
Everyone Does It - 1

'Read this,' Quinten said, sliding the newspaper across the table to his sister.

'Ugh, horrible,' she muttered, 'how can such a thing be? Who gets that into his head?'

'Yes, every day something in newspapers and on TV about rape and incest. We get hit on the head with it. And we... Mom acted like the world was ending. And with us it's love!'

'Yes, little brother, it's hard to understand why she made such a racket about it. We're lucky one more: that she promised not to tell dad about it.'

'Provided we never do it again! We're not planning on that, are we, Lara?'

'I certainly don't, Quin! And neither do you, it sounds like.'

"No, sister, as long as you want it..."

'Of course I want it. Now you!'

'Mom will be right back. We don't have time, Lara. And I don't think she'll leave us alone long enough now... It was that she urgently needed to go to the pharmacy for something we apparently weren't supposed to know. What would it be?'

"I don't know, maybe something for her's pacifier or prostate pills for Dad," Lara laughed.

'Here she comes, see? Ten minutes and she's probably already been afraid we were making love again.'

'We'll figure it out, Quin. Just the idea that I can't feel you in me anymore... that you can't feel me anymore... When you read the papers, it's like everyone's doing it to everyone. Why shouldn't we do it then?'

--- --- --- ---

Day 1: Jenny

Jenny jumped off her bike and stormed in. She should have left the children alone, if only for fifteen minutes. Normally she let Quinten or Lara do the shopping. After all, she was always too busy in the kitchen, the bathroom, the laundry room, the whole house... There was always something to do and everything was never clean, in order, shiny and smart enough. But Viagra really couldn't let them get them. Peter hasn't really gotten stiff lately. And the best part was that he thought it was her fault! After weeks of praying and pleading, she had persuaded him to ask their doctor for a prescription for Viagra. What Peter had said at the doctor's, or what the doctor had asked or advised Peter, she didn't know.

'Medical secret,' Peter had grunted, but he did have a prescription and, fearing he wouldn't pick it up himself, she'd gone to the pharmacy.

Not that she enjoyed it, but she did think that a man had a right to sex. She knew how men were: if you didn't let them have their way, they might get it into their head to get their money's worth elsewhere. And Peter shouldn't get that into his head! That's why every few weeks she allowed him to stick his thing in her and pump her full of that gooey stuff that leaked out of her slit so slippery afterwards. That some people could enjoy that, her mind was too small for that. After Lara was born, she had tried to convince Peter to stop having sex because she didn't want to go on the pill and he didn't want to put on a condom. He'd found a goddamn solution to that: he'd had a haircut: "So, Jenny, now we can do it without you having to worry about getting pregnant."

It had gone well for years. She found it embarrassing to see him get into bed with an erection, and usually she could either soothe or fend him off. It was also true, though he couldn't believe it: she really had a headache. She just had to look at that stiff cock of his and there the stitches came, as if a thousand pins were being stuck in her skull. He had no idea how she suffered as he lay pumping himself into her like a horny bull! And yet, now that he hadn't done anything for months and she suspected him of doing it 'on another', she had forced him to make love and suddenly he couldn't anymore! Now it was he who was looking for excuses: too much work, stress, tired, too much to drink... there was something every time and his penis remained as small as Quinten's when she had last seen it and that was many many years ago. Well, he would have to with those pills, although she didn't feel like it herself as she always did. She just wanted him to feel comfortable with her, nothing more. She could at least sacrifice herself to save their marriage, she thought.

And that wasn't her main concern. The day before yesterday she had caught Quinten and Lara watching a movie on the couch. Quinten was sitting there with his pants unzipped, she couldn't see his thing because Lara had wrapped her hand around it and was jerking the hell off! She had screamed and Quinten had quickly stuffed his thing into his pants and ran into the washroom. She just saw Lara throw down her dress as well and then, when the wind had gone up the stairs, to her room. They had apparently thought she would be gone for a long time. She had cycled to her sister's to help her sew her daughter's wedding dress, but Lia wasn't home. And so she was unexpectedly back home after half an hour and found her two children busy with... that smut!

In the end, Quinten had to leave the washroom and she dragged him up the stairs, opened the door of Lara's room and gave them a huge wash. She was completely out of her mind, how could it be otherwise? She had told them not to let them out of their sight for a second, that she would make sure they never had the opportunity to be alone together again. The two of them weren't standing there shivering and trembling as she had expected. They didn't show any remorse, they just looked at her with angry eyes as she ranted and cursed. When she had finished, she had promised them not to tell Peter about it.

'But if I come up with it again, be sure I tell him! So what?'

Even now the two seemed unimpressed.

On the way to the pharmacy and back, she had rushed so much that she came in red-faced. Fortunately, Quinten and Lara sat on opposite sides of the table with the newspaper in front of them. They were modestly dressed. They couldn't have done anything in that short time... Phew, she had done that well'

She went to the bedroom and put the pills in the bedside table on Peter's side of the bed. Even though she was less in the mood now than ever, she still wanted him to come inside her tonight. She was up for that. She'd read in her women's magazine that a man who couldn't get an erection with his wife was either overwrought or under stress, or... and then a whole host of other causes followed, such as watching too much porn, masturbating too often, or , worst of all, having a mistress. She would sacrifice herself for a good cause because what would she do without Peter, should he ever fall in love with another woman? She would also monitor his movements as best she could, she had already thought, but now, with that case with Quinten and Lara, she would be completely housebound... She would have to make sure that they were never alone in the house together. and that they could never leave together. Could she handle it all? Her head was spinning, she had a terrible attack of migraine, collapsed on the bed and began to lament herself as if weeping.

--- --- --- ---

Day 1: Peter

I wonder what I will find at home later. Of one thing I am almost certain: a woman who has spent all day cleaning, cleaning, washing, ironing and is still worried about a speck of dust she missed, a possible spider web in the attic or some ashes from a cigarette in my workshop. And she will also whine about the kids now that it's vacation. They spend almost all day at home, so they make everything dirty or get in her way when vacuuming.

Worst of all, she'll make me take a Viagra and expect it to make me hard. After years of being bored fucking until she had two kids, she completely neglected me sexually for almost sixteen years. Until I was no longer able to get life into it in bed. The mere idea of ​​having sex with her (or something similar) makes my flaccid cock shrivel into a useless rind that dangles helplessly against my equally flabby sack. Whether Viagra can change anything about that seems highly unlikely to me. After all, the doctor told me that there must be a certain excitement to start the blood flow to the penis.

There's nothing wrong with that blood flow to my cock, by the way. With Lia it starts quickly, since a few months now. That Jenny's older sister hadn't confessed to me before that she wanted to sleep with me! And how two women from the same litter can differ from each other... Jenny, the cleaning lady, the house slave and the muttering beguine, forty years old in body and limb, but essentially a decrepit female for a very long time. Not that she's ugly, quite the contrary. Her breasts are still firm and belly is still tight; her woolly hairy pussy could still charm me if she felt like sex herself. And then her eight-year older sister, Lia. Seamstress by profession and also in bed she lives up to that title. She was finally divorced from that jellyfish Danny, and she's been waiting for that to tell me she's been wanting to do it with me for years. Of course, she had long understood that her sister had an aversion to sex. Jenny had told her explicitly a few times, adding that she only did it to keep me from looking at other women. Ridiculous bitch! Lia also had a hearty laugh about it. And the first time with Lia, now four months ago, was a blast. Finally meat that smelled like horny instead of soap, wax or Dettol. Finally nipples that stood erect and yearned for a mouth to suck them off. Finally a cunt that was neatly trimmed and felt moist and warm from the first touch. A swollen crotch, bloody labia, a cunt dripping with mucus, a clit that gleamed with excitement and anticipation, and a pee hole that spewed jets of hot horny. And Lia's whole body was beautiful, as was her full-moon face that always had a smile. No, no one could suspect sisters in those two women. They were like day and night, luck and misfortune, the winning lottery ticket and the lost play money.

No, I don't expect anything from that Viagra. I would never have gone to pick up the pills either. I left that to Jenny. I didn't want to undergo that humiliation myself by showing my doctor's note to that young pharmacist.

I park the car in front of the house, step inside and see or hear no one. I carefully walk up the stairs without making a sound. After all, I expect to find a woman in bed with the one thousand six hundredth migraine attack since her marriage. Carefully I open the door of the bedroom and yes, in the semi-darkness she lies there, my Jenny, with a damp cloth on her forehead, fully dressed with her kitchen apron still in front. She sleeps. She snores. I tiptoe out of the bedroom and close the door inaudibly. As I pass Lara's bedroom, I hear a sound I recognize all too well. Cries from a woman about to cum. She probably watches porn. But this doesn't seem to come from a rickety PC amplifier, it seems more real to me. Could she have smuggled in a boyfriend? I stand and listen for a while and now I clearly hear the sound of a deeper voice, panting and moaning. I wish Lara all the best and hope that Jenny sleeps in long enough for the lucky suitor to get out before Jenny turns the house upside down. I manage to go down without a step of the stairs squeaking.

Fifteen minutes later, Quinten comes downstairs.

'Hello Dad, where's Mom?'

“I came home half an hour ago. She sleeps.'

'Luckily,' Quinten sighs, 'that's really what she needed.'

"Was the weather that bad?"

At that moment, Lara comes down the stairs, alone. Where is her suitor? He really has to leave the house before Jenny wakes up..

Lara looks shocked when she sees me. Yes, I'm home an hour earlier than usual, I work with sliding hours and therefore left an hour earlier this morning, when the children were still asleep.

I don't ask her about what I heard at her door, it's none of my business after all and she's of age. Well, since a month and a half anyway. But anyway: she is of age and she does what she wants. I was already active at that age. I had to do it in the bushes. Sometimes I still think of Annemiek, my neighbor, two years younger than me. We were both inexperienced, didn't really plan on doing it, but suddenly my bone hard boy cock was sticking in her bald slit and we loved it! How would Annemiek be now? In the many years without real sex with Jenny I had often jerked off to the image of that little girl in front of me, with her legs open in the grass between the bushes... All this time I didn't dare to find out where Annemiek lived now and since I made love to Lia, that had slipped my mind. And yet not quite...

We start preparing the evening meal together. A simple fish salad. Quinten bakes fries on the terrace. I'm alone with Lara, who still doesn't feel quite comfortable. The boy who was with her still hasn't come down. With an excuse that I'm going to see if mom is awake yet, I walk upstairs. As quietly as possible, I look first at the bathroom, at Quinten's room, then at Lara's and finally at the ironing room: nobody. The toilet maybe? Empty. Would that guy fucking be in our bedroom? Jenny is still sleeping as deeply as before. She hasn't moved yet. It may be ridiculous, but I look under the bed and even in the wardrobe. Then it dawns on me that it could only have been Quinten.

Day 1: Laura

When I heard mom screaming in her room, I ran to her. She was having a terrible bout of migraines, she complained. She asked me to get her pills. In the bathroom I filled a glass of water, pressed a sleeping tablet from the blister and a dafalgan from the alu-pack and let both pills dissolve in the water. The sleeping pill didn't work, but Mom's room was darkened, so she wouldn't see it anyway. To be sure, I crumbled half another sleeping pill between my fingers and sprinkled it into the glass as well

I just wanted Quinten and Quinten just wanted me. It had already started a year ago between us. We'd always gotten along and for as long as I can remember we'd been secretly playing the kid's games that everyone else plays. That came to an end when Quinten was about eight years old, I think, but last year, on holiday in the Ardèche, we picked up the thread again. Mom was in bed every afternoon with a migraine, Dad went to play boules with other tourists in the village and we went for long walks every day through hills and valleys, as they say. And on one of those days we came to a beautiful mountain lake. There was no one to be seen and we decided to swim. We had nothing to wear except a t-shirt and shorts, and of course each a pair of underpants. Quinten took off all his clothes and jumped naked into the water. I followed. When we lay in the shade of an oak tree on the bank, Quinten sat up and said that I had nice breasts. Loom I replied that I knew that too. Just out of the cold water and now caressed by a fresh breeze, my nipples were completely stiff. The skin of my breasts was filled with goosebumps.

'I'd like to caress them again, like before,' said Quinten.

'Go ahead,' I said. And under his gentle touch, everything in my abdomen contracted and for the first time in my life I felt like being touched there.

'You can also caress my belly,' I sighed, 'and my legs.'

"Everything, as before?" he asked.

"Everything," I said, "just like before."

That's how it started and it ended with both of us not being virgins two days before we went back home. The fear that I would get pregnant, turned out to be unnecessary on the way back. When I went to pee in one of those nasty toilets along the autoroute near Lyon, my rules broke.

Back home we agreed that we wouldn't do it again until I was sixteen. We had a family doctor that I trusted. Once sixteen, I was going to ask him for the pill. And then hide them so well that even mom could never find them.

I was supposed to start my second strip tomorrow.

This afternoon, when we were sure that mom was in a deep sleep, we satisfied each other. I jerked off Quinten first and then he fingered me. Soon we can finally just have sex with each other...

If everyone in the world is allowed to have sex, why not us?

Day 1: Peter

I didn't say anything about it to Lara or Quinten, didn't even allude to it. And Lara went back to normal after a while. I still thought it possible that they had watched porn together. I didn't think it possible that they would have sex with each other, or I immediately pushed the possibility out of my mind. After dinner and washing up I went to check on Jenny again. She was awake, but not quite in her senses, it seemed. She looked around in a daze and blinked when I turned on the light.

'I don't feel well, Peter,' she moaned, 'what time is it?'

"Eight o'clock," I said curtly.

'God in heaven,' she exclaimed in terror and jumped up wildly, 'where are the children?'

'I made dinner with them, we ate and washed up. Now they are playing a game of badminton. What are you worried about? They are seventeen and sixteen. They can take care of themselves, you know.'

'But…but…they'd be alone all afternoon! I went to rest at half past three. And I fell asleep! I just wanted to lie in bed for fifteen minutes, no longer.'

'Why shouldn't you rest for half a day? If you sleep that long, it just means you desperately needed it. And the kids, damn it, Jenny, they're not kids anymore.'

'That's precisely why,' she replied with a grim expression, 'you never know what they're up to.'

I pushed her back on the bed, went to the bathroom and filled a glass of water, took a sleeping pill and gave it to her.

'Here,' I said, 'you're all over the place. What you need is rest, finally a little rest.'

To my surprise, she didn't resist. I put the sleeping pill on her tongue and she gulped down the glass greedily. I walked downstairs, grabbed my smartphone and called Lia that I was free, that Jenny was asleep.

'Finally, it's about time,' she replied, 'I'll keep track. It's been exactly ten days today. Come on with that banana.'

I told the kids I was going to help Aunt Lia prepare for their niece's wedding.

Was Quinten on to something? Or was I imagining him winking at me? Oh well, it didn't matter. Finally my cock again in that warm dripping cave of his aunt, of my sister-in-law, of the mistress I had missed for so many years.

When I came to her, she was already waiting for me.

'Come on, Peter,' she laughed, 'everyone does it, so why not us?'

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