
Diary Of Joey - 1

It's Tuesday afternoon, around four o'clock, I'm running again. I got dressed straight out of school. Running shoes on, my white Nike football shorts and a light blue training shirt. It is the end of August, the summer holidays have just ended and it is a nice sunny day.

I like to walk new routes and just walk into the forest on the outskirts of the city, hoping that the shade of the trees will provide some cooling.

I have my earphones in and the exciting dance music ensures that I keep a nice pace.

By the way, I'm Joey, I turned 16 this summer, and I live for football. During the week I train at the club two or three times. I always compete in the weekends and on the days that I don't train I like to go running and do strength training at home.

So I would definitely describe myself as sporty and although never satisfied, you can also describe my physique that way. At 1.76 I am not the tallest in the team, but fortunately not the shortest either. I have a slim and fairly muscular body that I am a bit proud of.

My dark blond hair is shaved on the sides and a bit longer on top and always neatly styled to the left. I'm labeled as "vain" by many people and I can't help but agree with them. I see the world through my green-blue eyes, and in my world three things are important, school, friends and most of all football.

After I've taken some paths without paying much attention I run into a parking lot, I stop for a moment to catch my breath. I take off my earphones, stretch my leg muscles, and wipe the sweat from my face with my shirt.

I look around, there are about three cars parked, but I don't see anyone. To be honest, I have no idea where I am, nor where to go.

With a ball on the field, my sense of direction never lets me down, but here in the woods it's a bit different.

I look to see if there is a map somewhere, for walkers or something, but no luck. When I suddenly see movement further on, behind a bunch of bushes, I am relieved. It must be a hiker coming back to his car.

But no one comes out from behind the bushes, so hesitantly I walk in that direction.

I walk around the bushes and suddenly I come face to face with a man, and he is naked. Without a doubt my eyes dart down and I see a shaved cock that is rock hard. 'Hi boy' I hear say, a deep voice that cracks with tension.

Only one thing crosses my mind, 'get out'. As I turn around I almost fall over. I regain my balance and start my fastest sprint and keep running until I'm out of the woods.

Only when I walk between the houses again do I slow down my pace and look around for landmarks. At a jogging pace I pass a playground that I have run past before and I know the way back home again.

I put my earphones back in and in fifteen minutes I'm home, soaking wet with sweat and still recovering from the sprint in the woods, I'm at the door. I ring the doorbell and fortunately my brother Dave quickly opens the door.

I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and drink it in one go, then I walk upstairs to the bathroom. I struggle to pull off my shirt that is glued to my body. Then I lower my shorts and my boxers to my ankles in one movement. I kick off my shoes and step out of my pants.

I turn on the shower and finally take off my ankle socks. I stand in front of the mirror and look at my naked body, I tighten my abs for a moment and rub my cubed stomach. My hand slides down through the clump of dark blonde pubic hair above my cock.

My hand slides further down and I run my fingers around my flaccid cock and grab it. When slack, I'm one of the tallest on the team. Something I'm quite proud of. Slowly my cock hardens between my fingers.

The image of the man in the woods flashes through my mind again. With my own hard cock in my hand I see the image of the big bald man cock. I don't want to think about it and hear the water in the shower flowing again.

I walk into the shower and the warm water flows over my body. I always find a nice shower after running or sports very relaxing. I wash my hair and soap my body, my cock now protrudes the full seventeen centimeters from my body.

I think back to Elina, the girl I kissed for the first time this holiday. The image is clear on my retina and as I play with my hard cock, I press my lips against the glass shower wall.

I stick out my tongue and imagine that the shower wall is Elina. Also my cockhead presses against the cold glass as I jerk off. It doesn't take more than a minute before my body starts to jerk and my cum sprays against the shower wall.

With shaky knees I keep pulling gently until my balls are empty. I step back under the warm jets of the shower and rinse my slackening cock clean.

With the hand shower I spray my seed off the wall, into the well, and I finish with a refreshing cold rain shower.

After drying off I walk to my room with the towel around my waist. I put on clean boxers, sweatpants and a shirt and go downstairs for dinner.

It is now half past ten, in my boxer shorts I am lying under the duvet of my favorite football club. I view the data from my sports watch on my phone. With my sprint I set a new speed record. I also look at the route I have traveled and locate the parking space in question.

Unnoticed my cock got stuck in my tight Jack & Jones boxer. Why did this make me so horny? I open the browser on my phone, and I surf to PornHub in incognito mode.

I start a video where a blonde girl is fucked by an older man. My hand slides under the covers to my hard cock. I put my boxers down a bit and watching the video start to jerk. Unnoticed, my gaze is focused on the man's hard cock, which reminds me of this afternoon.

In no time my hard cock starts to jerk and a few jets of warm cum spray on my stomach. With a tissue from the box on my bedside table I wipe my stomach, and then fall asleep like a log.

Wednesday passes like any other day, I repeated a class at primary school and am now in 3 vwo. School comes easily to me, and I always get high grades. After school I go straight to training. And when I come home in the evening it's dinner, shower and usually straight to bed. So today is no different.

Also on Thursday the school day goes by like any other, once at home I change again to go running. It's cooler than the past few days with the occasional dirty drizzle. I put on blue Nike training pants over my white Armani boxers and a white training shirt.

I quickly look back at Tuesday's route, I don't know why, but that parking lot fascinates me, and I had thought at school to go by it again today.

Although I expect few "hikers" with this weather.

I put in my earphones and start my route, in fifteen minutes I'm at the forest and ten minutes later I can already see the parking lot in the distance. I see a black station wagon, and slow down my pace slightly. I walk into the parking lot, there are no other cars, I see a man sitting in the station wagon. I walk on to a bench about fifteen meters opposite the car

I take off my earphones and with my back to the man in the car I start doing some stretches against the bench. Because it's cooler today, the sweat isn't too bad, while I'm busy it starts to drizzle again.

I have a strange, tense feeling in my stomach, I feel watched. When I turn around I see the man's left arm moving wildly. He sees me and the movement stops, I now look the man straight into his eyes. His right hand rises above the dashboard and he makes a beckoning gesture while his left arm slowly rises and falls again.

I look around me, there is no one else, his gesture is meant for me. The first thing that comes to my mind is 'get out'. But I had not gone back for nothing, my curiosity had brought me here.

I stand there frozen and full of doubts, the man gestures again. My body fills with a combination of tension, fear and maybe even excitement.

And with trembling legs I walk towards the car anyway.

With a few feet to go, the man, leaning over, opens the passenger door. Hesitantly I grab the door handle, my hand is shaking enormously. My stomach cramps completely, I pull the door towards me and walk around it.

The man makes a patting gesture on the seat next to him, I look into the car. He is a sporty-looking man, age-wise he could be my father. He wears a white blouse and black trousers. Again I'm face to face with a hard man's cock. His slacks are open, his underwear down and his hard cock is clasped in his hand.

The man pats the seat one more time and I get into the car and sit next to him. I close the door behind me, it's warm and dry in the car, I'm still very tense, feel my body shaking and don't know where to look.

"Is this your first time here?" the man begins to speak in a heavy but soft voice. I nod yes and no at the same time and suddenly I feel a firm warm hand on my left upper leg.

"Calm down boy you don't need anything from me here." I just think to myself 'I don't want anything either'. The man asks my name and I answer with a trembling voice 'Joey'. “Beautiful name, for a beautiful boy. I'm Marcel.'

It's quiet for a moment and then Marcel asks, 'do you mind if I play with myself a bit, Joey?'. I just shake my head and the man starts to gently tug on his hard cock. While staring at the dashboard, I secretly look to the left out of the corner of my eye

The man slumps slightly and plays gaudyly with his hard cock. "Would you like to help Joey?" he asks, and immediately I shake my head firmly.

'Are you sure boy, you're here for a reason, aren't you?'

Marcel makes me doubt, he was right in a way, I hadn't just come here. After last time I knew something like this could probably happen here.

The man's right hand is still on my thigh and while he makes a soft grunting sound he squeezes my leg firmly.

'Just feel alone then Joey?', he persuades me again.

I sit still and the man removes his hand from my leg, but immediately I feel him grab my wrist and pull my hand towards his crotch.

My hand and whole arm is shaking with tension, I close my eyes. I want to pull my arm back but the man has a tight grip on it. Suddenly I feel the soft warm skin of his hard cock against my fingers. His cock jerks up and down as my fingers run along it. With his other hand, Marcel clamps my fingers around his thick cock.

"Ahhh nice isn't it, Joey" he growls. I especially find it very exciting to have this man's cock in my hand. It is almost twice thicker than mine and certainly longer. Marcel still has a firm grip on my wrist and begins to move it up and down.

He gently releases my wrist and I continue the pulling motion. I open my eyes and look at my hand that is clamped around his hard cock. Am I really jerking off a man I think to myself, I don't get it but keep going anyway.

Meanwhile Marcel unbuttons his blouse, revealing his hairy chest and belly. The hair above his cock has been trimmed and his cock and balls themselves have been shaved. Again I feel his hand on my thigh, but he doesn't stop him now, while he gently kneads my leg he slowly slides it up towards my crotch.

My eyes are focused on Marcel's cock and my hand jerking him off. His hand is now at my groin and I feel my stomach contracting even more.

As his big hand slides from my groin to my crotch and his fingers knead my limp cock through the fabric of my sweatpants, I feel his cock jerk. Marcel sprays his seed up to his hairy chest. I'm shocked and immediately let go, I open the door and immediately get out of the car. I feel the drizzle on my face and arms, and immediately start running.

I can still hear the man calling, 'Joey, come back'. But I sprint back out of the woods in the same direction I had come. What had happened, what had I done, my mind kept spinning.

Only after the cold shower at home do I come to my senses again. While I'm drying myself off I actually realize that I actually liked the tension. That it was that tension that had drawn me back to the parking lot. And that it might have been even more exciting if this strange man had also touched me.

The predominant tension flows out of my body and my cock stands straight out. While I can see how Marcel would have continued, I walk to the double sink. While I look at myself in the mirror, I jerk off. For about thirty seconds I think about how a large man's hand slides into my shorts and then I spray five large jets of cum into the sink.

I wipe my cock with a piece of toilet paper and rinse my seed out of the sink. I decide that next time the parking lot in the woods will be on my route again.

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