
At Altitude Stage - 1

Cycling is my passion and my life. From an early age I have known nothing but that I want to cycle and cycle again and at the age of six I already had my first racing bike. No wonder, because our parents always cycle with us, sometimes with really long trips during holidays. A long story short, this year I became junior champion in our region, with the prize that I can now go on altitude training for free in June! Only everyone can register for the camp and my parents have unfortunately decided that my sister has to come along too, so I got her in tow.

I am Tim, over seventeen years old. In order not only to develop my legs with that one-sided cycling, I also do rowing and now I have a tight body that I am quite proud of. And furthermore, I'm five feet tall, have pretty long blond curly hair and blue eyes. I already knew at primary school that I would become a professional cyclist, but my parents wanted me to get a diploma first. And I have that now, in May I passed my Havo. About the same time I became junior regional champion and that is why I can go to a camp for altitude training in Tignes, in the French Alps, at the expense of the Cycling Union. Many cyclists do an altitude training every year. You then train in the mountains at altitude, the air is thinner there, which means that something happens to your blood and your lungs can absorb more oxygen for a while.

Nice with sister

My sister Milou is just sixteen and last month she also passed the VMBO. She would then go with friends to such a party place for young people somewhere abroad, but that is not allowed due to the corona. Because my parents are going to make a long bike ride through Denmark and Sweden together, they have now saddled me with that girl. Yes, really, it's a girl, a bitch. If you ask me, she is radiantly spoiled, she always got her own way in everything. But not now, she must and will go with me from my parents, so I'm stuck with it now. Mom and Dad have just dropped us off with our mountain bikes and luggage at the fast ICE train to Basel. From there we cycle in a week's time with small stages through Switzerland to Tignes, close to the ski area of ​​Val dIsère.

The train takes about eight hours from Arnhem to Basel, so we have plenty of time to chill out a bit. Too bad we have to wear face masks, but yes, as long as that Corona thing lasts, we're stuck with that. Milou is sitting next to me, totally grumpy and slumped, it's not really cozy yet, so. I'm really fed up with her behavior and try it again: hey sister, if we're stuck together for a month, can't it get a bit cozy? She looks at me from above her flowery cap and if she could have let me sink through the ground like that, it would have happened, wow, what a game of grumpiness in those beautiful dark eyes of hers. Yes, she is grumpy but also really beautiful. She resembles my father in everything, who also has a very dark complexion, while I have more of my mother. Milou has long black hair, so dark eyes and she also has an incredibly beautiful body with quite serious tits on it. Of course I don't have my eyes in my pocket, I've liked girls for a while and I can really see that my sister is becoming a weirdly beautiful specimen. But yes, there is so much grumpiness in that face of Dr that all the beauty falls away because of it.

She can go to hell, I decide. I grab my tablet and take a detailed look at the program for the next ten days. Every day there is a varied schedule of training, cycling and then fun. Young people come from all over Europe, nice to get to know people from other countries. It is also nice that there is a large Dutch cycling team in the area just like us on altitude training and a few days boys and girls from that team come to give us some extra training and to learn things about tactics in a large platoon. Soon I am completely engrossed in all kinds of reading material about this and before I realize it is announced that we are approaching Frankfurt and we have to transfer. I nudge Milou, who awakens from a kind of stupor, and tell us to get out.

Groaning and groaning, she hoists her backpack from the luggage rack, as full as that thing is, once as big and thick as mine, all girl junk of course. I grab my own backpack and the tents and sleeping bags and dump everything on the platform. Then we collect our bicycles from the last car and cross the platform with all our belongings to the train that is already waiting for Basel. Then another three hours, a little after six, we are there and we set off for the first campsite in Therwil, just outside the city. Fortunately, my parents bought Milou a mountain bike with a long-range E-motor, otherwise we would never arrive. I tie the backpacks on the special racks we had made on the back, the heaviest on me, and on the racks on the front wheel we tie the tents and sleeping bags. At a reasonable pace we paddle out of the city, into the first hills. To get used to Milou, who can cycle for quite a long time but is not that trained anymore, I kept the first two stages fairly flat. The first few days we cycle along the lakes of Biel, Neuchâtel and Geneva, where the height differences are not that great. From there we enter the Alps and really rise, so we have to cycle around the foot of Mont Blanc, among other things.

Our parents suggested that we sleep together in a tent, which would save quite a bit of luggage. But Milou was very clear, she wouldn't want to sleep next to me for anything. We used to get along pretty well, but she's been mean to me for so long I can hardly remember, so I'm fine with her sleeping on her own. But then she can also set up her own tent and long after I've been chilling a bit, she's still muddling with the tension arches and lines and I don't know what else. Fortunately there is a kiosk at the campsite where we can get some food and when that is gone I dive into bed. Next to me I hear all kinds of grumbling, well, Milou can manage with it.


The next morning the sun rises early in the sky but ohw, because we are still in the shade it is weirdly cold here, we have to pay attention to that at the next campsites. I turned half the night because I couldn't get warm and I'm glad I can get out. I walk to the shower cabins and rinse myself warm and then cold, nice, this wakes me up. Then I buy some croissants and cups of coffee at the kiosk and walk back. Milou is still sleeping and when I call her I get to hear fuck off. Suddenly I'm done with it. I unzip her tent and pull her out, mat and all. Hup rótgriet, get up and swearing I walk back to the picnic set a little further in the sun, where I have put our breakfast. And just at that moment when I see an app from Dad asking me how I'm doing, I send him the shortest answer ever: KUT. Dad immediately replies with a sweat-dripping smiley and Hang in there boy, she'll come around:) Yep, he's got dicks easy, so relaxed on the road with Mom.

But somehow it relieves me, Mom always says that shared sorrow is half sorrow and that is true now. Milou has now realized that she has diligently crossed my boundaries and has joined us unexpectedly quickly. Sorry Tim she says a little timidly, I slept so badly, so cold and I see, she is still shivering. I walk to my tent, grab the extra fleece blanket I have with me and wrap it around her shoulders. Wow, she suddenly looks at me so sweetly, I haven't experienced that in a long time. We eat our croissants in silence and although the coffee has already cooled down a bit, it warms up nicely. Hey Loutje, if you're going to take a nice warm shower, I'll tidy up the tents. You used to call me that, but I'm grown up now, Tim, Sure, but if she's nice it's she really Loutje to me. Anyway, if she really wants to be bitchy: ok, whatever you want, Milou. But are you hurrying?

So cold, brrr

Half an hour later we are ready to start our first serious stage and it seems that something has changed. Milou isn't so grumpy anymore, she even helped to pack everything properly after showering and slowly I'm starting to hope that this might turn out to be a nice hike after all. Along the way we grab a coffee and a sandwich somewhere, we continue cycling and it feels like the old days, when we made long trips with mom and dad. And I have to be really honest, Milou is doing a weird job. She cycles fast, sometimes with a lot of help from her E-motor, but still, it's going great! Already around four o'clock we arrive at the next campsite, against Lake Biel near Ipsach. Without too much fuss, we put up the tents together this time and in no time they are neatly next to each other. Sleeping mats and sleeping bags in it and suddenly we have an hour left to explore the area. We walk to Ipsach and enjoy the space and the view of the hills and the lake along the way. It is really beautiful here, with all those vineyards around and the small towns in the most beautiful spots on the lake. In Ipsach we each eat a huge pizza and on the way back, completely unexpectedly, Milou says: maybe this was a good idea from mom and dad, Tim. I'm starting to like it. I look at her happily and quietly enjoying that we have a better contact, we then walk back to the campsite, where we soon each dive into our own tent.

I always sleep in my nude and now I do that too, but because of the cold I wake up again at every turn. And just when I finally almost fall asleep I hear how the zipper of my tent opens softly. Milou, whispering: I'm so cold, Tim, can I stay with you? Luckily I have an oversized sleeping bag because I can't stand that stuffy feeling and without thinking that I'm lying naked I zip up him open. Milou crawls up to me cold and shivering and trembling but when she notices I'm naked she yells Ew Tim, gosh! I can't lie next to you like that. Well, I growl, then you're going again, right? Milou clearly doesn't worry about that but does try to keep her distance and after she finally lies anxiously keeping her distance but calmly next to me I fall asleep like a log.

It is still early when I wake up to the noise of the birds around us, it seems as if they are trying to tweet the whole of Switzerland together. I feel that I'm lying against something soft and warm and only then does it dawn on me that Milou came into my sleeping bag last night. And not only that, keeping distance is completely out of the question, she is lying on her left side completely curled against me and her hand really doesn't belong where she has it now, namely on my stomach, just above my cock that is bothering me again suffers from a very annoying morning stiffness. Carefully I try to put Loutje's hand aside and push her away a bit so that I can get up, but the effect is that she crawls even closer to me, muttering something softly. She has placed her right leg over mine, so that my right arm is clamped between our bodies and my hand is even clamped at the height of her pussy.

So hot, phew

When she also wraps her right arm more tightly around me, I can't move anymore. Every time I try to peel away, she seems to want to cling even tighter to me. Well, then no, I decide to lie down and enjoy the moment. Although my sister is wearing a nightgown, I still feel how her tits are pressing against me, she already has quite a few balls and they feel incredibly soft and yet firm against me. And then my right hand, which has ended up somewhere between her legs and is trapped underneath. I gently wiggle my hand until I have it clamped between her thighs and I must be able to touch her pussy now. But it's my sister, so that's where it ends for me, although I really enjoy her warm body against mine.

Not much later I wake up with a start, apparently I fell asleep again. And the cause of my shock is quite clear, in her sleep Milou put her hand on my cock. Jesses, where is this going? It should be over now, pluck her hand from my cock and peel me further free from the limbs my sister has wrapped around me. Just when I've wriggled out of the sleeping bag, Milou sleepily asks where are you going, little brother? I just as snuggled up against you. I really don't know how I got it, was that girl awake and just grabbed my cock? I decide to play the silly boy and say sorry Loutje, but we have to go on, I'm going to take a shower. I quickly put on my boxers and run with my toiletries to the shower rooms, as if there were a little devil is chasing me. Under the first hot and then cold shower I relax, my cock fortunately binds in again and I become completely convinced that it was not all Milou's intention.

When I get back to the tents, Milou is already taking a shower. I put on my cycling clothes, a warm jogging suit over it, get coffee and sandwiches and once we sit down at the table we both act as if nothing strange has happened. We tell each other how beautiful it is here and then I show Milou today's stage, if all goes well we will arrive tonight at a campsite on Lake Geneva.

It's a beautiful route. First we cycle along Lake Biel for a while and then we soon arrive at Lake Neuchâtel, which we see passing by all the way in its length. It is so incredibly beautiful with all those hills, the vineyards and then that blue water where everywhere you look white ferries sail to the most beautiful towns, with dozens of sailing boats in between. Milou regularly paddles past me diligently, with her auxiliary engine she wants to show that she is quite the boss. I think it's fine, enjoy those moments of lurking at her tight backside and especially her wobbly ass, she really is becoming an amazingly beautiful girl.

Because the cycling along the water is fairly flat, we make good progress and, thanks to our strong pace, we arrive at Lake Geneva just after lunchtime. Near Lausanne we find a nice tent with a terrace right on the water and we eat a huge bouncer there, delicious, we were both really ready for a big bite to eat. We relax on an adjacent beach for half an hour and then we cycle leisurely in less than two hours to Veytaux, just behind Montreux. And here the ritual repeats itself: good food in the village, relaxed walk back and then time to take a nap.

But then, when I'm just lying in it, Milou sticks her head into the tent with me: um, Tim, do you mind if I come and lie with you right away? I'm always so cold alone and you're so nice and warm Okay I grumble a little shyly, because I really haven't forgotten how Loutje clung to me this morning and held my cock in a headlock. I unzip my sleeping bag and reach out for my boxers to put them on. But before I get to it I see in the twilight how Loutje pulls her nightgown over her head. I look at it in amazement and even catch a sneaky glimpse of her tits, then she slides next to me just as naked as me and zips up the sleeping bag again. We lie next to each other, stiff as a stone, because this is weirdly uncomfortable, let's say. Then my sister says very softly Trust Tim and turns her backside towards me. Because we don't have much space she forces me to lie against her like a spoon and because it's so tight I carefully make contact with hers with my body. Also trust Loutje I whisper, meanwhile fiercely trying to keep my cock in check because sister or not, I really can't lie on her here, can I? But that same sister doesn't make it easy for me, she gently moves her body until she's comfortable and meanwhile pushes her buttocks against my crotch. Oh wow, this is getting really hot!

Little sister's game?

In the middle of the night I wake up because Loutje is dreaming, she moans loudly and restlessly moves her body. She is now lying on her back and has managed to push me to the side quite a bit. I turn to her on my side, put my hand around her face, turn it to me and say softly hey Loutje, calm down, I'm with you That helps, she calms down which turns in response she also turns on her side, towards me and presses against me, crushing her tits against my chest. I can't see them but feel them all the better, whow, this is cool. And so I quickly fall asleep again. The bird concert is already in full swing when I wake up and at that moment I also feel Loutje moving next to me.

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