
Kaen's Fantasies - 1

It's Friday morning and the digital digits of the alarm clock are at 7:29 and wait patiently for the time to push it one minute further so that it makes a deafening noise to wake the woman who is still in bed from her sleep. A bright strip of light shines through the crack in the curtain, leaving a small trail of dust in the room. When the alarm goes off, an arm swings out from under the covers and lands with a bang on top of the alarm clock. The alarm clock is silenced for 9 new minutes; the alarm clock is loud and unscrupulous.No, not already

you moan and slowly I get up and sit up in bed. Lately, in the last hours of the night or morning, I have been plagued by dreams whose content clashes with the person I think I am. The contradiction here is that I'm fighting against emerging horniness and I feel a tension in my breasts and stomach that I'm not used to and I don't know. I know I'm fighting a battle with myself because on the one hand it gives a wonderful feeling but on the other hand I struggle to accept these feelings.

Take a shower first

I say to yourself and I get up and walk towards the bathroom, take off my hipster and sit on the toilet. My eye falls on the underpants and I see a glint in the inside of the hipster, proof of the excited state I was in again this morning.

I get up and take off my nightgown and look at myself in the mirror. There I am, a beautiful self-confident young woman, 25 years old, 1.80 tall, slim and petite and the scales indicate 56 kg. A beautiful Slavic face with a mop of long thunder blond hair, brown eyes and beautiful full lips, real pipe lips, according to the men. I turn around a bit and look at my buttocks, which are not too big but show a nice curve. My breasts fit nicely in size with my long slim body. A nice B cup. The special thing about my breasts is the slightly larger nipples that stand perky on my breasts. They're big, slightly longer than normal and your nipples are stiff like an antenna looking tough ahead for things to happen. I rub my nipples with my hands and a shiver runs through my body. My nipples are super sensitive and always give out when I'm aroused, just like this morning. My hands continue their way down where a small tuft of pubic hair covers my otherwise shaved vagina. Lips are slightly parted from this morning's excitement and my clit is slightly outward as if to say;

Come touch me because I'm horny

. I snap out of my thoughts and look at the clock.

I have to hurry, come Kaen, pull yourself together

and I put my long hair up, jump in the shower for a quick morning wash.

I work at a real estate agency in Diepenheim or the Achterhoek, so I dress slightly businesslike. First put on a black bra, a clean hipster followed by a long black skirt and a white blouse with a nice short jacket over it and then a pair of shoes with a small heel. I prefer to wear shoes with high or higher heels, but because I am quite tall I want to avoid being taller than the men around me on average. In it I follow the submissive role that the woman apparently still has and that is also something I have mixed feelings about. A quick look in the mirror, a bit of styling and a little bit of make-up and I fly downstairs where I quickly grab a sandwich and leave my little house on my way to the office.

It's a short drive to the office in Diepenheim and I use the time to clear my head and a moment later I step inside cheerfully. I see that Mark, the owner is already there.

Good morning Kaen, good to have you here. It's going to be a hectic day today Bart is sick just at the moment he has a lot of viewings so I have to change my agenda and you guard the fort today. Sorry to overwhelm you with this and ehh oh yes would you like a coffee because I have something to ask you

Hmmm exactly Mark always busy busy busy

I think and I answer;

well first a coffee Mark and then tell me what you want to ask me. Annoying that Bart is not here, but we have been in front of hotter fires, right?

Mark pours a cup of coffee and sits down opposite me.

Thanks for understanding

, he begins,

you are right we have been in hotter fires. What I want to ask you is the following. You know that I am an art lover and just today an exhibition of a not so well-known photographer will open. I sponsor him a little because I am very impressed with his work. So I should go there this afternoon from our office, but then we also have a tour of that large country house that has been on the market for some time and I understand from Bart that a deal may be reached this afternoon. In other words, I'm stuck and so I want to ask you if you want to go to that opening on behalf of our office. I have to tell you that the photographer's work is erotic in nature and I don't know if you appreciate it or if you find it offensive

I look at Mark and see that he blushes a little at this last comment and I had not wanted this behind him. But on the other hand, how do I know him now. I think it's cute and I quickly check that I didn't have any other plans for tonight and I answer.

Gosh Mark how annoying and I think I want to represent the firm. Just tell me where it is and I'll take you where today

where I think that the erotic in art will not be too bad, so I will step over that for the sake of convenience.

Do you have anything else or shall we see how we can break this busy day

. Mark hands me the invitation printed on heavy and beautiful paper with beautiful ornate lettering.

EROTICART as LEITMOTIVPhotography by Robert K


of the lens

Followed by the location and time of 4:30 PM

I slap my hand with invitation a few times when the phone rings so I put the invitation on my desk and pick up the phone and from then on I don't get around to anything. The whole day is busy with phone calls, drawing up contracts and making appointments and the hours slip through my fingers. I hardly have time to have lunch and have a quick sandwich and when it is half past four I notice that the day has flown by. Then another call from Mark,

Hey Kaen, about that exhibition this afternoon. I've signed you up and apologised. As a sponsor you get an exclusive tour with text and explanation, so they know you're coming. Have fun and a nice weekend; I'll hear what you think on Monday


Come on Mark

, I answer

and you good luck with the viewing and I hope a nice deal results from it and a nice weekend for you too

. The connection is broken and then I look at the invitation. It's still a bit of a drive I see so I close the office and get behind the wheel of my car on my way to a photo exhibition of erotic art. I'm curious.

Fortunately the weather is very nice so I drive at ease to the indicated place. On the way you listen to the radio and I enjoy the song The most beautiful girl in the world by Prince passing by. That's how I feel too; a beautiful confident young woman. The exhibition is held in one of the larger castles in the Achterhoek and I am amazed at the beautiful driveway of this castle. It is beautifully decorated with beautiful flowers and arches and it feels like entering another world. At the entrance of the castle, a neatly dressed handsome young man is waiting for me. He opens the door of my car and asks for your car key to park it for you.

Good afternoon Miss Kaen, you are expected in the main hall immediately upon entering

. Stunned, I give him the car keys to my car and walk up the stairs. The large doors of the castle reflect a bit and to my horror I see that I am not wearing a jacket and I also see that the black bra shines a little bit through the fabric of your white blouse. Unfortunately my car has already driven away so there is no other way to go inside. The doors open for me and I walk in. A loud voice calls

Miss Kaen

and I feel a large group of eyes on me.


, I think to myself.

This should not have been necessary now, but it will be part of it.

A very beautiful young woman walks up to me.

Hi Miss Kaen, you are expected so please follow me

. I follow the young lady as she climbs the grand staircase that leads in the center of the great room to an upper room. It strikes me that all the paintings and sculptures all show very erotic stories and images. I feel like there is just straight porn and many images have a BDSM look. I follow the lady who walks in front of me and you see how she twists her ass very self-consciously. She's wearing a short skirt with black silk tights with pretty high heels, the kind I like to wear myself. When I come upstairs she stops at the door and opens it for me.

If you want to go in here, Master K will be right with you


Master K, Master K, I think to myself,

Master to me hula you mean.

Still, I follow her lead and enter the room behind this door.

When I enter I see a large room with a number of life-size photographs, each of which depicts a woman. All photos have something mysterious and I walk to the first photo. I see a woman on her hands and knees and I look at her full buttocks and wide spread legs. The strange thing is that I can't see her pussy, just a faint outline. She is sitting on a purple dress and the lingerie she wears is also purple, at least the suspender belt and bra are purple, the stockings are black again with a beautiful seam in the middle. Her ankles are tied with ankle straps followed by a pair of nice high shoes. You can also see a piece of the chain that holds her. When I look up her body I see the purple bra but her large breasts hang over the edge and her nipples are stiff and hard. I can see one on the left side of her body but I also see them both again in the mirror placed in front of the woman and when I look into her eyes I am struck by the primal lust that I can read in her eyes and spontaneously my big nipples erect. I feel something bubbling in my body that I don't know. I also see that her hands are also bound with wristbands, but I have absolutely no idea that she is here reluctantly on her knees. This is pure pleasure that splashes from the photo.

I move on to the next picture. Here is a woman lying on her back, now on a beautiful red cloth. She wears red lingerie and, as in the other photo, red suspender and ditto red bra. He also wears black tights. Her hands are behind her head and are pulled back as far as possible and are tied with wrist straps. I look at her hands, which are wide open, as if a tension has run into this place that can't go away. Because of her tight position, her breasts rise slightly. Here too I read a primal lust in her eyes and her mouth is open as if a primal cry has escaped from her mouth. I also see her nipples standing proud and stiff from the tension. My gaze slides further down to see that her legs are spread wide but her ankles are pulled up and tied to her thighs. I only see a small tuft of pubic hair but again I can't see her vagina but I do see a piece of a penis that apparently touches her vagina and can only detect the contours of a man, nothing else. When I see this picture I feel the tension in my body rise further and I feel a pair of eyes poking into my back. I am being watched palpably. Inaudibly, someone came up behind me.

I can see in you that you like it

I hear a voice whisper almost inaudibly.

Walk with me

continues the voice and I meekly follow. The voice guides me from one photo to the next and I feel the tension in my body increase without being able to explain it.

In one of the last photos, the voice speaks.

All these girls and women used to be insecure about their sexual feelings just like you. They were caught in a struggle between lust and education while she, like you, belongs to a special company of special women. Namely, women born to serve and please men. Women who, with a nod of their fingers, drop to their knees to give the man who is standing in front of them a blowjob full of devotion. You are also such a woman, but you just don't know it yet. Your nipples have already betrayed you and I'm sure you now have feelings that you don't know or that you have always suppressed. What you don't know is that it's in you, just in your DNA, and usually it reveals itself around this age. Then you start having strange dreams, your nipples are stiff without you knowing it and your pussy feels wet and moist. You try to suppress it Kaen but we know better. We are the men looking for these women and we have a delight, mind you a delight and not to be confused with a denomination. You can become a member of that, but for that you have to do a number of tests. Taste of unprecedented horniness. You have to learn to accept who you are and that your body is there to please men and not all of them are equally handsome. You become, no you are a sex object whether you like it or not and it's only a matter of time before you tack. You're really here by accident because Bart couldn't. You're here because he's learned to spot women like you and try to get them to join our pleasure. Are you surprised about that? Ask yourself how quickly you were hired when you applied for your current job. What you get in return might be a question you ask yourself. Well, Kaen, our enjoyment offers you untold pleasure for your lusts. Before I let you go to think I want to prove I'm right.

With bated and hurried breath I listened to what was said to me and then suddenly I feel a hand on one of my buttocks. Without realizing it I spread my legs slightly and push my ass full against the hand and a moan escapes from my mouth.

You see, you were just born for it, you just have to dare to admit it to yourself and go out with us. There is still room for a photo in this Kaen exhibition and who knows, you might end up hanging here too. I'm letting you go now and you'll hear from us soon maybe much sooner than you think


I feel the hand disappear and I get up but my legs are shaking. I feel a tension in my nipples and it seems like my cunt is on fire that's how excited I feel. Then I hear another voice, the voice of the lady who let me in.

Miss Kaen, your car is ready again, are you coming?

. I'm shocked and I feel like I'm returning to earth faster than I thought, follow the woman through another exit outside where my car is waiting with the engine running and the door open. Like an automatic I get in and drive off, back home. I'm in semi-shock and don't know what to do with my feelings. When I get home there is a package in front of the door that I don't recognize. I pick it up, open the door, walk in and open it with trembling fingers. The package contains an invitation and a lingerie set, all in black. I recognize the style. The invitation states:

Invitation to a photo shoot tomorrow at Meeste K;

I let the package fall from my hands and put my hands over my eyes as tears run down my cheeks. Exhausted I walk to bed and fall into a deep but restless sleep wondering if I will accept the invitation for the photo shoot. My mind is torn but my body has already given way, I can feel it in my nipples and wet cunt.

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