
Ex On The Beach

(Warning: This long story may be perceived as extreme. Read at your own risk)

There she is. Waiting at the bus stop. The sun is shining and a light breeze stirs up her red summer dress. A brightly colored beach bag hangs over her shoulder. A few towels, sunscreen, a bottle of water and a small black box fill her bag. She hears the bustle of the train station behind her.

To the outsider, Debby looks like your average stay-at-home mom in her late forties or early fifties, if you will. With a mobile phone in her hand, waiting for the bus to go to the beach with her friends for a day. But behind that facade is a completely different woman. For nearly twenty years she has been property, a slave, a submissive woman with a deep urge to serve her master.

She unconsciously briefly touches the ring, which dangles from her collar. To the outsider it seems as if she is wearing a beautiful shiny piece of jewelry, but to the right listener it is clear that she has been claimed.

She has been with him for almost twenty years. The man who made her bud. The man who sensed what she needed. He had ended a long confusing search that had, more than once, ended a relationship in tears. Not even therapy could have helped her with the feelings floating within her.

The last therapy session ended with big tears. Traditional therapy was not ready for her feelings. These were the days when feminist ideas reigned supreme, women had to be free and therapy was still based on outdated ideas. She was also dismissed by her treating psychologist as a woman with a special abnormality. Of course with nice words, but the message that she did not fit the norm of that moment had hit hard. She had been crying on the bench at the bus stop, in that desolate industrial estate where the psychologist's practice was housed. As if the misery wasn't big enough, it started to rain slowly. Drops fell on her and followed a path down her cheeks, past her smeared mascara. But suddenly the dripping stopped. And there he had sat next to her. Galantly holding his umbrella over her. She looked at him with teary eyes. He wasn't her type at all. He was not handsome, muscular and with a smooth talk. The type she had always been attracted to until then. But this man had a twinkle in his eye. He exuded calmness and confidence. Even looked a bit dull in his gray suit. He had comforted her and provided her with a cup of coffee in a lunchroom. But to this day she is happy that she said yes to his offer to have another cup of coffee.

It was he who understood her and very slowly they grew closer. Exploring, step by step, looking for boundaries, falling, communicating and getting up, passionate and challenging. The first few months passed quickly, dizzying even, but she knew she had found what floated within her. In the end she had become his slave. Her submission had found a place. The collar followed in a small ceremony with friends from the scene. And she is still with him. Trained by him over the years to become the independent self-confident woman she is today. She is always free to leave but the love for this man is permanent. A journey she has been making with him for years now. Of course it is not as fervent as in their younger days but serving him remains her mission.

Every time she gets an app, it makes her heart skip a beat and her adrenaline rushes. Likewise this time. She checks her phone again to see if she's read the time correctly. Her eyes slide across the small screen to time. She thought he went to work that Tuesday morning, but this app with instructions clearly tells her otherwise. Nervously, she bobs up and down in her colored sneakers. It's been a long time since they've had time to go on an adventure together. Work, children and all kinds of worries ate up the time at a rapid pace. The receipt of the text that morning caused a cloud of butterflies to rise in her stomach. If he has come up with something, she knows he. Her thoughts were interrupted by the bus.

She hears the humming sound of the engine before she sees the bus coming around the corner. He stops in front of her with a hissing sound. She holds the ticket in front of the device and a beep confirms that she can continue. Slowly the bus starts moving again. All sorts of thoughts go through her head. All she knows is the stop at which to get off. During her train journey she had plenty of time to find out where the stop is. Somewhere just behind the dunes at a small parking lot between two small coastal towns. She has asked the bus driver if she wants to stop there because she doesn't know when to press the red button. With a belly full of butterflies, she looks at the passing landscape. She notices her own excitement and nervousness. When she arrives she has to text him for further instructions, but she knows she shouldn't take the black box with her for nothing. She can hear him say in her mind:

It's all about trust Debby. Do you trust me?

She doesn't even know what's about to happen but her nipples press hard against her bra cups and she can feel her excitement down there too. He still manages to surprise her. Suddenly she thinks of the cartoonist Erenisch's drawings that she saw on a kink site on her tablet. She's shown it to him a few times already. Those pictures have been turning her on for a while and they make her very horny. He wouldn't anyway Just the thought of that makes her arousal even more. Keep yourself under control Debby!, she whispers to herself. Her thoughts sometimes want to take a walk with her. The bus brakes again and suddenly the bus driver shouts:

Ma'am, this is your stop!

Debby waves and thanks her as she hears the beep from the machine indicating she's checked out.

With a hissing sound, the doors close and Debby hears the bus drive away. She looks around. It's completely extinct here. There is an old-fashioned bus shelter with a bench next to the post with the sign that indicates the bus times. There are four cars in the parking lot behind the bus stop. With a smile she recognizes their own car parked somewhat hidden behind a van. That gives her confidence that it's all right. She takes out her mobile and hopes she has a connection here. Only two dashes but enough to send the app. It doesn't take long for her to answer:

Touch up your make-up, put in contact lenses and wait on the bench at the bus stop. You are takenNot surprising and only a seemingly small act, but Debby knows this is the beginning of her adventure. It is at this moment that she will have to give all her trust, uncertain whether she will receive a reward in return. A shiver runs through her body and she looks around her again. The bike path on either side is empty as far as you can see. The narrow path that leads into the dunes is also free of passers-by. Debby sits down and rummages in her bag. The little black box is fished out. She looks in the built-in mirror and touches up her red lipstick and mascara. A little touch of eye shadow is added. Debby sees herself smiling contentedly into the mirror. She looks at the other small box and unscrews the caps. One by one she places the black lenses. She blinks a few times but can no longer see. She knows how to screw the caps on by touch. Pushes the lid shut, feels her beach bag and puts the black box inside. She holds the bag tight. Around her she hears sounds of flying insects, she hears the sea behind the dunes and a plane high in the sky probably making a trip along the beaches. The drone of the plane slowly dies away. Only the sounds of nature are left behind. But Debby can't find peace in her head yet. The excitement and anticipation makes her vibrate with pleasure, fear and horniness mixed together.

It's certainly not the first time he's tested her like that. She has been through this many times and every time she puts her trust back in his hands. And a few times it went very differently, but every time he was close to watch over her. Debby is shaking with excitement. Suddenly she hears a click in the parking lot and the sliding of a door opening and closing. He must have been in the van, shoot it right through Debby's head. She hears several footsteps approaching. Seconds later, she hears a shuffling sound ahead and the footsteps stop. Full of anticipation, she waits to see what will happen.

She feels a hand run over her dress and then another. A few seconds later she feels two new hands slide down her legs. She automatically spreads her legs. Slowly the soft hands move to her center but before they get there they are already gone. Then the other hands massage her breasts. The hands caress the thin fabric of her dress and knead her soft flesh and rub against her swollen nipples. Two pregnancies and time have made her large breasts shrink and droop, but they still fill the large cups of her bra. The men still don't speak to her. She feels a finger gently caress her lips. The finger stops in the middle. Another finger is placed on her chin. Gently the fingers force her mouth open. Debby already feels very horny and opens her mouth without hesitation. Two fingers slide over her tongue. Then suddenly she hears her master's voice whispering in her ear.

Suck it slut!

His voice feels familiar but also gives direct direction. Clearly she's here this afternoon to show off her inner slut. No sweet teasing and challenging words, but a short and direct command. A sickening feeling ripples through her stomach. This is what she has been missing for so long.

Debby immediately sucks the fingers into her mouth with full dedication. She feels two long fingernails touch her palate. This is a woman! flashes through Debbys mind. Her master has introduced her to a woman a few times before and so far she has certainly not been disappointed.

Glad you could come today dear

, she hears her master say.

Well, we're happy to help you with this slut today

she says. Debby overhears the conversation, but she doesn't get much time to think.

You will soon walk by the hand with mistress Astrid. Got it girl?

, she hears him say. She feels how he pulls the bag from her hands.

I'll take care of that. You won't need it until the end of the day

, he chuckles.

Debby feels her hand being taken.

Get up girl, let's make it a nice beach day!

she hears Mistress Astrid say.

Yes Madam

says Debbie.

A well-bred slave André

, Debby hears from the mouth of the woman who gently pulls her along.

I like that

. Debby feels how she is taken step by step on the sloping path that runs over the dunes. Her master holds her other hand and the three of them walk along the concrete path. Her master is in an animated conversation with mistress Astrid about her brought slaves. They joke about shovels, buckets and making sand castles. Debby keeps her mouth shut and does her very best to keep up with the pace of the two. A few times she almost trips when she hits something with the tip of her shoe, but both times she is quickly caught. Her sun is already burning quite a bit and Debby feels the strong radiation on her skin. Then she breaks into the conversation:

Master, may I ask you something?The walk is stopped and she hears:

Tell me girl!

The black lenses give her no problem with the bright sun, but the radiation is unrelenting.

Can you put sunscreen on my face. You know I burn very quickly.

She hears him put the bag on the floor and open the zipper.

We are almost at the destination girl but I can already do it now. Do you want that girl?

She nods and says:

Yes sir

. She hears him ask Mistress Astrid:

Would you like to help me, we can actually do everything right now. She would like that.

She hears Mistress Astrid laughing.

You're too good!

shouts Astrid. Then Debby feels how the buttons of her dress are opened. The dress is pulled down to her belly. The hooks of her bra open and her breasts fall out of the cups. She feels Mistress Astrid's hands rubbing her face, back, shoulders and breasts. Debby feels like she's all white from the sunscreen. She feels the hands over her belly but her master says:

Never mind Astrid, she doesn't need it there anyway.

Debby wants to protest but she feels her master's finger on her lips.

You trust me, don't you?

She nods, but all sorts of questions flash through her mind. Why don't I need that? is her first thought. The mindfuck actually started with the text that morning, but comments like this only make her mind spin more.

Astrid wants to pull her dress back up but her master says:

Leave that too Astrid, then it can move in well before we get there. Suddenly she feels a pair of clamps on her nipples. A moan leaves her mouth. She hears how the zipper of the bag closes again and she is taken by the hand on both sides.

Debby feels a weight tugging at her nipples. With every step it rocks back and forth on her stomach. She notices that after a few minutes of walking they have started the descent. She can clearly hear the waves breaking on the beach now. The hard surface gives way to soft beach sand. She hears how her master and mistress Astrid both greeted a couple of passersby. Behind her, Debby hears whispers:

Did you see that, did you see that?

She can hear no more.

Ahhh, the beach. Look at all those people enjoying themselves!

she hears her master calling. A shiver runs through her body. Apparently mistress Astrid notices because she asks her master:

That sub girl of yours gets turned on by this doesn't it?

She hears him say:

You can still feel it now if you want Astrid, but not anymore.

Debby is now completely confused by the comments and all kinds of questions race through her head.

Stand still slut and spread your legs!

is Mistress Astrid's short command. Debby hesitates for a moment but then complies with the request. Without further notice, Debby feels her dress being pulled up and two fingers slide into her. Astrid whispers softly in her ear.

Horny exhibitionist slut, you're soaking wet between your legs. Are you sure that others can watch you or not?

Debby moans and gasps slightly. In a club she certainly dares to let herself be looked at, but here on the beach between all kinds of other people. Hell no, is her thought. But before she can answer, her master whispers in her other ear:

Ride the fingers of mistress Astrid slut. Show that you are an obedient horny slut!

To reinforce his command, he hits her hard with his flat hand on her full ass. Debby moves her lower body and feels her horniness increase. But at the same time she feels the shame burning through her skin. Okay, she can't see anyone through the black lenses, but she's squeezed tight between them. Astrid even slides a third finger inside her and says:

Riding slut and I want you not content. Moan as loud as you can. Nobody knows you here!

Debby's lower body squirms under Astrid's hands but she really doesn't dare to moan. Suddenly she again feels the flat hard hand of her master a few times full against her big buttocks:

Moaning slut, Mistress Astrid is clear, isn't it?

Panting, Debby says:

Yes sir!

Astrid turns on again and then Debby feels it coming. Her stomach burns, her brain short circuits and then she moans out. She hears how it bubbles between her legs. Streams run down her legs and Mistress Astrid's hand will also be soaking wet.

Give me a french kiss horny slut!

she hears Mistress Astrid say. Debby opens her mouth and feels Mistress Astrid's tongue enter her. In a hot mating dance, Debby is breathless and kisses the woman who dominantly introduces her tongue to hers. Suddenly their little togetherness is broken and she feels how a hand grabs her hair. Debbys legs are shaking but the ordeal is not over yet.

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