
A Sprained Calf - 1

Hi I'm Mariska, now 22 years old and I want to take you back to the period when I became sexually active in the upcoming stories. I hope you enjoy reading, because I have a lot to tell. I'll take my time for this, because according to the sexologist I'm being treated for says it's good. She didn't tell me to put it on the internet too, but what else would you write stories for? I look forward to your (hopefully kind) comments.

Sexually I was a late bloomer. My first sexual experience only started when I was 16, but from that moment on it was a very intense period until the moment when I had to start writing. I will briefly introduce you to my family.

I have three older sisters. Sister Malou, she was my age at that time, so 22 years old. So we are 6 years apart. My other sisters Malissa and Manouk (no, my parents weren't really creative in terms of names) are identical twins of 18 years old. My mother, Emma, ​​is 42 years old and my father passed away when I was 4, so I have no real memories of that. We currently live in the house with 4 of us. My eldest sister Maloe studies and lives in rooms. Usually she comes home once a month for a weekend.

It is clear that we come from the same family and have inherited the looks of both our handsome parents. Fortunately, my mother was not unendowed in terms of breast size, she has a large D cup and so far my sisters have taken over, mine are still growing but the C has already been achieved. My mother is a sports physiotherapist and takes good care of her body. People feel free to estimate her 10 years younger and that is understandable. When we walk around on the beach with our family, the heads of the men (and sometimes women) turn around continuously.

My father had a car accident, luckily for us he had taken out a very good life insurance policy, so we never lacked anything financially. My mother only returned to full-time work two years ago. And a sports physiotherapist at home is really useful for injuries!

But enough for now, as indicated I was a late bloomer in terms of sex. I was a very quiet type and preferred to have my nose in the books. I had nothing to complain about male attention, at school or during sports (I'm at korfball) I get enough proposals but I brushed them all off. My mother and twin sisters were worried and kept asking when I would bring a boyfriend home. My sisters had already worn out several boyfriends but my interest was just not there. Until

During the last korfball training, our trainer went home sick. We had promised to continue training but of course nothing came of it. The boys found it much more fun to act tough and were constantly chasing us. Now korfball is mainly known for being the only mixed sport and you often hear then you will certainly also shower together afterwards. Until this evening I could have answered no to this, but that sort of changed. We left the training field as girls and went to the changing rooms. We undressed and got into the showers. We are 6 girls in total and all around the same age. I think I dare say we were all pretty girls. Not all of those narrow slats but just nice girls to see. We also played together for a few years, so we weren't ashamed of each other. Over the years we had become more and more formed, but the other girls on my team were jealous of my breasts. In recent years we had regularly examined each other's bodies. And I don't mean sexually, but just out of curiosity, we touched each other's breasts, joked about how heavy or how light they were. I was the first in the group where my breasts started to develop so I had to endure the most. That's why I was happy when the pubic hair started to grow, so the attention could be shifted for a period of time. I had always been fascinated by Sara's bush. Sara has jet black hair, and so also below. I myself am blonde, and not only from above, also from below it is very light in color, so I almost seemed to have no hair on my cat.

Sara had recently shaved her bush into a very nice triangle. It was really a very nice black triangle. So the last training sessions we regularly talked about that spot downstairs. Last week, Angelique surprised us all with a completely shaved pussy. She had seen it somewhere on the internet and thought it was sexy, she said. And it will grow back on its own she had said with a laugh. While several girls fired different questions at Angelique whether it wasn't very itchy or whether she was afraid she would cut herself. Until we suddenly heard a lot of noise in the dressing room. The boys had forced the door and now came storming in, shouting loudly. We screamed and tried to hide, but since our towels were in the locker room where the boys were now, we could only hide behind our hands and each other.

Ricky, the toughest of the bunch, was in the front and said well..well.well have you already started without us ladies, that's not fair either. We'll just clean up the balls and the poles and you'll take a shower together here. Angelique always had her word ready and immediately shouted I only see small balls and poles when I look like that, pointing to the shorts of the gentlemen so not much needs to be cleaned up. If you just pull your pole out of your pants, I'll clean it up.

Everyone, except Ricky, laughed out loud. That laughter stopped immediately when Ricky pulled down his pants in one go and his penis came out. Well, Angelique, please clean this one up.

I watched in amazement. This was the first real penis I had seen in my life. Women's bodies didn't hold many secrets for me. I saw it almost daily at our house when we all had to shower before school, I think at times I saw more naked women walking around the house than clothed ones. But when Ricky stood there my mouth fell open in surprise. I have no idea what the size of an average dick is, but I'd be nervous if I had to put this inside me. My jaw dropped wider in amazement when Angelique stepped forward and without batting an eyelid grabbed Ricky's cock. You mean this little stake? It's so tidy and she began to move her hand slowly around it. Most of us looked surprised and a little embarrassed. Some guys were already dropping off and others were just tapping each other a bit. I knew Angelique wasn't a virgin anymore, she had told me this the other day. But no one expected this. Ricky's cock started to get bigger and meanwhile Angelique had put her arm around Ricky's neck and they started French kissing. His hands also slid over her body, one hand went over her buttocks and he pulled her closer to him. His other hand went to Angelique's breasts. I don't know how you would react in this situation, but I stood there and watched. I got a very strange feeling in my lower abdomen. On the one hand I wanted to leave this room and on the other hand I didn't. The other girls had more of the first idea and started to walk towards the dressing room. However, Anqelique and Ricky stood there in a close embrace where Anqelique made the rhythm of her hand go faster and faster. Ricky had now put both hands on Angelica's breasts and started sucking her nipple. Sara gave Angelique a push and the opening to the dressing room was found. She gave another shout to the boys to salt up and that message came across clearly. She took off, except for Ricky, and we could all go to the dressing room. I dried myself off as quickly as possible, but I couldn't help looking at Ricky and Angelique from time to time. I pulled my tight top over my breasts. I saw that my nipples were clearly protruding through the thin fabric. Normally I had a bra on, but that took too much time now. As I put on my skirt and sat down to zip up my high black boots I just saw Angelique get down on her knees before Ricky and put his cock in her mouth. Because Angelique had been standing in front of Ricky for most of her time, I hadn't seen how big the penis had gotten by now. I just hoped this was an above average model because boy was this big. The feeling in my gut just kept going. Angelique took the cock in her mouth and started moving her head from front to back. Ricky put his hands on Anqelique's head and started to move with the rhythm or did he indicate the rhythm? Only Sara and I were left in the dressing room, the rest of the ladies had already changed and quickly left. I didn't want to be last so I threw all my gym clothes into my gym bag, turned around and walked out of the locker room. Sara came out of the dressing room almost immediately after me. We found our bikes, got on and cycled speechless from the sports grounds. Sara lived on the other side of the village, so when we cycled through the gate we looked at each other in silence and went in different directions.

Nice training honey? my mother asked when I came through the front door. I replied with a mwah, it went well. I threw down my bag and wanted to run up the stairs, to my room as quickly as possible and figure out what to make of what I had just seen. The feeling in my gut came back every time I thought of Angelique and Ricky and how they stood there naked against each other. Aren't we forgetting something honey? Huh, what then? I asked. Your gym bag, take it straight upstairs and throw your dirty clothes in the wash. I turned around, bent down to get my bag when my mom said Didn't you forget something honey? What now again! I snapped. My mother calmly approached me, lifted my skirt and said I think you forgot to put on your panties, you mischievous. She kissed my forehead, winked, and turned toward the kitchen. I felt all my blood rushing to my head, how could I have forgotten to put my panties on. I was embarrassed and ran upstairs as fast as I could. I couldn't believe I had forgotten that, I really didn't notice anything at all. I emptied my sports bag in the laundry room and threw my sports clothes in the wash. My sports skirt, sports bra and training shirt. I also had such short leggings for under my skirt. Sports socks and nothing else. I looked into the bag again and felt around all the edges just to be sure. But the panties weren't there either. There was no other way that he was still in the dressing room. That too. I ran to the bedroom and fell forward on the bed. From that moment on, all the tension came out, my body started to shake and I burst into sobs.

After a few minutes there was a soft knock on the door and my mother entered. What's the matter honey?. I couldn't tell her what had just happened in the dressing room. I didn't even know what I found there. Angelique had indeed acted slutty, but I still found it very interesting. The images were almost burned into my retina as she confidently approached him and grabbed his cock. The self-confidence of hers, Ricky's cock taking on a decent shape, how she later sat down in front of him. What would they have done when we left? I couldn't tell all this to my mother. Is something happening sweetheart? my mother tried again. I had to pick myself up, if only Malissa or Manouk were here. Perhaps I dared to discuss it with them. But not with my mother.

I do have a really good relationship with my mom and we talked about anything and everything, I don't really have any secrets from my mom either. Lately she (with the support of my sisters) has been trying more and more to have a regular conversation towards puberty, that I am changing both physically and mentally and that I shouldn't worry about that, or that I do have friends (or girlfriends) to take home. Usually I try to turn the conversation the other way, but lately she's been fishing more and more.

Her relationship with my twin sisters is really different. They seem to be exchanging some kind of secret messages that I don't understand. When I ask my sisters about this, they usually start laughing a bit and tell me I'll figure it out on my own. It drives me crazy. I didn't feel like talking about it now

my puberty

to talk, but on the other hand I had a lot of questions. They were mainly about penises and why Angelique did what she did. Maybe tomorrow. It's nothing mommy, I think I sprained my calf so the training didn't go so well. As I said it I was already bummed about myself. As mentioned, my mother is a sports physiotherapist, so if you want to end a conversation, don't say something like that. Oh dear, come to my bedroom, I have massage oil there, I'll check it right away and give you a massage. I didn't have time to answer, because my mother got up and went to her room. Are you coming? I heard. I couldn't get out of this and maybe a massage wouldn't turn out so bad, even though there was nothing wrong with my calf.

I walked into my mother's bedroom and plopped down on her bed. Here, put some pillows against the edge, so you can sit up straight and she handed me some pillows from the foot of the bed. My mother always kept a double bed and that was a good thing. Both me and my sisters had spent many nights in it. When we were sick or scared we crawled into bed with her. I don't know how long it had been since I had been lying in there to sleep, I sometimes heard my twin sisters coming out of the bedroom in the morning. I would get something about nightmares in response when I asked about it. And yes, I am talking about plural. My sisters are really inseparable. They have the entire attic at their disposal. And yes, there has also been a double bed there for a few years. My sisters have been sleeping together in bed for years. My mom says it's been that way all their lives. The last time they renovated the bedroom, my mother decided to buy a double bed. Until then, they crawled into bed together at night. But it happened regularly that someone dropped out again. At first my mother tried to move the beds next to each other, but that led to complaints because there was an opening between the two mattresses.

Back to my mother's bedroom. My mother is not a teetotaler. Every now and then, free-ranges, as she called them, stayed to sleep. And no, I do know that if noises came from the bedroom they weren't reading a book. My mother didn't want a new relationship either, she already had her hands full with me and my sisters she always said when I asked. I never understood that. Maybe my sisters had more trouble with it.

In the meantime I had sat down on the bed and my mother asked which calf it was, I pointed to the left one. She crawled onto the bed herself, put a towel over her bare legs and began to rub her hands with massage oil. I had to get out of the conversation but didn't know how yet. My mother started gently massaging my calf and said If it hurts, tell me sweetie. I nodded and searched the room for some distraction and saw the TV hanging on the wall in the corner of the room. Mom, can I watch TV? Is that really necessary darling, I thought we could have a nice chat. Ah, mom has to, I'm tired from working out. Okay said my mother but if something happens, tell me, won't you?. Yeah, mom. Now tell me where the remote is. I don't know, just look in the bedside table next to you. And whether she said this consciously or not, my sexual life began with opening the bedside table. In the bedside table there was no remote control but a whole collection of vibrators and a few lifelike dildos, one of which showed great similarities with the one I had seen earlier in the evening, namely Ricky's. I looked at my mother in horror and only saw a soft endearing look with a sweet smile looking at me. Oops, then it is definitely in the other bedside table, but I think I also have something with a remote control in between.

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