
Holiday love

Sanne had ended up on holiday in France with her boyfriend Rob at a campsite on the Lac de Monteynard-Avignonet. It had been very hot for days on end. Even the thin sparrows still fell from the roof. At the campsite they had met a Dutch couple who have air conditioning and a TV in their camper. And since then Rob could often be found there to watch sports games. Sanne is not a fan of sports and that is why she regularly went for walks in the wide area alone, out of necessity.

One afternoon she had followed the signs up a winding dirt road to a World War II ruin on top of a hill. When she got there she found a concrete bunker against which a yellow mountain bike stood. The bicycle was unlocked and no one was to be seen in the area. That's why she suspected that the owner must be in the bunker. However, the metal door of the bunker was welded shut, but just above the mountain bike there was a gun opening through which a not too fat person could squeeze in. On the other side were larger openings above an abyss. But they were unavailable.

Sanne had taken off her backpack, had a break and had a drink. All the while there was no sign of life to be seen or heard. Curious about the inside of the bunker, she had carefully climbed on her mountain bike to peek through the gun opening. The sun pouring in through the other openings lit up the room. Still, it took a few seconds for her to fully understand what she was seeing. Inside on the floor was a boy masturbating. She glanced up at it from behind. In the first reaction, Sanne quickly pulled her head away for the opening. But when she got used to the idea, she secretly looked again. The boy had just come and she witnessed up close how he cleaned his stiff young cock with a tissue. Then the boy threw the tissue in a corner where there were already several such white wads. That gave her the impression that the boy was not here for the first time.

Sanne had been so fascinated by this beautiful scene that she forgot to retreat in time to avoid being discovered. Suddenly the boy had heard or suspected something and looked up at an angle. Of course Sanne quickly pulled her head back and got off the mountain bike. But it was too late; the boy had seen her. Their frightened eyes had met. For a moment Sanne nervously considered packing her backpack and running away. But when she got over the initial shock, she decided not to. She sat restlessly on a large stone lying there and waited. It took a while, but then the boy came clambering out through the opening. A flush of red on his tanned cheeks. He had already put on a T-shirt.

It was a nice teenager. Sanne estimated him to be 16 years old. At first the two said nothing and just looked at each other nervously. But when the boy had taken his bicycle and looked at her just a little longer, Sanne apologized in French for disturbing him and said it had not been her intention. She also said that she had seen nothing of which to be ashamed. It had been her fault. Surprisingly, the surprised boy hadn't driven away after that. With his mountain bike in hand, he stood at a distance. It turned out to be a German who didn't speak much French. But he understood her. Fortunately, Sanne also speaks a nice word of German and when she offered him a water bottle with a suppressed smile, the boy hesitantly accepted.

After Sanne told her name and asked what his name was, the boy introduced himself as Timo. It soon became clear to Sanne that the polite boy had been brought up properly and was embarrassed. Yet she also noticed that his eyes studied her body contours for a fraction of a second under the airy summer dress. Judging by this, he liked it. And that in itself is not so strange. Sanne is a beautiful, young, slender woman in her early 25s. And looks younger. After a nice chat with each other, the incident in the bunker seemed to be forgotten and they walked down together. Timos parents have had a holiday home near the campsite for years, and Timo said that he knew the area like the back of his hand. They stopped for a moment where their paths parted. Without thinking about it, Sanne asked whether Timo often went to the bunker. Hoping to meet him there again. It was only when she saw that the boy started to blush again that she understood her mistake. She quickly gave him an innocent kiss on the cheek. She hadn't wanted to remind him of the discovery.

After they had already parted Timo called something after her; on the east side of the reservoir, more towards the dam, was another bunker. And he had a canoe. If Sanne would like that, they could sail there together the next day, he suggested. Sanne really liked that. With this warm weather, a trip on the water was a welcome change anyway. They agreed that Timo would pick her up at the campsite the next day at 13:00. On the way back Sanne realized that she had not told the boy about her friend Rob. What if she wanted to come along? Was the canoe big enough for 3 people? Fortunately, she didn't have to worry about that. Rob also wanted to stay at the campsite the next day. The temperature forecast for the next day was much too high to make any effort.

The next day Sanne had put on her most beautiful summer dress. Without a bra, of course. In the morning she had prepared a picnic basket for two. Includes a rolled up picnic blanket. She was already at the entrance of the campsite well in time to wait for Timo. There was no reason for it, but she still felt a little excited. Like she was a schoolgirl again on a date with her first boyfriend. It had therefore seemed better not to introduce Rob and Timo to each other. When the happy smiling boy came to pick her up, they walked together to a harbor where the canoe was chained. Sanne was allowed to go in the front. She paddled along, but had little idea how to do it. Timo turned out to be an experienced canoeist. Effortlessly he kept the boat on course north and showed some nice spots on the bluffs before they sailed to the other side.

On the other side, where the bunker she wanted to visit was supposed to be, there were warning signs all over the waterfront. Forbidden entry. Due to the surrounding steep walls, the area seemed to be accessible only by water. That's why no one was there. Timo ignored the signs and dragged the canoe onto the bank under overhanging trees. He helped Sanne over a steep path that led to the remains of an old defense complex. This was larger than the bunker on the other side. Once intended for an anti-aircraft gun to defend the nearby dam against air attacks. And the great thing was that they could go anywhere. Now everything was dry, but during rainy seasons it was apparently so wet that all the metal, including the doors, had rusted away. Timo had brought a flashlight. Hand in hand, close together, he gave a tour. At one place Sanne saw some recently left behind white wads of tissue lying on the floor. She pretended not to know what that meant.

After the tour, they went outside for a picnic on the flat roof of a bunker. So in the shade under the trees it was wonderful to stay and they were not visible from the water. They had fun together and laughed a lot. Timo was sweet and gallant. He had taken off his T-shirt. Sanne enjoyed the youthful, slender body. Beneath the thin, tanned skin, under which there was not an ounce of excess fat, it was wonderful to follow the course of his supple muscles. Even the way his ribs and the bones of his hips stuck up in them was beautiful. His belly button and the beautiful V-lines were breathtaking. That in combination with the sweet character of the boy was actually too much of a good thing.

Suddenly Timo suggested going for a swim. It turned out that he was wearing Speedo swimming trunks under his Bermuda shorts. Sanne hadn't thought of that. That is why she initially declined the proposal and watched from their picnic spot as the beautiful boy swam in the water under the trees. Timo kept challenging her to get into the wonderful water as well. And finally she gave in. What did she care. She took off her shoes and summer dress to join the boy in the water, wearing only her panties. She didn't care that the boy was staring enthusiastically at her bare breasts. She did, however, go under water up to her shoulders as quickly as possible. They held hands with outstretched arms. Timo now had a continuous broad smile on his face. Sanne could guess that in the near future, during his masturbation sessions, she would play a leading role in his naughty fantasies. She was fine with that. Calmly she pulled the boy towards her and began to kiss him tenderly.

Under water they gently caressed each other's naked upper bodies. Timo blushed again when he touched her breasts. He was clearly tense. Sanne asked if he ever had a girlfriend. Which Timo denied. For a long time they innocently held and kissed each other underwater. But eventually the moment came when they had to get out of the water again. Sanna at least. Because Timo wanted to stay a while longer. He got no further than his upper body out of the water. Only then did Sanne understand what the problem must be. Timo had something to hide. Smiling, she held out her arms to challenge him: Do it for me she encouraged him. And then Timo reluctantly came out of the water. His arms crossed over his swimming trunks. Yet it clearly showed his young erection at times when he had to use his hands to scramble to their picnic spot. Sanne loved it.

There Timo had immediately laid down on his stomach, hiding his shame. Sanne couldn't suppress her smile. You are so beautiful she explained in a whisper. You too responded Timo. She couldn't resist caressing the handsome boy's back every now and then and kissing him on the shoulder. Every boy who has ever been on the beach knows that an erection does not disappear faster if you lie on your stomach. Certainly not as long as the direct cause is still present. Sanne also understood that. She had therefore placed the remaining clothes above their heads so that they could put them on once their bathing suits had dried sufficiently. I won't look she promised and demonstratively turned her head away so that he could have put on his Bermuda shorts unseen. But there's nothing to be ashamed of. Not for what I saw yesterday she added.

The latter probably had been the deciding factor for Timo. He hesitantly turned on his side and touched Sanne's arm so that she could still look. His young erection was beautifully visible in the swimming trunks. Timo was clearly uncomfortable with it and blushed again. Sanne didn't look at it directly, but thought it was so sweet and brave. She leaned towards him and started kissing again. You are so beautiful she repeated. Tim was silent. They lay close together. Dressed only in thin swimming trunks and thin panties. Their knees touched. Again they caressed each other's arms and upper bodies. Sanne felt so happy and in love.

Even now that Timo was no longer lying on his stomach, his erection did not go away. It was so beautiful and striking; Sanne had to look at it. Gently she stroked her fingers down his belly to touch the outline in the swimming trunks. And a little later, under her encouragement, Timo did the same to her panties. She enjoyed how his fingertips probed her mound of venus and how the boy reacted. Sanne got it hot. Shall we undress completely? she suggested after a while. Timo stared at her in disbelief. Yes, he did. Almost at the same time, they started removing their last item of clothing. Sanne was completely hairless and Timo looked at it speechless. Too impressed to speak or act. Do you like it asked Sanne. Timo nodded again. So Sanne took his right hand and brought it to her vagina. She taught the boy how to pamper her with his fingers. Timo obediently listened to the instructions and did exactly as he was told.

Then it was Sanne's turn to act. Tenderly she took his erect cock in her hand and slowly began to move the foreskin up and down. Timo was already quite horny, hanging down in a thin thread between his shiny purple head and a sparse bush of pubic hair. She played with it. Like with his tight scrotum. Sanne could no longer control herself. While kissing, she pushed the boy back on his back and then gave him a blowjob. Her mouth slid mercilessly over the hard flesh. The wet young cock tasted surprisingly sweet. Timo moaned and squirmed. It soon seemed as if he could come prematurely at any moment. But Sanne made sure that this did not happen. Her lips and tongue spoiled the young gentleman from top to bottom. Not an inch was left untouched and his young balls also received all the attention they deserved. Despite, or perhaps because of, the warm weather, their bodies began to perspire.

The next big step was for Timo to eat her out. Timo apparently had never seen a vagina so close before and studied everything carefully first. Sanne calmly told him what to do and what she loved. With a pointed tongue he pampered her clitoris for a long time. Sanne felt a climax approaching several times. And then inevitably came the moment when Timo was allowed to lie on top of her. Sanne learned how to spoil a girl, even without penetration, by stroking up and down with his hard head between her pussy lips. It's actually incomprehensible how Timo could hold back like that, but he did well alone and exactly what Sanne instructed him to do. You always have to make sure your girl cums first she had told him. Not much later Sanne felt a wave of ecstasy through her whole body. She had come great

Timo was clearly having more and more trouble holding himself back. Every now and then he pressed his head a little deeper between her now wet pussy lips. He wanted so badly. All his muscles were tense to the max. Sanne enjoyed the beautiful young body above her. Don't worry she said, I'm on the pill. She probably thought Timo was afraid to get her pregnant. But the boy hadn't thought of that at all. He only did what she ordered. When Sanne realized that, she slowly allowed the wet, stiff cock to penetrate more and more by releasing the pressure against his hips. To then indicate the desired pace with rhythmic kneading of the relaxed smooth boy's buttocks. Timo sighed heavily and penetrated her as deeply as possible. Sanne let herself be fucked. Rob's cock was a size bigger, but she didn't enjoy it any less. Timo did an excellent job. Whenever Sanne noticed that a climax was approaching, she tried to interrupt it in time to start again after cooling down. But you can't keep that up for long. Timo moaned louder each time he entered her again.

Sanne got what she asked for. A second time, shivers shot through her body. Now Timo could let himself go and set his own pace. Sanne thought she felt how his warm seed was forcefully sprayed into her. Exhausted, Timo lay on top of her. Kissing so happy and thankful. You are not a boy anymore, she wanted to say to him. But because she didn't know the German word for it, she just made it: Now you are a man. That seemed better to her in hindsight. Timo hardly knew how to give himself an attitude. He would like to scream out over the water. Incessantly he kept grabbing Sanne to kiss her. I love you he kept repeating.

For another two days she made the crossing to the other side of the reservoir. They kept making love in a different position. The time they did it doggy style, Timo was also allowed his cock in her anus. Rob did that sometimes and Timo loved it. He learned something new every day. Now that the neighbors at the campsite had left with their TV, Rob indicated that he wanted to continue to the Ardèche. Sanne managed to postpone it for another day with an excuse. She had seen blackberries that she wanted to pick. That last day Timo's parents happened to be in town and he had taken her to his bedroom in the cottage. The semi-transparent partitions inside the house hardly offered any privacy. Now Sanne also understood why the boy sought entertainment outside the home. On his single bed they made love for the last time. Timo came twice and passed his practical exam with flying colours. In the evening they said goodbye to each other in tears. But she promised to keep in touch. So who knows if there will ever be a sequel.

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