
High Altitude Romance - 1

A story series full of love and romance, written from the point of view and the world of a young woman.

Thoughts of the main character are italicized for clarity.

I'm Emily, 23 years old and just moved. For the first time I live on my own.

My father is the boss of a large real estate agency. My mother is a medical specialist in a large hospital. I am an only child, and my parents are very wealthy. We lived in a large detached house. I've never had to save for anything, never run out of money. Unlike many of my peers, I didn't have to save to leave home either. My parents' vision of my upbringing was somewhat different. They always said:

We have deliberately opted for 1 child, so that we can always give you everything you need. We have enough money to always be able to help you, even if you get into a financial emergency.

This gave me a lot of confidence.

I had a good childhood at home that I can look back on.

Last year I completed my training to become an executive secretary and it didn't really come to work then. It sounds strange to say, but actually work was, and is, not necessary. After all, there was enough money in my account and I still lived at home!

When I dropped last year that I thought it was time to find a place for myself, my parents were there for me right away. My father immediately started talking about a luxury apartment on the top floor of a complex on the Zuidas in Amsterdam, with a beautiful view. That house had been for sale from his company for a few days.

Hey Dad, don't be silly!

Did I say.

You know I have money, but I can't afford that either.

My father said:

Honey, Mom and I have been talking about this together. We have always said that we always want to give you everything you need, there really is enough money, more than enough! You get this apartment from us.I flew around my parents' necks. It felt so unreal. My father bought the apartment and took care of all the financial matters, while I went shopping with my mother and a friend, looking for nice things for my trousseau. Then it went fast. It is now well three months later, and I am settled in my new place. Well, spot? With the help of an interior stylist, it has become a phenomenal apartment.

The living room has large floor-to-ceiling windows and a large cream-coloured sofa. A shaggy rug in the seating area covers the cast floor. My father insisted that the high-gloss kitchen be equipped with as many new gadgets as possible. And then the bedroom. A beautiful king size bed with gold embellishments on the headboard, and made up in American style with lots of pillows and a nice bedspread. I was never prouder of anything than my own home!

I look at the clock, it's 11:30 PM. I decide to go to bed. It is always a pleasure when I settle into my beautiful new bed. I think about my childhood. So much went easy and was fun. Only love, and especially making it, was still quite unknown territory for me. At school I was often the odd one out, and the boys only looked at the girls who fit in. I dated once in high school. That took three months. Since it was my first boyfriend I thought it was all great, but now that I look back there wasn't much to it. He spent a lot of time gaming when I was with him, and hardly paid any attention to me. He also didn't like kissing. We did very little actual kissing, and it was nothing like what I expected it to be. I always thought it was something magical, like in romantic movies. Nothing turned out to be less true. And then the sex. We did it twice, and it was a hit and miss. Unfortunately nothing special. He licked me once, or so he intended. A little lick over my labia and that was it. I felt none of it. I think of the times I sucked him. The bastard.

I get out of bed for a moment, pull back the curtains and open the balcony doors wide. The night sky is dotted with stars. A gentle breeze raises the light curtains. I feel happy. I step onto the balcony and enjoy the view. The temperature is wonderful. The thought that this is only the beginning of summer excites me. On a whim I take off my pajamas and only stand in my underpants. I look around, there is no one to be seen. Then I take off my panties. I've always wanted to know what it feels like to be naked outside. It's fantastic. I pull the elastic that holds my night bun out of my hair, and my wavy blonde hair falls down my back in long locks. The wind plays with my hair, letting it fall wide over my chest and back. I feel like a goddess.

I put my hands on my breasts and slowly slide them down my stomach, to my sides and down the curve of my hips. I am happy with my body. Nice and slim, but not too skinny. A little bit of grip, as I find so attractive in men. Men I sigh and lie down on the soft lounger of the balcony. I let my hands continue their way. They follow my thighs back up, over my groin and then rest on my mound of venus. I pull up my knees and let them fall to the side. I explore my vagina with my right hand. It is completely smooth because of the Brazilian wax. One line is still there because I like it. I feel a warm gust of wind go past me, and through my vagina. It tingles and gives a free and light feeling. The only thing missing now is a man, I think. I imagine that there is a man between my legs who spoils me with his tongue. That must be heaven, right? I press my hand over my vagina and push my knees together, riding against my hand. I feel butterflies in my stomach and fantasize that a young handsome man steps onto the balcony and looks at me greedily. That he spoils me until I can't anymore I sink further and further into a world full of horny thoughts and fantasies, until, wet in my most intimate place, I fall into a deep sleep.

A loud blowing sound enters my consciousness, followed by some laughing male voices and whistles. I wake up disoriented from my deep sleep. The sun is already shining brightly.

The memory of last night comes back. Oh yes, I'm lying outside, stark naked.. I'm lying on my side and notice that I still have my hand between my legs. I look around and only then realize what is happening. Nearby, diagonally above my apartment, is a hot air balloon

This is my very first story. I would like to hear whether it is appreciated (even if not much is happening yet) and whether there are any comments that I can include in subsequent parts.

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