
Ex Of Stepfather

I'm Bart I'm 17 years old. I live with my mother and my stepfather and my younger sister who is 15 years old, and my half brother who is 2 years old. But every now and then we also have my stepbrother visiting.

Before he got into a relationship with my mother, my stepfather Lex had a relationship that resulted in a child. Since they share custody, my stepbrother Ralph, a nice little guy of 8 years old, comes to visit us every other weekend and during the holidays to visit his father, of course. Since the rest of the family also lives at home, we also see him, of course.

The bond between me and my stepbrother is also good. We play soccer together, play board games and occasionally he also games with me.

Of course I also visit my father from time to time. Sometimes this is on the weekends when my stepbrother is at home, but sometimes not and then everyone is home.

Now the relationship between my stepfather and his ex is not very good, so every time she drops off the child little is said. And if there is any consultation, this is always short and sweet.

What I do have to say is that my stepfather's ex still looks good with her long blond hair and slim body. She is a woman in her mid-30s and also quite tall, I estimate about 5ft 7in. I know her name is Nicolette, but I've never spoken to her.

From the stories I have to believe from my stepfather, who is a few years older than his ex, she is a huge cunt who makes your life miserable with piss. She always wants to get her way. But yes, I only hear one side of the story of course.

Now I like my stepfather himself. but I clearly see its flaws too, so I think, like most divorces, it's a two-way street.

On a day when I played football at the local club, my mood is very good because we won. After I have thrown my stuff at my house on the way to the center, I go to the shops, because I still have to get a gift voucher for my uncle who has his birthday soon.

If I've done this and I'm there now, I'll also visit a few other shops right away.

While I'm just about to go home I suddenly see Ralph. He sees me too and he immediately runs towards me and I immediately get a big hug from him. In the meantime I also see Nicolette walking towards us.

Nicolette looks wonderfully sexy today in her tiger blouse and tiger dress with her black boots underneath.

I ask Ralph what he did today and I immediately get to hear a story about what he did. I say

So you've been quite busy

and Nicolette says this has indeed been the case.

I now ask Ralph what else he is going to do today.

We're going home now. Will you come home with me to play, you've never been to my house Bart

says Ralph innocently as only a child can ask.

I don't have any plans now anyway and I don't mind spending extra time with my stepbrother, he's a treasure of a child.

Ralph I don't know if your mother would allow that


Yes of course you can, I even like how you treat Ralph

says Nicolette.Thank you Nicolette for allowing it. Then it's agreed, then I'll go with you


Ralph now immediately tells me what we can do while Nicolette is now texting a bit.

I now first walk to Nicolette and Ralph's bicycle. By sheer coincidence my bicycle is also nearby and we now cycle together for about 5 minutes to Nicolette and Ralph's house. I had seen the house before but I had never stepped inside.

I now enter Nicolette's house, which is very nicely decorated. So this is the same house where my stepfather used to live.

I now walk to his room with Ralph and proudly shows Ralph his room. Then I start playing games with him because he is so proud of his play station.

After I have played a few games of FIFA with him, we will then play with his soldiers.

I also send a picture to my house with the competition where I am now, and my mother and stepfather are very happy to hear that.

I'm still texting that I'll be home a little later tonight because when I'm done with Ralph, I'll go straight to friends.

We've been sitting for a few hours when Nicolette comes into the room to tell us that they're going to eat. I expect that this will now be the end of my play date with Ralph, but to my own surprise Nicolette asks if I also want to join them for a fries.

When Ralph hears this his eyes widen and of course I can't refuse this offer, so I say I'd like to stay for dinner.

While Nicolette is now setting up the fries, I ask her if I should help her, but I don't have to. I just have to keep an eye on Ralph, but it's more that he keeps an eye on me, he's so busy with me.

When Nicolette is ready she calls us and a moment later I am sitting next to Ralph. We start with eating frikandellen. As we eat now this is only the first time I talk to Nicolette herself.

We now talk a bit about what I do with my education and I ask Nicolette what she does for work. Of course Nicolette has to go out now and then to get fries out of the pan or to get us a new drink.

And every time she gets up I take a quick look at her wonderfully tight ass which is wrapped in her tiger skirt.

We now also talk about Ralph and about my other relatives.

I am now getting to know Nicolette a bit and she strikes me as a nice woman who is very social because we talk very easily with each other.

Every now and then Ralph also intervenes, of course.

The food is delicious and after dinner I watch some TV with Ralph while Nicolette clears the table.

When Nicolette is done we play another game of aggravation what Ralph wins. Never play against children, you almost always lose.

During the game, Nicolette occasionally has to bend down deeply to grab the dice, which gives me a good insight into her cleavage.

After the game, Ralph can watch TV with us for a while, but then he has to go to bed.

Nicolette asks Ralph who should put him to bed and of course he wants me to. That's no problem, I'll put him to bed and I'll thank him for the nice day.

Now that Ralph goes to sleep, it's time for me to leave.

So I'm going downstairs now to thank Nicolette for letting me come over and spend time with Ralph.

Nicolette says I don't have to thank her for that, that it's always good if I want to spend time with Ralph.

She also says that she is very happy that the bond between my stepbrother and me is good, just like with my other sister and half-brother.

Yes of course he is a nice guy Ralph, always very enthusiastic


Yes tell me what

says Nicolette

Sometimes very tiring though


Yes you can say that

I answer.

But it's definitely worth it

she says and I agree with her.

You know what, I don't know if you have time but I'd love to have a drink together. Then we can get to know each other better, and I also want to know why my son is so crazy about you


Okay that's good, I didn't expect your offer, but I'd like to have a drink with you



says Nicolette, who briefly walks to the kitchen and returns later with two glasses of red wine for us.

Now I wasn't expecting this drink, but I'm a guest so I can't turn down Nicolette's drink, that would be rude.

Nicolette now takes a seat right next to me on the couch and we toast to the nice day and we take a sip of the wine.

Nicolette notices that I am not a regular wine drinker, but I say that the wine is tasty. Nicolette says she loves wine and when Ralph goes to bed she drinks a glass almost every night.

Nicolette now tells about her life as a single mother, which is sometimes not very easy but certainly worth it. But sometimes, she also says, that the weekends that Ralph is with us aren't bad either, she can relax for a while.

I can understand Nicolette that she also likes peace and quiet every now and then.

Nicolette now asks me if I'm dating and I say I'm happily single now.

Oh yes, me too, only you are younger then

she says.

Yes, but being single also has a lot of advantages, you can fully enjoy life without obligations

and Nicolette agrees with me.

Nicolette now takes another round of wine. I think she's very nice, but especially after the stories I've heard from my stepfather, I have to ask Nicolette.

Sorry, it might be none of my business, but I'm still curious how come you and Lex broke up.

Yes, I want to tell you that. I guess you've only heard Lex's side so far and I think he's portrayed me as a real bitch


Yes that's right

I say and then Nicolette starts her story about Lex. That it is someone with a short fuse and that he is more interested in himself than in others, including his own child.

He always wants to get his way, but the main reason for me was that he cheated several times, including with your mother last.

Look, I don't blame your mother, she was already a divorcee looking for a relationship, but for me it was the final straw. And to be honest, I am very relieved that I left Lex, because despite the fact that I have become busier, I have received peace in return and that relieves me enormously


I can understand Nicolette well and I also recognize myself in some points in Nicolette's story.

But yes, I still think that two people are to blame for the divorce

I answer Nicolette.

Yes, I must have done things wrong, but the biggest blame was with Lex. Look, I accept Lex for my son but I'm not very happy with him, so that's why I always try to spend as little time as possible with him


I can understand that, the other way around this also applies and Nicolette can understand that well.

Nicolette says she likes to tell her side of the story now to someone who still has to deal with Lex almost every day. She now asks how the relationship between my stepfather and my mother is going.

I am now telling that my mother is doing better with this relationship at the moment. I also honestly say that I also recognize some points such as getting his way and that I also clash with Lex about that.

What do you think of Lex?

Nicolette now asks me.I like him in general, we have the same interests, such as gaming and football. But sometimes we also clash with our characters, such as that he always wants to get his own way and sometimes he doesn't help with the housework when everyone else does.


Yes I had those problems too. Nice, isn't it, gossip about Lex like that?

Nicolette says and I agree.

After this conversation about my stepfather, we continue to talk about all kinds of topics and we also share anecdotes from our lives, what we have experienced, and we also laugh a lot with each other. I find out that Nicolette is a very nice woman who is very different from the impression I had of her. But yes, that also has a reason, of course.

I really have a great time with her and after the evening Nicolette says

I can see why my son thinks you're a nice stepbrother. You are very nice and sweet. You're a good talker and you're sexy


At the last word, Nicolette puts her hand over her mouth

What am I saying again?

Oh well I don't mind, I never mind getting a compliment

I answer her

I also find you nice, sweet, social and yes sexy too


Nicolette now blushes and says

Stop it, I'm an old woman, I'm twice your age

.You are not that old, you are in your mid-30s. You are still very young yourself and I think you are, to be honest, very handsome


Nicolette is now blushing and says she thinks it's a huge honor that a 17-year-old boy finds a woman her age sexy.

This boosts my self-confidence tremendously

says Nicolette.

Then we say nothing now and look deep into each other's eyes. Suddenly Nicolette puts her hand on my head and presses her lips to mine and we start kissing.

I now just kiss my stepfather's ex, my stepbrother's mother. A woman twice my age. It is actually a special situation, but I enjoy it to the fullest because Nicolette is kissing very nicely.

Our tongues dance around each other while we kiss each other quietly now.

In the meantime I run my hands over Nicolette's body and start kneading her breasts. Nicolette's breasts are the perfect size, not too big but certainly not too small.

Nicolette's hands have now strayed to my crotch and I feel how she grabs my crotch with her hand, where of course I have a very stiff cock.

Nicolette now kneads my crotch while I squeeze her breasts through her blouse, meanwhile we continue to kiss each other.

After a few minutes of kissing and caressing, Nicolette stands up. She grabs my hand and I walk with her to her bedroom.

Immediately we end up together on Nicolette's bed and continue to kiss and caress each other.

Nicolette has bent her leg over me so that I can caress her lovely tight buttocks.

I feel Nicolette's delicious buttocks in my hands while we kiss each other.

I now also go with my hands under Nicolette's skirt and I caress my fingers over her panties. I feel her panties are already wet.

Nicolette then takes off my shirt and kisses my breast before licking my nipple, an experience I had never experienced before.

I then also take off Nicolette's shirt and I now see her black bra appear.

I now kiss Nicolette's tight stomach. Nicolette has me by the head and she directs me to her crotch. First I give kisses on her crotch while she still has her tiger skirt on.

But soon I take off Nicolette's tiger dress and reveal her black panties. I now give kisses on Nicolette's panties and then kiss my way up from below and I, via her hips, her stomach, the top of the breasts and her neck, reach her mouth. After which we tongue with each other again while I am now lying on top of her.

While kissing, my crotch now rubs against Nicolette's crotch, which gives a wonderful feeling.

We now kiss further and after a while Nicolette now unbuttons my pants and I am now lying in front of her in my boxers.

Nicolette now lets me sit on my back and soon she jumps on top of me and we caress each other's body while we continue kissing.

But slowly but surely, Nicolette kisses her way to my crotch.

Nicolette now grabs the edge of my boxer shorts and with some help from me she pulls off my boxer shorts and my erect cock pops out.

Nicolette grabs my cock and she now slowly starts to pull my cock and also suck my balls.

Wow what a pleasure I feel shooting through my body when Nicolette sucks my balls. This is an experience that is completely new to me.

After Nicolette has sucked and licked my balls extensively, she goes over my cock with her tongue, after which she takes my cock in her mouth and now starts to suck me.

I feel my cock nice and deep in Nicolette's mouth and her mouth goes up and down over my cock.

For a moment it crosses my mind that I am now being sucked by my stepfather's ex. This actually only makes it hornier.

Nicolette blows me at a fast pace and her full lips are tightly clamped around my cock.

It is very horny that Nicolette also looks me straight into my eyes from time to time while she sucks me with full dedication.

Nicolette is now blowing me for a few minutes and I can't keep up this nice blowing for long.

I warn Nicolette that I'm about to cum, but unlike the girls I've had sex with so far, Nicolette continues to blow me despite my warning.

There is nothing left for me but, after a nice blowjob, to cum in Nicolette's mouth, who then obediently swallows everything she gets from me.

It's my first time cumming in a woman's mouth.

After my orgasm, Nicolette continues to blow me for a while before taking my cock out of her mouth and she says

You taste good honey


Yes, thank you, and now I want to taste what you taste like

and I lay Nicolette on her back. We kiss again and I taste some of my own semen in Nicolette's mouth.

I now kiss Nicolette on her neck again before I reach her breasts and now Nicolette takes off her bra and her beautiful breasts appear.

Immediately I press my mouth on Nicolette's left nipple and start sucking her nipple, while I now knead her other breast with my free hand.

I now gently suck on Nicolette's erect nipple, who now holds me by the back of my head and presses me firmly against her chest.

After her left nipple I also suck her right nipple before kissing my way to Nicolette's crotch again.

I now take off her panties with the help of Nicolette and I now look at her bald pussy.

First I now extensively kiss Nicolette's entire crotch area, after which I suck her pussy lips and then roll my tongue into her pussy and I start to lick Nicolette.

Immediately follows a hard moan from Nicolette's mouth as my tongue enters her pussy.

I immediately lick all the sensitive spots in Nicolette's pussy, which is very wet from the excitement.

Nicolette immediately starts to moan faster now that I eat her. She has her hands on the back of my head and she is now pressing me firmly against her cunt.

I lick and suck as best I can and it sounds like Nicolette loves the way I treat her.

Slowly but surely, after a few minutes of eating it out. Nicolette starts to breathe more and more restlessly and her moans become louder and faster.

And then suddenly the discharge follows and Nicolette cums on my tongue, and I feel the moisture from her pussy enter my mouth as her body relaxes.

I also keep licking Nicolette after her orgasm, but then I really disappear from between her legs. Nicolette thanks me for the nice licking and I say that this is not necessary because I also really enjoyed licking her.

We now kiss again and soon Nicolette says

Come I want to feel you in me


I still ask for a condom, but Nicolette doesn't have to, and I'm so horny that my logical thinking has also been switched off.

So I now sit on top of Nicolette and I push my cock into Nicolette's wet pussy. I can now feel my cock entering Nicolette smoothly.

I notice that Nicolette's pussy is surprisingly tight for a woman her age and I soon start fucking at a good tight pace.

Of course now it crosses my mind that I am now fucking my stepbrother's mother and certainly my stepfather's ex. This thought might make it wrong what I'm doing now, but certainly also a lot hornier.

Nicolette has now wrapped her legs tightly around me and we look deeply into each other's eyes while I now fuck Nicolette well and firmly.

We both start moaning now too.

Oh yes Bart, how nice, you fill me up nicely with your teenage cock

moans Nicolette as I continue to fuck her.

I think she thinks it's just as hot as I do, especially because it's so wrong, because after all I'm also her ex's stepchild and her son's stepbrother. And yet we fuck each other.

After a few minutes we switch positions and I have taken place behind Nicolette and I'm fucking her from behind.

Also in this position it is a lot of fun to fuck Nicolette again. My hands now rest on Nicolette's hips and again I fuck her in a tight tempo.

My cock moves smoothly back and forth in Nicolette's wet pussy.

I move my hands from her hips to her breasts and with my hands I grab Nicolette's breasts and start to knead her breasts while continuing to thrust into her.

Nicolette throws her head back so I can kiss her while I fuck her and knead her breasts.

I continue to fuck Nicolette at a good and tight pace and we start to moan louder together.

I enjoy Nicolette to the fullest and I notice that sex with an older woman has many advantages, because she also has a lot of experience and knows exactly what she wants.

Also now we switch positions and I'm lying on my back and Nicolette has taken place on my cock and she rides me violently.

Her hands rest on my chest and she rides me at a fast pace. I feel her pussy pinching my cock.

Wow, Nicolette knows how to spoil someone. I fully enjoy her body now riding my cock.

Also in this position we have sex for a few minutes. But unfortunately I can't take it anymore. I need to cum and I also say this to Nicolette who now says

Cum inside me, I want to feel your teen cum squirting inside me


Now I can't refuse Nicolette anything at the moment and I'll let her ride me until I can't hold it in anymore and I cum in a woman's cunt for the first time in my life and with my cum with rays at the same time the pussy of Nicolette full blast.

The same pussy that my stepdad squirted years before.

Because I cum in Nicolette's pussy she also cums on my cock.

After this spectacular fuck we take a breather. Then says Nicolette

Did you think it was just as horny and wrong as I did?

and I nod yes.


says Nicolette

I enjoyed it dear

she says and we end up in a French kiss again. When I look at my phone I see that it is already the middle of the night and that I have to go back home.

I get dressed and I tell Nicolette that I will probably see her again.

I hope so

she says and with a French kiss we say goodbye to each other.

I go back home where everyone is already asleep and I go to bed with a satisfied feeling.

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