
Casual Meeting

This story was written by my slut Ladybird and it had to comply with my strict rules and I made sure that it would be a hot story. The slut has enjoyed writing and I have enjoyed reading. Now I want you to enjoy her too.

From now on, the slut will hand in all her stories to her master and I will publish them for you.

It was on a Friday afternoon. I had an appointment with a business associate in a hotel along the highway. We both came from the other side of the country and were able to schedule our appointment so nicely in the middle.

It was a good conversation over a snack and a drink. Finally, I shook his hand, thanked him for coming, and we scheduled another appointment.

He left. I decided to go to the toilet for a while. The high heels of my black pumps tapped on a stone floor.

I wore a knee-length black pencil skirt with a few bold shiny buttons to make it look less stiff. Above it a tight-fitting sweater with a panther print. The décolletage is not too deep. Along my legs I wore nice tights.

While I was peeing, I thought about what I was going to eat. Quick some fast food on the go maybe. When I came out of the toilets again I saw a man pacing impatiently down the hall. He was a lot older than me, neatly dressed in a tailored suit. I had seen him here earlier this afternoon.

Was he looking for someone or was he waiting for someone?

Our gazes crossed.

Are you Sandra by any chance?

he asked me.

I shook no. He looked annoyed. Maybe a date that had left him?

The man quickly recovered.

In that case, I'd like to offer you a drink


I was a bit overwhelmed and before I knew it I was sitting opposite him at a table with a glass of red wine.

Cautiously, I decided to ask what was going on.

I offer my services online as a master

he said.

A master who teaches?

I asked.

An SM Master

he said.

Then I meet for a session with a woman or a couple, often very exciting


I had to swallow.

A few times a year it happens that such a female has read 50 shades of grey, wants to try it too, makes an appointment, pays, but ultimately does not dare to show up


I felt bad for him.

And what happens during such a session?

I asked.

He smiled mysteriously.

Otherwise, just come upstairs

he said.

We quietly finished our wine. Actually, out of curiosity, I wanted to start drinking faster.

Finally we went upstairs where he had booked a nice hotel room.

On the big bed were whips, nipple clamps, dildos, plugs.

Would you use all this on her?

I asked surprised.

No he shook.

I would see how far I can go


I bit my lip. In the meantime I had become soaking wet from something that I never knew I found hot.

You can take her place tonight

he said.

I was shocked. I had completely forgotten his presence.

Oh no, no, that's really not possible, because...


He pressed his finger to my mouth.


he said. Caressing my pantyhose.

My subs don't wear those horrible tights

he said, shaking his head. He took a pair of nylons from his bag.

Take off your skirt first


I didn't know what hit me, but a few seconds later I was kind of voluntarily taking off my skirt and a moment later I was standing there with just my tights and my black thong on my lower body.

He looked at it in horror.

Out! those buttocks should be uncovered!

he said sternly.

I dropped my tights and there I was in just my black lace thong.

I was allowed to put on the nylons so that only my legs were covered.

Much better

he said, throwing my expensive tights in the bin.

My skirt and my pumps were allowed to go back on.

I expect a shorter skirt from now on

he said sternly.

Yes sir

.Come on, I've reserved a table

he said. I followed him, not knowing what to do with the situation.

Once in the elevator, he took something out of his pocket. I recognized it as such a vibrating egg. Wasn't that a bit cliche?


he said.

What here?

I asked. He nodded and put the egg in my hand.

Skirt up, thong to the side and slide in


The elevator was already on its way down, so I did it quickly.

I pushed my thong aside and she noticed that I was already soaking wet. With 1 finger Ol easily let the egg slide in. Proudly, I pulled down her skirt just before the elevator doors opened.

Of course I expected him to test it immediately, but I was still surprised by the sudden tremor in my lower body. I yelped and my knees buckled. A lady looked back, but thought she was screaming because she apparently tripped. My heart was beating fast and he found it very entertaining.

We entered the restaurant and they ordered our meal. Actually he chose the meals for both of us. All I could think about was that vibrating egg in me, right here in the middle of that crowded restaurant. He wouldn't instigate me to humiliate me here in front of all those people, would he? Fortunately, the egg did not hatch. Every time I saw him with that glint in his eye I braced myself.

Only after the main course did he respond to her:

You thought the vibrating egg was a bit cliché, didn't you?


It made me laugh.

A little yes


You were afraid I would make you scream with pleasure here?


A little yes


Still, that seemed exciting to you, didn't it?

he asked sternly.

I nodded shyly.

I will reward your desire

he said.

Brace yourself


I bit my tongue and tried not to startle. Nothing happened. He did it to tease me. Then slowly I felt it vibrate inside me. Soft but nice.

I giggled.


he asked. I nodded.

Exactly the pace at which it was wonderful, but that I could continue to enjoy quietly.

We got dessert and ate that. I felt like it was leaking under my skirt.

He finished eating faster than me. When I took the last bite of ice cream, the vibration in my body subsided.

We're done eating and playing for now

he said.

He looked at my hands with my neat red painted nails.

So the spoon can go on the plate

. I was excited by the egg and amazed at how dominant he was towards me. Obediently I put the spoon on the plate, with some melted ice cream on top.

He took my spoon and put it the other way around, concave side up.

We are also played

he said.

So put the egg on the spoon

. I turned bright red.

Now? Here?

I hissed. He nodded determinedly.

Slowly I put my hand under the table. First I put it on my thigh. I pushed my skirt up and slowly put my hand under it. With 2 fingers in my panties. I pulled out the egg in 1 jerk. The thing was slippery from all my horns. I struggled to hold it with my wet fingers.

Now came the worst: the purple thing had to surface. He looked at me intently. I bit my lip and quickly placed the egg in the center of the spoon. My heart was racing. He was satisfied.

The young waiter came and took the plate away. He looked at what was on the spoon. This lasted for 2 seconds, until he realized he didn't want to know what this was.

I felt myself turning bright red. He sat there with a satisfied smile and asked the stuttering waiter for the bill.

Wasn't that fun?

he asked. I could laugh about it now, although it was mainly a nervous laugh. What had happened since her business appointment here at the hotel?

Come on, let's go back to the room

he said.

I'm sorry it was very nice, but I have an appointment tonight with my mother and tomorrow morning with a friend

.Call them off

he said, while we were still in the elevator going up.

You know yourself that you don't want to go


Hesitantly, I sat down on the big bed next to the whips and other toys and grabbed my phone.

He put an arm around me.

It's a pity we gave the egg to the waiter. I would have loved to have you moan and call your mother

he said meanly.

I looked at him indignantly. Did he mean this? In that case I was there when the eggs were gone.

I looked for my mother's number and pressed the call button.

Hello mom, it's me

I said.

He quickly got down on his knees in front of me and before I knew it he pulled my skirt up and my thong down and I sat on the bed with my lower body bare. I wanted to yell at him, but I had to stay calm on the phone.

Sorry for calling so late

I said.

But it's about tonight's appointment


By now he had put his head between my legs and placed his tongue against my clit. Calmly, but skillfully, he began to lick me. He was clearly experienced. I gave a small moan.

Oh no, I almost tripped

. I tried to push him away at first, but he resisted. Then I decided it was better to use my energy not to moan through the phone.

My mother started a whole story about what she had wanted to discuss. I didn't listen. Please hang up mom! I just thought.

She kept going and he couldn't stop either. Small moans came softly, until my mother had finally finished talking. We immediately made a new appointment. Without looking at my calendar I shouted:

Yes, I can. Then we'll meet


I quickly ended the call and he stopped eating pussy. I got an awful laugh.

That was soooo mean!

I yelled at him. Again he had that horny look with those glittering eyes.

I wanted to put my legs together to get up again, but he stopped me.

You had to call someone, right?

he asked.

Oh how mean of him, but it got worse.

This time I have an assignment

he said.

You don't hang up until you've come


What? How...

. He interrupted me.

To call!

he said sternly.

I knew there was no point in protesting and I gradually started to like the game.

Full of excitement I started calling and he started licking again. Oh how nice that was.

I moaned softly before the girlfriend answered. Having a long conversation with Ilse was never difficult.

Hey Ilse, you're talking to me


I'll call about tomorrow



I moaned.

Yeah, everything's fine


He increased his pace and I began to moan louder and louder.

I explained she couldn't come and she normally assured her that it was really fine.


Ilse asked what was going on.

I'll tell you that some other time

I said.

You didn't hook a man, did you?

. Then she must have figured out why I was moaning like that.

And are you now.?

No of course not! No date and certainly no sex

I said convincingly.

Of course not. I never do that on my ooooooooh first meeting


Ilse gave another answer, but Ol didn't hear it anymore, because I couldn't stand it any longer.

Oooooooooh yes!

I screamed. I wheezed and breathed wildly. Ilse knew enough on the phone.

Oooh, I'll call you back later. Sometime after the weekend

I said when I had caught my breath. Ilse thought it was all exciting and wished me a very nice date.

It's not a date!

I wanted to say.

Proudly he stood watching with my horn still dripping from his mouth.

Just slowly undress for me and I'll fuck you like a cheap whore


I got up and walked to the window. The highway cars raced by. It was an automatic to draw the curtain before taking off my clothes.

As soon as I grabbed the curtain, I felt his pulse.

Let's enjoy this view. Or better: you can enjoy the view


I stood there in my naked cunt in front of the window. No idea how many people could see me standing like this from the highway.

Is it so hard to just obey?

he asked.

I looked at him guiltily.

I asked you to undress, not draw the curtains


I'm sorry


Then I'll have to undress you

he said sternly and pressed me against the window. He roughly ripped the shirt off my body. I was standing there with only my bra on. He caressed my legs, buttocks, my waist and my breasts. I shuddered and felt the erection in his slacks push against my buttocks. He eagerly kissed my neck, feeling his teeth like a predator.

He opened my bra. I saw my big breasts appear in the reflection of the window.

Be honest: have you ever been tied up?

.No, that's really not for me. I prefer to be in control of my own life


It is precisely the women who are in charge in everyday life, who hand over the reins in the bedroom


His strong hands slid up my arms to my wrist. He grabbed it tightly. I felt something soft and it wasn't until I realized what it was that he tightened the loop in the rope. So I stood with my wrists tied together. I laughed nervously. What was he up to? He threw the rope over the curtain rail and fastened it. Now I was forced to stand with my hands slightly above my head.

I felt his hands between my legs. He inspected my leaking pussy.

He walked back to the bed and left me standing there naked. In the reflection of the window I saw that he came back with a whip.

Disobedience will be severely punished


pets! There the whip hit my buttock hard.

Do we count?


1 master


pets! There the whip was painful again and I obediently counted until my buttocks seemed to be on fire after 20 blows.

He stroked my aching buttocks with his hands. He seemed pleased. Caressingly he continued. Over my stomach to my breasts and back to my pussy. Oh yes, that's where I wanted his fingers so badly.

He started caressing me intimately again. I squirmed with pleasure as I stood there tied up.

Ooooh yes!

I moaned as he penetrated me with 2 fingers. That was so good.

He spoiled me vigorously. As intense as now I couldn't resist.

Ooooh yes!

I was about to cum, but then he pulled his fingers back. The juice leaked down my legs. He drove me crazy!

I impatiently twisted my hips, longing for more.

The master walked around me and began to take off his clothes. Then I felt his rock hard cock against my dripping pussy.

I'll fuck you like a cheap whore

he said.

Tell me you want that!


I want to get fucked like a cheap whore!

I exclaimed.

Beg for it!


Please master, fuck me like a cheap whore!


He gave me what I wanted so badly. He entered me without difficulty. He held me tight and pushed me slightly forward. My cheek and my breasts pressed against the glass now.

With powerful thrusts he fucked me and it felt so great!. My wrists are firmly tied, in a place where I, as a decent lady, shouldn't be at all. I enjoyed like never before and soon felt an urge to cum again.

I moaned loudly and it reverberated against the vibrating window.

I will give you well-deserved pleasure

he said. While he once firmly slapped the side of my buttocks with his hand.

Tell me, have you ever been fucked in the ass?

he whispered close to my ear.

I was shocked.

No, that's not for me

I said out of breath.

Nothing for you? Have a look at yourself. It's perfect for you


He pulled his cock out of my pussy and I felt something cold between my hot buttocks. Lubricant, I figured that out quickly, but it took me a little longer to understand what he was up to.

I was too ecstatic to resist. Slowly the cool liquid ran down between my buttocks. With his hands he smeared it around my sparkler. For a moment his hand disappeared, but at the next touch his middle finger was already in my ass. That went easy and secretly it felt pretty nice.

His second finger slid in.


I moaned loudly.You're still very tight, slut

he said with satisfaction. It felt so nice to get a compliment from him. What a weird feeling.

Then came his jerk. I felt it slide between my buttocks. Relax, relax! I said to myself in my mind.

An extra cold blob landed between my buttocks. Here came his cock. With force millimeter by millimeter. For a moment I thought I was going to tear up, but soon it felt so surprisingly nice. It felt like I was completely stuffed, but it felt really good. With gentle thrusts he fucked my ass. It was so tasty.

While fucking he stroked my pussy.

And slut what's it like to be anally deflowered?


It's wonderful master

I admitted.

Are you a horny anal slut?


I nodded.

Say it!

he commanded.

I'm a horny anal slut, master!

I exclaimed.

This encouraged him to pick up the pace a bit. Powerful thrusts with long strokes. With his fingers he stroked my pussy again, but the first touch was enough to make me come again.

Oooh yes! oooh yes!

I screamed, hanging helplessly from the rope. The master couldn't hold it any longer now that I was enjoying myself here with my tight ass around his cock. With a powerful thrust he shot his cum into my ass. I moaned even more now as the globs penetrated deep into my body.

He freed me and together we took a shower in the beautiful luxurious bathroom. Wonderful cooling for my painful punished buttocks. Then we crawled naked into the big bed. I soon fell asleep exhausted.

The next morning I woke up. For a moment I thought it had all been a dream, but I was still in the hotel room. The master was gone.

On his pillow was a note:

sweet slut,

I enjoyed you. Thanks for the nice night. Check out before 12 noon. My phone number is in your phone. You can call me as soon as you are ready for a 2nd session and then we will go one step further. I laid out your clothes for that session.

Horny greetings,

Your Master.

I picked up my phone and searched through the contacts. There he was under Master. Then I looked at the clothes. A slutty short light blue dress, yesterday's hold ups and pumps with a stiletto heel of at least 10 centimetres. Next to it was my thong and my bra, but the rest of the clothes were gone.

I had no choice but to put on these clothes. That dress was just too tight and my tits bulged out. My buttocks were barely covered.

When I checked out I saw myself in the mirror. I really looked like a cheap hooker, as he had called me a few times. It felt weird, humiliating, yet so horny.

I looked at my phone. Now I didn't dare to call him yet, but I knew it would be a matter of days before I couldn't resist the temptation to offer me again as his slut for a 2nd session.

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