
Henk Enjoys The View - 1

It was early September, schools have started again. This to Hank's pleasure. He lived right between a high school and a small shopping mall. Every break a lot of high school students walked by his house. He always cheered when the boys and girls walked by. They radiated so much joie de vivre. The boys and girls walked past his house, talking busily.

When the weather was nice, he always sat outside in his front yard. The boys and girls often greet him, and he greets them back cheerfully. Henk didn't care whether the students did it because they were polite or because they did it for fun. He liked to have some entitlement after his wife left him 7 years ago. He had now reached retirement age and was enjoying the free time he had. He tried to stay in good shape. Every day he walked around the lake near him, which was soon 5 km a day. He did everything by bicycle when the car was not needed. When he got into the shower he was quite pleased with what he saw in the mirror. He still had a full head of gray hair, a neatly trimmed beard, a small prosperity belly with a full head of, now gray, chest hair.

The weather was beautiful, a real late summer day. The sun was shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky, a gentle breeze and it was a wonderful 25 degrees. As always, Henk sat in his front garden with a newspaper and a freshly brewed cup of coffee when the weather was nice. He looked at his watch and saw that the first recess of the school day was about to begin. He was flipping through his newspaper with some disinterest when he heard the first excited voices a little further on. He hated the past corona year, the students were taught at home and when they were at school they were not allowed to leave the schoolyard. How glad he was that things were finally back to normal. He looked in the direction of the voices. The students would walk up from the street opposite his front yard and then turn left in front of his yard to the mall.

He saw the first students approaching. Boys and girls in groups, busy talking and laughing. The boys were talking tough and the girls were talking softer and laughing. He was pleased to see the beautiful girls. The supple slender bodies walked past him. To his delight, the belly buttons were back in. The bare bellies walked past him. Some recognized him and said hello, he greeted them back kindly. At the end of the stream was a girl, she walked with the last group of girls, but they pay no attention to her and she did not insert herself into the girls' conversations.

From a distance, he saw that she looked fine. Long brown hair over her shoulders, high cheekbones, a narrow nose, nice full breasts, a slim belly, she was not big, but not small either, and all that in tight jeans and a white belly button top. She was clearly tanned from the sun, which made the white top look even better.

A few girls from the last group waved at him and he waved back kindly. But his gaze remained on the last girl. Once past him, he looked at her. He saw a pair of beautiful buttocks in her tight jeans. He knew very well not to look at the girls too much, but he admired the young tight bodies. He secretly dreamed of going back to high school.

Henk dreamed away, with the buttocks of the last girl in mind. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bunch of guys came riding their bikes. They shouted to the girls and the last one gave the last girl a kick in the back. She fell to the ground.

The girls she was walking with turned, smiled, and kept walking. Henk immediately stood up and walked over to her. She was still lying on her stomach when he got to her. Are you okay? He asked.

The girl pushed off with her hands and got up. Yes. I'm fine. She said as she looked at him with teary eyes.

Henk held out his hand and helped her up. She had abrasions on her hands and cheek. Her white shirt was full of dark streaks from the floor. Those are ugly abrasions, come with me and we'll clean them up. Henk said.

No, you don't have to. She said.

I insist. Sit in my front yard and I'll grab some sterilon to disinfect it. He said a little sternly.

The girl hesitated and looked around, but tacked anyway and walked with Henk. He indicated that she could sit in the garden, after which Henk walked in and came back with a first aid kit. Henk sat down opposite her and took hold of her right hand. This may sting a bit. He said after which he sprayed the sterilon on her hand. She hissed between her teeth as it stung. Then he took her other hand and sprayed the sterilon there too. Even now she hissed through her teeth.

Let me look at your cheek. Henk said. She turned her cheek towards him. Fortunately, it is only a superficial scrape. He took a cloth and cleaned the scrape. Good, as good as new.

Thanks. The girl said.

You're welcome girl. But why did that boy do that? Henk said.

Probably because I didn't want to hook up with him. She replied.

Get it? Asked Henk surprised. The girl explained to Henk what it was, but he still didn't understand it. He looked at her uncomprehendingly.

Never mind. I have to go back to school. She looked at the group of students walking back. Thanks again. she said.

You're welcome girl. Good luck at school and don't let yourself be crushed. Henk said.

She smiled at him. It's okay! she said. By the way, my name is Liza.

I'm Henk. If you ever have any problems, you are always welcome here.

Thank you. Liza picked up her bag and headed back to her school. She turned around one more time and waved to Henk, after which he waved back.

Liza walked down the street back to school. Henk looked at her beautiful behind from a distance. The procession of students passed by again. Again Henk greeted a few.

The day progressed steadily. The next pause passed, but Henk did not see Liza pass by. In the course of the afternoon Henk went back inside and turned on the TV. He flipped through the channels a bit disinterestedly and slowly dozed off. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Startled, he woke up and looked through the window at the front door. There he saw Liza standing.

Still groggy from his nap, he got up and opened the door. Hello Liza. How nice to see you here again. What are you doing here?

They deflated my tires. she replied.

Why? Who? he asked.

Probably the same boy. Liza said.

What a dick. I have a bicycle pump in the back of the shed. Walk around and I'll open the gate for you. Henk said.

Liza walked around and Henk opened the gate and let Liza in. He took the pump from the shed, hooked up the hose and started inflating the tires. He felt the tires. So, these are hard enough. Cycle behind once so I can see if everything is still working.

She walked out on the bike and cycled around. Henk heard some squeaking and creaking and motioned for her to come back. After Liza had put the bicycle back in the garden, Henk took a can of oil, sank down and sprayed some on the chain and chain guard. This should be enough. Henk said and looked up. Liza was bent over him, he had a perfect view of her full breasts. Great! Thanks. she said.

No problem girl. Henk said. Goodbye.

She turned her bike around again and got back on her bike outside the gate. Goodbye. She said as she cycled away. Henk looked at her butt again and then waved at her until she cycled around the corner.

The following days, Henk sat in his front yard every day. Sometimes he saw Liza walk by and every time she waved his name and every time he waved back. He was happy for her that she was now walking among the other girls and was busy talking to the other girls. The boy who kicked her, if he wanted to repeat the prank from last time, probably didn't see a chance to do it again. It was a wonderful September month. The weather remained nice and every break Henk enjoyed the beautiful slender girls in their navel sweaters as they walked by.

Every afternoon Henk took a nap and every time he woke up he hoped that Liza was there again. Unfortunately, he was disappointed every time. He knew, of course, that this would never happen again, but he still hoped for it.

He also took a nap this afternoon. He had already walked around, done some shopping and cleaned up the house. In the middle of his nap, he was awakened by a knock on the door. Sleepily he opened his eyes, but was immediately awake when he saw Liza standing there. The sky was dark and it was raining hard. Liza was soaked at his door. He quickly opened the door and let Liza in. What are you doing here? He asked surprised and looked outside. And where is her bike?

Liza burst into sobs. He was suddenly gone. I looked all over the schoolyard, but couldn't find him anywhere. And then it started to rain and I didn't know what to do anymore.

Oh girl. Let me grab a towel, stay here. Henk said and left her standing dripping. A moment later he came back with a towel and looked at Liza. Her blue bellybutton sweater was glued to her slim body. He gave towel to her. Liza immediately started drying her face and hair. Henk asked her if she wanted a cup of tea to warm up, which she wanted.

Henk returned with a tray of tea and some biscuits. Liza had dried off and put the towel on the couch and then sat on the towel. Henk put the tray on the table and sat down next to her. He looked at her. Her tears were gone by now and saw how pretty she was. Everything was right about this girl.

I do have a bike here that you can borrow until you get your own bike back or get a new one. He said.

No, I really can't accept that. She said.

I would also like to take you home, but how are you going to school tomorrow? Asked Henk.

Not necessarily. I'll catch the bus. Liza said.

Nonsense! Henk said. The bus is way too expensive. You know what? If it dries up within an hour, take the bike. If not? Then I'll take you home. Deal?

Okay, that's fine. Liza replied.

Good. Henk said. But I only know your name. What else can you tell about yourself.

Liza said that she was almost 17 and that she has since moved to a nearby village with her mother and her 2 little sisters. Right from the first day at school, a few guys had a go at her. They all wanted to understand with her, something Henk still didn't understand, but Liza didn't feel like it. Fortunately, she had now made friends and stood up for her in class.

Then Henk told about his broken marriage and his 2 children who lived on the other side of the country and rarely came to visit. He actually thought that was fine, but he didn't tell Liza that.

It had stopped raining and the sun was shining again. Liza got Henk's bicycle and cycled home with it.

Henk immediately walked to the school, looking for her bicycle. He searched everywhere in and around the schoolyard. He remembered roughly what the bicycle looked like and to his amazement he found the bicycle in the bushes near his house. Apart from the fact that the bike was wet and full of leaves, nothing had happened to the bike. He just hoped Liza would come by soon.

And indeed the next day, after school, Liza was standing in Henk's front garden with his bicycle. Hank opened the door. Thanks for bringing it back. But have you got your bike back yet?

No, unfortunately not. I wouldn't know who he should be either. I just looked, but can't find it. She replied.

That may also be true. Because he is also in my shed. Henk said with a broad smile.

What! How? she said in surprise.

When you cycled away yesterday I went looking and found him in the bushes around here. He said.

Really? Liza said.

Yes sure. Go and have a look. He pointed back to the yard. Liza walked past him back into the garden and opened the shed. She almost screamed with joy and came running back. Her breasts bobbed up and down in her red shirt. She hugged Henk, he felt her breasts pressing against his stomach. Thank you, thank you, thank you. She said.

No thanks girl. She he and Liza let go of him.

How can I ever thank you? You are so sweet to me. She said with a huge smile.

I don't need anything, I'll gladly do it for you. You are a special girl. Henk replied.

I mean it. How can I thank you? Liza said again.

Well, I really don't need anything. I'm already glad I could help you.

Come on! she said with joy.

Henk thought and looked her up and down. Uhm Well.You know Liza. You are a beautifull girl. AndYesHow should I say this. Could I feel your breasts. Just a minute. He looked at her and there was a silence.

Okay. Liza said.

Are you serious? Asked Henk surprised. Are you sure?

Yes. Do you want with or without clothes? she asked.

Hank was silent for a moment. Did he really have to go through with this? If possible without clothes.

No problem. Liza grabbed the bottom of her shirt.

Wait a minute Liza. Then I'll close the curtains. Henk quickly closed the curtains and sat down on a chair when Liza pulled her shirt off over her head. Her breasts were wrapped in a beautiful red bra. Once her shirt on her head she looked at him. Then she unhooked her bra behind her back and slid it over her arms to the floor. Henk couldn't take his eyes off her perfect breasts.

Wow Liza, everything is beautiful about you. Henk said. He felt his hands itch.

Liza came walking towards him, her firm full breasts moving to the beat. She stopped in front of Henk, her breasts right in front of his face. Slowly he moved his hands towards her. If she didn't want to, she could step back. But she didn't.

Gently he rubbed the skin of her breasts. Her skin felt so soft. Then he gently grabbed her breasts. Her breasts felt soft yet firm. Too big for his hands, but perfect in his eyes. How can it grow like this. He said and he squeezed her breasts, now a little firmer. Gently he massaged her beautiful full breasts. He felt her nipples harden in his palms. He took her nipples between index finger and thumb and rolled her nipples between them. His gaze was constantly on her breasts, it was like a dream. Something in his pants also started to stir. Finally he came out of his trance, looked up at her and right in her face. She smiled at him. Tasty? she asked.

Sure girl. What wonderful breasts you have. Henk withdrew his hands.

Thank you. Why are you taking your hands away? she asked.

I thought you would have had enough. Henk said surprised.

No, I like it. Liza said.

Henk let himself be told that twice. Immediately he grabbed her breasts again. Gently he squeezed her breasts, massaged them and again took her nipples between thumb and forefinger. At this Liza moaned softly. This was an encouragement for Henk to continue.

He pulled her towards him by her nipples and guided her nipple into his mouth. Gently he sucked on it and with his other hand he explored her slender belly. He saw that she had goosebumps on her skin when he took the other nipple in his mouth.

His crotch was now beginning to squeeze tightly. It had also been years since he had held a pair of breasts in his hands, let alone one so young and beautiful.

Henk decided to go a step further. Both hands wandered over her belly, past her navel to her pants. She allowed it. Carefully he opened the button and zipper of her jeans. She still allowed it. He grabbed the waistband of her jeans and pulled it down over her hips. Under her jeans she had on a matching red thong and he was not mistaken he saw a small wet spot.

Henk pulled her pants off over her knees until they were on her ankles. She deftly stepped out of her jeans after which Henk grabbed her thong by the straps at her hips. He looked up, but she still didn't stop him. He slowly pulled her thong down. Her pussy came out. She was perfectly shaved. No bumps or stubble. Her lips stick out a little.

He let go of her thong and fell on her ankle. Deftly, she kicked her thong away. She was now completely naked in front of Henk. He ran his hands up her hips, up her stomach, and finally back to her breasts. How can it grow like that. Henk said again, after which he grabbed her breasts again and massaged a little harder. He looked up at Lizas face, he only saw her smiling with delight and pleasure.

His right hand descended down her stomach, past her navel, over her mound of venus towards her perfect pussy. Gently he ran his fingers over her clit, past her wet lips. With a wet finger he gently massaged her clit. Liza moaned softly.

Henk continued to gently rub her clit. He looked up. She closed her eyes and moaned softly. He approached with his head and smelled the scent of a young pussy. Liza felt the warm breath against her pussy. Henk stuck out his tongue and licked her clit. He looked up and his gaze found Liza's. She nodded her head, Henk dropped to his knees and started to lick her.

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