
Fiery Cousins ​​- 1

This story is the sequel to Nieces Vuurwerk. It starts when the three sisters and their cousin quite unexpectedly end up in the same bed, naked. In turn, Charlotte, Nicolette, Nathaly and Pierre each tell their story, from that event.

In this first part, Charlotte speaks. She is the eldest of the three cousins ​​and the same age as Pierre, nineteen years old. They were even born on the same day, you could call them twinny cousins. But that's all they have in common, because they don't understand each other and so far live completely at cross purposes.

PIERRE's flashbackI notice how quiet Nicolette keeps under me, she can join in more and that's why I turn around with her until she sits on top of me. I squeeze her tits firmly once and it's like I've found the on button because now she gets going. Does it still hurt? I ask. Nico shakes her head, soon she has a nice swinging pace and is horny to see how she slowly but surely fucks herself to a climax. I stimulate her by pushing against with my pelvis and working her tits hard, kneading, squeezing, hitting them, I see that it turns her on and that it loosens her up.

This is unbelievable, just when Nico starts to come, the door of my room is flung open by Nathy, who even before she enters asks if I also feel like it

She falls silent when she sees Nico humping me, who can't stop because she's in the middle of her orgasm. Tjesses, cunt-Nico screams Nathy as she realizes what her sister is doing to me there. She walks over to my bed and in one violent movement drags her sister off my cock. You always want what I have screams Nathy as she pretty much pulls Nico off the bed by her hair, who is yawning in pain.

And yes, there is Charlotte too, that unworldly aunt who is the same age as me and with whom I have zero-comma-zero feelings. She stands in the doorway looking totally stunned when she sees me lying naked on the bed, my cock glistening in full regalia and her sisters in a bitchfight, one naked, the other clothed. Really, this is screeching, I sprint out of bed, pull Charlotte into the room and slam the door shut. Before you know it, all dads and moms and maybe also grandma will be here, staring at you

Because the squabble on the ground continues, I shout loudly: ok girls, cut it! Family meeting. Our mothers always say that when there's trouble, then both our families should come together and talk it out.

Where are our parents and grandmother? I ask. Yes, bitch Nathy, still very angry, I just came for that, afterwards they went to grandma and grandpa Village to play some games. They sent Charlotte and me to pick up Thirty Seconds and you. Little did we know that you would immediately jump on each other. I grin broadly, what a nice spicy thing she is. But otherwise I am happy with this, the old people are not at home, so they have not heard anything about the noise here.

Okay, go back and say I'm not coming, already in bed.

Nico immediately over it: yes and me too.

Nathy: yeah, don't think I'm crazy, and then you guys go right back to fucking. I also stay at home because everyone knows I want to too. So say, little girls grow up.

Will you tell me, Charlotte? I ask.

No, because I want to too is her bizarre answer. And immediately she grabs her phone and texts that everyone is tired and has gone to bed.

Which in itself is correct, because we are all sitting on my bed, Nico and I still naked, Nathy and Charlotte in their clothes. But not for long, because just at that moment Nathy starts to undress. Charlotte does not want to be left behind and everything goes out with her too.

I can't believe my eyes, my cousins ​​were always very prudish towards me and look at them, I'm sitting on my bed with three naked dark-haired beauties.

And now ladies, what are we going to do next?


What I don't quite understand is why Pierre and I never really got in touch. We were born at the same time, grew up close to each other and yet it didn't work out between us. Pierre became more and more a popular boy, while I was always excluded from everything because of my shyness. I don't just feel like an outsider with Pierre, but with everyone, even my sisters think I'm just a strange tuthola. It's like I never quite sense what's happening at any given moment, like I'm standing somewhere on the edge in some kind of fog and I'm busier focusing on what's going on around me anyway than participating in life

Maman once had it checked out and according to that test I have add, it looks like adhd but without the pressure, it is especially difficult to keep your attention on something. To me, it feels like there's always a lot of stuff coming in all at once, and that makes me kind of shut down and feel so fuzzy, so disconnected all my life. I took Ritalin for a while because it would help and it did something, but it made me very excited and hyper. The only thing that really helps so far to be able to focus is my sport, gymnastics, I have to keep my mind on that, so as not to make accidents

So I've always had the feeling that I don't quite fit in. What I found really difficult was when Pierre just clicked with my youngest sister Nathaly and they ended up in their passion of skating and snowboarding together, which made me feel definitively left out by Pierre.

And now they've been fucking with each other for a few days now. The weird thing about that is that they don't think anyone has noticed, but seriously, the whole family has noticed for a long time. And now Kutkutkut Nico has also gone for the ax and here I am again, on the side, watching my sisters fight each other out to have sex with Pierre.

At the same time I make a decision. My shyness and blurry stuff is over, I also want to belong and be seen. So I clear my mind and hook up with Nathy's decision to stay. And when she undresses a little later, I follow her example, after which the four of us are suddenly naked on the bed.

When Pierre asks after he has recovered from his surprise: and now ladies, what are we going to do now? I don't recognize myself at all anymore when I say: eh, well, I also want to be fucked by you. Which makes everyone look at me in bewilderment, as if they're seeing a ghost instead of that always boring blurry Charlotte that has nothing to do with it.

It's only seconds, of course, but it seems like hours before Pierre reacts, he looks at me for a long time, so that the embarrassment hits hard again. It can't be my looks, because I know I have a pretty good figure and a pretty face. Actually, Nico and I look the most alike, we both have long straight hair and dark eyes, while Nathy is shorter and has just such a curly head. I'm also the same height as Nico, but I think I'm slimmer, my body is better developed, because of years of gymnastics all my muscles are in good shape, especially those of my stomach, where I have a serious six pack. Maybe my tits are a bit too small, especially compared to Nathy's, but I still think they're pretty, small, round, firm, straight ahead on my body.

Charlotte allows herself to be taken

When he has recovered from his surprise, Pierre stutters: ehm, whow, ehm, now, here? Are you serious? Shit, yes, there I go with my big mouth, I'll take the plunge and then this, fucking with the whole family. Well, La mort ou les gladiolus or something like that, Grandpa Dorp always says when he insists on winning during a game, so that he sometimes plays strange antics but usually wins, so: yes Pierre, here, now. Or don't you dare?

My sisters sit with their mouths open, I think they see water burning. But Pierre doesn't see any burning water at all now, he sees something else in front of him and he shows a fat grin that doesn't make me feel any easier: ohw, well, but of course Charlotte dear, if the need is so great, come here but lie down. Are you ready? Of course I nod yes, but how can I be ready for this. I've never had sex, everyone here thinks I have, but I'm an unadulterated nineteen-year-old virgin. But I lie down ready for it, as my cousin puts it so romantically, and while I see from the corner of my eye how my sisters are sitting cross-legged on their half of the bed for a beautiful spectacle, Pierre lies on his side next to me and opens he my legs.

Well Char, you're still very dry, you know he mutters when he inspects my pussy with his middle finger and before I can even realize what he's about to do he's already lying between my legs, which he spread quite a bit and licking my pussy wet and slippery like he does every day. Which, by the way, might be the case, with all those skaters and my sisters lining up, just like me now, by the way. I close my eyes, try to forget my own discomfort and the audience next to me and then it begins to dawn on me that it's really going to happen, that I'm going to lose my virginity by my cousin in front of my sisters. That while no one here knows that I never had a boy in me. But they won't notice me

After a minute or so I can surrender to it and it starts to get quite nice how Pierre works my pussy and clit, but unfortunately at that moment he comes up over my body, looks at me and says: can- ie Char? When I nod yes he spreads my legs even further and immediately slides his rock hard cock into me. It's a wonderful feeling, I've been rooting my fingers inside myself, but such a seriously big cock that leads a life of its own in my body, that's a different story. It feels like I'm being pushed apart a bit, space really needs to be made in there for that meat pole.

When Pierre is about half way inside me with his cock I feel it start to hurt, and Pierre apparently notices something too. He stops pushing into me, stretches out on top of me, and with his head on the opposite side of where my sisters are gawking, to keep them from listening in, he whispers close to my ear: Charlotte- dear, are you perhaps still a little virgin? Cunt, cunt and again cunt, I find this very difficult, that he notices. I nod softly, feel myself fill up and turn my face away from my sisters, hide it in Pierre's tousled hair, so as not to show my tears.

Pierre notices it and whispers softly: It will be fine Char. He keeps quiet until I relax a little while he sweetly kisses away my tears, still very sneakily covering me with his long hair so that the sister audience does not take anything or as little as possible. gets. Then I feel him springing almost all the way out of me and then pushes his cock back into me hard and full length. It really hurts, but at the same time I also feel that he is now completely inside me and keeps quiet again: Just get used to it, Char he spells again. I have no idea whether Nathy and Nico have learned anything about this, those two are now also playing games with each other and whether that is what this is about?

Isn't fucking a bit overrated?

I can't say that it's so nice right away, it still hurts a bit, it rubs and it all squeezes in my stomach and then Pierre so heavy and so close to me, I wonder if the fun of fucking maybe not one bit overrated. Such a pole in you that burrows everything apart and hangs out a bit intrusively in such a hole in your stomach, I don't know. But in the half hour that follows I have to come back to this because it is as if Pierre feels that my pain has subsided a bit, relaxed he slides his cock up and down in me a few times and if I don't cramp again he brings something more pace.

And after a while of gently moving up and down to check how I react: there it goes Shalotje, using for the first time in a long time the pet name that dad used to use when I was little and which Pierre later adopted . It just makes me a little soft, as sweet as that sounds from the mouth of my now so tough cousin. He still stretches out on top of me, covering my face with his hair, as if to shield me from my sisters, who I can't see but who have obviously started something for themselves because I hear whispers and then there's all sorts of movement next to me.

Pierre meanwhile doesn't care about anything, his cock is clearly back in its natural habitat because the only thing that comes out of him is hmm, nice and tight Char after which he chilled out inside me. Although he still completely shields me like a missionary, it no longer feels so heavy on my body, in fact it is now especially nice under his hard working body and that, together with being still covered by his hair, feels like a safe cocoon in which I am securely fucked.

I notice that Pierre takes his time, I expected him to get over me quickly, especially to take his own pleasure, because that's honestly my image of guys, that they're egoists. Although I don't really have any experience with them, so it's ingrained in me, but I'm experiencing something completely different now, as if Pierre has all the time in the world and really wants to give me the chance to hook my body, to get out of this learn to enjoy. Whatever I do along the way, because at the same pace as the pain in my pussy subsides, horny sensations take their place.

Horny, a word that I will not use very often, but which is really appropriate now.

Because while Pierre quietly goes up and down inside me and causes more and more friction in my pussy, all kinds of spots and nerves awaken there that are now making themselves felt very strongly. It's like they're taking me over, like Well Charlotte, girl, just turn off your central nervous system, we'll do the work here for now

Fucking is actually quite nice anyway

Whether I like it or not, my mind is irrevocably thrown into a lower gear, my body seems to switch to a consciousness below. A tension builds up in my body that quickly leads to a raging experience that I never had before, it seems like a chemical reaction, as if all the fog suddenly lifts in me. The contact with everything that happens inside me is intense, almost as if I experience every fiber and every cell separately. And best of all, for the first time in my life I'm experiencing what it's like to be connected to myself, to experience my body and enjoy it, without that always reasoning brain.

I let it wash over me and it feels like the whole wave is rolling straight to my stomach and more precisely to my pussy, like a tsunami. Down there in my belly everything seems to come together and without really feeling it coming I am suddenly lifted by it. It's almost as if I'm going to be washed away by it and cling to Pierre with everything I've got, like a monkey to her mother, so as not to get lost. Are you okay Shallot? whispers Pierre in my ear, slowing down but still pumping his cock into me to the root, time after time I feel his bone against mine. All I can do is moan and nod yes, after which he responds with: beautiful honey, glad it's so nice for you. A moment of silence, and then: you're sweeter than I thought, after which he kisses me on my mouth gives

This almost feels like the second wave that engulfs me, my tough and also quite oversexed cousin who suddenly finds me sweet instead of always avoiding me. Who is also suddenly sweet and now shows a completely different side of himself. When I slowly come back to myself afterwards, it feels like I've ended up in another person. Closer to myself, less foggy, experiencing my body as it perhaps should be, not as a controlled gymnastics machine but as the house in which I live and have to coexist in peace, with its good and bad sides.

I don't care if my sisters are still watching, I take Pierre's head between my hands so he has to look at me and say softly, "Thanks, Pier," using Nathy's pet name for him. He looks at me sweetly and then kisses me. Very briefly that becomes a French kiss but after my orgasm that goes a little too fast I think, I have to come to myself now.

When I've freed myself from that I look sideways for the first time, at my sisters, and to my utter surprise Nathy is lying between Nico's legs and she is licking her there. Yes grins Pierre, apparently the need was high for Nico. I deliberately held back a bit because she still owes me something. Can I? I nod, it was nice and now I'll let it sink in for a while.

Sisterly contact

Pierre taps Nathy that he will take over. Nathy then crawls against me while Nico takes over her place between Nico's legs. It's kind of bizarre to watch as he sticks Nico to his pole in one movement, right all the way into her to the root. Nice to see how he does that, isn't it? Nathy chuckles, as she nestles against me on her back, suddenly looking for contact. Then she asks: how was it? Fine is all I can answer. After which I ask her: Aren't you angry that Nico and I also threw ourselves at Pierre.?

Ehm, no, not anymore, it's fun now Nathy giggles, but I do think I've earned a reward for sharing it now When it remains silent I feel obliged to ask: What then?

Well, I would love it if you licked me between my legs, really, I'm about to explode from all the sex around me. I look at my youngest sister and ask: are you serious?

Nathy also looks at me with those big innocent hazelnut-brown deer eyes of her: of course. Is not it nice? And girls know best what they like about each other, I think.

Well, I just don't know yet, in this respect I'm really just coming to see. But there's nothing wrong with trying, I'm in for it, so while next to us Nico is being fucked hard by Pierre, I work myself between Nathy's legs, which she willingly spreads far in front of me. Pretty awkward, I look at her pussy head-on, which she's shaved completely clean and so it's exposed in front of me. Of course I also have one myself so I pretty much know what it looks like between the legs of us girls, but I've never been able to see it in such detail.

What really strikes me is that she has such cute little pussy lips, which are still closed now, like a shell waiting to be opened. And it also has that smell a bit, shells drying on the sand, as if I'm at the sea, if I close my eyes I could just be at the beach on a hot day. With my fingers I part her lips, after which her pink insides emerge and immediately a moan comes from above. If I then also put my tongue against it, Nathy actually immediately goes loose, she tenses her body so that her buttocks rise slightly and she more or less presses me with my nose in her crotch and forces me to go to her clit.

The moment I let my tongue circle around it, my sister seems to rise from this earth, she goes all out on me by pushing her crotch against my mouth as hard as possible and clamping my head between her legs. Soon I smell and taste that it's not just my saliva that makes her wet anymore, her own moisture from her pussy is also getting going, sometimes it's so much that I just have to swallow it and honestly, effe get used to it but then she tastes pretty good.

At one point next to us Nico turns on top of Pierre to have some fun while sitting on his pole, which puts her pretty much back where she was when we interrupted them just an hour ago. She looks at us radiantly, she is clearly having a good time and in the meantime she caresses my back or caresses my hair, so that we are now suddenly connected in sex as three sisters. I enjoy it, Nico caressing me, Nathy holding me between her legs so completely uninhibited and forcing me to get used to her in every nook and cranny of her pussy, while to hear his moans Pierre is also quite pleased. in the mood.

ThnX Pierre

I wake up around half past seven, it is not yet light and when I go to the toilet I see that it is snowing heavily outside. That seems to be a day indoors unless it stops this morning and the Bullies get the slopes smooth in time before noon. Back in bed I can't help but lie down and muse about last night and everything that happened on that bed between Nico, Nathy, Pierre and me. That just anyone had sex with each other and that it was just weird at first, how quickly we got used to fucking in front of the others. And how Pierre managed to hold on to his seed until he had all three of us

The fog in my head still seems to have lifted, as if that intense physical experience of my first sex has finally cleared my perpetually foggy brains. Had I known this sooner, that this would become the key to getting better with myself and my sisters.

Particularly special is the rediscovery of my cousin. After our childhood in which we spent a lot of time together, Pierre seemed to have drifted away from me, we no longer understood each other. And suddenly it was there again last night, our natural contact, how sweet he was to me. On a whim I decide to thank him, I want to be with him for a while, as we used to be together so often, in our tree house, in all those self-built tents or wherever.

In my pyjamas, I cross the landing and carefully open the door to Pierre's room. While I also close it gently behind me, I find out that his room is still pitch dark and I feel my way to the bed. I am guided by a soft snore, he is still asleep and for a moment I doubt what to do. But I have decided to follow my intuition more from now on and slide into bed next to Pierre. On my side I crawl against him and only then do I notice that he is naked. Without waking him up I put my hand on his body and caress him gently, nice to feel him so calm after last night's hustle and bustle with my sisters. Caress in circles over his chest and later also a little lower, over his belly. Pierre then moves restlessly and I stop in shock, keep quiet from that moment on and a little later I also fall asleep again.

I wake up when Pierre says: Shallot? Hey, what are you doing here? It immediately makes me shy again and I say softly that I wanted to be with him for a while. At the same time I quickly step over the threshold I feel and crawl into the hollow of his armpit, resting my head on his chest and my hand on his stomach. Then, whispering: and you know, I would like to thank you for being so kind to me. Pierre responds by pulling me even tighter, after which he caresses my hair and caresses my back: nice that we have each other again, shallot.

We lie like this for about five minutes, still, enjoying being together again. Dan, Pierre with a chuckle: It's a pity you're wearing your pajamas, Shallotje, otherwise you could practice what you learned from me last night. I have an odol that is perfect for that. Ohw, yes, that's true, I've now ended up in Pierre's wonderful world of fucking as many girls as possible. For a moment I feel resistance but I would be tough from now on and to be honest I also feel like it. I immediately cut the knot, I wriggle out of my pants and shirt and then lie down on Pierre, so that his cock comes directly between my legs against my pussy.

Hmm, you learn nice and fast Char is Pierre's comment and then I react calmly than ever: be quiet because I have to concentrate, after which I manage to get the head of his cock into my pussy with some fiddling. to get. Slowly I slide all the way over it until I feel our tummies touching down there and then I lie down on that nice body beneath me, letting go of all my senses.

But soon the owner of that nice body gets impatient and, by constantly tilting his pelvis, starts to slide up and down in me with small pieces. When that apparently doesn't create enough friction, he pulls his legs up and forces me to fold mine up on either side of his body. And so I lie there, completely open, deep on Pierre's pole, my tits pressed against his chest and my face skin to skin next to his, so that his stubble rubs me and I experience every inhalation and exhalation of him, more intimately it can no longer be.

Pierre settles into a relaxed fuck tempo, each time almost withdrawing from me and then inserting his cock all the way back in. It also feels good to me, it's still all a bit new and tight and narrow, but that also means that every spot within it is well hit.

I still feel nice and empty in my head and soon those waves come back to me, they wash over me, they make me press even closer to Pierre and let me go with my face in his long hair, moaning. Apparently that also triggers Pierre's orgasm, because not much later we moan to each other and that pretty much ends the moment I experience for the first time how he squirts into me.

How do you like Charlotte's experiences? I'd love to read your comment! Next time it's Nicolette's turn to tell her story. X. Zazie

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