
In The Pack - 1

The phone is ringing. Alice who is feeding her baby in her rocking chair answers.


It's time! Can I pick you up tonight at about nine o'clock?

Alice had already recognized the number, it is Evelien, that nice student who is conducting the PhD research. An investigation Alice is participating in. An exciting investigation, in which she has to be away from home for a week. Her mother is aware and comes to her house to take care of her children. The freezer is filled with expressed milk, there is enough for at least two weeks. She has a lot of milk, a remarkable amount in fact.

She packs her things for the rest of the day. She doesn't really know what to take with her. Not much has actually been said, it has to be spontaneous, without prior knowledge. Now that it's about to start, she wonders if it's wise. Her curiosity is too great and the amount of money more than welcome. She is paid 5,000 euros. Coincidence brought her into contact with the researchers.

More than three months ago she received a first message on her timeline.

Faculty of human-animal psychology is looking for pregnant volunteer for scientific study

She clicked the ad and landed on the university's website. She saw a photo of the researcher. A pleasant appearance that described the aim of the PhD research in rather vague terms. She also saw two Golden Retrievers that were part of the project. She was immediately in love and sold! She contacted the number on the site and was able to get an interview a few days later. She remembers it well.

And when are you counted out

asked Evelien, but also.

And when will you have recovered sufficiently

There were also quite intimate questions such as

Did you have any stitches with your first child?

In the end, Evelien said she would start the project six weeks after Alice gave birth. From that point on, she should be ready and ready. She had already said that her mother could take care of her children in her house.

Immediately during the conversation, she already received a contract in front of her, which stipulated secrecy and so on.

The conversation lasted longer and longer, the professor also came to meet us, took some tubes of blood. Many papers were signed at the end of the day. In retrospect, she regretted not taking the contract home with her to study it more thoroughly. The temptation that they would immediately transfer the advance of 2,500 euros was very great.

Just before she wanted to leave she was given an injection, she hadn't really understood what for

something against kennel disease

, but for people. Harmless to her baby. Anyway, she wanted to go home and she assumed that the professor had her best interests at heart.

As soon as she left the university building, Evelien also left with her professor. They left for a house near the faculty. When they got inside, they hugged.


The professor's hands immediately go under her skirt, they kiss vigorously and the first pieces of clothing fly through the air. Evelien takes her professor to the bedroom, which is sparsely furnished but with a large bed.

Completely naked, he bends over his assistant. She is wet, horny with the desire to celebrate this success. They kiss but soon he dives with his mouth between her legs and starts licking her bald pussy extensively. She deserved it, without her they would never have been able to get this candidate. While he fingers and licks her at the same time, Evelien is already approaching her first climax. The discharge also a result of the exciting day is enormous. He jerks his cock hard and puts her on the bed doggystyle. His head between her pussy lips and immediately he grabs her hips and pulls into her.

Oh nice horny bitch of mine!A few firm taps on her buttocks, her back arched and he fucks Evelien to his climax. Just before he has to come, he pulls his cock out of her pussy and Evelien responds routinely, she turns around and gets on her knees, her eyes focused on him. With her mouth open, she snaps at his cock and takes it in her hand. She wants to blow him to a climax, but the professor has other plans.

Stick out your tongue

He takes his cock in his hand himself and jerks off, his head touches her tongue and all the while her eyes are on him, waiting for his cum. And then he growls, screams and roars for him to come.

The first ray goes across her face, the second lands on her tongue and the rest don't get a chance, she swallows his erect cock and then sucks it completely dry. Tired, they throw themselves back into each other's arms, pull the duvet over themselves and make the final plans for their project.

In the weeks that followed, Alice was regularly invited to meet the two Golden Retrievers, the male Sammy and the female Teska. Every time Evelien is there too. Photos of the three are taken, one of which has now been pasted on her refrigerator. The intention is to breed a litter. From the moment the puppies are born, Alice is there. Part of the research is feeding: While the puppies look for food from Alice, Teska accepts that her puppies are fed by Alice. And finally how does Sammy react to the other bitch in the pack. Alice thought it was strange that she was called the other bitch. She didn't protest, but it sounded inferior.

Three weeks before her due date, Teska received an injection. It would make Teska in heat and indeed within a week it was that time. She got a call.

She is in season, Sammy will cover her later, do you want to be there?

Of course she wanted to. Even now she was picked up again. She heard Sammy before she got home. He howled and howled, so badly he wanted to cover his wife. Only when she arrived was Sammy fetched.

Pay close attention to how Teska makes herself available and how Sammy carries out his task. This fits the rules of the pack. The dominant male and the alpha female.

She was impressed how Sammy lunged at Teska and immediately started licking her from behind. Teska allowed it all and when Alice saw a small red piece of his dog pee sticking out from under the belly, he pounced on Teska to penetrate her. It didn't work the first time, but after a few tries he got into the perfect position.

He clasped the bitch with his front paws and slid into her. With unimaginable devotion he rode his bitch and pumped his seed into her to fertilize her.

After a while he got stuck and a little later the dogs were butt to butt. Sammy kept a close eye on the surroundings. When the knot, she was explained by Evelien, had shrunk, they were loose. Sammy's big reddish purple cock looked impressive.

After a few days she received confirmation that the mating was successful. She got a date and that was exactly this day. All according to plan, she would be part of the pack from today. During all this time she visited the Sammy and Teska and was always greeted enthusiastically.

She was already part of the pack. What Alice didn't know was that the injection she had received had changed her scent profile, she had taken on the scent of the pack. This made the acceptance by both dogs a lot easier. She had also had an injection after giving birth, which had further increased her milk production, so that she could build up a large supply of milk. And only a week ago she had had her last injection, her desire to bond with the pack was stimulated by it.

She is surprised that Evelien and the professor come to pick her up together. She introduces them to her mother who wishes her luck. Then Evelien and Alice walk to the car. The professor stays behind and then walks back to Alice's mother.

Please, the agreed amount. Don't worry, we will call you regularly

She takes the envelope and nods, then the professor goes to the car and they drive off.

Different location?All the while, Alice has been visiting both Golden Retrievers at a residential house in town, but this time they head onto the highway. Evelien and the professor are constantly talking and speak enthusiastically about the space they have furnished with cameras and a large outdoor area.

And you don't have to worry about your privacy either. The nearest house is more than a kilometer away and the house cannot be seen from the road.

After an hour they leave the highway. And via numerous back roads they drive across the countryside to the detached house. It is now dark. Alice is tense, she knows roughly what the intention is but cannot assess what her role is, what she has to do, how things are going.

She hears several dogs barking, does not recognize the bark of the two retrievers and receives confirmation that there are more dogs, but that she is joining her own pack. When they arrive they drink tea together, what Alice doesn't know is that an anesthetic has been put in her tea, which makes her more tired and less alert.

Well shall we?

Alice meekly follows Evelien. The sudden fatigue overtakes her. She had brought her suitcase but then enters a kind of changing room.

Here you can undress

Alice looks at her questioningly for a moment, but then follows the instructions and unbuttons her skirt, which she hangs up neatly, when she is in her slip and bra, she looks at Evelien again.

Keep your bra on for a while for support. You can still pump there, you will see it automatically, but if all goes well, the puppies will also come to your milk, from that moment on this is no longer necessary.

Alice gets some final clues. She hears that the room is a bit lower, so she stays level with both dogs. If she has to pee or a big errand, she can go to the garden through the cat flap, where she can pee or poop. She gets different food than she is used to, nutritious, and firmer for the stools, so no paper is needed. She notices herself. Finally, Evelien says

And no matter what happens, there's nothing to be ashamed of!

She goes to the toilet again and only when she returns, does she see the half door, which is then opened for her. She bends and crawls into space. Before the door closes, Sammy greets her. She gets a lick on her face and Sammy immediately starts sniffing her.

She is surprised that the room is so low, she is not really happy about it. A little further she sees Teska lying there, she crawls towards it. The floor is soft, crawling is not too bad. She also sees a number of mattresses. She greets Teska and also gets a lick on her face from the bitch. Teska is lying in a large basket, she is restless. The labor seems to have already begun. She doesn't see any pubs yet. She had read beforehand that the first pub can take a long time. She calmly speaks to Teska, but she doesn't know if it helps. What she does know is that she is tired. Very tired. She lies down on the mattress next to Teska and closes her eyes. Sammy also comes to lie down. Soon she falls asleep.

She sleeps

It is the professor who looks satisfied. Both have made themselves comfortable in their observation room. Evelien is now also in a bathrobe.

Only when she wakes up comes the realization

The professor uncorks the champagne and pours two glasses.

Cheers. To the success of the enterprise!

They drink their glass and then he beckons Evelien over and opens her bathrobe. Her nipples are stiff, Evelien also feels the excitement of their examination. She's horny, they've been fantasizing about this moment for months and the carelessness with which they left Alice practically naked with the pack feels like a major victory.

Evelien's pussy is leaking, and now she turns and kneels in her favorite position. The professor stiffens his cock and then starts fucking her from behind. He wants to squirt in her and starts riding her frantically.

Oh yes yes, give me your seed

, I want it!Immediately the professor delivers and shoots his load into her, just before the third ray he pulls back and shoots all over her buttocks. Immediately Evelien falls flat on her stomach. The professor gets up, leaves the room and returns with a dog. It is a shepherd, a male that immediately smells a female. First he licks her buttocks clean and soon all the cum is gone from her ass and he starts licking Evelien's cum leaking pussy. The professor sits in his chair and enjoys the spectacle, when Evelien notices that he is starting to drive, she sits on the bed in doggy style again. Immediately the dog pounces on her, first from the side, but soon he manages to get between her legs and grabs her hips and manages to get his erect member in her pussy. He rides his bitch like crazy.

The professor's foreplay, the desire that comes afterwards, is enough for Evelien to come to a release.

Oh yes yes yes, ooooh nice, I comemmmmmmmmmmmmmm

The experienced Evelien does not feel like a knot and knows how to keep him out, when he has sprayed his thin seed into her, his cock shoots out of her and he starts licking her again. Not much later his attention is mainly focused on his own cock and the professor puts the dog outside again.

Meanwhile Alice wakes up, it is two o'clock in the night, she feels how she is being licked. The light is dimmed a bit but she sees that her Sammy is licking her pussy. She is surprised that she feels so good. After giving birth and also in the nine months before, she had no sex, as a deliberately unmarried mother she did not seek a relationship. But now, as Sammy licks her like this, she's undergoing the pleasure.

She sees to the side that Teska is working. She already sees a few little puppies. But then her attention returns to Sammy's tongue. She wonders if Evelien is watching, but she hasn't discovered any cameras yet. Still tired, she turns onto her back, allowing Sammy more access to her sex.

She opens her labia with her hands, allowing Sammy to reach her juices even better. Sammy's wet tongue mainly licks her clit and every time it feels good. And then she jerks and already comes to an orgasm, Sammy continues unabated and for a moment Alice is overcome by a feeling of shame. But suddenly she also remembers Evelien's words.

Whatever happens, there's nothing to be ashamed of

. With that thought she wants to go back to sleep, but she hadn't taken Sammy's wishes sufficiently into account.


She is startled by his growl, a paw with sharp nails is passed over her thigh.


His nose is now against her ass and he pushes her off the floor, not that he succeeds, but she understands that he wants her to lie down differently.

Grrrrr. Waff Waff Waff

Her heart is beating like crazy. This can never be the intention. She looks at the hatch she came through and tries to go that way. Crawling, low to the ground, she moves towards the hatch, she is followed by Sammy who catches her halfway. First he licks her, then his snout is under her pussy and pushes her up, so to speak, and then he pounces on her, grabs her waist and tries to ride her.

Immediately Alice lowers herself onto her stomach and twitches further in the direction of the hatch. For a moment she thinks she has escaped from Sammy, who is very dominant now. Then she feels a bite in her buttock.

Grr woof woof woofShe's scared, he hasn't really bitten yet, but it's clear he doesn't approve of what she's doing.

She remains as if frozen. She looks back and sees Sammy's bright eyes and raised lip.

Sammy barks again and another bite, a little more vicious this time. Tears stream down her cheeks, not from the pain, but from the shock, she is afraid. She thinks and thinks and can't help but push her ass up, giving in to Sammy's wish.

The dominant male jumps on the female and tries to penetrate her. After a few failed attempts, he lands just right and the tip of his cock finds her wet slit, Sammy's front legs grip her waist and Sammy clings to Alice like pliers. She feels how the smooth cock enters her and how the male takes her. She is taken in an unheard of way, the savage violence with which he takes her hurts at first, but slowly turns into pleasure. She can't help it at all, but the male takes what he is entitled to and goes on a rampage.

Then she feels how he nestles deeper and deeper inside her and then suddenly he stops his movements. He is stuck. Almost immediately she feels it squirt, she feels how the warm seed fills her, more and more, she gets it hotter. Then the stimulation of her clit suddenly increases, she feels how the knot, so visually explained by Evelien, suddenly closes off her vagina. Only now does she wonder if Evelien already knew all this. And why she wasn't warned that this could happen. Soon her thoughts are gone and she enjoys a continuous orgasm. Sammy takes a look around and is pleased. This bitch is also for him. She now knows her place.

Evelien and the professor watch with great pleasure from the observation room. Now that Alice is stuck, Evelien continues with what she was doing and continues to blow her professor. He enjoys double. Of course from what he sees on the screens, but the pleasure that Evelien gives him quickly brings him to an orgasm. Evelien feels how his sack is tightened and soon he sprays his load in her mouth. Powerful rays, all of which she holds in her mouth and swallows with pleasure. She nestles back with him and watches Alice and Sammy now butt to butt. And then with a thud they are released. Alice crawls to the hatch and knocks on it.

Hello hello, I want out!

Evelien and the professor kiss. Their tongues play in each other's mouths.

You won

They knew that Sammy would take the female immediately, the difference was that Evelien had estimated that she would ask for help. Of course they wouldn't offer it. At least a week, but with Alice's mother they had arranged for longer

They would make beautiful recordings, they would edit many films, the money they had invested would come back in droves. It was time to go to sleep, but first one last glass of champagne was taken.

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