
Altimeters - 11

Tim and his sister Milou had sex in their tent for the first time in a long time last night. Steaming, steaming, sex living together firmly, as if they wanted to make up for the damage of all the past months without each other. And that's how they became the fuck buddies they were until half a year before

Now they have arrived in the huge chalet in Cortina dAmpezzo, which belongs to the family of their cycling friends. They arrived in an empty house, fell asleep together on one bed and now they are besieged by the posse of Italian cousins, brothers, sisters, name it, who have just returned from a bike ride.

Reunion the Italian way

While Lou is almost buried by Luigi and Paolo with whom she fucked very diligently during our altitude training in Tignes, I am hugged and touched on all sides by Treza and Sophia. The twin sisters who tried to trick me last year in Tignes by taking each other's place in bed. Although I felt screwed for a while, I soon realized that I was getting two for the price of one, after which it became a very pleasant affair.

When we've finished cuddling and all ended up on the spacious chill sofas in the living room, I'm amazed at those Italian girls, all five of them have become even more beautiful. And then the twin sisters, wow, they have become even more alike. Like Bella and Loutje, they also have dark looks, but in a really southern Italian way, with light brown skin, brown-black hair and dark brown eyes that resemble a mix of hazelnuts and almonds. The best thing about them are their bodies, trained by cycling, they are exactly the way I like a girl, slim, almost thin, muscular, not too heavy tits and above that a beautiful sultry face that promises everything.

We first chat for a while and when it comes to dinner time we all start cooking together in a slightly chaotic but cozy way. We make a large pot of vegetable soup, which is filled in such a way that the stirring spatula almost stays upright in it. And furthermore, a large pan of pasta is cobbled together, with all kinds of stuff from the sea and also quite a few vegetables. We need bike legs tomorrow and then we have to eat!

It is a lot of fun to cook and eat with so many people, and when we have relaxed a while after dinner and put things aside, we come to talk about the trips we want to make. We are here together for a week, then everyone goes home again. The idea is to make day trips, using the chalet as a base. The first route we have in mind is through Friulane, the national park that is nearby, in the middle of the Dolomites. But because this route is actually too long for one day, with a lot of climbing, we decide to take it two days and spend the night in a mountain hut halfway through that route. Because we don't know how busy it is, we take camping gear with us just in case, so that we are always under a roof.

Loutje in the replay

Everyone goes to bed early to be fit tomorrow. But I didn't count on my sister's needs, because I'm barely in bed when she sneaks in sneakily and crawls into bed next to me. I'm still exhausted from last night when we didn't get enough sleep because of all the sex, what about another night...?

Ehmm, please, not for a while Lou So I grumble, girls, eh? What they want in the front, they never want in the back. What also doesn't help is that we are both naked and when Lou comes to lie on top of me and her girlish body moves seductively over mine, of course I'm sold again quickly. Mmm, well come on then, a lazy fuck and then pit sister. I bring my cock, which is of course another pole, between her legs and when Lou slides over me, I am immediately happy that she continued because it it's really nice to slide in with her again.

Lou does most of the work by moving up and down on me and I keep pushing against my cock as she comes down, so that I come fully inside her with every thrust. In the meantime I caress her back and buttocks, kneading them gently, while again and again with my pole I reinforce her movement over them. Her nipples rub sensitively over my chest and I can see how she works towards an orgasm. Her breath is getting faster and faster and because she is curled with her face I get everything close, her breathing, her moans

When Lou starts to come, I turn her over on my side, and so, lying close together, her left leg folded over my hip, I continue to fuck her in peace, knowing that I will prolong her orgasm for a while. Eventually I come myself and soon after that we both left the world.

Identical states

The next morning at breakfast Treza sits next to me and with a wink she asks me was Lou pushy again last night? I thought I heard something. Treza caught me fucking my sister during the altitude training last year in Tignes and even blackmailed me with it, after which it became clear that she also wanted sex with me.

You were listening to it, weren't you? Jealous? I ask a question back with a wink. At that very moment I feel Treza put her hand on my cock under the table and then she whispers "my time will come, amigo." So to speak, it's like my cock spontaneously springs up in my pants and the rest of them are acutely anemic, I can't do anything but grin back a little silly. And I know she's right, when this Italian beauty thinks it's about time she strikes. And then to know that there are two, because Sofia is very interested in what happens between her sister and me. Mmm, I like them this week

It is a super cool trip through this part of the Dolomites, we have to work hard every time we go uphill, but again and again it seems at the top we reach as if the view is even more beautiful. We often stop to enjoy it while we have a drink and a small snack to keep the energy up.

After the thunderstorms of a few days ago, it has become very hot again and we are all cycling in just our cycling shorts and a shirt, so that not only the landscape is very beautiful, but also the view of the girls as they cycle in front of me. It is good to see that they have to slog a lot, but at the same time it is übersexy to see their flexible backs, with their buttocks moving over those narrow saddles and their tightly trained bare legs moving around and around. Those beautiful girl legs whose muscles work so hard under the skin, but which can also grip you so wonderfully during fucking.

That's why I regularly drop down to the tail of our peloton and I'm definitely not the only one, the other guys can also be found there regularly. It is clear that they also enjoy this view and occasionally quite horny winks are exchanged. And yes, of course we realize that the girls notice this, we may be horny guys but in the meantime we are really not crazy, every now and then we catch how a few of those teasy chicks look at each other and then those buttocks tighten that saddle just a little more seductively. It inevitably evokes images of their pussy lips moving along there on that saddle and sometimes absorbing the blows of holes in the road surface, while they are intended for a completely different kind of entertainment

Especially the monozygotic ones, Treza and Sofia, are constantly fucking me. If I go in front, because we just have to take turns, they soon kick past me again, looking at me beaming, lowering their resistance just a little bit so that their legs go around like mills and everything is on their bodies twist and move and wiggle and invite. And that in stereo, because it looks like those look-alike chicks deliberately hang out together to drive me crazy


When we arrive at our destination on Monte Civetta we are all exhausted. It is higher than we thought and near a picnic area we crash down on an Alpine field with nice and high grass and there we first rest for a while. The view here is even more breathtaking than at the earlier places on this tour, right in front of us the north face of the mountain rises steeply, as if it wants to shoot into the sky. Paolo says that this is perhaps the most notorious climbing wall in Italy and that every experienced mountaineer wants to conquer it once.

At one point Luigi starts calling the huts in the area for places to stay, but because we are with such a large group it turns out that they cannot accommodate us. So that won't work. Fortunately, we have our camping gear with us and we can decide to go to a nature reserve on the nearby lake of Alleghe. We get there much to our relief via a descent and we find a nice big spot in a secluded part of the terrain, against the shore of the lake. Once we have set up the tents after a lot of hassle, everyone has pretty much passed the boiling point. Relieved we run into the water and because there is no one else to be seen in this corner we are as naked as our moms and dads brought us into the world.

In the water it quickly becomes a big party of chasing and avoiding each other, it is as if all the hormones raised along the way need to be given some space. Soon I'm mainly harassed by the twinsisters, as if the other girls sense that I belong to them. I'm fine with it because it's hard to believe there's anything more beautiful on earth than this, those two wet shiny identical bodies that constantly clinging to and around me, trying to submerge me, wanting to take me down. Which gives me the chance to grab the ladies wherever they can be grabbed, clamp them against me, put my arm full around their tits or put them between their legs to lift them up by their crotch and away. throw. Then they hang around my neck again exactly five seconds later.

When we are out and about we take a moment to puff out and dry in front of the tents. Then we get dressed and take the pedestrian ferry that we have to operate ourselves to the other side, to Alleghe, where the manager of the campsite has recommended a nice restaurant. Although it is still early and the Italians themselves prefer to eat later in the evening, it is already quite busy on the terrace, there are many mountaineers and long-distance hikers who settle here after a hard day's slogging. Everyone is clearly happy to sit here and relax. And nobody seems to think about tomorrow or to worry about it because large mugs of beer and carafes of wine are dragged in and that also applies to us, we all order half a liter of beer to quench our thirst first .


How is it possible that the Italians have elevated food to a kind of art. They do the same as we do, they put a bite in their mouth, chew it and swallow it. The difference apparently lies in what happens in the meantime, taking a lot of time, taking a sip of something or the other, chatting, sometimes with my mouth full, closing my eyes enjoying myself, I'm thinking about it for a while to see how our Italian friends do it anyway. When at some point Sofia realizes that I'm becoming a bit contemplative, she asks what's wrong and I explain to her what I'm musing about. Then she giggles like crazy and says: alora, you know what we don't do, Tim? Thinking of things like this, because then you are in your head and not with the food. Well, and she is right of course, and I quickly enjoy a bite again.

At this altitude it gets a bit chilly early on and because we are in our summer clothes we decide to go back to the campsite in time. There we light a campfire and when we have all put on a jogging suit or something like that, we sit in a circle around it. One of the girls has her harmonica with her and when she bets O sole mio on it, we are soon all singing along loudly.

And because Paolo is again spinning his famous joints and passing them around, a super cool atmosphere quickly arises, in which we finish the entire well-known Italian repertoire and a lot is happening in the meantime.

Just like in Tignes, Treza and Sofia remind me again of those little bookends, cupids or angels or something, who stand on a shelf in opposite positions, holding down a row of books.

This is how these angels behave now, on both sides they are leaning firmly against me and in complete harmony they apparently agree that I am their joint property, that they can therefore trap me and that I especially do not must have the guts to slip out from between them. Which I wouldn't want anyway.

Looking around the circle I see that the same thing happened to Lou, Luigi and Paolo are both working hard to win her over and it doesn't look like my sister and I will end up together in our tent tonight

Twin sex

My predictive ability turns out to be special, well, of course it was also coming, whatever, after a while I see Lou sneakily disappear and not much later both Luigi and Paolo also scurry away, as inconspicuous as possible. Which of course is really very striking, everyone who is still around the campfire has to chuckle about it. A good example seems to follow well because the next ones to leave are the twin sisters and they almost stare at me after them. When I stay for a while for form, the others ask with a grin what I'm waiting for and well, I'm gone.

In their tent, Treza and Sofia have zipped their sleeping bags together and because they each lie on one side, it is immediately clear which place has been reserved for me. Like her, I undress completely, which is quite difficult in this cramped place, but in the end I lie in paradise between two naked girls, who apparently couldn't wait to caress and spoil me everywhere. Treza, the bolder of the two, immediately takes care of my nether regions, while Sofia, more shy, starts kissing me.

The beauty of these girls is that everything is so attuned to each other, as if together they form the different musical instruments of one piece of music. They not only focus on me but also on each other, I regularly see how they caress and hug each other. As Treza works my cock with her hand I end up in a French kiss with Sofia, her tongue circling mine as if she's running from it, every time I try to catch her with mine she's already gone. At the same time, a meter below Treza takes my cock in her mouth and does the exact opposite, attacking it head-on.

She immediately takes my rapidly growing cock halfway into her mouth and soon I feel how she sucks it vacuum and almost pulls the blood from my body into my dick. Soon he's hard on my body and then Treza doesn't waste time. She kneels over me, places my head between her already smooth cunt lips and with a few sweet moans she sinks over it until I feel I've arrived all the way into her soft warm smooth yet tight fuck hole. Ohw she moans, I've been waiting for this all day, while we were cycling I imagined you were inside me Tjesses, immediately I see those horny-wobbly girls' buttocks on those narrow saddles again, but now with my pole in between and in it. Really, cycling will never be the same after this

Sofia, who had to make a little room for her energetic sister, has not let go of my mouth for a moment and while Treza starts to ride softly on her saddle-with-a-pin I am also more or less being fucked from above by Sofia, with her moving tongue showing me every corner of my mouth. She hangs over me with her long hair, cocooning us together, putting us in a form of constriction of consciousness, as if the world consists only of squirming girls' bodies and their demanding warm moist holes.

After a while I really have no idea how long we tongued like this, what I do experience is that Treza is increasingly raging on my pole and after a while starts to come very audibly. She screams out loud and it is inevitable that the other people who are still sitting around the campfire are enjoying themselves too. At one point I pull away from Sofia and turn with Treza so that she is wide open under me, after which I take over the fucking from her. She completely surrenders to me, her eyes closed, still hanging violently in her orgasm and because I'm fucking her a lot in the meantime, she stays in it for quite a long time.

When Treza settles down a bit after a while I slip out of her and when Sofia then lies down next to her, following her sister's example by also spreading her legs wide open, I also slide into her like a knife in the warm butter. She is ready for it and just like her sister, she also comes quickly. Because the girls are getting pretty tired by now and are gradually finding everything okay, I now have two pussy paradises freely available to me, which I take turns enjoying. Every time I stretch myself over the girl on duty, pulling her nice body against me and feasting on her nice fuck hole the full length of my fuck hole, which I enthusiastically chase into again and again. I'm going to keep this up for a long time

A good moment to end this series about him, his Tyrolean and Italian friends and not to forget his sister Lou. Thanks for all the nice comments and thnX for reading my story! X. Zazie

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