
Everything For A Room - 1

This is my first story here, enjoy! Be sure to add me on snapchat (@SpanningGezoeken) or send me a message.

Roosmarijn is sighing behind her laptop. She has to find a room, but it seems impossible. She has already hospitalized four times, followed by rejection after rejection. Not because she wasn't fun, spontaneous or cozy enough. No, 'friends come first, sorry' was the frequently heard reason. Everyone seems to want a room and without an extensive network it seems impossible. And she just doesn't have that last one. Not yet. Unfortunately. After a gap year in which she worked hard and spent six months abroad, the nineteen-year-old brunette will start studying at university after the summer. If she can get a room that is.

Her eye falls on the bottom ad on the site. House of Voluptas, she reads. She hadn't seen it before. She decides to respond immediately. She quickly copies and pastes her standard text, adjusts it where necessary and presses 'send'. She leans back in her chair hopefully. Now it's waiting.

Less than 30 minutes later she receives a Whatsapp message. In the profile picture she sees a blonde girl, slightly older than herself. 'We saw your message and would like to invite you to come and host us. Tonight at 7:00 PM. You know the address. Greetings Sofie', she reads the message twice. Obviously it's not a question and she doesn't want to ruin the first impression by asking if it's possible tomorrow. But how does she get there.. It is more than 2.5 hours by train. She quickly looks at her watch. It's already past five o'clock, she'll never make it. Send a message anyway? She runs downstairs to ask her parents for advice. 'You have your driver's license, right? Just take the car with you!', her father says immediately. She quickly responds to Sofie that she will be there.

Excited, she rings the bell. It is a few minutes before 7 am, she is impressed by the detached and imposing building. She immediately likes to live here with five others. Soon the door is opened, she recognizes Sofie from her profile picture and introduces herself politely. 'Welcome!' says Sofie enthusiastically. Her gaze slides approvingly along her body. She feels a little uncomfortable as Sofie takes the time to judge her choice of clothes. Fortunately, the half-length black skirt in combination with a neat white blouse seems to please her, she can continue. One by one, she introduces herself to the four other residents of the building. She cannot deny being pleasantly surprised by the appearance of the three male residents. Peter, Frans and Jacob all look quite above average.

The conversation starts spontaneously and with general questions about her background, future plans and personality. She seems to fit in well with the group, and soon her nerves are all gone. 'Would you like to see your possible room?' asks Kim, a cheerful red-haired Psychology student of 23. 'Please!', she is taken up the stairs and looks around. The monumental building is visibly well maintained on the inside, and looks beautiful both inside and out. How she would like to live here..

"This is the free room," Kim says as she opens a door. Roosmarijn leads the way and enters the room. She can't believe her eyes, the space, she estimates it at over 15 square meters, is really great. There is a beautiful view of the garden, built-in cupboard space and she immediately envisions how she would arrange the space to her own taste. "And here's the bathroom," she hears Kim say. She opens a door and sees a neat spacious shower cabin with rain shower and double sink, the toilet is also present. Surprised, Roosmarijn looks around, 'is this just for me?'. 'Yes! This is included, everyone has their own shower and toilet.' Roosmarijn was already convinced, but now she can't wait to move in. 'This is super!'

Down again, the boys and Sofie are in consultation, it seems to be about her. She takes a seat uncomfortably, while her future roommates seem to compare her to a previous landlady. 'This one has bigger tits', she hears someone say, she looks indignant, but no one pays attention to her, they don't even seem to realize she's there. Anyway, it was a compliment, she thinks, and secretly she's pretty proud of her large C-cup. They mumble something unintelligible to each other before Peter speaks. 'You can come and live here', Roosmarijn looks up in surprise, she had not expected to hear the results already and gives an enthusiastic cheer, but Peter continues, 'provided you survive the hazing.' She looks at him in surprise, and then at Sofie and Kim, who look back as if it were the most normal thing in the world. 'The what?' she tries, 'What does that mean?'

'Anyone who wants to come and live in this house has to go through an initiation, 7 days, day and night. Of course you don't get to know in advance what will happen, but we all had to endure it. I do want to warn you that it is not for wimps or prudish types, the one before you lasted less than three hours. Can you handle that, do you think?'

She thinks for a second, such a room, such a house, she will never find this again, and if she can come and live here, her biggest problem will be solved in one fell swoop. She doesn't really have a choice and that hazing can't be that bad, can it?

"Yes," she replies confidently. 'Excellent', Frans responds immediately, 'we start on Friday evening at 19:00.' 'Fine', she says without thinking about it, 'I'll be there'

'We arrange your bed, towels and everything you need. You just need to bring clothes.'

Satisfied, Roosmarijn drives back home. She is secretly looking forward to the initiation, it must be very nice, she tells herself.

Roosmarijn is on the train on Friday afternoon. She has brought a large sports bag with clothes and is ready for the week ahead. At home she had explained that it was a trial week, her parents had looked at her suspiciously, but she had explained that that was part of the job these days. At exactly 7 o'clock she rings the doorbell, Jacob opens the door almost immediately. 'Welcome to Roosmarijn', he says with a smile. She greets back kindly, 'just say Rose, by the way'. "Believe me, I'll call you what I want," he responds immediately. Okay what you want, she thinks, but she decides not to say anything. She just has to let it get over her for the next week, after that she will have a fantastic place to live. That must be worth it.

She dumps her gym bag in her room and is invited to have a drink in the living room. 'Beer?' asks Frans, already pushing the bottle into her hands. Actually, she doesn't like beer, but she wisely keeps her mouth shut. Sip after sip she feels more at ease, it all seems to be going well, the conversations are going well and everyone is nice to her. Suddenly Peter stands up, 'be right back', he says. She assumes that he is going to the toilet, and indeed hears someone going up the stairs. He returns a few minutes later. She takes a quick look and is shocked to see that he has taken her gym bag. 'So, let's see what the feut has brought. Did you keep to the agreement that you could only bring clothes?' 'Ehh,' she mutters, 'of course also the charger for my mobile, toothbrush and my laptop.'

"Hmm, let's go see that." Space is made on the table, and without further words, Peter unzips the bag. Her laptop is on top, and is given to Jacob, who then puts it down next to him. Garment by garment is taken out of the bag, everything is extensively assessed and graded. Roosmarijn soon sees that the more naked garments in the pile end up with a high score. There seems to be no end to it, and she is a bit ashamed of the fact that she brought more than 14 sets. 'Slightly exaggerated, don't you think?', says Frans, continuing with: 'but that suits us well.'

It seems that they are satisfied with her clothes, she has scored quite high marks. When all her skirts, shirts and pants have been assessed, she hopes they put everything back in the bag. But her suspicion that they are going to look at everything one by one is confirmed when Sofie takes a red, lace bra from her bag. She turns red, but everyone has eyes only for her bra. Sofie walks over to her and holds the bra in front of Roosmarijn's chest. 'And how do the gentlemen think that is?', she asks. 'Delicious, I'm sure, also fits well with the color of her face,' Jacob laughs. Humiliated, Roosmarijn undergoes her fate. All her bras follow, and after being held in front of her body for a moment, are also numbered, she notices that none of them end up in the pile with her most naked clothing. A mediocre 7 is the highest score her bras get, her pushup bra forms a pile on itself. The number is a 1. Uncertain, she waits, she thought she had nice bras, but starts to have doubts. What would Kim and Sofie wear then?

Suddenly Kim bursts out laughing. She puts her hand in the bag, and picks up an elongated, pink object. Oh no, Roosmarijn thinks in shock, completely forgotten that she had taken him with her. With a bright red face she looks at the floor while Kim passes the pink dildo to Peter. When everyone has rated the dildo, the group agrees it is a 9, putting it on top of the pile with her most naked clothes. She no longer dares to look at anyone and feels humiliated, while the group continues with the contents of her bag. "Okay, now her underpants," says Frans, taking a pair of blue folded underpants from the bag and unfolding them. "What do we think of this?" he asks. 'Mwa hides too much, a three', Peter immediately judges. She looks at him in bewilderment. Isn't that the purpose of underpants?

She is not surprised that the rest of the underpants, despite a wide variety of colors, all end up in pile 3. The only exception is the revealing slip, which she only wears with see-through pants, which ends up in pile 7. When Kim has put it on the pile, Peter says, 'I'm curious how it looks on you, by the way.' What? Does he really think I'm going to show him here for them. Peter looks at me expectantly, I feel five pairs of eyes staring at me. You can't be serious, right .. She can't say anything, until Kim's look falls into the bag, they thought they had taken everything out of the bag, but suddenly she sees something shiny in the corner. Immediately she grabs it, while making a dirty face. 'Is this...?' 'A butt plug!' Jacob laughs, everyone else laughs too and she wishes she could just walk out the front door and never return. But she has to keep this up. For himself.

'Well, I'd also like to see how you use it,' says Peter when he's finished laughing. She hopes this is a joke. Peter checks the bag and finds that it is empty. "Then we're going to do the last bits now," he says, standing up. Roosmarijn sinks a little deeper into the couch, her brain working hard to think of what he could think of. "Come on, put your hands up," he commands, standing in front of me. She looks at him uncomprehendingly. 'We have to evaluate all the clothes, of course. All.' She looks at her shirt and pants, without thinking she raises her hands, whereupon Peter pulls her black shirt over her head. She clearly feels naked without a shirt and hides her bra behind her hands. As Peter throws the shirt onto pile 3, he looks at me sternly. "We don't keep secrets from each other here, understand?" She is shocked by his tone and decides to lower her hands.

Again she feels all eyes go over her body. 'Pants from feutje', says Kim, 'don't keep us waiting'. Slowly Roosmarijn gets up and drops her pants, she falls on the couch while she gets out of her pants. "Get up!" commands Jacob. She immediately does as he asks, and the group looks at the black panties she is wearing. It is clearly a set together with the bra, and seems to have been selected with care. Her slender figure is clearly appreciated, and she already thinks she sees some growth in Frans' pants, who shift a bit clumsily on the couch. 'Turn around', Sofie says, immediately following the order and showing her half-covered buttocks to the group. She feels how an unknown hand squeezes her right buttock, she is shocked, but does not dare to move. 'Well filled buttocks, I like that', is the conclusion. She hears some buzz and waits restlessly. 'Put it on pile 7', Sofie finally says.

She turns around questioningly, 'what do you mean?', she asks. Kim reacts angrily, 'are you that stupid or are you acting stupid? Hurry up!' She walks over to the stack and unclips her bra strap, slowly lowering the bra. Piece by piece, her breasts become visible and the boys look delighted, she sees when she looks up shyly. Sofie and Kim also look satisfied. When the bra falls on the pile, Roosmarijn decides to quickly take off her underpants as well. The sooner this is over the better. Her bald vagina becomes visible, she hears approving sounds from the group. Peter steps over to take a closer look. Without touching her, he studied her body extensively. "Turn around," he mumbles after a minute. She turns around and hears how the others now also stand up and walk towards her. She's never felt so uncomfortable wearing nothing but socks in front of a group of strangers. But she can't deny that it also turns her on.

She feels how several hands extensively feel her buttocks, now and then she feels a soft slap, with a lot of approving moans. "Spread your legs," she hears Kim say. She listens faster than she expected, and spreads her legs. She feels how a hand feels from behind between her legs. 'That slut is soaking wet', Frans expresses surprise. Several hands go to her pussy to check. A small moan escapes from her mouth. 'Did you hear that? That chick just gets horny when we touch her.' In the meantime she feels the hands touching her whole body, her breasts are not skipped either. Suddenly her sight is taken away, the blindfold is tied behind her head and the hands release her one by one. "What are you going to do?" she asks uncertainly. She gets no response. Does she hear that right now? One by one she hears shirts come off, and the zippers of pants open. A feeling of fear seizes her. She knows she is helpless, and completely at the mercy of the group's wishes. 'I want to feel you inside me Peter', she suddenly hears Sofie say. What? Are they going.. Her thought is immediately confirmed when she hears Kim talking. "Come here with your nice cock Jacob, let me blow you." Judging by the sounds, her future housemates are busy pleasing each other. She is obviously only for viewing material, she is not allowed to participate. She feels how some horny escapes from her pussy. The louder the noises get, and the more moans she hears, the hornier she gets. When Sofie says, "Fuck me up my ass Frans," it's too much for her. Her hands, which she had kept nicely next to her body, find her pussy and she starts fingering herself roughly. When she's almost at her climax, she closes her eyes under the blindfold and prepares to cum hard. "Get me hard," she seems startled by her own words, "please fuck me." Begging, she tries to convince someone.

Suddenly all sounds stop, it's dead quiet. Roosmarijn is shocked, having no idea what is happening, she moves her finger deeper into her pussy. With a jerk someone takes off the blindfold, because of the bright light it takes a while before she sees how Peter, Frans, Jacob, Sofie and Kim are standing in front of her and looking at her. She immediately notices that they are all dressed normally, then my eye falls on the laptop, which has a porn video on it.

With a scream she comes, in front of five pairs of watching eyes. She closes her eyes and enjoys the moment for a moment, only to immediately turn deep red, she is visibly ashamed.

'Are you paying attention to us again?' asks Peter dryly. She nods softly. She feels humiliated, but she must admit, she has never come so excited.

“We will determine what you wear in the coming days. Since you don't have a bed yet, you will sleep in a room with another of us every night, and you will be assigned someone every day. You sleep in that person's room, go to the toilet, shower and change. You are not allowed to use the empty room. Of course we also determine your clothing, understand?' Again she nods softly. She has now closed her legs and is still naked, listening. 'The person whose room you sleep in is responsible for your hazing that day, and is therefore the hazing leader that day. It is of course the intention that you listen to all of us at all times.' She nods briefly to indicate that it is clear.

'You start with the person who has lived here the longest,' says Frans, 'and that's me. What a luck.' 'Would you like some underpants again?' Sofie asks. Roosmarijn is grateful for the question and answers in the affirmative. 'Fine, we were all curious how these would look on you, let's see.' She gets the panties and the butt plug pressed into her hands. She spreads her buttocks and slowly pushes the butt plug in. She moans and closes her eyes, but decides not to give up. Only when he is completely in her ass, she quickly pulls the panties over her buttocks. The crystal end of the butt plug remains visible despite the slip. When she looks up she sees the satisfied looks. 'You're doing great Roos, would you like some pizza?' Kim asks. Although she still feels naked and uncomfortable, she definitely feels like eating something, she hasn't had anything after the long train journey.

The pizzas are ordered within two minutes. 'They'll be there in fifteen minutes', Jacob says, 'are you keeping an eye on the door, dude?' Roosmarijn looks at him questioningly and looks at her outfit. "He's used to it, believe me."

There she is. In the hallway practically naked and with butt plug in her ass waiting for their pizzas. Meanwhile, she hears how the others are discussing quietly. It can't get much worse than this, she thinks to herself, and even though she's never felt so humiliated in her life, she knows she's still soaking wet. She waits nervously. After a few minutes she hears a moped driving into the street, she holds her heart when the doorbell rings. With a deep sigh, she opens the door and finds herself face to face with a grinning pizza delivery boy. "Wow," is all he can say. 'I was hoping they had a new one, just take a spin' Roosmarijn, too surprised to argue, does what she is asked to do. "Hahaha, are you wearing a plug?" he asks, feeling his eyes burn on her body. She nods affirmatively, and wants to take the pizzas out of his hands. Enough is enough, she thinks. Even before she has the pizzas, the delivery man takes a step back, because she loses balance and she trips over the threshold. Before she knows it she is topless on the sidewalk. The delivery man laughs and she looks around in shock. No one seems to be in the street, thankfully. "Can I have the pizzas?" she asks softly. 'Of course slut', is the response, it does something to her to be called that. She puts her arms forward and takes the pizzas. As soon as she has the pizzas, the delivery man takes his chance, now that she has her hands full, she cannot prevent him from stepping up to her and touching her breasts, 'hmm that feels great', he says. When she turns to walk back inside, she feels his hand ricochet with full force on her buttock.

Humiliated, but very horny, she continues. She realizes that she enjoys how the stranger boy treats her. Even before she crosses the threshold of the front door, she feels how the delivery man grabs her panties and pulls them down with a jerk. Clumsily she staggers on with the panties around her ankles, unfortunately she has her hands full. She hears the boy walking away laughing as she closes the front door behind her.

'Ah, the pizzas!' says Peter enthusiastically, when he sees her enter. "And you can wear your panties, we have a special chair for you." Roosmarijn gets out of her briefs and puts the pizzas on the table. She sees how Peter shows her a chair. She pulls back the chair and is shocked to see that her pink dildo is tied to the chair. 'Since you really wanted to get fucked, we'll arrange that for you. That's how we are.' Jacob says with a grin. With a red face, Roosmarijn takes a seat on the chair, slowly sliding her wet pussy over the dildo. She moans loudly as her buttocks touch the chair. She has never felt so stuffed. She sees that the rest has already started, and takes the first bite of her pizza.

'We haven't told you yet where you're going to sleep tonight', Jacob suddenly begins, 'you start with the person who has lived in this house the longest and end with the newest occupant. As you already heard, Frans has lived here the longest, then me, Sofie, Peter and then Kim.'

Roosmarijn nods as she swallows her slice of pizza. 'And the last night? Thursday?” she asks. She sees the group smiling. 'You can see that then little girl', says Kim mysteriously. Secretly she had hoped that she could sleep in her own room, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

To be continued.. Are you also looking for excitement? Add me on Snapchat: Excitement Wanted.

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