
And Then Came Cara - 1

It is early April and unlike the weather in the Netherlands, it is already wonderful to be here. Temperatures of over 25 degrees, something that Cara has no problem with. It is one of the advantages of emigrating to Spain. A country where she can easily settle down and where she has made many new friendships. Her best friend here is Anita, someone she can really share everything with and who has been quite cheerful the last few days. Finally, the brunette tells what's going on and admits that it's on between her and Sergio. Cara can't suppress a smile. Anita and Sergio, how much she gives it to those two! The result is that she has to look for fun that afternoon without her best friend, but luckily she has enough friends, whom she later meets in the center of the small town. One of those friends invites her and a number of others to his home and Cara consumes just a little too much alcohol there that afternoon.

While Cara is having a great time in her new homeland, things are different with her younger brother Frits. He's in his room gaming, like pretty much every afternoon, really. Unlike his sister, he finds it difficult to settle in the country. He hasn't made any friendships yet and it seems he's unhappy, although he won't admit it. His mother, Nadine, is starting to worry a little about her son. She wants him to feel happy, to enjoy the beautiful surroundings and the nice people here just like Cara. That he will find friends just like Cara and that he will really start living again. But how do you get through to him? She doesn't know. She has already tried a few times, but Frits does not budge. But Nadine knows he is unhappy, because Frits was never at home in the Netherlands, was always making the city unsafe with his friends. He radiated glee, unlike here.

A little later, Cara's father also tries to start a conversation with Frits, but he cannot get through to Frits either. Shrugging his shoulders, he stands in front of Nadine, who had clearly hoped for a better reaction to Kees' attempt.

"If he really isn't happy here, maybe we should go back to the Netherlands," says Nadine sip.

"Let's not get too excited. Let's first think about how we are going to handle this in the coming week," Kees tries to calm his wife down.

"Maybe you're right," admits Nadine.

"We're going on vacation for a week tonight, just the two of us, then we'll see what happens," continues Kees.

"I would also like to give Frits a week's holiday" says Nadine.

"You know he can't afford a week without school. His grades are mediocre enough already," Kees objects, something that Nadine has to agree with.

Cara, meanwhile, walks home slightly tipsy. Her thoughts are with Anita and Sergio and she wonders if the two have slept together yet. The idea clearly turns her on and she feels her pussy getting wet. One thing becomes clear to her, she must quickly look for a new boyfriend. Plenty of choice of nice guys here. But tonight she has to put out the fire herself, something she can also enjoy very much.

That evening Kees and Nadine go on vacation for a week. Cara and Frits will therefore be left alone that week, but since they are 18 and 16 years old respectively, that is not a problem. Cara hasn't had time to quench her lust yet, so she sits restlessly in the room. Frits has actually taken the trouble to tear himself away from his game computer and is watching TV with his two-year older sister. Cara knows that Nadine is worried about Frits, worries that Cara also shares a bit. Nadine has asked her if she might be able to get through to Frits. But she finds it hard to bring it up. Her relationship with Frits is good and she has little desire to jeopardize it. But to her surprise, Frits starts talking about it himself, after watching TV with her in silence for some time. Nadine and Kees may have awakened something in Frits after all. Cara uses the opening that Frits offers her and goes deeper into it.

"Do you understand that mom is worried?" she asks her brother.

"I understand, but I'll be fine," he replies.

Is there a reason you're withdrawing? Are you having problems with your classmates? Cara continues.

"No, it's not... It's just" Frits tries to answer falteringly. He takes a deep breath and then starts again. He talks about the first weeks here, speaking the language he had such a hard time with. How much easier it was to retreat into his own world. The language is no longer a problem, but he still finds it difficult to connect with classmates and to make friends.

"It's my own fault. I was so distant in the beginning," he says.

" But if you really want it you should be able to overcome it " says Cara.

"I don't know, Cara. I feel like an outsider. Ugly too," Frits responds.

"Did they say that?" asks Cara in disbelief.

"No, but I notice it in everything" Frits replies seriously.

" Come on, Frits. I don't believe that. Believe me, you may look different from the standard Spaniard, but that just gives you something exotic, something that works to your advantage " responds Cara.

Frits doesn't seem to believe her, so Cara pulls him to the mirror in the bathroom.

"Come on, take off your shirt" commands Cara, to which Frits hesitates, but still obeys his sister.

"And what do I see? A tall, muscular boy. Attractive, absolutely," says Cara.

To reinforce her words, her hands grab his muscular upper arms.

" And not an ounce of fat too much " she continues and playfully slaps his stomach.

"Am I right or not?" she asks, when there is no response.

"Yes, you may be right, but ..." Frits replies.

" Nothing, no buts. You're just a beautiful boy, enough girls are interested in, damn it. Really, there's nothing wrong with you " she says emphatically.

"You're probably right, but that doesn't change the fact that I feel insecure like hell," Frits counters.

" Once you've taken the first step, it will work itself out, man. Just try it, before you know it you'll have all kinds of friends here. And a girlfriend won't be long in coming. If there aren't several of them " says Cara encourage him.

A smile actually breaks through at Frits. And that's not the only thing. She sees that her brother has an erection that you say you to. She quickly looks away, so as not to embarrass Frits. But it's already too late! Frits looks startled, his face turns red and he rushes to his room. pussy! She really thought she had gotten through to him and now this. She pours herself something to drink and when Frits is still in his room half an hour later, she goes upstairs. She knocks on his door and steps inside. He stands staring outside and doesn't look up or around.

"You don't have to be ashamed, Frits," she says softly and puts her hands on his shoulders.

"I could fall through the ground otherwise," he mutters.

" Come on, dude. You were half naked, we were talking about your looks, a girlfriend, it makes sense that a 16-year-old boy's cock is stirring " she continues.

"I hope you took my previous words to heart" she continues and to her relief he nods.

" Yes, you are absolutely right. It must come from me and I have no reason to be insecure ", he says.

"Thank goodness" Cara laughs, lightly massaging her brother's shoulders.

When Frits steps away from her, he realizes what she has unconsciously caused him. And she sees it very clearly, the bulge that shows in his shorts. He looks at her, but this time neither embarrassed nor defending himself for his obvious erection.

" My God Frits, the woman who finally hooks you I can look forward to something beautiful " she mutters, barely able to take her eyes off his crotch. She feels her pussy getting wet, the feeling from earlier that afternoon when she felt so horny, returns in full force.

"Exaggerating is also an art," Frits mutters, while he now turns red again.

"Come here man" and she pulls Frits towards her. Before she knows it, she has his cock in her hand. Her mind seems to be switched off for a moment, her primary instincts have taken over.

" I'm holding pure gold here. By far the biggest cock I've ever seen in real life " she mutters.

Frits is now standing there with a bright red head, but he cannot break away from Cara. She now realizes what she is doing, but she too cannot tear herself away from the situation. Even worse, she's even starting to jerk off her little brother lightly. Frits starts to pant lightly, while Cara only has eyes for her brother's beautiful cock. Finally she lets go of him, full of admiration she continues to look at her brother's big cock. She is wobbling on her legs and she looks at Frits. Everything is reflected on his face. But it is lust that prevails, very clearly. Cara has exactly the same feelings, although she now realizes that this should not be. But lust is greater than reason and again she bites Frits' dick. She jerks him off further, sees the first drop of pre-cum appear. She can't hold back and goes down on her knees. Her tongue licks up the pre-cum and Frits now starts to moan loudly. Logical too, because Cara goes completely wild. She licks her little brother's cock, runs her tongue over his shaft, and starts to caress his head. She has wrapped her hand around his balls and occasionally playfully increases the pressure. She takes it in her mouth, blows her brother full of fire. Frits is staggering on his legs, because this is something he has never experienced. He's getting a blow job from his own sister! Cara finally lets him slip from her lips. She gets up, pushes him back on the bed and starts sucking him passionately again. Frits closes his eyes, barely able to restrain his lust. He feels Cara's warm lips, feels his sister's sucking. The pressure is almost unsustainable and he throws his hips up. Cara now has great difficulty processing Frits' cock, but wonderfully succeeds. She knows he's coming any minute, can feel it in his shaking body. She can't wait to taste his hot cum and Frits doesn't disappoint. He starts to growl loudly, thrusts full into her mouth one more time and then shoots his hot cum down her throat. Cara has great difficulty processing this deluge and she soon gives up. She lets the squirting cock slip from her lips and the rest of his cum splashes on her face and the tight sweater she is wearing. Finally Frits opens his eyes again and sees what he has done to Cara. Her face is covered in his seed and her sweater is also covered in moisture. She wipes the cum from her face and enjoys the taste. Then she takes off her filthy shirt and Frits has something to look at, which he is only too happy to do.

"Do you like them?" asks Cara, while her bare tits can be admired by Frits.

"They are beautiful, Cara" Frits replies with admiration.

Cara has real beauties. A nice handful and they come with two hard nipples that only ask for one thing. Frits knows it too and gets up. His hands cupped her tits, his fingers brushing against her nipples. Then he takes them one by one in his mouth and starts sucking the nipples. Cara moans out, this feels really heavenly. She can't get enough of it. Just like Frits, by the way, who really seems to enjoy it. In the end, however, he leaves his sister's tits alone, but Cara does not have to grieve. Frits draws a trail downwards with his tongue until he can go no further. He pulls off Cara's short jeans, then pulls off her panties with trembling fingers. He holds his breath as he takes in Cara's bald pussy. What a beautiful pussy Cara has and with trembling fingers he goes over her lips. When he notices how Cara reacts he continues and soon he is exploring his sister's pussy. Tongue and fingers leave a trail of pleasure on Cara, who points out what she likes very precisely. The tension slowly but surely builds up with Cara and she is soon shaking on the bed. He notices how she gets hotter and hotter, but he knows exactly how to play with her tension. When she threatens to come, he slows down before picking up the pace again. Cara soon loses it, longs for the liberating orgasm.

"Make an end to it" she begs and Frits gladly complies with the plea.

He puts maximum pressure on Cara's clit. Two fingers disappear deep into Cara, who screams with pleasure. She races towards the redeeming orgasm, is expertly pushed over the edge by Frits. She feels her pussy explode, feels the pressure waves rushing through her. She screams again, the juices splashing around. Slowly the feeling of pleasure diminishes a little, until she finally comes to rest. Frits pulls his fingers out of her and licks them clean, enjoying Cara's taste. She straightens up, a look of satisfaction on her face. Her gaze lingers on Frits' cock, which is already completely erect.

"My God Frits, you're looking forward to it" she says with a big grin.

" That's entirely up to you, Cara " Frits puts the credits to his sister. Cara feels caressed and takes the cock back in her hands. How she longs to feel this beautiful cock in her pussy. Frits is not her first lover, but he definitely takes the cake when it comes to the size of his cock. She caresses him some more, until she sinks back onto the bed, spreading her legs.

"Come here with that cock" she pleads and Frits doesn't know how fast he has to dive between Cara's legs. Cara is the first woman he's going to fuck and you can tell by how much he craves it. He puts his cock against her lips and then he pushes on. He disappears deep into Cara, who takes a deep sigh. How wonderful it feels to be filled by such a delicious cock. Groaning, she gives herself completely to Frits, who takes her full of enthusiasm. Despite the fact that he has already come once, Frits finds it so exciting that he soon has to make every effort not to come now. Finally he pulls away from Cara just to relieve the pressure the hot pussy is giving him. He turns Cara over, admires her beautiful ass and puts his cock against her from behind. Again he strikes and penetrates his sister. A hand reaches for her tits, massaging them in turn, thrusting into Cara as he goes. The pressure soon becomes unbearable for both of them and shockingly they fuck each other to a climax. Frits announces this with a loud growl and when Cara feels his cum shooting deep into her pussy, she joins his with her own orgasm. They finally stay on the bed, trembling, with the cum running out of Cara's pussy. They look at each other with satisfaction, with Cara pressing her lips against his for a moment. Both can hardly say porridge anymore and they rest for half an hour, during which Cara's eyes even close for a moment. Frits can't help but look at Cara, the woman who deflowered him. His own sister, of all things, he can hardly reach it. But what a beautiful girl she is and he's just glad it's her he got to take first. Finally they get out of bed, rinse themselves in the shower and make a quick meal, starving as they are. Later that night they do it all over again and spend the night entwined in bed.

But that's it. Both realize that this is not the solution to Frits' problems. To make it easier for Frits, she invites him to join her and spend the evening with her friends. This way he may be able to build some confidence in finding his own friends. Frits accepts her proposal and so they go together to Sergio's house that evening.

It is also the first time that Cara sees Anita again and to her surprise, the early love between her and Sergio has already come to an end.

"The real spark turned out to be missing," the brunette replies to Cara's question.

It turns out that Anita is not really bothered and by looking at Sergio the same goes for him.

At first, Frits takes a look at the cat from the tree. Cara's group of friends is quite close and Frits doesn't exactly know how to intervene. Fortunately, Sergio takes him in tow at some point. When Cara spots him again, he appears to be busy talking to Anita. Her friend seems to get on well with Frits and Cara is happy that her brother seems to like it so well that evening. How well it turns out the next morning. Frits appears to have agreed with Anita and a few days later it is even thick between her brother and Anita. How is it possible? thinks Kara. Instead of looking for his own friends, he is now part of her own group of friends. But she sees how happy he is and she's happy about that.

Someone who can't believe her luck is Nadine, when she comes back from vacation. She hardly recognizes Frits again. Is this the same boy she left for a week? She is overjoyed of course and can't thank Anita enough.

Kees is of course also happy that Frits is back to his old self. He couldn't bear the thought of having to return to the Netherlands. And damn it, with Anita, Frits has hooked up with a beautiful girl. Anita is a very open girl who dares to show her affection for Frits openly. How often he catches the two kissing, while their hands explore each other's body, can no longer be counted. Kees enjoys the new love that the two display and is happy that Frits is enjoying life again.

And Fritz? She really has nothing to complain about. He now has several friends and most of all a beautiful girlfriend. And the sex is really, in a word, fantastic. Anita is really up for anything, can't get enough of it. They have sex in the strangest places and especially places where they can be caught at any moment are favorite with the brunette. So Frits really has nothing to complain about the sex and yet their sex life gets an unexpected boost. And all because of an innocent remark from Nadine. When Anita stays for dinner one evening and she is setting the table with Nadine, she tells how grateful she is to the brunette that she has let Frits get back to his old self. Anita listens to it all, but cannot agree with it at all. She only knows Frits as he is now, a cheerful boy who makes her heart beat faster. With a smile she thanks Nadine for all the praise she receives and when she has a moment alone with Frits that evening, she comes back to it. It is still wonderful to relax outside and they watch the sun slowly disappear behind the sky. Anita is in Frits's arms when she suddenly starts talking about Nadine's remark. Frits remains silent for a moment, while he thinks. Why would he keep it from Anita? He thinks he knows the brunette so well by now and that she won't immediately run away screaming. And so he talks about the dark period he went through here. And he ends with the night he shared his suffering with Cara and what came out of it so unexpectedly. Anita looks at him with wide eyes. Then she puts her hand on his and says how sorry she was that he had to go through this miserable period. Anita asks all kinds of questions about this difficult period in Frits' life and Frits is happy that his girlfriend is so understanding. But in the end, the sex with Cara is of course also discussed.

"And how was the sex with Cara?" she asks, a smile on her lips.

Frits holds nothing back and he soon realizes that this is very exciting to Anita. Her fingers slide towards his panties and she starts rubbing his cock. Of course this does not leave Frits untouched and his cock comes to life. Her hand disappears into his briefs and not much later the garment is even at his feet. She has his cock firmly in her hand and starts jerking it off with long strokes. He initially enjoys Anita's caresses, but soon he sputters.

"Not here, Anita. Mom and Dad can come out any minute," he says softly.

"Exciting, isn't it?" laughs Anita and to smother further resistance from Frits she just takes his cock in her mouth. She knows how much he likes this and full of fire she starts to suck him. Frits throws his head back, not believing how much pleasure Anita now gives him. He is still afraid that one of his parents will catch him, but the pleasure is much stronger than this possible danger. Not much later he has completely forgotten his surroundings. He surrenders completely to Anita. The sound of a door opening therefore reaches him very late and then it is already too late. When he looks up he sees his father standing there, who is clearly surprised to see Frits and Anita so busy here. Anita also now realizes that Kees has stepped outside and is watching from a distance. It doesn't seem to bother the brunette, because she just keeps blowing Frits. Every now and then she looks out of the corner of her eye to see if Kees is still there, but he seems to be nailed to the ground. In the end she lets Frits' cock slip from her mouth, but that's not the end of it. The brunette pulls her shirt over her head and her tits happily jump to their freedom. Her panties are next and then she climbs on her lover's cock. Frits sees how his father's eyes widen when Anita sinks onto his cock and starts to move carefully. Kees' eyes are focused on Anita's bouncing tits, something that seems to fascinate him immensely. Frits sees the big smile on Anita's face, who clearly seems to enjoy this. It clearly excites the brunette here for his father to make love to him. He himself is also carried away by all this. On the one hand he is ashamed, but on the other hand it is all very horny. He grips Anita's hips tightly and they begin to pick up the pace. Anita's gaze remains on Kees, while she lets her muscles work on Frits' cock. The tension builds steadily with the two and an orgasm is lurking. They begin to moan louder and louder, until they reach a point where there is no turning back. The brunette comes first, her whole body starts shaking from the immense orgasm that hits her. All this turns her on so much that it can easily be called one of her fiercest orgasms ever. Her exploding body is of course not without consequences and she pushes Frits over the edge. He's the next one to come and he shoots his load into Anita's pussy with great force. He can suppress a loud scream with difficulty, but a raw cry still escapes his lips. What a wonderful highlight this is for Frits and he closes his eyes for a moment and surrenders completely to the pleasure. He only opens them again when Anita collapses on him, completely exhausted from this wonderful lovemaking. In the last few minutes they have lost sight of their surroundings and when they become aware of the world around them again, Kees has quietly disappeared.

Kees has become very excited by his son and Anita's lovemaking. He walks in with a stiff cock, hardly believing what he has just seen. What a wonderfully horny thing that Anita is! Nadine is busy making coffee and Kees can't resist wrapping his arms around her from behind. There's no escaping it for Nadine, she can't get around the hard cock she feels pressed against her.

"What's bothering you all of a sudden?" she says laughing.

Kees starts to unbutton Nadine's blouse and his hands find her tits. Eagerly he starts massaging her tits, meanwhile he tells what he just saw. Nadine cannot deny that she gets excited about this and she willingly lets Kees undress herself further. Her panties are pushed aside and Kees thrusts deep into her from behind.

"Where's Cara?" Nadine moans lightly, while Kees takes her faster and faster.

"Running" he answers, panting. That's all he says, because he's too busy fucking Nadine.

This one is now enjoying her Kees to the fullest. It's been a long time since she's been so spontaneously and hard by him and she's enjoying the moment. The lovemaking between Frits and Anita, described in detail, has made her pussy flow and she eagerly pushes her buttocks back.

"Sew me, baby" she gasps, looking longingly over her shoulders. Kees kisses her on the neck, pushing her dark blond hair to the side. She feels the lips on her skin and a shiver runs through her. She's shaking on her legs and she feels how her pussy is getting more and more on fire. Kees is now pulling on her hard nipples and keeps thrusting. She feels her coming and a scream comes over her lips. The orgasm erupts in full force and the cum that shoots into her pussy a few seconds later increases the pleasure. Kees also cannot suppress a loud scream and, panting, the two look for support against the counter.

"My God, Kees" gasps Nadine.

Kees can't say anything for a moment. He has realized what Anita has unleashed in him. He cannot deny that the brunette has unleashed an unprecedented desire in him.

Nadine's heart is still racing. What a wonderful fuck this was! Just like in the old days, when the passion of the two of them always splashed. Actually, they have fallen asleep sexually in recent years, but now it was suddenly there again. Nadine realizes it's because of Anita, but she doesn't care.

Anita and Frits have now recovered from their fuck. Silently they look into the distance, until Frits breaks the silence.

"You get a kick out of it when people watch, don't you?" he asks.

"It makes me so horny" she says and looks at Frits in love.

"Even if it's my dad?" he asks.

"That only makes it hornier" laughs the brunette.

Cara returns from her five-kilometer run moments later. She looks around in surprise. There's a bit of a weird atmosphere. She hasn't seen her parents this happy in ages and Anita and Frits are just beaming. Damn, it's really about time she got a boyfriend of her own. Frits' cock has unleashed an unquenchable desire. She'll have to work on it tomorrow.

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