
Deflowered By My Aunt And Niece - 1

I wrote this story at the request of and in consultation with Megan. The first part is largely an introduction and there is no real sex in it yet, but that will certainly be fine in the following parts! Enjoy reading. And I love it when you leave a comment below or on my email!

This story took place when I was just 16 years old and is about my first sexual experience. I was in high school and for that I had to do a two-day internship that fits my subject matter and my professional interest. It is always difficult to find a place for something like this, but now I was lucky enough to be able to go to my uncle Marco's company. Only that company is on the other side of the country. But that problem was also solved in no time; I could stay with my uncle Marco. The family also consists of my aunt Megan and their children Tom and Marloes.

Megan is my father's sister, 43 years old and has always been my favorite aunt. When we were little she always made it fun when we visited and she always joined in the games we played. We just don't see each other that often; nowadays only on birthdays. I also always had good times with my cousin Tom and niece Marloes. Tom is a little older than I am and there is always a lot of confusion about our names. So his name is Tom, and I am Tomas Marloes is 2 months younger than me. A nice smooth girl; she is a cheerful teenager and goes through life whistling. I used to occasionally go to stay with them with my sister Isabel. Me in the room with Tom and Isabel at Marloes. But now I haven't seen them all in almost a year.

The two internship days are on Monday and Tuesday. We have agreed that I will go to them on Saturday and stay for a few days. On a summery Saturday afternoon I pack my things and take the train. An hour and a half later I get out and take the bus to my aunt and uncle's house. That's just a small piece. Megan wanted to pick me up at the station, but the bus is just as easy. Around 5 o'clock I'm at the door of their house, put my weekend bag on the floor and I ring the doorbell.

Megan opens the doors and immediately shouts enthusiastically:

Hey Thomas! You are here! How nice, come on in!

Hi Aunt Megan!

, I say. I pick up my bag and step inside.

come! First a hug!

, she says as she immediately presses me against her. She kisses me on my cheek. I feel her firm breasts pressing against me and it gives me a tingling sensation in my abdomen. I've never had those feelings with her before, but now I feel pleasant jitters.

That is a long time ago!

, she continues

Let me take a good look at you. Like this! You are becoming a real man, not a little boy anymore. You are already taller than me!

Thanks aunt!

, I respond

You're looking good too!

And I mean that too. Megan is a beautiful woman and I never noticed that before. I think I was too young for that before and just didn't have an eye for it yet. But now I look at her with different eyes. She has blond hair down to her shoulders and a beautiful face with expressive eyes. She wears shorts and I notice for the first time that she has nice round buttocks. She is also wearing a loose-fitting t-shirt. The shirt is so wide that one shoulder of hers is exposed and I can see her bra strap. There is actually nothing to see but this is still very sexy.

I walk into the living room ahead of her. Megan pauses in the hall by the stairs for a moment and shouts:

Marloes! Thomas is here! Do you come?


, I hear someone calling from upstairs and almost immediately I hear her storming down the stairs.


, Marloes calls as she runs into the room. I don't have time to react because she immediately jumps around my neck.

Nice to see you again! It's about time again! It's been almost a year or so. How are you?

, she continues.

Good! And with you? What's it like here?

, I say she has let go of me.

Also fine

, Megan continues.

There are three of us today and tomorrow. Marco is fishing with friends again this weekend and Tom is with his girlfriend. And it's always a question of when he'll be back.

On the one hand I think that is a pity because I get on well with Marco and Tom, but I will also have a good time with Megan and Marloes.

So it's been a long time since I've seen Marloes and I take a good look at her. She's grown up a lot more than last time. She was really a child then, but now there is a beautiful young girl in front of me. She has beautiful long blonde hair and the same striking eyes as her mother. In addition, a slim body and she has breasts! She didn't have one last time, but now she seems to have a nice B-cup. They look good in the tight sweater she is wearing. After the tingling caused by Megan, I get the same tingling with Marloes.

Megan continues to prepare the food in the kitchen and Marloes and I join her at the kitchen table. We have a lot to say after not seeing each other for such a long time and it's old-fashioned fun. Also during dinner and afterwards we chat about anything and everything.

What do you want to do tonight?

, asks Megan during dessert.

Games or watch a movie?

, Marloes asks me.

I like both

, I say.

Wait I know something better!

, Marloes continues

We can watch a movie on Mum and Dad's big bed just like old times!

I think that's a good idea too. We used to do that more often in the past. When we slept over, Tom, Marloes, Isabel and I lay in our pajamas on the big bed watching TV.

And then we grab something to drink and snack

says Megan.

Yes! And nice in our pajamas!

Marloes laughs.

Come on, Tomas, I'll walk you to the guest room and you can change.

I think it's all right and follow Marloes upstairs.

Arriving in the guest room, Marloes leaves me alone and I unpack my bag.


, I think

I don't have that with me. I just sleep in my boxers

I rummage through my bag and luckily I threw in some sweat shorts at the last minute. I just put them on as pajama pants and a t-shirt on top. I'm on my mobile for a while and then Megan knocks on the door:

Are you ready Thomas? Are you wearing your pajamas?

I answer with a yes and open the door. There stands Megan and I have to swallow from what I see. She is wearing a light pink nightgown with thin straps over her shoulders and a plunging neckline. Her full firm C-cup breasts come out wonderfully! The length of the nightgown is halfway up her thighs and is just long enough not to show anything.

What do you think of my pajamas?

, she smiles when she sees me looking at her with wide eyes.

Very nice

, I answer.

Come on, I brought you some goodies

, she says and I follow her to the bedroom.

In the bedroom everything is ready for a cozy movie night. Curtains are closed, there is plenty to drink and snack. The TV is already on and the lights are dimmed. Megan lays down on the bed and pats the comforter next to her. I follow her gesture and lie down next to her. The cushions are placed upright against the back wall, so we are half upright. I feel a little uncomfortable next to Aunt Megan in her sexy nightgown. Out of the corner of my eye I look at her body a bit and my stomach tingles again. Now it is still waiting for Marloes. I wonder if she also has such sexy pajamas.

Marloes! Where are you?

, shouts Megan impatiently.

I'm coming

, I hear from the hallway. And then Marloes enters. Immediately Megan starts laughing:

What are you wearing? You don't sleep in that do you? Isn't it much too hot? You haven't worn it in so long! That it still fits you.

Marloes looks a bit bewildered. She's wearing a bright pink unicorn onesie, complete with a hoodie with ears and a horn on it. I laugh with Megan. Marloes responds:

Well, this one is just fine. I always sleep in my underwear, but I'm not going to lie here like that now.

Oh, you, I'm lying here in my gown too

says Megan.

He looks very cute on you

, I say to reassure Marloes.


she says softly

He is a little warm yes

She opens the zipper a little and I see that she has a white bra top underneath. Somehow this is very sexy. Then she lies down to the left of Megan.

What do you drink? I'll grab a glass of wine!

says Megan.

I do want coke

, I say and Marloes wants that too.

Is good. Would you like a shot of bacardi in it?

Megan asks.

Mom! Do you want us drunk? We shouldn't have that yet

, responds Marloes.


says Megan

Not much is allowed. And I'll be there and keep an eye on it. Just a splash for flavor. Tomas must have had alcohol before.

She looks over at me and I nod in agreement.

OK, then do it

, says Marloes and we both take a bacardi-cola.


, I shout and we all take a sip and Megan starts the movie.

We're half an hour further and I notice that Megan has put a good shot of bacardi in the coke. I feel it a little and it warms me up. I look to the side and see that Marloes has the same problem. She has a red head. Megan now sees that too and says to Marloes:

Take off that thick suit! Way too hot.

Yes, but then I'm in my underwear

, she responds.

So what! We're family after all and that's how you sleep.

Marloes takes a deep breath and then stands up. She unzips the onesie all the way in one go, drops it to the floor and steps out. I take another look at her. So she's wearing that short white bra top with light blue panties. She is extremely sexy and I feel tingling in my lower abdomen again and a kind of horny feeling gathers in my crotch. I'm trying to block it. They are my aunt and niece! I can't get horny about this, can I?

Marloes goes back to bed.

That's much better anyway

, says Megan who has loosened up even more after her first glass of wine. Because she continues:

Shall I tell you a little secret, Tomas? When Marco is gone I often sleep completely naked

I'm shocked by her remark and I'm not sure how to respond to this, but Marloes comes to my rescue:

Mom! Too much info!

Megan laughs:

Haha! Like you never do. However? Thomas?

Yes, I do sometimes

, I say honestly.

Isn't that nice?", says Megan. I nod yes and then Megan turns her head to Marloes:

You too, right?

Marloes is silent for a moment and then she says:

Yes, tried once.


says Megan.

Yes, it is a nice feeling of freedom

, says Marloes softly. My mind is running wild now. In my head I can already see my aunt and niece lying naked in bed. I can't hold back my horny feeling and my cock starts to get a little harder.

The film continues in the meantime, but our attention to it has disappeared. Megan looks at me:

Are you getting hot now?

she asks me.

Yes, quite

, I say. I decide to take off my t-shirt.

Why is that?

, Megan continues

Because of that little secret of mine?


, I laugh

I see everything in my head now.

Now Marloes bursts into laughter.

Haha, you must have seen enough naked girls!

, she blurts out a little too enthusiastically.

No not really

, I say.

You're not a virgin anymore, are you?

, Megan continues now

If I was your age I would know, haha!

I'm honest and say:

I've kissed and nothing else.

That doesn't matter dude!

, shouts Marloes

Me neither yet!Certainly doesn't matter

says Megan

But just playing with yourself won't get boring?

Marloes intervenes again:

Mom! You don't ask that!

You don't have to say anything honey. I have heard you at night


, says Marloes embarrassingly

Oh well, it's healthy.

, Megan continues

And good. I do it more often too.

Megan winks at me.

It's quiet again. In the meantime I've gotten a big boner from this exciting talk. It shows in my shorts so I gently put my hand on it, hoping no one notices. But of course Megan has an eye on everything.

Are you okay Thomas?

, she asks

It's quite normal. It would be weird if you didn't get a little excited about this.

I have too

, she says softly after it and she lifts my hand from my pants. Marloes's attention has now also been awakened and she looks with wide eyes at the bulge in my shorts. Megan looks at Marloes:

What is? Never seen a penis?

Well, on the internet and so on, but not in real life

, says Marloes honestly.

Maybe you can see Tomas's. Do you want that?

Megan asks. Marloes hesitates for a moment, but then nods yes.

Is that allowed? Only if you want

, Megan now turns to me. I also doubt. I think it looks hot but I find it a bit embarrassing.

Megan sees my doubt:

Wait, let me make it a little easier for you.

She grabs the bottom of her gown and lifts her ass. She pulls it up to her stomach and I see she's wearing black lace panties. She now leans forward slightly and pulls the nightgown over her head in one go. She throws the dress on the floor and sits back down. I look with wide eyes. I look at her delicious full breasts that look firmly ahead. She has beautiful pink nipples that stick out a bit. The boner in my pants only gets harder. Megan laughs:

Now you?

She puts me in front of the block but I don't mind at all. I take off my sweat shorts first. My boner is almost above the edge of my boxers. The eyes of both Megan and Marloes are focused on it. I put my fingers on the edge and then I take off my boxers completely.

We will continue in the next part!

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