
Home Alone During The Holidays - 1

For the first time, Thomas and Jietse were at home together during the holidays. For the first time their parents went on holiday without them. Thomas didn't feel like going anymore and preferred to chill with friends and Jietse would spend a few nights with friends. They were also together for a few days. With their nineteen and seventeen years they were close and they had a good relationship. No hate and envy, but a healthy brother-sister relationship. Although Thomas certainly also had for his sister's pretty girlfriends, about whom he sometimes teasingly informed his sister. Jetse could always laugh about it and certainly understood her brother, who was also allowed to be there himself.

Thomas was in fact on basketball and could also be found in the gym. Apart from the fact that he already had a handsome face by nature, which certainly attracted the female attention with his beard, he was also well muscled and in shape. Conversely, she regularly heard from her friends how they thought her brother was handsome and whether they could even date him, but Jietse absolutely did not want her friends to go after her brother. For Thomas, however, this was not a strange request, although his friends were a bit more direct and Thomas mainly teased that she wanted to fuck his sister.

Thomas could laugh about this and yes he couldn't blame the boys either. With a C-cup she already had good striking breasts for her seventeen years, which had developed well, matching her slim body. Because of her hourglass figure she also had nice hips, with two good buttocks. Where Thomas really had brown hair, Jetse had dark blond hair, she looked more like her mother in that respect, where Thomas looked like his father. Because of her clothing style, her shapes also came out extra well and Thomas could not deny that his sister was a piece. It was that it was his sister, different

In addition to the planned dates with friends, Thomas and Jetse were also home together for a few days. It was summer and she was so bored with the two of them. There was little to see on TV and they were therefore looking for other entertainment.

Why don't we look up some old children's movies?

, Jetse suddenly suggested cheerfully. Thomas looked at his sister strangely.

Serious? Kids movies? This is how you imagine your vacation haha

, he laughed.

Well, I actually like it differently

, said Jitse. However, neither of them knew where they would be. Jetse knew that her mother had not thrown them away.

That's nice for when you later have children of your own

she had always said.

Would they be in the attic?

, Jetse asked her brother.

Uh yes, but we can't go there?

, he responded immediately. For years, the attic had been off-limits to the two of them. There was even a padlock on the door leading to the attic. It had something to do with their father's work, their parents had always said. He worked for the police and would also have something upstairs that had to do with his work, where the children had no business. They hadn't been in the attic for years, but they had never doubted about breaking the rules their parents had imposed on them.So what?

, said Jietse anyway.

I know where Daddy keeps the key

, she challenged her brother. However, he didn't immediately think it was a good idea to damage his father's confidence, but Jietse had already convinced himself and got up from the couch and went upstairs. It was already evening and she walked up the stairs in her pajamas. She soon found the key to the lock in his office. With some tension, because what if there were weapons above, she turned the key in the lock. As expected, the lock opened and Jetse tensely opened the door. With some hesitation, however, she climbed the stairs. She had never come this far, but she didn't let that stop her.

Jetse walked up the stairs with an increased heart rate. Contrary to what she had expected, the attic was quite empty. Not a lot of clutter, but she immediately noticed some cupboards against the wall and a table in the middle of the room. Only now did she notice that the table was covered in leather. No hard wooden table to sit at, but at Jietse's curiosity was aroused and while her brother was still downstairs, she approached the table. Despite her young age, she soon figured out why this table was here. This was not a massage table and certainly had nothing to do with her father's work!

It didn't take long for Jietse to realize that her parents had their own BDSM loft! Where before she had been tense with fear, she now felt this give way to excitement, to curiosity. Jetse felt the leather with her hand. It was hard, but at the same time soft enough to lie on. Would her mother ever lie here? Jetse wanted to push the thought away, but couldn't let it go and became more and more curious. She stood still for a moment and listened carefully. She didn't hear her brother, he would probably still be texting with his friends on the couch.

In a horny impulse, Jetse tensely pulled down her pajama bottoms and stepped out of it. She felt the cold of the attic run down her buttocks, since she had left the door open. With a slight hesitation, she also grabbed her pajama shirt and took it off as well. Despite her C-cup, she didn't always wear a bra, especially at night when she was home and suddenly she was in nothing more than a pink thong in the attic, the BDSM attic of her parents. It made it all so much more exciting than if she had been standing in her room or in the bathroom like that. Funnily enough, her brother being downstairs made it even more exciting for her, but not in a way of fear.

The two still regularly saw each other half naked in the bathroom and although they did not flaunt it or look it up, it still resulted in embarrassing moments when Jietse bumped into her brother, when he had just finished showering and his boxer shorts were forgot to take to the bathroom and walked down the hall naked like that. Still, this would be a completely different way of getting caught, but convinced that her brother wouldn't come up after all, Jetse sat down on the table. She felt her bare buttocks press into the leather and slammed her legs on the table. She sat like that for a moment, but her curiosity forced her to continue.

Two straps hung at the head end, which were attached to the table with a short rope. Would she dare to tie herself here? Just to see how it felt? Jetse was certainly no longer a virgin and she certainly knew what the thrill of sex was, but this was completely new to her. Her curiosity overcame her doubts and Jietse got down on her knees so that she had a good view of the tyres. Jetse first put her left wrist in the leather strap and felt how tight it was, but still comfortable. Suddenly she noticed how little room to move she had and with difficulty she got the second band on her right wrist.

After this, Jietse lay back on the table and felt how her heart rate increased again, with excitement. In only her thong, she lay on the table and got used to the case of her wrists being tied. Jetse had no experience whatsoever with BDSM, even a slap on her buttocks was still strange to her. This was very exciting for her and she was suddenly almost naked on a BDSM table. Her wrists were held above her head by the straps, how bummed she was that she couldn't fasten her legs herself! Just to feel what it would be like to be completely stuck and unable to move.

Where Jetse thought she had only just reached the top, she had already reached the top. The tension had completely lost her sense of time and she had been staring at the table and tapes much longer than she thought. Her brother therefore began to wonder where Jietse had gone and stood up. She must be in the attic and still a bit curious about what Jietse had found, what kept her upstairs for so long, he stepped out of the room and went upstairs. At the bottom of the attic stairs it was quiet and he heard nothing. Without shouting, he didn't know why, he walked up the stairs. The wood creaked softly under his feet, but Jietse didn't notice, she was completely in her own little world.

Jietse was still lying on the table, not hearing her brother come upstairs. Thomas opened the door and suddenly he saw her lying on the table, wearing only her thong.


, he cried in alarm.

Thomas! What are you doing here!?

, cried Jetse even more shocked. In a reflex she wanted to get up, but was immediately reminded that she was stuck on the table and couldn't move. Jetse was shocked and with wide eyes she looked at her brother, who had remained motionless less than two meters from her. Jetse was terrified and ashamed to death! What was she supposed to say to him?

Thomas looked at his sister with wide eyes. Although it was his sister, he immediately felt the natural reaction in his pants. It betrayed what he really thought of her. Jietse was a pretty girl, the brother-sister relationship could not change that. So his eyes darted excitedly over his sister's bare-chested body, and instead of helping her break free, he stood there watching, excited. Somehow he thought it was funny and although he didn't want to show that it turned him on, he started talking to her anyway.

Well what are you doing here? The slut playing haha

, he laughed. Jietse was only more shocked by it. Yes, was she a slut? Though she felt that way at the moment How she lay there, strapped herself to the table. After all, she still hadn't turned around and got down on her knees so she could untie the wristbands. Even though her brother was joking, maybe he was telling the truth?

Do you think it's exciting?

, Thomas suddenly asked her. Hiding his excitement was difficult for him and he wanted to know how his sister experienced all this.

Uh yes uh pff what can I say Yes I think so

Jetse reacted tense to her brother's question. They were both all too aware of each other's feelings, and though she felt wrong to herself, they could understand each other's feelings all too well. Thomas understood all too well that Jietse found it exciting to lie tied to the table and Jietse Die understood that her brother was not cold, even though she was his sister.

I hear too

, Thomas finally confirmed his sister's suspicions and they looked at each other silently for a moment, without saying anything, but this did not change the situation that Jetse was lying naked on the table.

In the end it was Jetse who broke the silence. It was clear that they had just crossed an invisible border and Jietse could not restrain herself and the words came softly from her lips.

Would you like to tie me up differently?

she asked her brother. She was almost shocked herself and also saw how Thomas doubted his sister's request. Yet he was much too young, much too full of hormones to pass up an opportunity like this. The idea that it was about his own sister didn't matter to him for a while, maybe it even made it all even hotter and more exciting and what Thomas never dared to think came across his lips.

Okay slutWhen he heard the word slut, Thomas saw how Jetse's eyes light up. He had just used the word too, but now it was aimed directly at her. Where Jetse had thought she was ashamed, it only turned her on how he spoke to her like that. This had the same effect for Thomas. It flopped from his lips without thinking and he was momentarily shocked that he had said it, but when he saw his sister's reaction it only started to turn him on more. After thinking about this for a moment, Thomas got to work and walked to the first cupboard that was next to him.

Thomas opened the drawers one by one and came across all kinds of sex toys. Handcuffs, vibrators, dildos, butt plugs, whips, clamps and even toys that he had absolutely no idea what they were for. However, it was a bit of a search for another set of bands that he could put on her wrists. Finally he found two heavy leather bindings with small chains attached to them. These turned out to be able to be attached to the corners of the table and Thomas walked back to Jietse. Jetse looked at him tensely and felt how her brother touched her sexually for the first time. Neither of them was cold, but in their excitement there was no longer any shame.

Excited, Thomas tied the band around his sister's ankle and fastened the chain to the table. The same thing was repeated with the other ankle bracelet and suddenly Jetse was stuck on the table as she had just imagined. It only increased her excitement. How good it felt!


, she sighed uncontrollably with excitement.

Haha I heard that sister

, said Thomas teasingly. Jetse's cheeks turned red, but not because she was ashamed, but simply because of the whole atmosphere. She was so horny and more and more she started to surrender to this.

The same applied to Thomas and without asking her he walked back to the closet and picked up a blindfold that he had just encountered. With the cloth he walked back to the table and without asking his sister, he put the cloth over her eyes.

What are you doing?

, said Jietse, shocked. It was all very horny until now, but now she suddenly couldn't see anything.

You want to play a slut so badly, I'll gladly play a master

, he chuckled. Jetse also thought it was exciting in a way and didn't stop him and felt how Thomas tied the cloth together at the back of her head and pulled it tight.

Where she had just been able to follow all his movements, she suddenly saw nothing. What would he do now? Look at her breasts? She suddenly realized the position she was in and how he could do whatever he wanted with her now. Somehow she thought it was scary, but she found it especially exciting and exciting. She trusted him, knew he wouldn't go too far. Or at least what was he actually planning to do?

What do you think mom and dad are doing here?

, she said to break the silence.

Uh what better way to say! When I see that toy like this, mom is not short of anything

, Thomas stated.

Well dad certainly not!

, Jetse complemented him with a sigh.

The idea of ​​their parents being here when both of them weren't home got the two thinking.

Would daddy fuck mommy or vice versa do you think?

No, Thomas didn't envision that, Dad wasn't like that. Although, he certainly didn't expect his father to be a BDSM master either!

I rather think he beats mom with those whips, they really have a lot of them!

Thomas said firmly.

Yes it should. Wouldn't that hurt?

, Jetse wondered aloud.

Uh yes I think so, but isn't that the point? Haha do you want to try it out?

, said Thomas jokingly.

There was a moment of silence in the attic.

Um maybe later

, came softly over Jetse's lips. She was very curious and actually wanted to experience what it was like to receive blows from a whip. In the meantime, Thomas had seen how a moist spot had developed in his sister's pink thong and realized once again how excited Jietse was now and suddenly all thought about what he could do with her, especially because she was so curious. was to discover, as was evident from her answer.

Would you like that then? With me?

, he asked her excitedly.

The excitement in his voice showed how he felt about it. No Thomas did not hesitate, he knew what he wanted. Although Jetse had long since changed her mind, it was quite exciting to actually say this. Really give her brother the power to subdue her. Yet that was what Jetse wanted, not even deep down, but really.


, came softly from her lips. She didn't dare say more in excitement, but she meant everything she said. She couldn't see through her blindfold and since Thomas stood still, she didn't know what he was up to. Would he still doubt? Otherwise, Jetse thought he heard well in his voice that he was excited, this couldn't leave him cold, could it?

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