
A New Beginning - 1

Herman is sitting on the couch staring gloomily into space, he has just come home after another day of long and hard work. Herman has actually been gloomy for over a year and a half, ever since some idiot, with a drink, killed his wife, Karin, and daughter, Marja.

He still hasn't been able to process this properly and tries to get rid of the pain and the unpleasant feeling by working a lot and hard and also exercising a lot, all so as not to sit at home alone too much. Herman is a sporty muscular man of 32 years old and about 1:84 meters tall, dark blond and fairly short hair.

The next day, on Saturday, he walks through the supermarket and hears a child in another aisle nagging her mother that she really wants a bicycle. Everyone around has a why not them. Her mom says softly, since daddy left I just can't afford it, please stop.

Herman walks on and at the cash register he sees that it is a neighbor and her child who lives diagonally across from him. He owns a nice owner-occupied house and she lives in a rented house. Herman recognizes her but did not know any better than that she is married and therefore not that she is alone now, he takes a good look at her. A beautiful blonde woman with medium-long hair and a sweet face, a little bit hefty woman with a nice full figure, beautiful breasts, nice hips, small tummy and sturdy legs. Exactly his taste.

After he is home and has cleaned up his things, he goes to exercise, he goes for a long run and while he is running, he realizes that his daughter's bicycle can go to that girl. That evening he goes to the shed and sees his daughter's bicycle, picks it up and puts it in the neighbor's front yard.

Two days later when he has just arrived, he has worked late again today and ate something at work, the doorbell rings almost immediately.

He opens the door and sees the neighbor standing there. The first thing he notices are the pretty little feet in her slippers and then the pretty summer dress she's wearing and then her lovely, sweet smile. She looks at him and says, I had to puzzle for a while before I realized who put the bicycle in front of our door. You must be clairvoyant or something.

It's not too bad, says Herman, I happened to hear you in the supermarket and since I don't need it anymore, this seemed like the best solution.

But, but, I can't just take that from you, she says.

Why not, he replies. He sighs deeply, my daughter, Marja, can no longer ride it than to have fun with it for another child.

She shakes her head, okay, but then I'd like you to join us for dinner tomorrow night, that's the least I can do in return. Fine, he says, what time should I be with you? 1/2 six or six hours is good. He nods, okay. She smiles, happy I can give something back, see you tomorrow and as she turns and walks away she says over her shoulders, sorry my baby is alone so I have to get back soon.

Herman watches her until she enters, closes the door and sits on the sofa, surprised at his own feelings.

The next day he goes to his boss and asks, John, is it okay if I leave a little earlier today? Of course, John replies, are you going to do something fun?

Herman shrugs, I don't know yet.

At half past five he stands in front of her door, she opens and he steps inside, they are a bit awkward in the hallway and then Herman takes the initiative, I'm Herman and I brought you something and give her a large bunch of flowers and a bottle of wine. She starts laughing, you're here because you already gave a bike and now you're taking more. Then on a more serious note, I'm Naomi and I've heard a bit about you around here.

How long have you lived here, asks Herman. Came here a little over a year ago with my ex-husband and now about six months alone with my daughter and while she says that they suddenly hear, who is that, mom?

This is Herman, honey. Henneman? I'm Kim.

They both have to laugh.

Herman hadn't even arrived fifteen minutes before he was already being taken away by Kim, Henneman, are you coming to play? Naomi and Herman look at each other and Herman shrugs and walks with Kim. While Herman is playing with Kim, Naomi is cooking dinner and a little later they are eating. Kim insists on sitting next to Henneman. They are having a nice meal and talking and Herman helps Kim during dinner.

Will you sit down for a while, asks Naomi, then I'll put Kim to bed. That's fine, he says.

He listens to the sounds for a moment and then quietly walks upstairs and watches Kim being put to bed.

Don't you find it hard to see this, Naomi asks as they walk downstairs.

Not really, actually nice. Kim is a sweet child.

While Naomi makes coffee, they get into a good conversation, Herman tells someone for the first time about his marriage, the accident and the time after and Naomi talks about the last period of her marriage and the divorce and that it was for her and Kim been a rotten period. Fortunately, she never sees her ex again.

Herman gets up around eleven o'clock and says, I have to go, work again tomorrow.

Naomi says softly, you can stay too if you want! Herman hesitates and then shakes his head, I hope you understand but I think this is still too early. She nods. He kisses her gently on the cheek, thanks for the nice evening and walks to his house.

Moments later Herman is in his bed and is excited again for the first time in ages, he starts to jerk off gently and it takes a while before he sprays his sperm on his stomach. He lies awake in his bed for a long time and doubts terribly. I like her, but is it possible? What would Karin think of this? He can't figure it out.

He writes a note the next day

I want to take you out to dinner tonight, do you like that?

and his phone number.

He drops it in Naomi's mailbox and goes to work. Around nine o'clock he already receives an answer from her.

Very nice, see you later

Again he enters his boss's house, John, can I ask you something again? John looks up and is surprised at what he sees, he quickly gets up and closes his door. What is it, he asks.

I want to leave earlier today, but I don't know if you'll allow it, yesterday too, he mumbles after it.

John stands in front of him, grabs his shoulder. Boy, I've watched you struggle with yourself for a year and a half. For the first time I see some light in your eyes again, who or what it is, go for it, it will do you good.

While his eyes fill with tears, Herman says, she is a nice woman with a daughter who is a little younger than Marja, but I doubt, what would Karin think of it?

Look at me, boy, says John, it sounds harsh but Karin is dead and you are alive. She loved you so much that she grants you this, go for it. Hand over your work and go home. Take the rest of the week off and take them to the Efteling, fair or whatever. Have fun and discover the possibilities. Oh, and if it clicks you can go on holiday with them very quickly. You've worked so many hours lately, I'd say salt it up, he says the last with a smile.

Herman looks at John for a moment, slaps him on the shoulder, thanks man, I'll let you know on Monday what it will be.

Just before twelve Herman drives into the street and as he enters his house, he hears his phone, Naomi: we're just going to eat a sandwich, are you eating with us?

Please, says Herman, I'll put on shorts and come to you.

When he comes in they give each other a careful kiss and then they hear screaming, Henneman and Kim come running and literally jump into Herman's arms and give him a big hug. Naomi and Herman look at each other and laugh together. She has a little less trouble with it, Naomi chuckles.

They go to eat a sandwich together and Herman has to sit next to Kim again and help with the food. Herman look at Naomi, shall we go to a playground in a bit, I know one where there is also a petting zoo. Before Naomi can say nice, Kim screams, Jaaaah, nice, is it allowed, ma?. Okay, that's decided then.

It's a nice afternoon, sometimes Kim plays alone and sometimes Naomi or Herman have to join in, but there is also enough time to talk together.

Naomi asks him shyly, how do you like me? Herman replies, I feel great with you, you are beautiful, handsome and for the first time I have ideas about the future. But I doubt so much, again his eyes fill with tears. I just don't know yet. Naomi shuffles over to him and wipes his tears away with her thumbs and kisses him, I understand, she says, take your time.

He gently kisses back and asks her a little reserved, I actually want to take you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to, for example, the Efteling, zoo or whatever. Do you like that. Although she looks very happy she says, nice, but I can't afford that.

Jeeeh, Naomi, you don't have to, I'm taking you with me and you just have to make sure you look as beautiful as you do now and especially bring your daughter.

She kisses him again, I can arrange that, so we go and for a moment she is bouncing with joy like a little child.

The afternoon is very tiring for Kim, and at one point she comes over to them and crawls on Herman's lap and almost falls asleep.

Naomi says, dinner isn't going to work, let's go home.

Can we have dinner at my house, Herman asks carefully. Of course, nice. They walk to the car and Kim doesn't want to let go of Herman so he throws the car keys to Naomi, you drive, I'll hold her.

When they get to Herman's house, Kim is alive again and they walk through Herman's house. How beautiful you live here, says Naomi, what a difference with our home.

Then they come to Marja's room, Herman has hardly cleaned up anything so the room is full of toys. Kim runs in and doesn't know where to look, Naomi grabs Herman, is this okay with you or I'll take her with me.

It's okay, he nods, let her. Kim immediately finds Marja's favorite doll and picks it up and holds it tightly.

They stand and watch for a moment and then Naomi asks, can I look in your kitchen and see if I can make something to eat. If you'd like to do that, I'll stay with Kim.

After fifteen minutes Herman walks downstairs and asks, is everything working here?

Yes, you have a nice kitchen and I'm making something delicious.

When Herman comes up again, he suddenly looks at Kim as if petrified. He starts to tremble, takes a look and kneels next to the child and asks in a choked voice, what a beautiful scarf your doll has, where did you find it? She looks at him for a moment and shrugs.

He stands up again and takes a deep breath. This is the scarf Marja often wore, even on the day she died in an accident. He really doesn't remember where the scarf went and now Kim has it. He sighs deeply again and a weight is lifted from his shoulders. He has been waiting for this and then they hear shouting, the food is ready.

They are having a nice meal again and then Naomi says, we have to leave soon, Kim has to take a shower and go to bed. Herman turns to Kim and asks her, do you want to spend the night here in that beautiful bedroom? Yes, the girl shouts. Herman looks at Naomi, and do you want to sleep with me? Naomi looks surprised but says yes please.

If you tidy up, Herman asks, can I shower Kim? Of course, if you want and continues softly, but her hair needs to be washed and that's never fun.

I'll see, says Herman.

He goes upstairs with Kim and starts playing with her and slowly undressing. They get into the shower together and Herman starts to splash her a little wet and she happily splashes back. He takes a washcloth and goes to wash her, tickling and glanding all the time but seriously wash it, then he says, and now wash hair.

No, says the girl resolutely and steps back a bit, I don't want that. But we're not going to wash your hair, but mine, says Herman. He turns off the shower and gets on his knees. Come here with your hands and throw some shampoo on it and say, now rub my hair and fanatically Kim starts washing his hair, at the same time he puts some shampoo on his hands and starts washing Kim's hair without them really looking bad has. Harder Kim, brushing harder and laughing loudly, Kim is working on his hair. Did you do well? Yeah, she yells. Then we rinse.

He hands her the shower head and lets her spray it all over, then he takes the shower head, puts your head back for a moment, sweetie, and rinses the shampoo out of Kim's hair. He kisses her, you see, now our hair has been washed, it's not that bad, is it? She shakes her head no. He wants to grab the towel but suddenly sees Naomi standing with the towel, she has tears in her eyes. Give her, Herman, she says, and I'll dry her off. Herman also dries off and puts on shorts. Naomi brushes Kim's teeth and together they put her to bed. Kim is already half asleep and says trust mama when Naomi kisses her and when Herman does say trust papa.

They walk into the hallway together, did you hear that, Herman. Yes nice huh.

Herman takes her to his bedroom, darling, I really want to make love to you now, is that allowed? She suddenly gets a little nervous, I'd love to, but I don't know if you think I'm pretty. How so, he asks. Oh, you know, Jos kept saying. she stops because Herman suddenly walks into the hallway, looks into the shower and wants to go downstairs. What are you doing, she asks surprised. I'm checking if I missed him because I really thought I'm alone with you.

She's sobbing a little, you're only here with me, silly.

Herman then takes the initiative, come on baby, let me undress you and decide for yourself how you look and slowly starts to unbutton her blouse, he takes off her blouse and takes off her bra. She wants to ask what he thinks of it, but she can already see the answer in his eyes. Herman drops to his knees and pulls down her skirt, helps her out and slowly takes off her underpants as well. He gets up and steps back and says, what a beautiful woman you are. I have to warn you if you let me go now I'm sure I can't keep my hands off you as long as we're together, he looks at her waiting for her reaction. She smiles, I love it when you touch me and make me feel I'm a beautiful woman, I can't wait. He steps forward and gives her a long French kiss.

He gently leads her to the bed and lays her down, quickly takes off his shorts, kisses her and says, I'm going to prove to you now that I think you're a beautiful woman, enjoy.

He starts kissing her and kisses her neck, kisses her breasts, takes the nipple of each breast into his mouth and sucks gently on it. He kisses her belly and whispers again, you are beautiful. Takes her feet and kisses one foot and slowly kisses her toes. He smiles and says to her, I immediately saw when you came to my door what beautiful feet you have, then kisses her calves and her legs, the insides of her legs and slowly gets to her pussy, he lets his tongue through her pussy go and taste how good she tastes, licking her clit and fingering her pussy at the same time, before long she comes panting, Oooooh, how nice. He now licks several times from her anus all the way up to her clit and the last time he sucks her hard on her clit and at the same time he puts his index finger through the entrance of her pussy and for the second time she comes violently.

He now kisses her belly, both her breasts and then her mouth. She looks at him in love, how nice this was, no one has ever done that for me. He smiles and asks, can I fuck you now? Please, she says, but be careful because I'm not used to this size.

He puts his cock in front of her hole and slowly enters a little and carefully slides a little deeper. Herman keeps a close eye on her as he gets deeper and deeper, until he's completely into her. Naomi puts her legs on his ass and pushes him down, oooooh Herman, please fuck me. He fucks her with long strokes and soon starts to get the feeling that he is going to come, suddenly he hears loud, moaning, louder, Herman, louder, Ooooh yes, how nice and Naomi comes again and shortly afterwards Herman squirts his grunting seed deep inside her.

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