

Tense, Nina stuffs her last bite of her sandwich into her mouth and then gives her mother a kiss on the cheek. "Thot vmddag" Nina murmurs as she steps out the front door. "Be careful, I'll make sure the guest bed is up this afternoon, doeeeeg!!!" Nina's mother calls after her daughter. Sixteen-year-old Nina finally has her mouth empty when she cycles past the front door. "Thank you byee!" shouts the girl who, despite getting up early, has to keep cycling to get to school on time.

The slender blonde parks her bicycle in the garage and quickly walks inside. Nina is just in time, she can join the row of classmates who walk into the classroom. Today is a special day, because there are exchange students from Finland who are staying with their host family in the Netherlands for a week. Nina is one of those girls in class who doesn't really stand out, she has a calm nature, gets along well with everyone and gets good grades. She is not a real student, but she easily makes it through the school year without much effort...

When Nina walks into the room, she sees that an extra chair has been placed at everyone's table. Nina sees her name on the table, as well as the girl who has been assigned to her as an exchange student. Nina swallows, the blond girl has a big front, as well as a very good figure. "Sooo Nina, can you arrange her phone number?" jokes one of Nina's male classmates. Nina immediately blushes, but sits down next to the girl. Nina nicely introduces herself to the girl, who turns out to be called Silja.

Nina moves her chair a little so that Silja can also sit behind the table. Out of the corner of her eye, Nina sees Silja's big breasts bobbing up and down a bit. Behind it Nina sees how one of the boys from her class nudges another boy and points to Silja. "Pfff boys too..." thinks Nina. The class listens in on their mentor's talk and then goes to their practical lesson. Nina attends an agricultural school, so the practical lessons are also related to this. Together with Silja, Nina is given the assignment to name different types of grains. She copes surprisingly well with the assignment and together the girls have a good time too. On the other hand, Silja also has a good time with Nina's male classmates, who seek the girl's attention one by one. "Don't thrust them Silja, they are all dirty farmers!" says Nina laughing to Silja. Silja has to laugh and the boys are a bit dripping now that Nina has said this.

The school day is over and since it's Friday, the weekend is just around the corner. When Nina has packed her bicycle, she has to wait for Silja, who will receive a bicycle from the school for the coming week. Laughing and awkward, Silja cycles towards Nina. "I never ride bikes!" says Silja laughing as she steers from side to side to stay upright. The bike ride back is hilarious, but turns out to be more of a challenge than Nina expected. "Maam we're here!" Nina shouts through the house. Apparently Nina's mother isn't home yet, so Nina already shows her room where the guest bed is set up. "So we don't have an extra bedroom, do you mind if you sleep in my room?" Nina asks a little awkwardly. It turns out that Silja is not bothered at all, in fact she even seems to like it. "Oh great, can we have a slumber party yes?" says Silja laughing. "Uhhh sure we can!" says Nina with a little laugh. "I'll let you freshen up, bathroom is over here!" show Nina. "Thanks!" Silja says as she goes straight to the bathroom.

"It's a beautiful sunny day!" Silja says when she walks into the living room a little later where Nina is watching TV. Nina looks outside "Yeah it sure is!" then answer them. Meanwhile, Nina has to swallow, Silja has apparently put on her dark green bikini that fits her just fine, although her breasts do come out of her top... "I'm going sunbathing ok?" says Silja. Nina didn't expect Silja to feel so at home right away, but that must be a cultural difference, she thinks... "Oh okay!" says Nina. Nina watches Silja grab a lounger and lie down on it. Nina thinks about what to do with this and eventually goes upstairs to also look for her bikini. It's quite an old bikini, her new one doesn't fit very well and so unfortunately she has to make do with a pink and red faded one.

"Hey do you still fit it?" Nina's mother asks when Nina is downstairs and her mother has just entered. "Yes, ehh Silja had the idea to sunbathe for a while..." says Nina. "Oh how nice I'll be right there!" says Nina's mother. "Hiii Silja, nice to meet you!" says Nina's mother to the exchange student. Silja is a bit startled, and smiles a bit shyly, as she is rather nonchalant in her lounger. Mother has a chat with the student and then goes inside to tidy up the groceries she just bought. Nina also grabs a sun lounger and a little later she takes two cushions for the sun loungers from the shed. "I have a pillow for you!" says Nina smiling. "Oh great, my back is already killing me!" says Silja gratefully.

A few hours of sunshine ensures that the girls are a bit discolored and because the sun is gone they go inside. "Will you come and eat soon, it's almost ready!" says Nina's mother. "Okay mom!" The three of them have a cozy meal at the table, with Silja of course being the subject at the table. Nina's father is not there, because he is on a business trip for a few weeks. Neat when Silja has been brought up, she helps clean up after everyone has finished eating, which is appreciated by Nina's mother. "Look Nina, you should too!" says Lena, Nina's mother jokingly. Nina also knows that she doesn't help much in the household, but she just doesn't like that very much. Nina only helps with a few things and then goes upstairs because Silja has already gone there.

When Nina opens her room door, both girls are quite shocked. Silja was changing and is standing with her bare buttocks just stepping into a pair of sweatpants. Well, naked, she does have a beautiful red thong, which neatly covers the necessary parts. "I'm sorry!" says Nina apologetically. Silja laughs a bit nervous and shy but manages to make the situation less uncomfortable. "We are both girls right, nothing to be embarrassed about..." she says, shoving herself into her sweatpants. "Right right..." says Nina. "Do you run?" asks Silja as she knots her long blonde hair in a ponytail. "Ehmmm I used to do that..." says Nina. "Okay, well i'm going for a run now, want to join?" asks Silja. "Sure why not..." says Nina who also gathers some sportswear. A little awkward, Nina drops her pants, she is not used to changing in front of others... Nina's somewhat childish panties appear, which is also noticed by Silja. "cute!" is all she says about it. A faint smile is Nina's only response. Then Nina is also dressed to run and the two leave the street.

Phew, it's been longer than Nina thought, she's having a hard time keeping up with the pretty fit Silja. "Come on Nina, your not 50 right?" says Silja teasingly when she sees Nina having trouble keeping up. "No, just not a really good running condition..." Nina gasps. Running with difficulty, Nina is happy when they are back on her street and happy to see her house again. "So you're having a hard time girl?" asks Nina's mother when she sees her red-faced daughter puffing up. "That kid has a mega condition!" gasps Nina as she walks in. Breathing lightly, Silja enters behind Nina and is immediately offered a drink by Lena. The two 16-year-olds finish their glasses, after which Silja stands up. "I can use the shower yes?" asks Silja. "Yes of course, let me show you..." Lena says to Silja. Lena explains to Silja how the shower works, after which Silja locks the door and takes a shower. "It's a power girl!" says Nina's mother to her daughter. "Well, she does have stamina..." admits Nina. Moments later, Nina hears the shower turn off and Silja walks into her room. When Silja comes downstairs, Nina decides to take a shower right away, she is sweating all over.

A nice fresh shower is just what Nina needed, it was also time to shave a few things from below, so she did that right away. Nina dresses in lovely baggy sweatpants with a simple t-shirt on top. "Look Nina, Silja shows you how to bake Finnish cookies according to her grandmother's recipe!" says Lena happily. "Come on, they're baking cookies together..." Nina thinks in her head. "Oh, nice!" says Nina happily. When the cookies are ready, the three of them take a number of cookies. "Oh my god, they're tasty too" Nina thinks when she takes a bite. "These are really great Silja!" says Nina complimentingly. "I'm glad you like them Nina!" says Silja gratefully. Lena is going to watch TV in the meantime, her favorite program will be up soon. "We don't want to see this..." Nina says laughingly to Silja because she thinks it's an old wives program. "We can watch tv upstairs if you want?" suggests Nina. "Yes of course!" says Silja.

Once upstairs, Silja immediately sees a pile of DVDs. Actually, Nina hasn't seen them all for a long time since DVDs are a bit outdated these days. "I have never seen this one!" Silja says when she picks up an animation film. "You want to watch that one?" asks Nina who has to laugh because she thinks it's a nice film herself. "Yes!" Silja says as she finds out how the DVD player works. Nina has a French bed in her room, the kind where you can just lie down with two people, with a table at the foot of the bed with her TV on it. Silja puts in the DVD and lies down on her spare bed. Nina snuggles under her blanket, and puts her pillow upright against her headboard so that she is well in front of it. The girls laugh at the crazy events in the film, such a 3d animation film is often hilarious even for an older audience.

Fifteen minutes into the film, Nina sees Silja twisting her neck and rubbing it with her hand. "Are you okay?" asks Nina. "Yeah, its not a good watching angle from here..." Silja complains a bit. "You can watch from here if you want?" asks Nina, pointing to the bed next to her. "Ohh that's better I think!" says Silja. Again Nina has to swallow, Silja only has a t-shirt on, without a bra underneath, so that her large, full breasts rock back and forth. "Ohhh so much better!" Silja says happily when she is also under the blanket. The girls continue to watch the film, but Nina feels how Silja occasionally rubs her leg against hers. Nina moves a bit, she thinks she must not have enough space... A little later it happens again and Nina is almost on the edge. Then suddenly Nina feels how Silja grabs her arm, just behind her wrist and presses Nina's hand against her warm belly. Nina feels Silja's tight, toned stomach and as soon as she takes her eyes off the film, Silja's lips suddenly press tenderly against Nina's.

All kinds of thoughts haunt Nina's head, but none of those thoughts tell her to stop right away. Silja smiles a little and starts kissing Nina again. Nina doesn't have that much experience with kissing... yes those two boys who never got along... No this is different... Silja's warm lips on hers, it feels so intense and good that Nina is completely don't think about this being a girl kissing her. Softly smacking noises arise in Nina's room and the girls get further involved in their kissing. Nina's heart rate is extremely high, which also causes her body temperature to rise. "I like you..." Silja whispers softly between kisses. Nina doesn't have reaction time, because Silja's lips press softly against hers again.

Nina feels how Silja has meanwhile got down on her knees and meanwhile gently pushes her legs apart and lies between them. As a natural reaction, Nina spreads her legs to give Silja space. Then Nina feels how Silja's big full breasts press against hers and a little later she also feels that their two venus mounds collide. The kiss continues and this time Nina also feels Silja's delicious tongue sliding into her mouth. Nina feels completely weakened, but manages to receive Silja's tongue with her own tongue. Their tongues slide smoothly past each other while still kissing each other. The film no longer fascinates the two, especially when Silja pulls her t-shirt over her head and reveals her delicious breasts. Nina takes a look at it, of course, but is too inexperienced to do anything with it right away...

Silja is aware of this and grabs Nina's shirt to take it off. Nina sees her first breasts of another girl, and in the meantime someone also gets to see her breasts for the first time... Not how she expected it, but it does make her soft... The feeling is reinforced even more when Silja lies with her upper body on Nina's again and their breasts are now pressed against each other with bare skin. A hot gasp escapes from Nina's mouth, which can bear Silja's approval. Silja smiles sweetly at Nina and sees that she has driven the girl crazy with her touches. Suddenly Nina sees how Silja rolls off her briefly, takes off her sweatpants and gets back on her knees between Nina's legs. Silja sees that Nina is startled by this and reassures her. "Don't worry..." Silja says as she strokes Nina's flat stomach with one hand.

Silja's tickling fingers over Nina's belly drive Nina crazy, a wonderful feeling goes through her belly and ends at her pubic area. In the light of the TV, Nina sees Silja's breasts and, underneath, the little thong that has just enough material to cover it all. Silja smoothly grabs the elastic band of Nina's sweatpants and underpants, and lets it slide smoothly over Nina's legs. Nina suddenly realizes that she is now completely naked in front of someone else for the first time, but actually does not feel uncomfortable at all. It's more curiosity that Nina feels now, and "ohhhh yes that feels so good!" thinks Nina as Silja lays down on top of her again and their warm skins caress each other. Silja immediately starts kissing Nina again and this time Nina starts kissing back a lot more. Nina's tongue rages violently against Silja's, which makes Silja smile mischievously when they stop kissing for a moment. Silja has also gotten quite warm herself, sinks more down with her head and starts to gently lick the nipples of Nina's C cup and suck gently. Nina feels pleasure all over her body, but most of all she feels it in her pussy, which seems to be glowing with excitement.

Suddenly Nina feels Silja's hands being placed on her hips and she feels the soft lips kissing her pussy. Nina is panting heavily and can't remember where she got it. "Haahhhh" Nina gasps softly when Silja's tongue slides over her slit. The kisses, the touches of Silja's hands on her hips, it all feels so wonderful! And then..."Hmmmmm" Nina gasps heavily as Silja starts licking her clit. "My god, is this the feeling you get when you get eaten out?" Nina can't comprehend it yet, but enjoy it all the more. Suddenly Nina realizes that she is very happy that she just shaved... "Oh my god..." Nina whispers excitedly as Silja's skilled tongue races over her clit. Silja also notices that Nina likes it very much, she has to swallow regularly, otherwise it will be a mess.

Silja does her very best, she wants to make Nina cum hard. If Silja starts twisting her tongue around Nina's clit, that's the right technique. Nina tenses her body and the girl presses both hands to her face. While she cums violently, Nina gasps through her hands, which causes a blowing sound. Involuntarily Nina presses her pussy harder and harder against Silja's licking tongue, to take in all the goodies as long as possible.

Exhausted, Nina lets her body be pressed into the mattress, while Silja crawls up and starts kissing Nina. Nina tastes herself in Silja's mouth, but she doesn't give a damn, this was the best thing she's ever had. "You are amazing!" Silja says between kisses. "No... You are!" gasps Nina. Uncomfortable, Nina slides her hands along Silja's side, to end up at her buttocks. Nina gently kneads Silja's buttocks, which she has obviously never done before. She would prefer to give Silja back what she also had, but Nina is a bit confused... "You don't have to..." says Silja, who has long seen in Nina's eyes that she is not there yet. is up to. "I want to, just not now..." Nina says softly. "First time right?" asks Silja with a smile. Nina nods. "Its okay..." Silja says as she hugs Nina tightly and kisses her. Nina thinks for a moment. "This was not Silja's first time..."

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