
Big Surprise! - 1

Linda had been restless for several days. Alex, her husband, had noticed. He guessed why. They will have been together for 10 years this Friday and Linda had said she wanted to make it a special night.

No guests. Just you and me,

she had said. Alex was away from his wife. Every day it was a pleasure to be with her.

Alex sat on the sofa. Cell phone in his hand. He looked at his Linda who was cleaning up the room. He still found her very attractive with her long brown hair and slim build. Suddenly she looked at him and smiled.

What is?

she asked.


he answered.

She understood him. She came over to him, kissed him, and went back to what she was doing.

Nice, that kiss. Everything about Linda was good. Together for 10 years and he still enjoyed every time they have sex. From very simple to very adventurous. In the drawer of his bedside table was the Kama Sutra, the booklet in which countless positions are depicted. And they had tried a lot of positions together. Because Linda loved variety, just like he did.

Still, there was always something left to be desired. Alex would like to try a threesome, or a woman who dominated him. Linda knew that. But for that they would have to go to a swingers club. In itself, Linda wanted that too, but the idea that another man was touching her body...no, she didn't like that. Alex was the only man allowed to touch her. And he can do anything with her, but only him. No other man.

When Linda was done she sat down with him. First a kiss!

Tomorrow we will be together 10 years,

began Alex,

what are you up to?

No boy, you're asking me for the umpteenth time. I'm not saying it anyway. But I promise you: a big surprise!

I know, but I'm just really curious.

He grabbed her, but with a laugh Linda freed herself.

Not now! I have to leave soon, you know that!

He sighed in disappointment, but that was just play. He was right with Linda and you can't have everything you want. at least not always immediately.

Alex was a tall man, black hair, about 30. He had a good job and was happy with his life. He often told himself he was lucky with Linda. She was sweet, caring and loved sex just like he did. They had sex at least 3 or 4 times a week. Each time she managed to wind him up again. She was a mistress of seduction. From the shy female to a shameless creature. Yesterday, for example. He had just showered and entered the room. Linda sat on the sofa. Dressed above, naked below. She sat with her legs spread wide and played with her pussy. When she saw him she took her hands away and spread her legs even more. He saw her shaved wet pussy and yes, a number could not be missed. But Linda was also the woman who, in bed with him, close to him, longed for quiet, intimate sex.

And to think they've been together for 10 years. Well, tomorrow then. What was she planning?

The next day, Alex came home early from work.

We eat early

Linda had said. He embraced her and looked around. No adjustments to the room. Everything was exactly as always. Linda was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Nothing special either. During dinner, Linda said:

Are you going to shower first? Then I clean up and shower after you!


replied Alex.

Oh yes, and after showering, would you…she paused…would you just put on your dressing gown?

Investigating, Alex looked at her:

You mean, nothing underneath?

Yes that's what I mean.

Patience boy, patience...just do as I tell you.

Yes, love.

When Alex later entered the living room, naked but wearing a dressing gown, Linda looked at him with a mysterious smile on her lips.It's my turn,

she said.

She gave him a quick kiss and walked out of the room.

Alex sat down on the couch. Women and showering! That will take a while. TV? But not. Scrolling with his mobile he waited for Linda and indeed, it took a while.

When she finally entered the living room, Alex saw that she also had her dressing gown on. And naked underneath of course. That's going to be great sex!

Linda went into the kitchen and returned with two full glasses of wine. She sat down next to him and handed him a glass:

Cheers! Being together for 10 years.

She snuggled close to him and put her hand on his knee. The kissing began. Alex could already feel his cock growing. She always managed to turn him on.

And then the bell rang!

Oh no,

Alex replied,

no one will come anyway because we have been together for 10 years!

The bell sounded again.

Linda broke free and stood up.

I really need to take a look.

Moments later, Alex was alone. A baleful feeling came over him. Don't let it be family, please! He's in the mood, Linda's in the mood. And then visitors come! That would suck hard. He took a deep breath and waited.

The room door opened and Linda entered, followed by a woman.

Alex, this is my friend Sonja. Sonya this is Alex.

Alex got up. The woman had black hair and was wearing a long black coat. She was taller than Linda, but not as tall as him. He was almost six feet, she maybe six feet.

Bye Alex!

She shook his hand as she looked at him boldly. Alex didn't know her. Girlfriend, Linda had said. A Facebook friend maybe.

Today is a special day for you. 10 years together,

said Sonya,

Linda told me.

Her voice sounded sensual.

She asked me if I wanted to celebrate with him.

Let's celebrate, Alex thought as he sat down again. Want to celebrate? How so? He looked from Linda to Sonja and back again. Linda had now settled into an armchair.

Want to celebrate? Eh...yeah...uh...I don't quite understand!

Can I take off my coat?

Sonya asked.

Yes of course. Eh...Linda, can you grab a glass for Sonja?

Sonja opened her black coat and took it off. When Alex saw that, his eyes nearly popped out of his head. He got a spontaneous erection. Jesus! The woman was wearing black shorts with short legs. Above that a black bra, but a little too small. Her large breasts were only half covered. Alex looked at her open-mouthed. What a woman! She radiated sex all over.

Can I sit next to you?

Um... yes, yes of course.

Linda also handed her a glass of wine and sat back in the armchair.

Sonja smelled wonderful. A heavy perfume. Alex looked sideways at her. God what a woman, what a wonderful woman. He looked back at Linda. She looked at him now and smiled encouragingly.

And then Alex understood! All intent!

Sonja picked up her glass. They toasted.


she said, pressing her lips to Alex's cheek. She put her arm over the seat back. Alex felt her fingers in his hair. Some comments back and forth. Alex was so aware of this woman. She smelled of sex.

Suddenly Sonja got up. She walked over to Linda and stood behind the armchair. She combed Linda's hair with her fingers.

You have a beautiful wife, Alex. now i understand why you have been with her for so long.

Alex didn't answer.

He saw Sonja's hands on Linda's shoulders. Caressing slowly, her hands went to Linda's breasts.

So beautiful.

It wasn't clear if she meant Linda's breasts or their 10th anniversary.

When Linda felt Sonja's hands on her breasts, a slight shock went through her. Alex saw it. She had not expected this, but she accepted it.

It was now completely clear to Alex. Linda had asked Sonja to give him a special experience. She knew about his fantasies, but it seems that Sonja wants to involve her and Linda does not expect that. It must be something like that. So a trio after all! God, that would be something! But if Linda doesn't really want to? Alex didn't know for a moment. Doesn't matter either. He looked at both women. The desirable mature sex wife Sonja and his own sweet, but equally desirable Linda. His body was already on fire. His dick was hard.


Sonya asked,

shall we go upstairs?

And teasingly she added:

Maybe Alex wants to come too!

Linda laughed. She got up.

Come with me, baby!Sonja was already walking to the door and leading them up the stairs. Her wobbly ass right in front of Alex's face. Linda walked behind him. Alex looked at that ass, that wonderfully wobbly ass. Jesus, how delicious! he thought.

What did he see? His heart beat faster for a moment. Did he see it right? He took another close look at Sonja's ass. No, he saw nothing more. He must have been mistaken. But it just seemed...

They entered the bedroom. Surprised, Alex stopped. The bed had been removed. The bedding was on the floor next to the linen closet. The mattress was now covered with a black sheet that reached to the floor. Beside the bed was an unfamiliar black travel bag. Sonja stopped and turned around.


she said,

are you going to sit there?

She pointed to the chair in front of the dressing table.

Just put the chair there.

Linda moved the chair, but before she could sit down, Sonja said:

And take off your dressing gown.

Linda unbuttoned the coat and dropped it.

Alex's mouth fell open when he saw his Linda standing there. She was wearing a lingerie set he had never seen before. Her panties were no more than a piece of cloth tied with strings around her hips. Her bra was shapely. He looked from Sonja to Linda. From Linda to Sonja. Sonja with her bra that is too small, Linda with her tiny panties. His cock had grown to its maximum.

And as he watched and enjoyed the almost naked women, he heard Sonja's voice softly.

Do we turn you on, Alex? Do we make you horny?

horny? horny? Butter horny, you mean! But he didn't say it.

He nodded. Sonya continued:

Sit down now, Linda.

She obeyed.

Sonja pulled the round table towards Linda. The table where Alex always put his book. Only now the book was not visible. Sonja joined Alex. She put an arm around his hip. He felt her firm breasts against him.

Well Linda, put your left leg on the table. If so, and put your right leg a little to the side. Yes, that could be a bit more. Alex really wants to see your panties. However?

The last word was for Alex. As she sat there. With her legs open. Only with a piece of cloth. He wanted her. He wanted her now. He had to fuck her!

Sonja's voice brought him back.

What do you think Alex, would she be wet?

Wet? Naturally! soaking wet! I know my Linda! But again Alex said nothing.

Linda, are you wet? Feel your pussy!

Alex saw Linda's hand go into her panties. She felt her pussy! Her pussy, his pussy! Her fingers were wet when she removed her hand from her panties. Sonja walked over to her and took her hand. She rubbed the wet fingers and turned back to Alex. She moved close to him again. In almost a whisper she said:

She's wet, Alex. Wet and horny. And you? Are you also horny?

She went to Linda again.

We want to know if you're horny, don't we, Linda?

Her hands rested on Linda's head.

Take off your dressing gown!

She knows I'm naked under my robe. Everything is set up like this. What a horny game. It all shot through Alex. He took off his dressing gown. His hard cock became visible. Alex immediately grabbed him.

Did I tell you to grab him? Hands on your hips.

Her voice suddenly sounded sharp. Commanding even.

Alex put his hands on his hips. He was watched by two gorgeous women and he loved it.

Isn't he a hot guy, Linda?

Get on the bed, Alex. On your back.

Alex obeyed. He saw that Sonja rummaged in the bag for a moment. She emerged with two handcuffs.

I'm going to handcuff you Alex, because I wouldn't want you to get so horny that you jerk yourself off.

She cuffed his wrists and connected the cuffs to the bed with a rope. She released his legs. Again Sonja took something out of the bag. This time it was a short whip with leather strings on the end. She left a mark on his body.

Play with yourself, Linda. Treat yourself.

Alex watched Linda put her hand back into her panties.

Then he felt the strings of the whip go over his cock. He looked at Sonja and she looked at him. The leather felt so good. It tickled more than pleasantly. He closed his eyes when he felt her hand. She rubbed his hard cock briefly and then reached for his sack. She squeezed. Alex groaned. And there was again the whip that caressed him. He opened his eyes when he heard Sonja's voice.

Linda, you can take your panties off. Guard!

Alex lifted his head and watched. Sonja stood behind Linda and pulled the strings loose. She pulled the cloth away.


she said softly,

do you see how horny she is? Her lips are all swollen.Linda was horny. Really horny. So horny that she just let everything happen. Alex saw Sonja's hand on her pussy. He saw a finger go into her. He heard Linda moan.

Soon Sonja came back to the bed. She rubbed his dick. Gently she pulled him off.

Linda wants to get fucked, Alex! Do you want to fuck her? Do you want to make her cum?

As she said this, she looked at him observingly. But when his cock grew even harder and thicker and pre-cum wet his head, she let go. She quickly grabbed the whip. A tap on his dick followed.

You're not going to cum, are you? You do and Linda don't? No, that's not how we do it.

Alex was about to come, but the tap of the whip stopped him.

She walked back to Linda. Sonja consciously built in a break. Linda and Alex were not her first clients. She had a lot of experience. If you go on too long, they will come spontaneously and that is not the intention. Moreover, Sonja herself sometimes wanted to participate. Sometimes. That depended on her customers. She liked Linda and she liked Alex. She wanted to try something.

Linda, would you like to get eaten out by Alex?

Linda nodded vigorously.

And you, Alex, do you want to go down on Linda?

Cunnilingus? Of course and more. Take her, fuck her deep.

But like Linda, he just nodded.

What about me?

She took Linda's hand and gently pulled her out of the chair. Then Sonja sat down and she said to Linda:

Alex can go down on you, but only she paused but only if you go down on me first. She put her left leg on the table and opened her legs. Just as Linda had done.

So anyway!! So he had seen it on the stairs in a flash. Alex and Linda looked straight into the open crotch of Sonja's black panties. Labia majora.

Lick me, Linda! Lick me!

It sounded commanding. Would she do it? But Linda was so horny, she did everything. She knelt between Sonja's legs and licked her pussy. Alex watched in utter amazement. His Linda licked a woman! His Linda being as straight as can be. It happens! Right in front of his eyes! He pulled on the handcuffs. He wanted to grab his cock. Everything itched, but those damn handcuffs prevented him. He saw how his Linda opened Sonja's labia. He saw her tongue. God Almighty. He saw Sonja looking at him, he heard her moan.

Get me ready, Linda, please!

I want to cum too, it screamed in his head. I want to make love to you, Linda. I want to cum on your cunt, Sonja. I want, I want!!

Sonja watched him. She was experienced enough. To the brim, but not over it.

Suddenly she pushed Linda away and stood up.

I'm thirsty! Do you want to get some water?

When Linda walked away, Sonja turned her back to Alex. She said nothing. She ignored him. Cooling down..that was it.

Linda returned with three glasses of water. The women drank first. Then Linda put the glass to Alex's lips and helped him drink. Alex still had a boner, but not as hard!

Suddenly Sonja took Linda's face between her hands and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

Congratulations, Linda, on your 10 years together.

She turned to Alex:

And you too! Congratulations.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek. Not on his lips.

As if by chance she looked at his cock.

Do you see that, Linda, still stiff, but not so hard anymore. Give him a hand. Only use your hand.

Linda looked at Alex and smiled. Then she put her hand on his cock and moved it back and forth. Sonya watched.

Wait, I'll help you.

She put her hand on Linda's hand and together they caressed it.

Linda thought everything was fine by now. No, Linda had completely surrendered to Sonja. That's better. Whatever Sonja asked of her, she just did it without thinking about it. She was in a daze. A wonderful erotic intoxication. Sonja kept an eye on everything. She saw how quickly Alex was hard again. She watched as he opened his mouth and began to moan. Again he approached the border, but Sonja still prevented him from coming.


she said softly,

sit on his face. And you Alex, lick her.

Linda climbed onto the bed and sat on his face. It wasn't the first time. They had tried so much together, but this time it was different. Sonja leaned forward. Her face just above Alex's belly and saw how Alex started to eat his wife. And Linda? It didn't matter to her anymore. Had you told her a few hours earlier that a woman was watching Alex eat her, she would have thought you were crazy. And now it just happened. Satisfied, Sonja watched. Linda had leaned forward. She leaned on her hands. Sonya smiled. She came closer and unhooked Linda's bra. Now she was also naked. Finally. Then she removed the handcuffs.

Hold her, Alex, and get her ready.

Alex immediately grabbed her ass. He pulled her buttocks apart and licked her like a man possessed.

Sonja went behind the bed, at the foot of the bed. She wanted to try one more thing.

Linda!When Linda looked up at her, Sonja saw her face contorted with lust. She knew it wouldn't be long before she had an orgasm.

Linda, I want to blow your man!

Linda looked at her with cloudy eyes full of lust. She nodded.

Do you want me to blow him?

She nodded again. But Sonja was not satisfied. It is possible that in her sexual intoxication she does not sufficiently realize what she is being asked.

Say it, Linda, I want to hear you say it.

Her voice sounded sharper.

I want you to blow him. Blow my man. Do it!

There was not a trace of doubt.

Alex heard. Despite his enormous desire, he was still surprised. That's what Linda said. Incredible. She was so clear in her opinion: No man should touch me. This is different, but still. His Linda had licked Sonja and now she wants Sonja to give him a blowjob. Incredible, but true.

Alex object? a voice sounded inside him. Objection? no! Such a nice girl.

He couldn't see it, but he felt his cock in a warm mouth. Her mouth. Sonja's mouth! Jesus.

Sonja gave him a very controlled blow job. Very professional, because he was not allowed to cum. She knew the tricks of the trade.

Alex thoroughly enjoyed himself. Getting a blow job and licking Linda at the same time. Paradise! Linda enjoyed. She knew how good Alex was at eating pussy, but it seemed like he was outdoing himself now. God, how wonderful! And Sonja was pleased. The plan worked. Of course she was horny herself, but her turn came later. She had enough toys in the house to spoil herself. Although.. Feeling Alex's cock inside her wasn't wrong either. But that was not going to happen, it was agreed. Linda had said:

You can do whatever you want to spoil him, but he can't fuck you.

And the customer is king.

When Sonja saw that Linda was about to cum, she interrupted Alex.

Alex ,

she said,

fuck her. Satisfy her and cum yourself.

Then she sat down. She watched the couple fuck each other. It was deep. It was erotic. It was loving. When they came and lay exhausted on top of each other, she got up and walked over to them.

She caressed their faces and said:

And this was the crowning glory of your jubilee. Stay down. I'll figure it out.

She grabbed the holdall and stuffed the barely used whip inside. One last look at the door. A kiss to Linda who looked at her. And she was gone.

Much later, when Alex and Linda lay close together in the freshly made bed, they discussed the evening. It was amazing. For both.

What a surprise, honey. What a big surprise.

They hugged and kissed each other.

How did you actually get Sonja,

asked Alex unexpectedly.

Jeanet gave me her number when I talked to her about... well... about a surprise for you.

Jeanet was Sonja's best friend.

I actually didn't thank Sonja at all. I want to send her a text from both of us. Do you still have her number?

Linda had.

Alex text: Sonja, it was a great evening. Thank you. Linda and Alex.

The answer was not long in coming: You're welcome. You are good people. I also enjoyed being with you. xxx

It was quiet for a moment. Both became sleepy.

Suddenly Alex asked:

Linda I want to surprise you too.

You don't have to, honey.

But I want it for you so much.

Linda smiled and yawned.

Ok..just surprise me once, but now we have to go to sleep.

In no time she was asleep and Alex soon followed her.

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