
Cousins ​​Fireworks - 1

We were like brother and sister, but since our crash at the top of the Saulire, that seems to have come to an end. I feel like I've lost my way, my cousin Nathaly turns out to be not only my skate buddy but also a girl

My nieces

Our fathers are twins from one egg, maybe that's why they can hardly go a day without each other. They grew up together, went to the same school, had the same side jobs, set up a thriving construction company together and only married two much younger girls around the age of thirty-five, who were, and still are, each other's bosom friends. French girls that is, they met them on winter sports in Courchevel, where our moms both lived. They got them to move to the Netherlands with them and built a whopper of a two-under-one-roof house for their families, the halls against each other and of course with a connecting door in the middle. That's where we all live, we on the left, my nieces and their parents on the right,

I myself am an only child, when I was born it wasn't all that easy for mom and my parents soon agreed that no more than one child was feasible for them. It was different with the neighbours, three children were born there, three girls, Nathalie, who is sixteen, Nicolette who is seventeen and Charlotte who is nineteen. Charlotte and I are the same age and our birthday was the day before yesterday, but that's our only similarity, because she lives in her own girlish world, where my existence is hardly acknowledged and where even her sisters don't have much feeling.

I do like Nicolette, we get along quite well, but my favorite niece is Nathaly, or Nathy, as I started calling her as a toddler. As she calls me Pier from an early age, instead of Pierre.

Thanks to the annual family visits and winter sports in Courchevel, Nathy and I fell in love with snowboarding as young kids and at home we expanded that with skateboarding. We learned the basics from our parents on the slopes, but soon that wasn't enough for us anymore. It had to be higher, faster, crazier, more dangerous and somehow we are chasing each other even more.

Together we are also completely in the world of skaters, we feel at home with that atmosphere and the casual interaction with each other. We both wear baggy clothes, usually with bald spots or tears in them, because as a skater you often hit the floor, so we both have a subscription to the first aid kit at home. We also fit in completely outwardly, Nathy with her almost always tousled curly head and me with my long hair, which I usually wear in a ponytail. Thanks to our southern French moms, we both have a dark appearance, almost black hair, dark eyes, a touch of brown skin and because we also have look-alike fathers, everyone always thinks we are brother and sister.

Last night, two days before New Year's Eve, we arrived with a lot of delay, because it was snowing heavily, so we drove the last hundred kilometers at walking pace. Snow and more snow has fallen and this morning Nathy and I set the alarm early and we went on the slopes when the sun had just risen and the lifts started running. There really is nothing better than to be the first to go down through fresh snow, and if it is also a course that is nice and rocky, we go all out.

You can choose from all types of slopes here, according to our moms, Courchevel is pretty much the largest ski area in Europe. A bit chauvinistic of course, but a la à, it is indeed very big here. We are familiar with just about all slopes and we now know exactly which lifts to take to get to places where no tourists ski, so not everything is immediately crushed by the bullies.

Deep snow

The trip up is incomparably beautiful. Because we are about the first, it is still very quiet everywhere, a silence that is intensified when fresh snow has fallen. The roaring bullies are back in their stables and all you really hear is the soft hum of the cables over the pulleys. Every time we pass such a pole, the sound increases for a moment and our two-seater bench receives a few shocks, after which we continue to glide silently. And wherever you look, all around us there is the view of the mountains, slopes full of tall trees that point their branches laden with snow towards the earth, just magical. Somehow it always quiets Nathy and me, as if nature is telling us to enjoy it.

The Saulire is our favorite descent and on the way to that top we have to change lifts twice, all in all it is quite a trip. Once we have arrived, we are numb and we first warm up, only then can we go wild. Nathy leads the way as always and she regularly disappears from my sight, because she jumps down a ledge or has to avoid a rocky point.

I always keep a close eye on her, because if I don't see her for a while I have to take a slightly different course, especially when she jumps, anything can happen off screen.

But whether I was distracted or blinded by the sun just emerging from behind a cloud, I don't know, but the moment I take a huge jump to the edge of a rock I see Nathy on her back in the deep snow and there is no avoiding it anymore. To avoid injury I intuitively stretch my board as far away from her as possible. As a result, however, I don't have much control over my fall and I end up plopping down on my niece. Although everything is going super fast, just as I fall I see her eyes widen with shock when she sees me coming towards her.

It seems as if Nathy and I are being pushed with enormous force into the thick layer of blown snow, so that we end up in a snow cave that we made ourselves.

All these years Nathy has been a friend to me, that we are a boy and a girl has never played a role in the way we treat each other. That will now change in one fell swoop. I feel how I land on her body, how we are crushed together and how Nathy starts to wriggle and move after a few seconds to get out from under me. We are pressed against each other by the snow and my weight on her and we are working our way out of this, body to body. At one point she even has her legs almost in a hold on my hips. She struggles violently to get out from under me, but the result is suddenly the realization that I'm lying on top of a girl.

In a very stupid impulse I give Nathy a kiss for her completely unexpectedly, full on her lips. As a result, everything comes to a standstill and she can only look at me with wide eyes, still trapped under my body. Then she returns my kiss and for a moment there is nothing but the feeling of our lips kissing each other. Until we let go of each other, realizing that this is very strange, between cousins.

Immediately we start struggling again and when we finally get out of that hole and stand on our own two feet, we are very shy of each other. We both check whether everything is still okay with our bodies and then we continue boarding in deep silence. Chatting or shouting to each other along the way has come to a standstill except for the most necessary, we clearly both have to process what is happening to us, what this is all of a sudden.

Where is the emergency exit here?

The rest of the day we revolve around each other like two shy kittens. Everything that used to be so logical and normal between us is suddenly no longer. Everything we do or say seems to have taken on a new charge, and I keep seeing Nathy's eyes widen a little when I say something and she wonders what I mean or want from her. Everything used to be logical and obvious between us, but now that's gone.

Usually we hit the slopes again in the afternoon, but today neither of us is talking about that. We both retire to our rooms and don't see each other again until dinner.

We all stay in the über-sized chalet of grandmère Montagne, oma Berg, my mother's mother. Grandpa and grandma had a small hotel, but when grandpa passed away a few years ago, grandma stopped it, and now she lives alone in this closet of a house, on a steep mountainside just outside Courchevel. You can only get there via a small mountain road and everywhere you have a bizarrely beautiful and wide view. And wherever you are, there is always a slope or a walking route nearby, ideal for winter sports enthusiasts, but also in the summer for hikers who came to the mountain hotel.

My other grandparents live in the middle of the village and have much less space. It is therefore tradition that we always stay here on New Year's Eve and then stay for about two weeks. It is also a tradition that we eat together every night and then play games together, usually grandma and grandpa village also join us.

When my aunt yells from the hall upstairs that dinner is ready, we all come out of our rooms. And then I don't believe my eyes

I'm used to Nicolette and Charlotte getting dressed up a bit, but Nathy? When she comes down I don't know what I see. For the first time I see her in something other than our eternal skate clothes. She's been trying to control her curls with some bobby pins here and there, which makes it look like I'm really looking at her face for the first time. A super nice face with now very striking her dark eyes, which seem even bigger than they normally are because of the cabbage rims she has drawn around them.

But what shocks me the most is that my girlfriend has put on a dress. A red tight-fitting dress that shows just about everything of her body that had always been hidden away, now suddenly full to the world. What I see is a not very big, beautiful, well-trained girl's body, with quite present breasts, which I hardly ever noticed before. And legs that, if they were ever bare, were always packed with knee pads and I don't know what else. Legs that always had abrasions and bruises and that are now yes, beautiful, but not Nathy's

I can't remember ever seeing Nathy in a dress, she always tucks her body away in wide-fitting trousers and sweaters or hoodies, just like me, sometimes we even walk half or full days with our hoods on.

What she shows here is a shock to everyone, including her sisters. Because when Nathy enters, Charlotte and Nicolette form a kind of guard of honor after a small moment of bewilderment and then, pointing to Nathy, shout: tadaa. And not just me, everyone pretty much falls silent and looks with open mouth at how Nathy doesn't look like Nathy at all anymore, how she has suddenly become Nathaly.

After the hassle we already had this morning, it now feels like I'm being blown completely out of my socks. What's going on here

As always, Nathy and I sit next to each other during dinner. Normally we talk to each other and the others but today it is deep silence between us. I really have no idea what to do with this, as if a Nathy has arisen that I don't know at all and need to rediscover. Every now and then we look at each other like shy little birds, even Mum notices it, who is sitting opposite me and now and then looks at me almost like a living question mark. Well, that's how I feel too, one big question mark. All I know is that everything has changed

That evening during the games, Nathy asks me at one point how I find her. At first I don't know what to say and then, as long as Nathy keeps looking at me questioningly: ehmyes, ehm, that's great Also not what a girl is waiting for, I get that. But that's all there is to it right now, I really have no idea, I need time to deal with this and early on I dive into my nest. Like almost every night I jerk myself off, but this time I owe Nathy a hard cock for the first time in my life. And it doesn't feel good, it feels like I've lost something, like I've lost control. Where is the emergency exit here?


It's New Year's Eve, tonight there's a big party in the village and since two years ago Nicolette, Charlotte and I have been allowed to go there just before New Year's Eve, experience fireworks and then party for an hour with all the villagers and winter sports enthusiasts on the square. This year Nathy is also allowed to come along for the first time, I was really looking forward to it, but for some reason the fun of it has now completely disappeared. I have no idea what to do with her new being and really just feel the need to avoid her. That's why I'm leaving today while it's not even really light yet on my own to the slopes, I want to be alone. I miss old Nathy terribly, but I really can't have her around me the way she is now with those big questioning eyes.

All morning I allow myself to be hoisted up again and again, only to rush down again at a bloody pace. I finish one piste after the other and don't respond to phone calls, I don't show up at the chalet until mid-afternoon. Of course, the first person I run into is Nathy, who doesn't say anything but looks at me very sad and accusing at the same time.

I'm barely in my room when mom comes in: What are you doing, Pierre? she asks as only she can, sweet and yet very spicy at the same time. I don't know myself, I look at her without saying anything and shrug my shoulders. That doesn't really help, Mum then becomes even more decisive: Why do you treat your niece like that, Pierre? Is this what Nathy deserves, just when she dares to be herself? Ohw, well, I hadn't looked at it that way yet. And the only answer I can give is to shrug my shoulders. Mom tries to get me to talk, but when she realizes that I'm really getting more and more tangled up, she gives me a reassuring hug and leaves again.

Around half past ten the four of us leave for the central square of the village. Fortunately, the roads are pretty snow-free again, and despite the fact that we have to descend quite steeply, we still walk, although we have to scramble on the way back, but we can manage that.

My nieces have all dressed up nicely and Nathy is completely unrecognizable to me again. When the ladies are having their show, all I can do is keep an eye on her. She is now wearing a denim skirt and a tight sweater with black leggings and boots, all borrowed from her sisters. Fortunately, her black curls are back as I know them, nice and messy and curly in all directions around her face. Her breasts are very clearly present in the sweater, I still don't know if I like that, although my cock thinks otherwise because it is already quite restless.

The unfortunate thing afterwards is that all the beautiful things disappear in thick coats, because we all have to wrap ourselves up against the cold. Charlotte and Nicolette walk in front of us, Nathy and I let ourselves settle down a bit, I feel that we need to talk for a while. First we're silent for a while and then I come up with the worst opening line ever: What is it, Nathy, that you suddenly started acting so girly? She immediately gets defensive: hey Pier, stop it, maybe I was always too boyzy?

We walk on in silence again, and then, Nathy, softly, peacefully again:

I thought you wanted this. You were the first to start, weren't you, with that kiss?

Oh yes, sure, its me, is she fucking me?

I just loved you lying there beneath me, Nathy, thats all.

Exactly Pier, so that's how it started because of you! And now? Did you just dump me?

I'm an idiot, not knowing what to say I just shrug my shoulders. Nathy takes that completely wrong. When she's angry she can handle someone like this and this time she directs all that shit at me: you know what Pier, you just figure it out. All those years I was good to you because as a half boy I always did what you wanted and now I just want to dig up that other thing in myself, you don't give it home. You know, dude, I don't need you for a while.

And she is gone, furiously stomping past her sisters, who first look at her a little surprised and then turn to me. Their posture soon makes it clear how they feel about the matter: asshole, what have you done now. And they are gone too in a higher gear, and on my own I eventually trudge a few hundred meters behind the three ladies down.


I feel like I've completely lost my way.

There's nothing wrong with that whole New Year's Eve, this time. Nathy has hooked up with a group of French boys, my other nieces are nowhere to be seen and I myself am not in any mood at all. I could start something with a girl because there are plenty who want to, but somehow that doesn't appeal to me at all. Again and again I look for eye contact with Nathy and if she turns out to be even more cozy each time, I'm done. Immediately after the new year has started and all the fireworks have exploded into the sky, I want to leave. I walk to Nathy, who is standing in the middle of a group of horny boys, tap her on the shoulder and when she looks at me irritated I say: I want to leave. Are you coming? No, fuck off Pier, I'll be back with my sisters.

I feel worthless as I climb up that damn mountain. I actually don't understand anything about myself anymore, why I react the way I react. Mom once said that she would have given me a little brother or sister. Is that it? That I suddenly lost that in Nathy or something? I feel sad and alone and happy when I get back to the chalet. A lot of noise and laughter comes from the living room, our parents and grandparents and whoever else are there are having a great time. Without saying anything I scurry into my room, undress, dive into my bed naked as always and pull the duvet far over my head. I'm done with it and want to get out of here.

Fortunately I fall asleep quickly, but I wake up when I hear all kinds of noise in the hallway. It's already three o'clock when I check the time on my phone and the only thing I can think about is why I reacted fuckerdefuck so badly and missed all the fun. Fortunately, I hear Nathy's among the giggly voices, and I'm relieved that she's back without those French cunts.

I wait until it's completely quiet and I think the girls are in bed, then I go to the toilet. Exactly when I walk into the bathroom in my nude, the light goes on and Nathy is sitting there, still fully dressed, on the edge of the bath. First she looks at me with those big eyes again and then says: I knew you would come, meanwhile clearly scanning my naked body, so that I know nothing better to do than to fold my hands in front of my cock in embarrassment

Nice that you read my story, thnX! Zazie

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