
Amsterdam Girls - 1

This story is an independent sequel to 100 Bohemian Girls. So you don't have to read that first, but you can of course :) X. Zazie

Luuk has been living in Amsterdam again for a few weeks, after his internship of almost a year as a cameraman in Prague. Thanks to the hundred or maybe even more Bohemian girls and his girlfriend Tessy from Pilsen, he managed to deal with satyriasis, his sex addiction. But now, back in Amsterdam, that problem is back in full force.

A new beginning

It takes some getting used to being back in Amsterdam. There is not much to do at the Film Academy due to the approaching holidays, to complete my internship I have been commissioned to make a kind of work of art this summer. With photos and film I have to record how you can substantially change an existing situation by adding a new element to it. Really, I have no idea what that should be about and I've been feeling pretty hopeless for several days now.

After my mom kicked him out when I was three I grew up with only my dad and I think he's the sweetest dad in the world. He was always there, I never saw any friends and I could talk to him about everything, all in all I had a pretty steady childhood. Around the age of ten, my father bought a houseboat, a big old cargo boat. He was able to moor it in the Oude Houthaven, against the Prinseneiland, so that we came to live in an adventurous neighborhood and also close to the center. And now that boat is completely my domain, because after I left for Prague my dad more or less moved in with his girlfriend in Groningen, who I didn't know he had at all. At the moment they are also making a tour through Africa together, so it will be a while before I can see them.

It's a bit lonely here actually. My dad is of course quite right that he has started to think about himself now, but I do miss him quite a bit. And then almost all my friends from before Prague are out of the picture, studying somewhere else or doing an internship or already on vacation or stuck with a girl or whatever. Tomorrow I will be nineteen and so I actually have no idea who I will celebrate with.

I also need a girl, because the tension in my stomach is already rising considerably, because of that satyriasis thing I make way too much semen that I have to discharge regularly. By hand works fine of course, but with a girl is more fun and helps better, as if fucking releases more of that stuff than jerking off. I pretty much owe this sex addiction to Roosje, the sister of my friend Gijs. A few years ago I thought she was the nicest and most beautiful girl in the world and had been in love with her for ages. I was quite shocked when I found out that she had been fucking her brother just about every day for almost a year, because she was a nympho.

When she noticed that I was in love with her, she took me in, and especially when Gijs got a steady girlfriend, it was hard for me to fuck on. At least once and often twice a day I had to serve her and I have to be honest, I loved it because she could fuck, she taught me everything. But yes, at one point I also had a sex addiction. There was hardly a minute that I didn't think about sex and when Roosje dropped out as a fuck buddy because she got a steady boyfriend I got into serious trouble.

That's why I left for my internship in Prague, kind of on the run and looking for a new beginning, hoping to get rid of my addiction. But through my internship as a cameraman I ended up in the HardCoreParty Club and soon I also became a stripper. Well, then of course it's continuous fucking again and that's how I kept scoring girls. They ended up in my bed in droves, because I also had my model studio there, where I provided upcoming models, but also ballet girls and so on, with a photo portfolio, in exchange for some money and fucking at least three times. But yes, that kept me stuck in that addiction

And now I'm back at my old place, but it feels like I've been dropped completely in the middle of nowhere. With this crazy big houseboat you can hardly have a better place to live in this busy city, but I still don't feel comfortable there, so alone. Well, something has to be done, that's for sure. It's Saturday, tomorrow is my birthday and I decide to go out. I've heard of the Wasteland, a tent diagonally across the IJ at the Hemkade and I'm going there. With my father's pretty fast sloop it is no more than twenty minutes sailing, so ideal.

Sour apple

When I arrive it is already getting dark, it is close to ten o'clock and it is quite busy. It's still warm and I'm only wearing white pants and a black shirt, but when I see what arrives here I'm quite under- or maybe overdressed. Because people either wear very crazy outfits or they have almost nothing on. What I didn't know is that it's some kind of extravaganza club, where all weirdos with a fetish or something come. In the queue at the door I am surrounded by the most unworldly apparitions, one has even more special make-up than the other, I see an almost naked girl with a red mask and only two black adhesive tapes on her nipples, an elfish blonde girl with only white feathers stuck here and there and with wings on her back, a boy with a mohawk in only leather briefs with all sorts of straps and piercings everywhere you look, men dressed as transvestites or in a posh costume from the past, I see all kinds of devils, cats, bunnies, name it, really everything is there! And then me, in my beautiful white pants and black shirt

One of the doormen stops me, I can't go in like that. He looks at me critically, when he asks if I want to come in and I nod yes, he says: Walk after me, after which he takes me to a kind of dressing room. Get undressed and a little disbelieving I look at him, huh? is all I can say. The man grins a little wickedly and says “yeah boy, you're not going to get any use out of this or something crazy, so take your pick, poodle nude or something like that” and he points to racks full of clothes and, well, dress-up things. Everyone left here, take something and you can keep it. And there are lockers for your own clothes and belongings. Report back to me when you're done and he's gone, leaving me overwhelmed.

My first impulse is actually to run off, but then I am immediately home alone on that boat. So I bite the bullet, rummage through the shelves for something I like and eventually I opt for red leather boxer shorts and a top hat in the same red color. I take off my clothes, put them away in a locker, put on my briefs, loosen my now pretty long blond hair and put on the hat. Looking in the mirror I think I look pretty sexy like that, I'm not a bodybuilder but I do sports (and fuck) a lot and have a pretty well-muscled slim body. The only thing I really miss is some makeup around my eyes. There is all kinds of stuff in front of the mirrors and I carefully apply a dark blue line and put some purple eyeshadow on my eyelids, so that the bright blue of my eyes now stands out even more.

A few girls who are also messing around have been watching it a bit, especially when I went nude for a while I heard them giggle. And now they come to me, they introduce themselves as Anna and Maartje, yes, I still have it! They're a couple of cute girls, both dressed up like those innocent Lolitas, they've got glitter everywhere you look. Maartje has tied her long red hair in a bobbing ponytail and Anna has small paper forget-me-nots in her short dark hair. Underneath they wear transparent bras and ultra-short shorts, I enjoy watching both girls, with their tit sets clearly on offer. Do they like it? the girls ask with a chuckle and I can only give a big thumbs up. They walk arm in arm with me back to the doorman and if he has approved me with a big thumb we can go inside.

Crazy Crazy Crazy

Unfortunately, I quickly lose sight of the ladies inside because I first, overwhelmed, want to take a good look at everything. They had clearly been here before and headed straight for the bar. The first thing that strikes me is that it's crazy crazier crazier here. Wherever I look I see weirdly dressed people who all build their own party on the music. In between are a kind of cubes of at least a meter high, where gaudy figures are putting on their own show, sometimes quite erotic. And then there are also types hanging from the ceiling in all kinds of positions, from cables, strips of fabric or in nets, while they perform tricks or just hang very still, looking at everyone just a little intently. It seems like another planet, really, because of the Partyclub in Prague I'm quite used to it, but this

I take the time to take a good look at everything and scurry through the endlessly large space, while I am occasionally groped by both girls and boys. In the beginning I don't like that, but at a certain point I get used to it, it's clearly part of it and after a while it's even nice. A caressing hand here, a squeeze there. At a certain point I end up at the bar and there I meet the two Lolitas again. Enthusiastically Anna and Maartje pull me between them and before I realize it Anna pushes me a pill in one hand and a beer in the other, for fun and for thirst she calls into my ear. When I ask what it is, it turns out to be ghb.

For a while the Lolitas scurry around me, dancing a bit or groping me or screaming in my ears against the loud music. In response I can only laugh a little stupidly, feeling how the pill slowly brings me into a kind of blissful cocoon, in which everything and everyone is beautiful and rosy. But apparently I act like a variant of a dead zombie because at a certain point the ladies move on, looking for people who participate better. I understand, I first have to let this all sink in and to get a better look at the noise I climb on such a cube when it suddenly becomes free right next to me.

Once on it, I can't really do anything else than slowly turn around my own axis while I fall from one surprise to another. I didn't know that people can behave so outlandishly, as if everything is allowed and nothing is too crazy. And on many of those cubes, people in the most beautiful outfits are just looking beautiful, while sometimes they are motionless, like an image to be admired. And wow, then I get a brainwave for my final internship assignment.


When I was about fifteen years old I once walked past the statue of Anne Frank with my father and I asked why her sister Margot and her parents were not standing next to it. According to dad, that would have given the image a completely different look, it was just about that one girl against the rest of the angry world. Imagination, that's what it's all about! Amsterdam is full of statues and works of art, I'm going to make an inventory of them and I'm going to give some of them a new look by adding an element, a new dimension. I'm going to do something with naked people, in the style of the image or contrary to it. I feel all excited, yés, this is it! And suddenly I look at all the madness around me with completely different eyes, from one minute to the next it has become inspiring, I can get ideas for my project.

At one point another boy climbs onto the cube with me, barely wearing anything except the tiniest pair of panties ever where the head of his semi-rigid cock just barely pops over the top. He presses against me, gives me a firm kiss on my lips and honks in my ear: Do you know that you are very beautiful? At the same time I feel how he pushes his erect cock against my crotch, causing me to everything happens. He's a handsome boy, pretty much made up like me, and I join him for a while. Clad tightly together, arms wrapped around each other's sides, we slowly slowed up there on that cube while it was a steaming cauldron around us. But when he wants to put his hand in my leather briefs, in full view of everyone, I thank him for the honor, sorry, I don't like guys I honk in his ear and I jump off the cube. The boy throws a kiss behind me, immediately pulls up another guest and continues to work with it.


Slowly I'm starting to land in this crazyness, I'm happy, I'm buzzing with ideas again. Time to look for the Lolitas, I like them and maybe there will be more tonight. Soon I find Anna sitting alone on a bar stool, Maartje is nowhere to be seen. When I ask where she is Anna shrugs her shoulders, with a guy or to the toilet, she doesn't know. I squeeze between Anna's legs, which she spreads a little further and that allows me to stand body to body with her. I don't say anything, just caress her through her nice short curly head and when she looks at me with those beautiful dark eyes of hers, while underneath her small but incredibly tight tits through the transparent bra look at me interested too, I can't do anything else then kiss her.

And that kiss becomes a French kiss in no time, we relaxedly examine each other's mouths and if after a minute or so we like it, our tongues decide to stay in each other's mouth for a while. Slowly we let them revolve around each other, exploring every place in each other's mouth and tasting each other's flavors. Anna tastes like a lot at the same time, I taste wine, chocolate, maybe pizza too, but through everything I mainly taste her. It's like I taste the depth of her dark eyes, the bouncy of her short black hair, the curiousity of her titties discovering their nipples scratching against my chest, the yet to be explored inside of her pussy where I insert the quickly rebellious cock. push my pants against.

Mmm, you and I need to work out faith together a bit further Anna whispers in my ear, she clambers off the stool and takes me by the hand to the side of the large room. Anna opens a black door in a black wall, almost invisible as a result, and behind it we enter an almost pitch-dark space. Immediately I understand what it is, a darkroom, it's a lot of moaning and panting and above all there's an air that I don't really like, rancid actually. Anna whispers this is actually not allowed, they do this illegally because so many people come from far away who want to fuck, but don't tell anyone. Well, I really won't do that because if we have found a place between all those writhing bodies I've really lost my lust already. Anna tries to get me going again but I whisper: sorry Anna, I don't like this. I live near here, will you come with me?

Home sweet home

Without saying a word Anna stands up, um, is she angry? At a brisk pace she paces ahead, through the main hall towards the exit to collect our things, pushing aside anyone who stands in the way or wants something from us. Arriving at the lockers I ask her are you mad because I didn't want to fuck in that grubby state? Anna looks at me with a raised eyebrow, then giggles and says are you crazy dude, I'm just in a hurry to get into your bed to come. Yes. I put on my trousers over the leather briefs and put on my blouse, Anna puts on a long coat. How is Maartje doing now? I ask just to be sure. Um, you know, we are student nurses from Alkmaar. There isn't much to do there and everyone knows everyone, that's why we go here once a month, score fuck buddies and then the darkroom will be good. Maartje is probably hanging around fucking somewhere, she's having fun. I have to chuckle at that answer, well, that's clear, I'll try to live up to her expectations.

Anna is very surprised when she sees that we are going to my house by boat, she sits close to me in the driver's seat and enjoys the view of the lights of Amsterdam while we chug across the nightly IJ to the Prinseneiland. The pill of ghb is still doing its job, everything is nice and pink and I'm pretty crazy about this girl, I pull her closer than close to me. When I moor at our houseboat she claps her hands in delight, that's how Luuk says, how you live here! All alone? I explain to her that my dad has moved in with his girlfriend and that I do indeed live here alone now, while we clamber aboard in the meantime. Once inside, Anna takes off her long coat and her beautiful almost naked outfit reappears. Curious, she explores the ship and reacts delighted when she sees the big bed, well boy, I'm sure this will work!

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