
Farmer sisters - 1

Fortunately, I only had a short block of two lessons this morning, but when I get home at half past twelve, according to mom, my sisters Anke and Sanne have already left anyway. They have gone to the fallow fields and meadows near the nature reserve where the Chillkeet is also located.

Following on from the other nature, they want to create a food forest there and they have just started preparing for planting today. And if I want to help them, but apparently waiting for me was not an option...

Farm sisters

It is mid-September but still very warm and when I arrive on my bike I see my sisters walking around naked, they both only wear sports boxers and ditto bras. It doesn't surprise me that they look like this, we grew up very close and we think it's quite normal at home to be completely or almost naked among ourselves.

Their red overalls are in a pile in the hefty e-cargo bike we recently bought for transporting all kinds of stuff and mine is still neatly folded next to it. I also undress down to my boxers and then put on the overalls.

They don't notice that I've arrived and while changing I look with pleasure at those two beautiful girls, as they are busy with their suntan oil shining bodies. My farmers sisters, as they often call themselves lately, are identical twins, almost eighteen years old now, quite tall for girls, slim, bodies trained by a lot of sport and nowadays also by hard work, with not very large but round firm tits. But the nicest are their heads, blond tousled curly balls with a tanned face and clear blue eyes that always look cheerful. Mom therefore regularly calls them her suns.

To be honest, I sometimes envy the bond the girls have, although people often think we are triplets. Because even with the three of us we are very close and in many ways I also have the same looks: ten centimeters longer, yes, but just like her blonde curls, cropped shorter again, and the same blue eyes. I am also just over a year older, last month I turned nineteen.

Jules and his twin sisters Ankie and Sanne were the main characters in my story from a few years ago about De Chillkeet and they now return here.

They will not soon forget that summer of 2020. Life was carefree and with an ever-expanding group of eventually more than twenty friends, girlfriends, schoolmates and sports friends, often brothers and sisters of each other, all still in their early teens, they had the time of their lives together.

There was nothing to do in the rural area where they live, so Jules and his friends were allowed to place a mobile home on a remote site of his parents' farm, which was renamed Chillkeet. There, located on a small lake and with a marshy nature reserve next to it where you could hide yourself, it was one big social, physical and sexual exploration for the young people that summer.

Until he started dating a while later, Jules also had sex with his sisters, who took the initiative and both let him lose their virginity. That happened on the same evening after he himself had fucked a girl for the first time. After that, he and his sisters dated regularly, secretly, of course, at home in their rooms, in the Chillkeet, sometimes in the hay, but when things really got going with his girlfriend, he stopped. But recently he put an end to that relationship when she left for England for a long study, although he was still crazy about her, he still wanted to be a free man again.

Now that Jules has been dry for a while now, he looks with renewed interest at his sisters, who are so diligently busy with their sexy bodies that are gleaming with sun oil.

Common sense

While Jules is staring a little blindly at his beautiful sisters, Anke, the most spirited of the bunch, calls out at a certain point: hey slow Jodocus, are you coming to help or not? Of course, that's how I know her again, I put my thumb up, smear my face with their sun oil and a little later I am updated by the girls.

They are measuring the food forest with marking posts that have all kinds of colors. They have made a whole scheme and each color represents a type of tree or shrub or even lower plants that must be planted there. What my sisters want is to eventually create a varied forest, seamlessly connecting to the adjacent nature reserve of marsh, heath and water. The intention is that the forest will yield many kinds of fruits and foods, such as chestnuts, nuts, apples, pears, cherries, plums, grapes, all kinds of berries, wild blackberries, whatever. Because it concerns a total of four hectares of planting, there is a lot of measuring work to be done and soon the three of us continue to work in good harmony.

They had to talk to our parents for a long time to get them over, but you can leave that to those girls, they got their way.

Last autumn, Dad had a serious accident, driving his tractor backwards, he ended up in a ditch with one of the wheels, after which he got stuck with his left leg. It broke in several places, since then he has been quite disabled and is now still in rehabilitation. In the meantime, the farm had to keep running and my sisters, who were already planning to join after their agricultural training, took as much work as possible off Mom and Dad's hands. And of course me too, because although I certainly don't want to become a farmer, I do help as much as possible. Moreover, I can very well use everything I know about modern ICT, because farmers also had to deal with it more and more.

So Anke and Sanne want to take over the farm one day, but because of Dad's accident, that is now happening faster. They have been able to convert their full-time agricultural studies into part-time, so that they can spend more time on the farm.

Last year we as a family talked a lot about the future of the company. There is a lot to do about the environment and too much nitrogen due to too many animals eating too much feed and stuff, but Dad is still on the line of even more cows for a good income and so we need more modern barns with slats and I don't know what already more, to catch all the nitrogen and stuff.

My sisters think that Dad no longer uses his common common sense and are very clear about that, that he needs to start thinking again, and so does Mum. According to the training my sisters follow, the monoculture of all those animals in our country is a surviving business model, moreover, according to them, it is mopping with the tap open, because according to them you do nothing about the cause of the environmental damage, namely too many defecating cows .

So they want another farm that has many more different things in house, still cows but less, a cheese dairy, also other animals, their own shop, a self-harvest vegetable and picking garden, a food forest and everything else that is interesting. As far as they are concerned, the heavy machines are no longer necessary, by leaving the soil alone, all the life stuff that lives in it keeps the earth loose and the only thing you have to do now and then is pull weeds or work over the top layer.

Well, for Dad, this is all swearing in church while Mom is sort of in between. But I completely agree with my sisters and slowly but surely we won the argument and now we are going to switch. Quite a few cows have already disappeared, we were able to lease the nature reserve and there is now a medium-sized herd of sheep grazing there that already produces a lot of wool and lambs, pigs will soon be rooting on one of the meadows and we are currently making plans in one of the vacant stables for the cheese dairy, a farmer's shop, a coffee corner with a terrace for cyclists, a children's play route to attract families, perhaps one day also a farmer's daycare

The rediscovery of my sisters

Mom gave me a bag with bread, fruit and drinks and apart from a short lunch break we work hard. With satisfaction we conclude around half past three that we have finished measuring work, time to take a rest before we have to milk the cows at five o'clock. Because the lake and the Chillkeet are right next to it, we go there on foot by bike and cargo bike, once there we also take off our last clothes until all three of us are naked and then we run into the water with a lot of screaming and shouting . Great after that hard work! But it is still quite cold, which means that we cool down quickly and not much later we are lying on towels, a sister on either side, drying our wet bodies in the heat of the sun.

In the meantime we chat a bit about how we will proceed with the planting, because the day after tomorrow the trees and shrubs will arrive and it will be hard work to get everything into the ground in time. The girls are quite apprehensive about this because they think it is not really possible, so that the roots may dry out before they are properly planted in the soil. That gives me the idea to ask as many friends of the Chillkeet as possible to come and help this Friday and Saturday, after which we can round it off with a bbq and an old-fashioned Chillkeet party.

Ankie and Sanne brighten up completely with that idea, they were really dreading it and now it suddenly becomes a festive project, that planting. After a while we fall silent, the sun is still nice and warm and after the winter it is wonderful to feel that radiation on your body again. Nice how the wind tickles my skin and to hear how all the insects and birds around us have come to life again, it is important that there is a lot of hustle and bustle and chirping. Soon all three of us doze off, the days are long on a farm and then such a moment as this is wonderful to take a break.

I wake up to some tickling on my body and when I knock the annoying animal away in my half-asleep, it continues to stubbornly parade over my skin despite that blow. Only when I open my eyes do I see that Anke has turned to me on her side and is tickling me with a long blade of grass, meanwhile feeding her eyes. There is also something to see because to my horror I notice that my cock is growing and is slowly but surely erecting itself.

When Anke also moves the blade over that, viciously slowly from my balls over my trunk to my head and sees how this accelerates the growth process with shocks, I look at her and whisper, so as not to wake Sanne who is still sleeping: what is the point of this, little sister?

Well, just, nice to see you again, big brother. And it looks like you're lacking a bit these days, don't you? Should I lend you a hand again? At the same time she throws away the blade and closes her hand full around my now really hard cock, after which she starts to knead my cock in peace as if she never did anything else with me.

What the , hey, cut it Anke! I bite her while simultaneously pushing her hand away and standing up quickly. Then I pull her up in the same movement and drag her into the water to cool us both down. A little later Sanne joins in, who has missed the point of what is going on here, clearly less interested anyway, probably because she has had a boyfriend for six months.

While we are fooling around in the water, my cock shrinks back to its mini-cold-water size. Then Anke comes leaning against me and while she taps the now small rubbery thing she whispers in my ear: wait brother, you are not rid of us yet. My answer is that I lift her under her armpits, I also feel the sides of her tits at the same time. I quickly brush off the horny feeling that evokes and with as much force as possible I throw her off me, after which she submerges a few meters away. That will bring her to her senses.

The three of us fool around and frolic for a while, then it's time for the cows and not much later we cycle home in good harmony as always. Although, harmony

Not everything has remained the same, through Anke's action she has reactivated our possibilities as brother and sister. I'm not sure if I want to do that again

Thank you for reading this story, ThnX!

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X. Zazie

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