
Doctor Play

Hello everyone, I'm Eva, twenty-nine years old during this story, single and working as a district manager for a clothing chain.

When I recently came to my hometown for business, I bumped into my best friend Carla from my school days. We grew up together and have been best friends since we were five years old. When I went to study in another city, our contact faded. That was almost ten years ago now. Since I had no more appointments for the rest of the day, I thought it would be a good idea to have a chat.

Carla has been married for three years now, and her husband is abroad for a medical congress. She invites me to stay for dinner and adds that if I want I can stay over too. During dinner she opens a bottle of wine, and when I've finished my second glass and want to pour the third I tell her I can't because I have to drive another hundred miles back. "Aah, keep sleeping.", she says "Just like before, nice and cozy, the bed is big enough.".

After dinner we clear the table and she proposes to show the house when the bell rings. At the door is a handsome young man who looks familiar to me, it is René, also an acquaintance from the past who we used to hang out with a lot. René goes with us to the living room where we first have a drink. René has become a very nice boy of twenty-eight, single and lives down the street.

A little later, Carla proposes to show me the house after all. René, who doesn't want to be left alone, goes with us. I get a full tour of the house from the kitchen, toilet, to the bedrooms. Finally, she shows me the workplace of her husband, who has a practice at home as a general practitioner. Through the waiting room we get to the treatment room. And here we linger while talking.

"Do you remember when the three of us used to play doctor sometimes?" she asks me. I nod and think back to how we used to play these kinds of games until recently. As we grew older the games went further and further and became less and less innocent. It did happen that the "patient" lay completely naked in front of the "doctor" during such an "examination". During puberty we regularly compared our bodies with each other and the changes that took place in this way.

René comes up behind me, wraps his arms around me and asks "has it been a long time since you've been to the doctor?"

"Do you mean what I think you mean?" I ask him, and seek support from Carla. Carla's eyes twinkle and looks at me and then nods.

Carla sends me to the waiting room where I have to wait so they can prepare. When I am called I see Carla and René wearing a doctor's coat, both have bare legs so I suspect that there is not much underneath. Carla shows me the chair I can sit in, I follow the directions and sit down.

I understand from my intern that you have a stomach ache, is that correct?

Doctor René asks. The ailment has already been sorted out for me and I'm going with it.

That's right doctor sometimes severe cramps

I let him know. After some talking back and forth, he tells Carla that she can accompany me to the examination table. She asks me to take off my skirt and take a seat. "Then I will now examine you in order to arrive at a diagnosis. I lie down on the treatment table and Carla and René come to stand next to me on either side. "Just point out exactly where you are having problems." my hand on my blouse just below my navel "Here doctor" I say. René takes my hand and puts it next to me on the table. "Just relax". Gently René presses his fingertips on my stomach and makes pressing and massaging movements. "This doesn't hurt, does it?" he asks me. "No, not at all," I answer him. Would you like to make some space and undo a few buttons so that a little more belly is exposed, René asks Carla. She knots unfastening my blouse until there is only one button left and puts the panels aside. "Let's listen first

says René and comes with the stethoscope, listens with it just below my chest and then slowly goes down until it reaches the edge of my thong.


says Rene

not very clear, by the way, I saw in your file that it has been a long time since you had a breast examination


Will you take care of that Carla?

While the doctor walks back to his desk to take a look at my file, Carla allows me to get up, she undoes the last button, takes off my blouse completely and immediately unfastens the closure of my bra.

The backrest is now upright and I lean back.

With great feeling she removes the cups from my tits and makes an admiring noise. Two pairs of eyes inspect and admire my breasts. "Would you like to sit down?" asks Carla. I sit up straight and, at Carla's direction, turn myself a quarter turn so that my legs hang over the edge of the table.

Carla puts her left hand under my left breast to support it as she begins to explore my breast with her right hand. Carla massages me in this way for about a minute when she asks René if he would like to tell me what he thinks about it. While René bends over my left breast, Carla focuses on my right breast, which is now receiving the same treatment from her. While Carla feels and kneads my entire breast, René's attention goes more to my nipple. After some careful squeezing and twisting of my hard nipple, it's the other's turn. This too is made hard and sensitive by his warm fingers.

"Very nice" says Carla. Could you now lie down on the table again. In just my thong I lie down on the examination table again. When I lie down again, Carla and René come to the table on either side. "We'll check your breasts again lying down," says Carla. "Hands behind your head please." When I do this and my nipples are vulnerable up, both start to examine one breast. My breasts are firmly kneaded and my nipples are gently pulled again. René proposes to repeat the examination with sagging breasts. For this he has to get on my hands and knees on the table, bend over and put my hands far in front of me on the table with my head between them.

When I'm in this position, my breasts dangle just above the table in the free air, while my butt sticks up. To keep my balance, I grab the table firmly with my hands and place my knees as far as possible on the outside of the table, so that my legs are spread. This time it is only Carla who examines my breasts further. And while she milks my breasts I hear René rumbling in the background. When René comes back, he asks Carla how things are going. Carla says she's almost done with one breast. The moment she says that, two fingers grab a nipple. Carefully she rolls it through her fingers and pulls it hard, I moan. While I enjoy the stimulation by Carla I hear René say in the background "Don't be alarmed, I'm going to take your temperature.". The moment he says this I feel his fingers catch on my thong and move it down to make room for his thermometer. I can feel the red appearing on my cheeks as I sit on the table with my butt bare in this kneeling position while my temperature is taken shortly. Carla now joins René and leaves my burning nipples alone so that the signals to my pussy stop for a moment I feel even more embarrassed and excited now that they together have an unobstructed view of my bottom and pussy, this also apparently shamelessly while I'm not lying at my best right now with my ass so prominently in the air. "Is it possible to make your back a bit more hollow?" René asks me, while his hand gently presses my back down. When I comply, my breasts come into contact with the cold covering of the table, so my nipples remain stiff and I feel my ass appear even more prominently in their view. "Just relax" says Carla and I feel her finger penetrate my ass to smear some substance on the inside. "I use a slightly larger one than usual, but measure much more accurately. To get the most accurate measurement result.

Try to relax Eva

says Rene. Immediately after he says this I feel something warm pressing against my anus and I realize what it is. Without much trouble my anus opens to the thick warm thermometer. Carefully René presses further and I feel how my sphincter gives in to the thick and stiff thermometer. Inch by inch the thermometer disappears inside while René keeps moving it in and out bit by bit. "Good, we're already halfway, you're doing great Eva" I hear René say as he slowly but surely pushes him further inside. Then the object suddenly pushes through and I am full, while two hands continuously knead my buttocks. "This felt good

I hear René say as he disappears from me after a few thrusts, and Carla wipes my ass with a paper towel.

Stay in this position for a while

says Rene

then Carla can finish the rest of the breast exam

. Carla starts to interfere with my breasts and nipples again while René now pulls my thong further over my legs. Then I feel something warm pressing against my labia again and René enters me with the full length of his penis while Carla again subjects my nipples to a pulling test. Two hands grab my hips and begin to thrust with force until his balls slam into my legs. As Carla continues to tug on my nipples, her mouth finds mine and her tongue penetrates me, triggering my cumshot. I fall forward on the table and that finally cools my burning nipples as I hear Carla take care of René by sucking him off until she audibly swallows his cum. The fun is over and it's getting late. René gets dressed and thanks us for the wonderful evening. Carla and I take a shower and I decide to stay with her anyway. In bed she comes naked when we lie against me and asks

did you enjoy our game



I answer, to which she asks if I still feel like examining her because I've been quite short tonight.

Ok ma'am what are the complaints

I ask when I've decided to please her too.

I can't cum doctor

she says to me

could you examine me

? She lays down with her legs wide apart and I crawl between her legs and start messing around with her clit and dark red, thick and swollen pussy lips. I caress her gently and a grunt leaves her throat, her hands try to push my head against her cunt and when she fails she surrenders to me. I don't keep her waiting too long and with two fingers in her cunt and my tongue on her clit I work her over the hill in less than a minute. She moans, moans, jerks and when she has calmed down she thanks me. Now I fall onto my back and Carla takes advantage of that to bury her head between my thighs as her slit reappears above my head. Just one more time and it won't be long before we fall asleep in each other's arms.

Luckily tomorrow is Saturday.


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