Again I am treated to a jet of pussy fluid and that horny feeling is too much for me. I feel myself coming, growl out and pull myself out of Grace's pussy just in time before depositing my load all over the brunette's flat stomach and tits. Grace smears my cum all over her body, a blissful smile on her face. Ann also slowly catches her breath, licks Grace's cum on her tits and shares everything through a French kiss with her sister. Then she licks my cock clean, a dreamy look on her face.

\" I want you later, baby \" whispers Ann.

"Give him a minute, Ann," Grace says, and I'm thankful she understands that a man needs time to get over it. Grace and Ann get to their feet and walk into the house. A little later I hear a shower running and not much later the two come out again. Still naked, but refreshed.

"I think I'll take a shower too," I say.

"Good idea, let's get something to eat," says Ann.

I take my time for my shower, still enjoying this unexpected fuck, which is not over yet. Once downstairs, the table is full of delicacies, which we eat quietly. After the meal we go back outside, enjoy the sun that continues to shine its rays tirelessly. Every now and then Ann gives me a longing look, but I don't budge. I need a second. And so Ann shifts her attention to Grace. She starts kissing her sister, who willingly returns the kiss. They turn me on effortlessly, the two brunettes. What's more exciting than two girls loving each other? They turn each other on as they caress and finger, until Grace glances to the side and sees that I'm jerking myself off.

"I think he's ready, Ann," says Grace.

Ann lets out a delighted squeal and walks over to me. To be on the safe side, she gives me another blow until she takes in my big, hard cock with satisfaction. Then she nestles on top of me and lowers herself. I disappear deep into Ann, feel my cock disappearing into her. She bobs up and down, her eyes closed.

"It does feel great, Grace. A real man's cock," Ann says softly.

\"I really didn't exaggerate \" responds Grace, fingering herself gently.

Ann continues to bob at me with her eyes closed, unhurriedly, but clearly enjoying herself. Her hands have grabbed her tits, providing extra stimulation. Slowly I let myself get carried away, join Ann on this wonderful journey. My hands close around her and I push her onto my cock. A sigh escapes her lips and she finally opens her eyes.

\" So good \" Ann mutters.

We'll keep going until we switch gears. She spreads her legs and I push inside the brunette again. Now I take her harder, which makes her moan with pleasure. Faster and deeper I disappear into her, taking her full. We whip each other up, occasionally encouraging each other. I watch Grace get closer and closer to her orgasm, can't take her eyes off us. But Ann and I are also getting closer and closer to our peak. One more time I want to change positions, want to take her from behind, have a look at her beautiful buttocks. Ann willingly crouches in front of me and I put my cock against her opening. I enjoy her buttocks, firm and perfect in shape. One thrust and I'm in her pussy. When I start thrusting, Grace is just about to cum on her fingers, a blissful smile on her face and she keeps watching me take her sister. Full of fire we surrender to each other, my balls smack against her buttocks. I feel her coming, this beautiful girl on my hard cock and hear her release screaming. I keep taking her, watch Ann's juices run down my dick. Then I come, feel the urge become irresistible. With a plop I withdraw from Ann and spray my load over a brunette for the second time that day. Back and buttocks get covered in cum, until the last drop is finally squeezed out of my cock. Grace licks Ann clean and shares the cum with me, through a delicious French kiss. I've always liked my seed, so that's a blast. Ann licks my cock clean and then a fantastic afternoon comes to an end. We rinse off and then the sisters take me back to the hotel. With a hot kiss they say goodbye to me, under the surprised look of the doorman.

\"Who was the tastiest of us? \" Ann asks seductively, pulling me aside.

\"For the time being, Katja will remain the hottest of the family\" I say and I have to laugh hard at Ann's bewildered face.

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