
Camping Boy

It was the end of June. Timo had to take a few days off from his university work. Due to the corona crisis, there was temporarily less to do. Because the weather forecast also spoke of a possible heat wave, Timo decided to borrow his parents' car and caravan to spend an extra long weekend camping in Gelderland. Tom is 24 years old. Looks, you might say, very good looking and gay. Timo has some good friends, but this long weekend - which started on Thursday - he went out alone. Just relax for a few days in the great outdoors without internet and TV. He would go home on Sunday afternoon.

In the days before his departure, Timo had stood in front of his bookcase. Looking for an exciting erotic book to read. When he couldn't find anything interesting there, he decided to print out some stories from nifty.org. This is in case there is a bad WiFi connection at the campsite. Timo randomly chose some standalone gay stories that didn't belong to a series. He would see if there was anything useful at the campsite. The stories were printed double-sided, stapled and collected in an insert folder. All stories were in English.

This is how Timos first afternoon at the campsite had started sorting out the stories. There were long stories that spanned many pages. But also short stories of only a few pages thick. Divided into various categories. Timo likes to read erotic stories, but after reading the first story he decided to take a walk around the campsite to explore the area. The weather had been very nice that day with temperatures above 25 degrees. In the afternoon there was a breeze that made it wonderfully pleasant.

When Timo came back to the caravan he was shocked to see that the gay stories he had left in the folder on the hood of the car had been blown around the campsite. A wide trail of fluttering white papers led away from his trailer. Timo quickly gathered them together. Especially the thin stories had blown far away to the bushes at the edge of the forest. He managed to collect them all. Timo realized that this could have led to an embarrassing situation if other camping guests had gotten hold of the erotic stories. He breathed a sigh of relief. This wouldn't happen to him again. From now on the folder stayed in the caravan.

The next morning Timo was sitting relaxed drinking a cup of coffee next to the caravan. The weather was already nice and sunny and it promised to be tropical for the first time that day. Suddenly Timo saw from the corner of his eye that a boy was walking towards him. And he immediately saw that he had one of his stories in his hand.

I believe this is yours

said the boy, handing him the thin package. Timo took it. Denial made sense. Many camping guests had seen him pick up the papers the day before.


Timo made up on the spot

friends sometimes send me all sorts of nonsense as a joke. I printed them out to read what they are about here.

Timo estimated that the boy was at least 16 years old. So he was certainly able to read stories in English. Still, he hoped it wasn't. The boy with a thick head of hair and beautiful dark eyes stared a little shyly at the beautiful Timo, smiling. Left the story behind, then headed back toward a group of mobile homes that permanently house families of seasonal workers.Shit

thought Timo. Quickly he looked at what the story was about:

Ski Trip Encounter

. He hadn't read it himself. It also turned out to come from the Adult-Youth section. This couldn't have turned out worse. The story was about a 16 year old American boy who was on a skiing holiday with his parents. The boy gets a kick out of masturbating in the ski lift gondola under his thick ski clothing without other passengers noticing. When he found a condom machine in a ski lodge, he came up with the idea of ​​putting on a condom and then masturbating under his clothes until he came. Without anyone noticing. To try this out, he had arranged it so that he would have a gondola all to himself. But at the last moment a guy got in and sat down opposite him. Then, when the boy dropped the condom on the floor, it led to the guy giving him oral pleasure during the 15 minute ride to the top of the ski slope.

Timo had secretly hoped that the working-class boy hadn't read the story. But halfway through the story some words like frenulum were underlined in pen. When Timo was younger, he himself sometimes underlined words he did not know to look them up later. This was the ultimate proof that the boy must have read the story. Timo could sink through the ground. Because if the boy had read it, there was a chance that his parents would now know it too. And possibly all residents of the group of mobile homes. It was that Timo had already paid for his stay at the campsite in advance, otherwise he would have preferred to leave the same day. He was so ashamed of what had happened.

Timo decided to make the best of it. The boy in the story had been 16 years old. It could have been worse. Nifty sometimes has more extreme stories. Maybe it was all okay. There was nothing he could do about it now anyway. During the worst heat of the day, Timo sought coolness with a bike ride through the woods. He soon managed to suppress the incident and enjoyed the beautiful nature. What did he care. No one at the campsite knew him. After the weekend, all he could do was laugh about it. And after a nice cool beer on a terrace he had already put the incident out of his mind.

But then night came. After dinner, Timo had first watched boys playing football for a while at his caravan. Including the boy in question. Then he walked with his dishes to the camping building. Just when he was almost done, the boy with the big head of hair also walked in to rinse the football clean. There was a moment of silence and sheepish smiles at each other. Then the conversation briefly turned to the beautiful weather. When Timo had finished washing the dishes and the boy had kicked the football to the other boys, they stood outside the camping building to chat for a while. The nifty story was no longer mentioned.

Timo asked if there was a swimming facility near the campsite. And Mikolay, as the boy was called, knew something and made an effort to explain the shortest cycle route to it. Mikolay had planned to go swimming there the next day, Saturday, and offered to cycle there together. It had been a nice conversation with the boy. Timo noticed that the boy liked to look at him and that he always blushed a little. That in itself didn't mean anything. But if Timo wasn't mistaken, Mikolay was more into boys than girls. In any case, it stimulated Timo's imagination. With the boy in mind, Timo masturbated himself to sleep that night. So far he had only had friends his own age or slightly older. Perhaps it was because of the warm sultry weather or perhaps because of the nifty stories that he now really fantasized about having sex with a younger boy for the first time.

Timo had hurriedly packed his travel bag at home. Including his speedo swimsuit and loose-fitting swim shorts. Timo chose the latter. He didn't want to embarrass the boy. Moreover, it wouldn't be so noticeable if he unexpectedly got excited about the boy again. Timo packed his backpack with good food, drinks, a large bath towel and anti-sun cream. And some thin nifty stories. Though he wasn't about to read it if the boy came near him.

The beach Mikolay meant was on a pool near the river. It was still a long bike ride. It was busy; what you could expect with that beautiful weather. But if you didn't lie too close to the water, there was enough space to keep a safe distance. However, Mikolay had only brought a small towel with him, so Timo invited him to lie down with him on the large bath towel. Then not a meter and a half away. Mikolay smiled continuously. He was happy with Timo's company. He in turn slowly began to like the boy more and more and was fond of him


going to call. Mikolay had a well-shaped chest and a smooth belly with beautiful V-lines. Despite the age difference, the two clicked.

The first physical contact was made while romping in the water. Mikolay wore half-length water shorts. The contours of his lower body were clearly visible through the wet suction dust. And not just the nice round buttocks at the back. Mikolay noticed that Timo regularly looked at his lower body as soon as it surfaced. And didn't seem to mind. At least made no attempt to hide it. When they returned to their berth, Mikolay was forced to lie on his stomach. Anyone who has ever experienced this knows from their own experience that lying on your stomach usually does not reduce the problem. And on top of that, Timo started smearing the boy's back with the anti-sunscreen once it had dried a bit. Teasingly, he rested his hand briefly on the boy's buttocks. It felt so wonderfully soft. Timo didn't ask if he could also grease the front. Although he would have liked to see what was happening there.

Timo meanwhile had been keeping a close eye on the surroundings. Nobody paid attention to them. The other bathers were all sunbathing lazily. That's why Timo secretly dared to go a little further by letting his fingers slide a bit into the trouser legs. After he had also rubbed himself on the front, Timo lay on his back next to Mikolay. His semi-rigid erection was less noticeable in his now dried swimming shorts and would have disappeared the fastest that way. With his head rolled to the side, he occasionally watched the boy through slits of his eyes from behind his dark sunglasses. For example, he saw that after about 5 minutes the boy kept looking at his stomach and swimming trunks with a slanted eye and then scanned the area to see if anyone had seen it. Only when his own water shorts had dried a bit did the boy carefully turn on his side so that he could get a better look at his new friend. Timo first let the boy enjoy himself in peace and then took off his sunglasses to chat.

Timo noticed that the boy hardly had any hair under his armpits. He cheekily stroked the bit of down under the arms as he chatted.

Do you have pubic hair?

asked Timo teasingly with a smile. To which Mikolay a barely intelligible

Yes, what did you think?


You could have shaved that off

Timo joked.

some guys like that.

There was silence for a moment. Then Timo takes the boy's left hand and presses it against his chest.

Feel how my heart is pounding. That is because of you.

The boy was aware that everyone could see them and blushed. Yet he did not withdraw his hand and let it rest motionless on Timo's beautiful chest as long as he held his hand.

Do you like it?

whispered Timo. Mikolay looked down shyly.

Now they were both forced to lie on their stomachs. Timo dug up the stories he had brought with him from his backpack and handed one to Mikolay. But there wasn't much reading. It was just staring and smiling at each other. The environment was not aware of anything. Parents sunbathed lazily and children played on unabated. Then Timo handed over the sunscreen and asked Mikolay to rub it on his back. He didn't let himself be asked that twice. Half lying on his lower body, he sprayed the stuff on Timo's back and smoothed it out in the same way Timo had done to him. The boy's breathing was heavy.

After an hour Timo proposed to go swimming again. But Mikolay indicated non-verbally that he had a problem. Timo immediately understood what he meant. Not everything was at rest with him either. Now that he had been confided in, he also came up with a solution to the problem.

Bring your towel so you can keep it in front of you until you are in the water. And then let him lie on the bank while swimming.

Timo was the first in the water. With a quick movement under water he maneuvered his cock into a more favorable position. In addition, he noticed that he had already become a little horny about the boy. With a quick movement of his hand he rinsed the inside of his swimming shorts. He didn't want spots when he was sunbathing again later. Mikolay could also have reached the deep water without anyone noticing his problem. With the exception of Timo. He had made sure he looked in the right direction when Mikolay left the towel on the beach. And what he saw did not disappoint him. Mikolay also had to put his hands under water to put things in order. Timo, who had watched all this, couldn't suppress a broad smile.

Now they swam closer together than the first time, a little further away from the busy beach. They both felt the need to touch each other. Under water, their hands slid over each other's stomachs and backs. After Timo suggested that, they even swam under each other's spread legs. Unfortunately, the water in the pool was too clouded with sand to see properly underwater. In addition, the cold water had largely destroyed their erections. But with little sight and touch, both managed to swim between the legs of the other and enjoy themselves. Timo helped the boy by pushing his body underwater with his hands into the correct position. To then run his hands over the smooth back, round buttocks and slender legs as they slid under him. The same thing happened to him, of course, when Timo in turn swam under the boy's legs. For people on the beach this was hardly visible. Other than that it was all innocent. Maybe just when Mikolay accidentally backed up against Timo. In a reflex, he had grabbed the boy with two arms around his waist, pulled him against him for a moment and gave him a kiss on the shoulder. Mikolay had looked back approvingly and smiled. Oh, if only they had been alone in the water that afternoon. Who knows what could have happened then.

On their way back to the campsite, they cycled side by side on a quiet country road. As long as there was no oncoming traffic and traffic coming from behind, they held hands like a couple in love. Once, even as he drove to Mikolay, Timo leaned over to give him a fleeting kiss on the mouth. Finally it could; at last they were alone. Timo looked for a suitable place to take a break. He found something near a wooded area with a yellow sign indicating that it was a rest area for animals and there was no entry. Timo thought that was an ideal spot for his plan and cycled into it for a while. Mikolay followed obediently. Where the sand path became too loose, she got off and parked their bicycles against a large beech tree. Seconds later they were kissing arm in arm like their lives depended on it. Hands eagerly stroked down their clothes.

Severe thunderstorms were forecast for the evening. The sky was already starting to thicken and become menacingly dark. They had to go back to the campsite. Besides, Mikolay had to be back in time for dinner.

Are you coming for a drink tonight?

Timo asked.

We are dry in the caravan

. Mikolay did not answer directly.


he informed. Timo decided he would try to get the boy into bed when he came. To at least spoil him orally as happened to the ski boy in the nifty story.

One of the first things Timo did when he got back to the caravan was to check if the side pockets of his travel bag happened to contain any condoms. As he expected, that was not the case. There was only a very small chance he would need it that weekend. But after hesitating for a while, Timo decided to quickly drive to the nearest town by car and try to stock up on a small supply at a drugstore. After all, you never knew. It was already late. Most shops would probably be closed around that time on Saturday. On the way to town, Timo saw a gas station. There he would try his luck. And he had. They were not cheap, but Timo managed to get hold of some condoms and four 10ml bags of lubricant. And all just in case

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