
It Can Be So Tasty - 1

Here's our first story. We are curious what you think of it. Keep the response a little neat and uplifting if you can.

We've been friends for years and I regularly made a stopover during my work. Also today, been a busy day on the road and now a nice stop at Saskia and Mathijs. Friends of ours who lived on the other side of the country. Good friends, Saskia had been a friend of Marianne for 40 years and Mathijs had been a friend of mine for 40 years. We knew each other through and through and met regularly.

First a bit of history.

We have known each other since we were about 10 years old. The ladies just about walked out the door together. The two were and still are inseparable. They share everything I have the idea that everything is really, Mathijs is a bit closed about that.

Mathijs and I spent a lot of time together until our paths parted. He went to college and I went to defense. The contact has always remained. We have been going out regularly in recent years. Walk with backpack, back to square one and relax. We tell each other a lot, long and intimate conversations. Highs and lows we can say everything.

The problems we had at home and at work were discussed and we supported each other where we could. Mathijs told me on our last weekend that the relationship between him and Saskia was over. Nothing more happened. No kiss, no hug, no good conversation, nothing. They hadn't done or agreed to anything in months.

I asked why and he couldn't tell me. Years ago something had happened where the beginning of the end had begun, no idea, but that's how it slowly crept in. He said he had done everything he could to make amends and move on, but it had slipped further and further and now it was nothing at all. I asked him if he had had enough of Saskia. I couldn't imagine it but yes you hear it often. That was certainly not the case, he still loved to look at her and lately he killed himself with her on his mind. There was nothing to try with her, she didn't want to know anything about it.

He asked me how it was with us. At first I just told him that I was fine and I had nothing to complain about. But he wanted to know more. I didn't want to hurt him and told superficially that we still did something regularly and that it didn't get any less. He kept asking how often, when, where. And I answered a few times a week and where it came out. Whether it was the room, the bedroom or the garden, it still didn't matter to us. We did, of course, take into account the children who had to be kept away. But for both, they were now so old that they were regularly on the road.

He looked sadly ahead. He was really bothered. Both ladies were our childhood sweethearts and Mathijs a good friend and then this. We talked about what it could be. And it soon became clear to me that Mathijs was not the most broad-minded and also not particularly original. Saskia had sometimes told him that she wanted something different and he had always ignored that. For him it was some lovemaking and standard in bed, no special things, so it was more than enough. He didn't want to know about it. She had strange thoughts in his eyes and didn't want to lose her in a partner exchange or other proposals she had made.

I smiled at him and told him he didn't trust her and didn't want to lose her. It didn't help him now he also lost her because he didn't. Talking helps, I said jokingly.

I told him that we granted each other's wishes. That we arranged it for each other and that I could not carry out my own wish without Marianne being there. Mathijs looked at me in surprise. Do you want to say that you do it with others than with each other, he asked surprised. To which I can only answer in the affirmative. He smiled sheepishly and said from the bottom of his heart that he now understood what I meant by some of the comments. I told him we had started in a swingers club without deviating from each other and only sitting together. Watching others. Together in a room with other couples. And slowly that had become more. Recently, Marianne's greatest wish had finally come true and she had been spoiled by several men in front of me. His mouth fell open and looked at me in disbelief. Really Mathijs I mean it we love each other and don't want anyone else but it's great to keep the tension in it. In the weeks after such an event, the times could not be counted on one hand and it was wonderful to just enjoy each other again.

That weekend we hardly talked about anything else and he was amazed at what he heard and what we had done. It didn't seem like anything to him, but if he could get his Saskia back with it, it had to be, he laughed. He kept asking and I kept telling. He couldn't deny that it all seemed exciting the more he thought about it.

Now I was at the door, for the first time since that weekend. We had texted a lot about it and he had made some plans. He just didn't dare to start very well.

I rang the doorbell and Saskia opened the door, she looked at me smiling and I stepped inside she closed the door and hugged me. As always, she pulled me tight against her and I loved it. She was just a sweet but especially beautiful girl now also close to 50. I've always liked her. A not too short blond head. Beautiful green eyes, nice firm breasts, definitely think a D and a nice pair of buttocks. When I see her, I can't help checking her out and she knows it too. Sometimes she laughs and says just look no more. Marianne and I always have to laugh. If only she knew and Mathijs knew now.

When we walk into the living room, no one is there. I look at her in surprise. The kids are away with school and Mathijs is still working, he won't arrive for another hour or two.

She pours us a glass of coke without asking and we sit down on the couch and cheerfully talk about what's on our minds.

Suddenly she asks me what happened last weekend and I look at her in surprise. Mathijs came back so quietly. She is afraid that something has happened. And then, in tears, I get the whole story from her side. That he no longer lifts a finger that he . and so on and so on. The same story as Mathijs, only from her. I don't know what to do, put an arm around her and pull her against me.

Softly I whisper that she wants the same as Mathijs, but that someone has to take the first step. What does he want she asks. I look at her smile and tell her to ask herself.

Take the initiative and get things going again between you do your thing and tell them what's going on. Her tears dry but she keeps asking what he said. All I tell her is that he is crazy about her and that he hates what is happening now.

Then she gets up and stands in front of me and asks what she can do to do something about it. I look up at her breasts and then into her eyes. Smile once and tell just grab him and do what you like. She blushes. Don't look at me and turn away. I also get up and now stand behind her and ask what's wrong. She asks if I want to stop. She dares and does not want to continue. I grab her shoulder and turn her around. I lift her head with my finger under her chin and she looks at me, blushing. I ask what is now. She is ashamed. I say she definitely shouldn't. We've been friends for so long and it's not just to have fun together.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her against me. I feel soft shocks to indicate that she is crying. I stroke her back and hair. I whisper in her ear that it's okay and that she can cry if she wants. I tell her that Mathijs is crazy about her and that he wants nothing more than her. There is no other and you drive yourself crazy thinking that of each other. Slowly she calms down and looks at me with red eyes and gives me a kiss on the cheek and thanks me.

No need I say that's what we're friends for. She says she's going to clean up and she'll be right back. In the meantime I app Marianne what happened. I get a tear back and a question if I don't want to help them. I promise to do my best and ask how far I can go. For a moment I see nothing happening and then, if you tell everything you have to do what needs to be done. I ask again that she agrees that I will probably do wonderful things here with her friend. She answers with a big kiss and asks if I want to take pictures because she wants proof. I send a kiss back and tell her to wait until I get home tonight . Or not if I stay here.

The tone has been set for me. A long wish of mine will be fulfilled if it goes well. I have often suggested to Marianne to challenge them.

Saskia comes down the stairs again and when I look around I see another Saskia there. One that I don't know at the moment. One that radiates self-confidence dressed in nice tight jeans and a top that clearly has nothing underneath. I look at her and get up from the couch. All I can say is wow. She looks at me smiling and tells me that Mathijs doesn't like this. I call him crazy. I don't think it bothers her that she's standing there like that. I see her nipples pressing against the top and getting bigger and bigger. And that's not how you drive him crazy, I ask. No, he doesn't like it and it doesn't affect him. It does not leave me untouched and a firm bulge is clearly visible in my pants. I tell her that I love it and that I have to restrain myself.

I have a plan right away. I ask what she wants to achieve with this now with me. She blushes and says she wanted to see my reaction and hopes I don't mind, I immediately agree that I don't mind at all and that I love it. I think this is very beautiful and you know I love looking at your big breasts and now that I can see your nipples so beautiful I absolutely love them. I walk up to her and I see her startled. Now that you have said a, do you also dare to say b, I ask. She looks at me with red cheeks and nods. I ask for a clear answer. She nods again and softly says yes. I walk towards her kiss her forehead and gently place a hand on her right breast. A side ring passes through her. I ask why. A wish she says and it's been so long since I've been touched. My other hand touches her left breast and slides down over her stomach. When I touch her navel she sighs deeply with a small moan after it. I look at her and ask if she has any more of these clothes. She nods again. Her cheeks may have turned even redder. I would almost think she will come spontaneously. My hand drops further towards her hip, she pushes her pelvis forward, slowly and softly I slide over her buttocks my other hand joins. I squeeze her nice ass gently and she moans.

When I pull her against me she must feel my hard-on and a deep sigh and a moan quickly follow. A hand goes up to her neck. I grab her and pull her sideways and ask what she wants. She smiles sheepishly and says guess what. I answer that it's not about what I think but what she wants and if she wants something then she has to say it. And if she says nothing, nothing will happen. She now looks at me with narrowed eyes and says she wants me and I answer very meanly why me and not Mathijs, she is shocked but I hold her tightly against me. I ask again why me and not Mathijs. She starts crying again. I let go and pull her tightly against me and now caress her back and buttocks. Then I take a step back. Well what is it, I ask. Very softly between sobs she replies that she wants Mathijs but can't have it. I tell her, loudly, that she probably just told me more than Mathijs in the last few months, she nods softly.

I grab the edge of her top and tear it apart in one hard tug. She wants to put her hands in front of her now bare breasts but I stop her. She looks at me startled. I look at her delicious breasts, beautiful large areolas and thick erect nipples. I let go of her arms and they now hang next to her. I grab her by the waistband, open the button and zipper, and without looking pull the pants down. She is now naked in front of me with the pants on her ankles, well, naked, she is still wearing a very small pair of panties that can hardly bear the name. I ask her to get out of her pants. She does. She looks at me with wide eyes. I grab her again and pull her against me. My hands on her bare bottom and my boner firmly against her stomach.

I ask her where her phone is. She looks at me in surprise. She goes to the kitchen and returns with her phone. I pull off the case and ask her to unlock it. When the security is deactivated I grab her nipple. Gently I pull her along and finally push her onto the couch where she half stands out. I take a picture of her lying back with her legs spread, clearly showing her excitement. My hand grabs her panties and I take a picture as I tug on them. Then I tear it off her bottom and take another picture of her beautiful shaved pussy. Her lips are red, swollen and glistening with excitement. I put her phone next to her on the couch. Saskia does nothing she just watches. I loosen my pants and pull them down. Her eyes widen. Then I take off my shirt and pull down my boxers. My boner jumps forward. She no longer looks at me but only at my boner. I kneel in front of the couch, pick up her device and take a close-up of her still almost closed excited pussy. I bend over her and kiss her on the lips. Caress her big firm breasts and play with her nipples. Our tongues are fighting and soon she is panting.

Then I grab her hips and pull her towards me. I put my head against her pussy and slowly start pushing as if by itself her lips give way and I slowly slide into her warm wet pussy. Ever deeper. She moans loudly and closes her eyes. I try to take a picture of her enjoying herself. Slowly I push further and slide deeper into her. How tight, hot and wet she is. When I'm completely inside her I start fucking her with long strokes. Almost out and then deep in again. I put her camera on filming with sound and continue to fuck her. I film her twisted face, her breasts moving back and forth. And of course my boner sliding in and out of her pussy. Soon she moans louder and not much later she screams that she is going to cum. I think we're less than two minutes into it. She jerks and moans and squeezes my boner with her pussy. She is wildly shocking and the orgasm rages on. When she has calmed down a bit I pull back on my boner and let her calm down.

I sit on a chair and look at her, she's completely lost. She slowly comes to. She looks at me blankly. She sits up. I get up and sit next to her caress her chest and kiss her lips. My boner is still erect. I smile at her and say that I think you were ready. She nods and wants to thank me. I put a finger on her lips. I ask her if it was so hard to tell everything and just do this. She shakes her head. Why didn't you do this with Mathijs, I ask. She just shrugs and doesn't say anything else.

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