
Helping His Niece

Mark looked at his smartwatch, the vibration had caught his attention, an app had come in from one of his favorite contacts and a smile appeared on his face it was a message from his favorite niece Lisa, the niece he lived with for years in the street had lived, had shared joys and sorrows from the cradle, she was only a few months older than him but therefore a school year ahead of him, she studied in Groningen and he was still at the atheneum.

The app was clear, can I call you? And he answered yes, seconds later he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, took it and answered. Lisa started talking right away and he couldn't do anything but listen to her and he couldn't get in between but he soon understood she had a problem. A guy wouldn't leave her alone and she told her she had a boyfriend and she asked if he could come over this weekend to be her boyfriend.But I'm a nerd, wouldn't you rather have a handsome boy next to you?

, she remained silent for a moment

I have already shown a picture of us together, that is from the summer at the pool

he also understood that she now had no choice and that he was the only option for her and agreed.

In the train on the way to Groningen he had plenty of time to think, Lisa his niece was a beautiful girl, 165 tall, 62 kg, B-cup, long blond hair and a radiant face, he himself was 175 tall, 90 kg and short red hair, was more into computers than girls and with his 18 years still inexperienced in that area and now he would play the role of her boyfriend during this afternoon, evening and tomorrow a little later he was already on the train back to house.

He saw Lisa almost immediately when he got out, she looked beautiful as usual, they greeted each other with three kisses on the cheek and walked together to the exit

I'm sorry I got you into this

she began

but I didn't see any other option, that picture of us together..


don't worry, I'm here now

and they walked on together, at the end of the platform she turned her head

put your arm around me, i'm your girlfriend after all, our play starts here if you don't mind

and he put his arm about her.

With a certain pride he walked out of the station hall with her, nobody knew him here and she had already spread the word that he was her boyfriend, falling through the basket by recognition was not possible, something that gave him some self-confidence.

After a ten minute walk they came to her student house, a large old monumental building, they walked to her


without meeting anyone, when he entered he looked around, it was a spacious room with a small kitchenette and in a corner a shielded space that was supposed to pass for the bathroom

home sweet home

she began

not great but not bad for a 1st year, I could have sat in worse places, main downside here is that it is quite noisy


They had a drink, chatted and she told me about that guy who wouldn't leave her alone and didn't believe she had a boyfriend,

Well tonight you have a boyfriend

he said laughing and she smiled back

let's just hope it looks real tonight so he believes it

she replied.

Mark couldn't believe his eyes as Lisa stepped out of the bathroom changed, her tight black dress accentuating her feminine curves and making her shine, and she turned around so he could see her


she asked and he nodded

they're never going to believe I'm your boyfriend..you look too gorgeous

and he got up to change himself.

They had come in arm in arm and had a drink, she pretended to be the perfect girlfriend, she talked, laughed and touched him regularly. Before the real party started there was an official part, Lisa stood in front of him and in one hand he held his beer, the other he wrapped around her waist and pulled her close to him, she looked around, smiled and looked forward again, the speech was dull but his company just in front of him made up for it and at last the buffet opened.

The food was good, Lisa occasionally put something in his mouth to feed him, meanwhile she met acquaintances and he was introduced and he played the role of a visiting friend. After dinner they roamed the building, listened to a band perform, laughed at the stand-up comedian, in a smaller room there was a dance floor with quiet music


she asked

I can not

but she took his hand

just move to the music

and with her lips close to his ear

I can't dance either

. She stood close to him, her head against his shoulder and her arms around him, whatever he did, and slowly they moved to the music. Her fingers slid down his back as her body pressed against his, his hands also slid down her back and almost gently one slid over one of her buttocks, she moved her head and looked at him and suddenly he felt her soft lips on the his, briefly but immediately followed by another, it felt wonderful and he had to remind himself it was his niece in his arms and not his girlfriend but another body part thought otherwise, in his pants he had a stiff and her body pushed against it and he wondered if she would notice. The kisses turned into kisses, the intensity increased and he was surprised to feel her tongue as both hands cupped her round firm buttocks.

It felt great to move to the music like that, her luscious body against his, the kissing seemed to last forever and his hard cock between their bodies felt almost normal, she didn't feel like his niece anymore and this was something he still had to do. never should have experienced and his right hand slid off her buttock, followed her hip, her side, he had no idea when he would have another chance and his hand slid to her chest, feeling it. Her lips left his, she kissed his neck and with her lips close to his ear she whispered

not here

and he withdrew his hand. The song ended and she began

Shall we have a drink, I'm thirsty

and he nodded, he had gone too far and hoped he hadn't screwed up.

They both found a quiet spot with a glass in hand

we were both caught up in the moment, i don't blame you

she said looking at him

I can't imagine they don't think you're my boyfriend now

and she smiled and they drank some more

but if you want to feel again.

she paused as she watched how he would react and nodded her head

it's darker there and we wouldn't be the only ones moving on

he realizes he could feel her breasts there and was already looking forward to it, as they both took a sip, she drank more slowly than he but she put her empty glass away

shall we?

and she nodded to the wall which was dimly lit and where there were more couples and he took her hand and led her.

Close to the wall he pulled her to him, put his arms around her and put his hands on her delicious buttocks and started with a kiss which she returned passionately, his tongue and hers found each other and performed a dance out of sight of others, within seconds he felt himself getting hard again, he hoped she wouldn't notice but it was in vain, one hand remained on his back but the othershe broke the kiss and with her lips close to his ear she whispered

are you so happy with me

as her finger traced the contours of his hard cock, he didn't reply but his hand slid to her chest, earlier he had noticed she was not wearing a bra, didn't seem to need one either and took her hard nipple between thumb and forefinger and squeezed it gently, she moaned

you with mine?

he whispered. They experience looking at each other as they slowly continued to feel each other until Lisa turned around and pushed her buttocks against his crotch and put her hands on the wall they were standing near, Mark leaned forward slightly, his chest against his back and his hands formed around her breasts as he gently kissed her neck, Lisa twisted her buttocks and Mark kneaded her breasts until Lisa turned around, her face looked heated, she kissed him for a moment and then whispered in his ear

I think we should just go

and he nodded.

He felt they were being checked after they picked up the coats and he put his arm around her before they walked out.

Two blocks away, Lisa burst out laughing

what a show we have put on, if they still don't believe that we.

and she nudged him

why didn't you tell me about your experience?

, Mark stopped and looked at her

because I have no experience

his voice was soft but clear

so you haven't done it yet?

and he shook his head, she took his arm and they walked on in silence.

In her apartment they drank another glass in silence until Lisa started

hopefully you will listen, I have a proposal, a kinky proposal I must say, you have already helped me a lot today, but you could help me again and at the same time I will help you, will you listen?

he nodded and looked at her intently

if you agree to this must stay between us, a secret you understand?

and Mark nodded again

everyone at the party expects us to do IT tonight and you know this house is kinda noisy so someone is bound to hear it, it's kinda kinky but you would have your first experience and it would make our game tonight even more convincing

she falls silent as she tries to fathom him

if you say no then we go to sleep and forget this conversation, if you say yes you will have an unforgettable night if it's up to me

and they look at each other

the choice is yours

. His reaction came before he even realized it or had really thought about it


and her eyes started to shine. She stepped forward and kissed him

let me guide you

she whispered in his ear and unbuttoned the first buttons of his shirt.

Seconds later his shirt lay on the floor, her lips now found his nipples, as did her tongue, for that matter, and her fingers slid down his slacks, pulling down his zipper and wrestling with the button of his jeans for a moment, her fingers gripping the edge of his boxer shorts and pushed those down too before she came up

he looks delicious

she whispered in his ear

if you just sit on the bed

and she nudged him in the direction.

He held up his legs and pulling his trouser legs she took off his trousers, his panties followed, she dropped to her knees and took off his socks, luckily he had already taken off his shoes upon entering he thought and his body shook, her warm soft lips sucked on his head and for a moment felt her tongue sliding over it too, she looked at him with a smile

a taste, I couldn't do it later but now it's my turn to get naked otherwise it's not fair

and she reached behind her back and pulled down the zipper as she stood up.

She looks at him intently as her hands push the straps off her shoulders and lets the dress slide off her and steps the crumpled heap around her shoes, she now stands before him with nothing more than black panties and her high-heeled shoes, which she kicks out one by one and pushes her thumbs behind the elastic and pushes down her panties.

She came to sit next to him and leaned over and pressed her lips to his, the kissing from earlier that evening resumed immediately, her fingers slid over his body, his hand found her breast and again her nipple hardened under his fingers.

His lips find one of her nipples as his hand slides over her belly,

take it easy

her voice is already a bit hunted

you can feel, but I'm not wet enough to put your fingers in me yet

as his fingers felt the curly blond hairs, she felt so soft there, so warm, her breathing became more frantic

yes that's nice

her voice was hoarse but he spoiled her there while his cock was as hard as it could get, the thought that..

Not much later she spoke again

just feel how wet i am

her voice was soft, hoarse but he understood her

put them in me

it felt amazing to him, warm, wet, slippery and tight around his finger

a second

she whispered and he pushed a second finger into her slippery opening, she kissed him

you are a wonderful boyfriend and I am going to spoil you

and she licked his nipple

lie down and leave it to me


He obeyed and lay down and watched as she climbed on top of him, her knees on either side of him, something that gave him a wonderful view of her, her slender fingers grasped his hard cock slightly below the head and as she herself rose she guided his cock under her, his head touching her, he felt her softness, her warmth as his head penetrated between her swollen and wet pussy lips, he felt the resistance, the pressure she exerted but also how he penetrated her little by little and the resistance fell and he watched her fall, how he saw his hard cock slid into her and she bent over and kissed him as she pressed her breasts against his chest, how she moved, he had no idea but it felt wonderful, overwhelmingly delicious.

This is so delicious

he whispers in her ear and she smiles at him

this is just the beginning

and she looks at her meaningfully as he feels the pressure building with every move of her and in his head he sees the images of the many porn movies he has seen over the years

do you want me to withdraw?

he asks hesitantly

this is not a movie madness, it is not allowed but certainly not necessary

and she increased the pace.

Mark woke up the next morning, he had slept soundly, Lisa next to him and she had been right, it had only been the beginning, the build up to and his orgasm had been so much more intense than all the others, it took him a moment to realized she wasn't next to him and he looked around, she was sitting at the table in her dressing gown with a bowl of tea

good night buddy?

she said with a big smile, he nodded

I think you'd like another round

and she got up, only then did he realize that his cock was getting hard again and that she must have seen it, her dressing gown had slipped off her and naked she walked back to the bed, swaying her hips

until we say goodbye on the platform, I'm your girlfriend

she said meaning a lot and lay down next to him.

On the train Mark thought back to this morning with a smile, on the platform he had said goodbye to his


, French kissing and his hands on her buttocks, a fitting farewell to one


and have a great weekend.

That morning she had walked naked from her chair to him in bed, they had been kissing, caressing, feeling and she had whispered in his ear if he wanted to experience new things, not much later he had lain between her spread thighs, before the first he had smelled her feminine scent, tasted her, he had been surprised how she reacted to his touches of his tongue and fingers until she begged him.

He had crept up kissing, he had searched for a moment but then he had penetrated her, she had pulled her legs up even further and wrapped them around him, he felt her fingers on his back as he felt he penetrated even deeper into her, her heated face just before they had made love.

She had come before him, he had enjoyed the view and she had taken the last thrusts from him, moaning loudly and clawing her fingers into his back until he had shot his load deep inside her.

The sound of the train speeding along the rails brought him back to reality, he realized all too well that he had experienced a unique and wonderful first time and that this


only existed for a weekend.

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