
An Old Bicycle

Every four weeks I have to get a shot from my GP. I don't absorb vitamin B12 through the normal way, so I have a needle in my buttock all my life, by the now so well-known assistants. Not a punishment I must say.

Like a few days ago.

In the waiting room were two ladies whom I had seen there before.

An Antillean, around 50 years old I estimate, and a sturdy Dutch girl of the same age, curly hair. Sometimes I briefly joined in their conversation, a mischievous look from the dark lady, a broad smile and sometimes a wink was part of that.

Both of them already knew each other given the conversations that were usually about children, being divorced and their jobs. Just not modest enough for a waiting room and therefore always easy to follow.

Like the last time I was there. The Antillean had bought an electric bicycle and was very happy with it. The Dutchwoman responded immediately, she only had an old bicycle, but (as expected) "you have to learn it anyway .." There was then quite a lot of laughter about it.

The dark lady started to tell a story about how when she was at a staff party some time ago she was followed by a young boy who just started about how beautiful he thought she was and whether she wanted to go with him afterwards, he just lived on his own and would like to continue the party with her alone. He couldn't be older than 20.

Somewhat surprised she brushed him off..." boy, thanks for the compliment, but you're way too young."

The other lady responded with a laugh, it was also recognizable for her. Shortly after her divorce, she had once brought home a very young boy. He was impatient, thinking only of himself, and had no idea how to spoil a woman. He was extinguished within 5 minutes.

" Oh, I've heard it so many times ... boys of that age are not interesting ." I said, to involve myself in the rather exciting conversation. " Not even for girls of the same age, but they often don't know any better. "

" Exactly sir, a tight body is nice but says nothing about the inside. Nowadays they all have to have a six pack and show it off in their pictures... give me a real man, and then he can have a belly. " "Well, I'd be happy these days if he had two legs... it's that long ago." The white lady continued. Again there was a good laugh between the two.

"Tell me Paul ... , I don't feel like a mister."

The dark curly head was called in... I noticed her typical Antillean ass. Her thong was a little crooked, sticking out slightly above her low-rise jeans. The label was visible.

I continued my conversation with the other lady. "I'm Ria." And shook my hand nicely. " I can't have that, if someone hangs his label from a piece of clothing, I always say something about it, that is always appreciated." Did you see it too Paul ? I would also rather it was pointed out to me, it looks so stupid isn't it. I'm sure Kiara would like that too. "

I was called away. After two minutes I was out again.

Kiara was already at the bicycle rack, Ria wanted her to wait for her, they had agreed to have a drink at her house.

So I put on the naughty shoes, I said carefully and with respect that her label was visible. She thought of the label in her blouse. And turned around. " Well, that happens to me so often, I have to cut them out . Put it back for a while." She held onto her collar with both hands to help me. " "Eeehm, it's a different label, lower. She laughed loudly, and continued, somewhat embarrassed, that I wasn't 20 anymore and would appreciate it if I pushed him back into place. " A resounding yes was the answer. " Don't be a prude Paul. "

She now held the edge of her pants and pulled them down even more if they were already hanging, I pushed the tag back, gently touching her lower back and the beginning of her butt crack.

"Thank you." She looked at me and smiled at my red head. "I appreciate a true gentleman like you."

Ria came over.

"I think that's very normal. I would also like someone to say something about it." "Oh, the tag..." She looked at Kiara. "I had also noticed, you can't go outside like that, dude."

" I'm glad Paul did something about it anyway. I'm really excited about it, to be honest."

Ria, laughed loudly "Yes, that will be fine darling." She slapped her on the buttock.

"Have a nice drink, you two!" I started my light moped and got ready to drive away.

" Do you want to have a drink then ? "

My wife was out for the day with colleagues, and wouldn't be back until late.

"I never turn down a drink though. Fun." Both on their bikes, Ria holding onto my arm to keep up with us.

Within ten minutes we were at her flat.

No elevator, so up 6 flights of stairs, all three struggling to get to the top and once at her front door gasping from exertion... "No I'm not 20 anymore..." I said panting, almost out of breath.

The door opened and with an encouraging "Well, here we can rest, always a reward for that whole climb."

I walked into the hallway. There were clothes everywhere I looked, and in what I call a laundry room the ironing board was full of a pile of clothes that many a woman would envy, so many.

"Don't mind the mess, I'm not an example housewife as you can see."

I paused and walked into the room. This one was bigger than I expected, L-shaped and super neat. White leather furniture and white cabinets.

As a contrast to the dark gray tiles on the floor. And brightly colored art on the wall. Replicas of Mondrian.

"I'm going to freshen up, help yourself with a drink."

Her pale yellow dress was soaked with sweat, leaving a dark mark on her back and under her armpits.

Kiara went to the fridge to pour a glass of white wine. " Is there something you like ? " I looked in the fridge and grabbed a Dark Castle beer. Nice and slightly sweet and heavy. Kiara took a ball of Westmalle glass and rinsed it.

Her small breasts and full "puffy" nipples caught my eye when she had to reach high for the glass. No bra on and one button too open.

We heard the shower running and Ria humming...

"I'm not that hot at all, to be honest." There wasn't a drop of perspiration on her. She smelled wonderful.

We got talking about how life sometimes grabs us by the balls as you get older, with all the discomforts and aches. She had been separated from her husband for a long time. He was never home and never gave her the attention she deserved.

She, like Ria, was left penniless. Fortunately they still had each other as very good friends.

They always had to save for outings. They were quite expensive, so they sporadically went away together.

I told about my relationship. Quickly on the subject of no intimacy with my wife, all too familiar to her.

After a while, Ria entered. She was wearing a light blue tank top. "I'll grab a beer too." And came back with a Tripel.

" That's better, nice and cool shower ..."

Her breasts hung heavily in her top as she poured her beer.

Ria, bright blue eyes and an upward curling mouth, which always seemed to be on the laughing position, raised her glass, we followed. " Jeez, Ria, are you going to give a speech ? " " No, but you can sound like a new acquaintance ? " She nodded in my direction and I politely nodded back.

" Cheers ! " By slamming the sturdy beer glasses a little too hard against her wine glass, she spilled at least a third of the contents on her hand and her shirt. " God, how clumsy I am ! " " Luckily it's not red wine ."

She wiped the dry part of her top with her hand. "It can go back into the wash. But drink first, because I'm dying of thirst."

We both agreed and started talking about how coincidental that all three of us had the same problems in our relationships.

I did not entirely agree with that, and told about FL, where countless people put their difficult relationships in writing and share them with peers.

"We're not the only ones, but I didn't expect so many people going through this." Kiara said, curious about my PC use.

The glasses were filled. " Same I assume ?" " If you have, please."

Ria bent over the table to get my bottle. The top stuck a little to her nipple and pulled it off. "Then I'm going to put on something else, it's become all tacky." Kiara spluttered: " Well, it's been a long time since anything else got sticky dear ... " I looked at Ria, she laughed heartily ... " Hey, behave yourself ! We have a gentleman for a visit ! "

" Thank you Kiara, but you should know ... I'm really not a gentleman ..." I looked at her with a mischievous look.

Ria had already left for the bedroom. After some time and a god damn shout, Kiara went to have a look. "Everything in the wash so what should I wear now?!"

"You still have your bikini or underwear...Paul will like it."

As usual, they were talking too loud not to be heard. "I'm not scared of both, Ria!" I yelled back.

Giggles were the response from the bedroom. "I'm used to it."

It took quite a while before they both returned to the living room with the drinks.

"Found something anyway..." Ria had found an old blouse she had worn once to a party; from the front completely closed to the collar, with a zipper at the back. "Well, is that neat or is that neat?"

I muttered, "Very neat, but it shouldn't have taken so much effort.

A bikini would have been okay too."

" Told you ! " Kiara nudged her upper arm, a little too hard. "Ouch!!"

" Oww sorry, I'm rude sometimes .. kiss on it ? " " Yes, it's all right ..." continued Ria, who offered her upper arm ... Kiara gave it a sweet kiss.

" Gonna be a bad bruise. Do they think I'm being mistreated at my job."

Laughter was the answer... "or you do SM..."

I took the plunge and asked if they would rather be treated kindly or roughly by a man.

The atmosphere changed. The direct question about their sexual preference turned out to be an opening for the tension that we actually felt from the beginning.

" By a man ? Then sweet." Kiara said. "There have been a lot of blunders in my life. They want you to do what they say and often hurt you too. I'm fed up with that."

"I've noticed that myself, often enforcing that and trying to impose their will on you. I don't deal well with insensitive types anyway."

I felt them both look questioning... "You're not gay, are you?"

I laughed out loud... "Both sexes have their fun things, I can deal with both."

"Well, Ria, shall we then?" Kiara joked, with a mischievous look and her fingers on the zipper of Ria's blouse.

" We are friends, but we don't have a relationship outside of the nightlife. "

"Actually, I'm quite curious how you came to that, Paul."

"A matter of trying... and being horny."

" Well, I was already horny at the bike shed, otherwise I wouldn't have invited you here." Ria turned red.

"Not even knowing you had so many kinky ideas."

Kiara was still fiddling with the blouse. Pulled it open a little... and a little further... Ria's nipples became hard and the little buttons poked through the fabric.

"Are you okay with that?" I looked at Ria, blushing, whispering almost inaudibly: "Yes, I'm okay with that..."

Half of her zipper was now open, Kiara leaned against her back and kissed her on the back of the neck. Both hands now had free rein to move them forward and before she knew it she had clamped Ria's nipples between her thumbs and forefingers.

I got up, took off my shirt and shorts. A big bulge was visible in my briefs.

I stood in front of Ria, who visibly enjoyed the twisting movements of her nipples. She didn't look away when I looked into her eyes, but closed them after a while; she wanted to hold this moment.

Her breathing deepened. "Jesus, Kiara..." she whispered.

still looking at her face, I felt with my hand under her blouse.

A deep sigh and soft moan as my fingers touched her lips. Soaking wet and hanging out quite a bit. I slid my middle finger between them, and with my thumb together, I massaged her lips, one at a time.

Ria opened her legs a little... making more room for my game.

Kiara, meanwhile, opening the zipper all the way, slid the blouse off her body. "This is exciting..."

Ria's breasts, full and hanging, with her nipples pointing down, her full but tight belly, quite marked with stretch marks, became visible. Kiara hugged her waist and began showering her neck with sweet little kisses.

Goosebumps on her breasts and arms were the result.

I looked at her body, and the horny look of Kiara, who started licking her friend's earlobes.

Ria, totally at the mercy of the feeling she had been missing for so long, began to trace down from my chest with the back of two fingers... her gaze fixed on my panties, where my cock continued to fill with blood, inflated until it started beating.

Once she arrived at my briefs, her index finger circled my shorts, which were super tight. she felt the spout of my foreskin, slowly turned over it and I found myself getting wet.

Feeling my pre-cum was too much for her game... she lowered herself and with two hands she pulled the panties off my body.

Kiara, still standing behind her, unbuttoned her blouse. I looked after her fingers and admired her dark body. Light chocolate brown.

Not for long, I closed my eyes and tilted my head back as Ria's mouth began to lick my foreskin, carefully holding the spout to suck it...

I tilted my head back, my stomach tensed by folding my hands behind my neck, my eyes closed. My cock hadn't been this hard and sensitive for too long.

Gently licking my horny spout, alternated with sucking it in a little, felt heavenly.

Smothered by her activity, I heard Ria moan..

Kiara, still behind her, felt the hot juices of Ria's pussy with her fingers.

Her hand slid over her lips through her butt crack, close to her stud. Kiara kissed her neck and ear again...

Playing with my member stopped. I looked at the scene in front of me...

Ria had straightened up and was now standing in front of her friend. Close to her face, I looked into her eyes, which were horny. Her mouth found mine and she kissed me passionately. Moaning through Kiara's fingers sliding into her cave...

Sopping, she fingered her, I could recognize her rhythm in her breathing.

I grabbed her head, kissed her wet and soft as my hand slid down... momentarily massaging her full tummy, further down... where her lips floated from her horns and I felt Kiara's slippery fingers, sliding in and out. slipped out of her pussy.

There was still room for my fingers and I joined in the dance. Every time Kiara slipped out of her cave, my two fingers entered. Ria, in ecstasy, started to shout... "Yes, yes, yes... " Her pussy contracted palpably around our fingers, the clearly pulsating muscles, the fluid that suddenly leaked from her cave and in horny threads on the floor ended up ... with difficulty entering our fingers, neither of us stopped fingering her ... Ria, standing on her legs like pudding, held on to my shoulders after her discharge ... " Owwwww thank you darlings..."

Kiara and I laughed... "You are more then welcome dear... " Her friend joked.

She brought her fingers to her mouth and began to lick Ria's liquid that was abundantly present on her fingers. "Hmmmmm..."

It was clear that Kiara was super horny too. The same fingers slid down her body, over her slit, deep into her cunt. For a while she fingered herself, but suddenly pulled out; a milky thick liquid remained on it... "Taste Paul?"

She didn't wait for an answer and before I knew it she was smearing her pussy cream all over my mouth... slid in naturally where we played a horny game with her fingers.

Tasting both ladies now... I enjoyed.

" Are you a bit horny girl ?" Ria asked. The answer was clear: Kiara took off her thong.

I followed her hands, my gaze fixed on her triangle once her thong was off. Chubby lips and a girlish slit became visible.

"It made me thirsty..." She sat down on the couch, opposite her beer.

We also sat down. My cock, half hard, fell a little between my legs. "Paul, you look like a girl too... And shaved too..."

The two friends laughed out loud.

" Haha...yes a girl with chest hair then..." I joked back.

The atmosphere seemed relaxed.

Even as Kiara shifted her position, with her legs drawn up and her light brown pussy visible right in front of me, she continued to chatter quietly.

Ria, naked, picked up the bottles and went to the kitchen, came back with another round of beer. Opened the bottles herself and gave her friend a kiss on the forehead.

Kiara stretched out her arms, wrapped them around Ria's neck and pulled her towards her. " Come on darling, give me a real kiss... " A tender answer followed, their tongues met, their mouths danced long and deep.

The bottle that Ria had in her hand was grabbed ... " Hey, you mess ! " Kiara's lower abdomen and pussy were wet with beer ... Kiara held it a little more upright, close to her stomach. "If you want to get me wet, then do it sweetie."

Kiara brought the bottle up to her now slightly open pussy. " Do you want me to ...? "

" Let me lather yes... "

The neck of the bottle was pushed in by Kiara, she moaned. Ria, now helping with both hands, pushed it deeper... We heard a sopping sound as the bottle was withdrawn momentarily, the neck full of her creamy white pre-cum.

" Deeper ... come on ... " Ria, enchanted by the sight of the bottle that now reached the wide part in her cave.

Ria looked admiringly at the bottle, how it was pushed into her friend's slit with the wide part, moved it in and out faster... a load of foam sprayed from Kiara's cunt... " Owwwww that feels so good ! !!"

Ria's breasts floated with beer, Kiara eagerly licked it up...

Spurred on by the licking and sucking, she pushed the bottle almost all the way in... more beer sprayed onto her body.

I didn't hesitate for a moment... got up and knelt in front of Kiara's pussy.

Driven I started to lick her, gently but firmly I pressed my tongue against her slit and foamy opening. Strokes up to her clit, and back, as if I wanted to taste the last beer left, my mouth closed around her pussy, sucking the opening, her moisture and the beer as horny cocktail ...

Ria offered her breasts, bent over her friend and enjoyed sucking her nipples.

Spreading Kiara's legs until they couldn't go any further I straightened up just as I noticed her clit begin to pulsate... my throbbing head made its way in, her blissful super hot cavern felt like a warm bath surrounding me ... deep, in a slow movement up to my belly. Kiara screamed... started to tongue her Ria, pushed her lower body up and grabbed her knees... the pulsation of her pussy, the firm thrusting became too much too soon... a load of cum escaped, filling her cave before I pulled back and let my cum flow all over her body. The amount surprised all three of us, I kept on spraying and when I felt Ria's mouth on my head I stayed hard. Eagerly licking the last remnants, until I was clean...

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