
Aysenur, The Intern - 1

By nature, I myself am a somewhat introverted person. I wouldn't easily go off on a nice woman or, for example, make a comment about how much I like her. I think I'm a bit too insecure for that, at least towards women. For the rest it is not too bad, and once the contact is there, there is nothing to worry about. Maybe it's modesty or shyness, I don't know.

And so it can happen that I haven't had sex since my last relationship, about 4 years ago. At least not with women (I don't want men), I always have to do it myself.

That summer day I walked from my car in the afternoon the last bit to work for my evening shift. It was only a five minute walk, but it was very hot and the minutes felt like hours. I work reasonably well in the center of Amsterdam and there was a lot of people out and about, not only residents but also many tourists. I was amazed at all the ladies in short skirts and tight 'bare belly shirts'. When I arrived at work I took a good look at the building from across the intersection. It was a stately old and monumental building of four floors. Beautiful brickwork and equipped with beautiful carved stone decorations and here and there an accent in 'stained glass'. Really beautiful as they used to be able to. I have no idea how old it is, but at least from around 1900. When I looked at the building, something struck me. A young lady leaned against the wall on the corner. I estimated her at about 18 or 19 years old. She looked quite tall, I think about 1.80m and therefore just a little shorter than me. She had a slim figure, and long dark hair, she wore slightly shiny black leggings on her long legs and on top she wore a red tight black top that was just not enough to show a thin line of her bare tight stomach. The top had short sleeves with a kind of ruffles and left her shoulders almost completely uncovered. At the front, the start to her breasts (I think a full C-cup) was clearly visible, but it was not an ordinary deep cleavage. Meanwhile, I crossed the intersection and took her in. I don't know why, but she had something that made me look when she didn't look very striking or anything. We looked into each other's eyes for a moment of about three seconds. Quite long actually, maybe even a little too long for a quick eye contact. By now I had crossed the intersection and my route curved away from her towards the front door of my work. Somehow this 'encounter' remained on my retina and etched in my mind.

I entered the building and went upstairs to change. That is the disadvantage of uniformed work. The upside is that I could swap out my sweaty and sticky shirt for a clean and fresh shirt and sit comfortably in the air conditioner for the next eight hours. After a cup of chilled water and a chat with colleagues, it was time for the briefing. The colleagues from the day shift had little to say except that an intern would be joining them from today. She first visited the team manager and then she would join the service and participate in her training for half a year.

After the briefing, we walked to our workplace and took over the shift. Everything went as usual and I was having a good time. I was having such a good time that I just forgot about that lady I saw earlier.

After some time, when it was also a bit quieter in terms of work, it was time for a break. I walked down the hall to the small canteen which was empty as usual, we only work with a small group of people and we usually alternate with breaks, so really nice and quiet time for yourself. I grabbed a cup of tea and looked out the window in the meantime. The canteen is on the top floor so I had a nice view through the street. It was already late in the afternoon, but it was still warm and busy on the street. My eyes wandered through the street and lingered here and there on the feminine beauty. Some had quite a view from above. But yes, the distance was so great that it was of no use to you, but the idea was nice and it was a nice pastime. I was startled out of my thoughts when I heard footsteps in the hallway, they were getting closer. When I heard the door open I turned to see who it was. Hi, you must be the new intern I said as I walked over to her and held out my hand. I shook her hand and introduced myself. "Yes, I'm doing an internship here for half a year. I'm Aysenur" she said. Welcome Aysenur I said, I hope you have a nice time here, didn't I see you on the corner this afternoon? "Yes, that's right" she said, "I was a bit early and therefore had to wait a while. I remember you too, not knowing that we would see each other again of course". She was indeed that beautiful young lady I saw standing before, she was indeed beautiful and almost as tall as me. Now she was wearing her uniform, but it suited her. We got talking and drank our tea together. She was 18 years old, lived at home with her mother, her father was out of the picture, she had no boyfriend, she was of Turkish descent but raised quite Dutch. She traveled by public transport and lived outside the city. My break is over, I said, I greeted her and walked back to my workplace.

The rest of my shift I was busy with the daily business. I stopped thinking about our conversation. I never saw her again. She was doing an internship in another position and therefore the breaks did not coincide. It was now almost 11:00 PM and time to hand over the shift to the night shift. Contrary to what you might think after my introduction, I am a social person. I always hang out after my shift and chat with colleagues. Partly because I'm always by car, I'm never really in a hurry to leave because I don't have to catch the last train. Also today, after a nice chat where I saw Aysenur flying past to go home, I finally made my way to the dressing room. As expected I was the last and everyone had already left. I calmly changed, locked my locker and walked into the hallway. As I walked past the ladies' locker room I heard a strange noise. I slowed down to listen carefully. I was already a little past the door and took a few steps back. It was difficult to hear because of the humming air conditioning, still busy dissipating the heat of the day from the building. I knocked softly on the door. Is there something I cried? Is everything all right? Of course I didn't want to just walk into the ladies' locker room, that would be rather inappropriate.

"Come in" I heard a sweet voice call softly from the other side of the door. I looked around for a moment, but I already knew I wouldn't be 'caught'. For now, no one has a break and there are no ladies on duty. Slowly I opened the door and peeked around the corner. I entered the dressing room and closed the door behind me. When I was standing there in the ladies locker room I saw Aysenur. She stood with her back to me, her uniform still on. Why are you still here I asked her, you are on public transport, right? Soon you will be too late and you will miss your connection. "Well," she said without moving, "that's the problem." Then what is the problem? I asked. "Well, I was just getting dressed when my mother texted. The buses to our village are no longer running due to an accident and my mother is on night shift at the hospital so she can't pick me up. So I can't go home, and a taxi is really too expensive for me, then I have lost more than a hundred euros". She turned to me and I saw a tear dangling from the corner of her eye. I also saw that she had already unbuttoned her uniform blouse. The front of her blouse was already hanging out of her slacks and was open from top to bottom. I saw her lower abdomen, her navel and looked between her breasts and saw her black bra. She didn't seem to care how she looked in front of me. I walked over to her and put my arm around her. Oh girl, that's annoying for you. And with my other hand I wiped away the tear that was now streaming down her cheek. She pressed herself against me and allowed herself to be comforted while I stroked her hair with my hand. After standing like that for a while she whispered "I'm fine, thank you. But how do I get home now?" I told her I remembered where she lived and she nodded affirmatively. I said that although I live further away, I will pass by there. I then have to get off the highway halfway to drive to your village. It will take me an extra half hour at the most, but then you will be home safely, I said. "Oh if you'd like to do that I'd love to" she said, "I'd love that very much". Now change your clothes and I'll wait for you outside on the corner. And before I had gone she took off her blouse and I could see her black, almost translucent, bra-wrapped breasts. I went down in the elevator, and before I got out I pressed the button for the fourth floor so that it would be ready for her. I walked out the door and on the corner I waited for her to come. It was still oppressively hot outside, but hardly any people walked.

After I had waited about ten minutes she walked out the door. Just like this afternoon in a pair of softly shiny black leggings and a red top with short sleeves that showed a small part of her belly. She looked enchantingly beautiful this Turkish girl. But yes I was at least twice her age so I shouldn't be under any illusions. "Sorry it took me a while," she said, "but I just wanted to freshen up and put on some make-up." I saw that she had put on make-up. Certainly not too much, but subtly visible. You look fantastic, I said, but you don't need standing, do you? You are already very beautiful in yourself. She looked at me a little shyly and quickly asked where my car was. I pointed her in the right direction and while chatting about how she had experienced her first day of internship, we walked towards the car.

When we got to the car I unlocked the doors and held the passenger door open for her. Take a seat, lady, I joked. She got in and I closed the door behind her. I walked around to the other side and got in too. I started the engine and off we went. On the way, she asked if I meant what I said. I didn't understand what she meant for a moment and she said "You said you think I'm really beautiful". I honestly think you're a very pretty woman, I said. If I were 20 years younger I would like to date you. "Real?" she said, "are you serious?" Yes, I mean that. I find you very attractive and also very nice to be around, and I think you are also very sweet. I saw that she blushed a little. And there was silence for a few minutes. I took the exit towards her village and asked her to show me the way because I didn't know where to go of course. The route was very simple and after fifteen minutes we turned into her street and I parked the car and turned off the engine and lights.

She looked at me and said "Too bad we're here already, I thought it was too much fun together". I think so too Aysenur, but yes I can hardly drive all the way through Maastricht and Groningen. She had a hearty laugh at that. She turned a quarter turn to face me and said "Thank you." She leaned over and kissed me on the mouth. I was blown away and before I knew she was kissing me she said sorry and sat up again. I joked that it wasn't bad and that I liked it and would like another one, but secretly I really meant it. "Serious?" she asked. Yes I answered. She turned back to me and gave me another kiss on the mouth. Now I was somewhat prepared and kissed back. Very briefly our tongues touched as she broke the kiss. "That's enough," she said and laughed a little defiantly. She thanked me again and got out. I watched her come in, then started the engine and drove off. On to home...

When I got home I grabbed my bag and saw something fall. In the twilight of the interior light, I looked at what it was and picked it up off the floor. It was a piece of paper. I do like tidying up so I took it home to throw out there. Once inside I cleaned up my bag and walked with the paper to the bin and threw it in. At that moment I saw that it was a piece of paper torn from a pad and it had something written on it, but not in my handwriting. Curious, I took it out of the trash and read the text.

"Dear ... (Here was my name that I will not mention here), thank you for taking me home. Will you text me when you are home? Then I know that you have also arrived safely. Below that was a mobile phone number And a bit below that was a print of lips with lipstick and "Aysenur".

For a moment, I was transfixed in perplexity. She must have made this at work, I thought. I just didn't know what to do with it. I decided it wouldn't hurt to at least let them know I was home. I carefully typed the number into the contact list in my mobile and saved it under the name Aysenur Yilmaz. Let's just hope this wasn't a joke and I didn't wake anyone else up. I typed the message that I had arrived home safely, put my name under it and hit send. It took at least 10 minutes before the message was read and an answer came. "Sorry, I just took a shower, just to rinse off the heat, nice of you to leave a message". I texted back as a joke that I would have liked to take a shower. And received a wink smiley, a kiss mouth and the text "wait and see" with a wink. I didn't pay much attention to it and asked who I was actually talking to, maybe you're some creepy guy. The answer came quickly, in the form of a photo. The photo was a selfie of Aysenur with her hair still wet and a towel wrapped around her. The tops of her breasts protruded clearly above the towel. Oh shit I thought what now, what am I going to do with this. I realized that it turned me on a bit and I found it exciting. Oh Aysenur you drive me a bit crazy with such pictures. Then there was silence, but the message had been read. I closed Whatsapp and went to take a shower myself. When I came back down after ten minutes I checked my phone. And I had two messages from Aysenur. The first was winking smiley. The second was a photo, this time taken through the mirror. I saw Aysenur on her back and she looked, with a defiant look, back a little over her shoulder, a little hair hanging over her back but most of it hanging in front. As a result, I could see that her upper body was naked. I saw her slim waist and the beginning of the curve of her buttocks. Aysenur you drive me crazy, you have guts I wrote back. She replied "Supposing you were indeed 20 years younger and you were my boyfriend, would you have sex with me too?" I replied that if that were the case then sex is part of a relationship, but it has to come from both sides and if she didn't want it I would have to accept that. "Exactly the right answer," she wrote. "Do you know?" she continued "I've had one boyfriend but it wasn't much. We never had sex because he never wanted to and so I'm still a virgin. All we did was kiss and it wasn't even nice." Oh I said, why wouldn't he want sex then? If he was your boyfriend it would be natural to want it. It wouldn't be your fault, you're a very pretty girl. "I have no idea" she said, "I think he had someone else and had me on the spare bench. And kissing wasn't good either, he put his tongue in my mouth and it was like a washing machine he was spinning so fast with his tongue, nothing loving about it. That's why I broke up with you." I said she made a good decision with that and she deserved something better than that. "Can I ask you something?" she asked, "But you really have to be honest." Yes of course I said, we are already very open and honest, that is also second nature to me. I have only known you for a short time, but I already count you among my friends, for that I would go through fire. "Okay I trust you." Aysenur said. "Like now, that you're not twenty years younger, could you have sex with me?" I hesitated for a moment but decided to answer honestly as promised. As I said I think you are an attractive beautiful woman, if you would like sex I would be open to that. As long as I'm sure it's what you want. And it must be special to you. Not just a quickie in the bushes, but with a nice setting so that you can look back on it with a good feeling. And you are in charge, if you don't want something it won't happen, and you can stop whenever you want. Then there was silence, could Aysenur have fallen asleep? I had no idea. I turned off the lights and went to bed. When I was just lying in bed I received another message. "I'll see you at work tomorrow. Good night and thanks for everything." What was I supposed to do with that? Then another app came in, another photo. Now Aysenur was pictured from the front, naked. Her hair partially covered her breasts and the photo ended just above her vagina. So there was little to see, but it excited me terribly. What a wonderful thing.

Read on for part 2 of this story.

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